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Expropriation of buildings and land
Schweiner, Petr ; Staša, Josef (advisor) ; Prášková, Helena (referee)
Resume This work deal with Expropriation of buildings and land in Czech Republic. Main part of this work is dealing with the new Expropriation Act, which became effective from 1 January 2007, but not only, because this act is one of several act, where expropriation is regulated. More important regulation is included inthe Czech Bill of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, where is determined constitutional principles of Expropriation and limitation of property rights. These conditions are: "in public interest under the rule of law and with compensation." These constitutional principles are specificated in the Czech Civil Code and expropriation act. Very important for Czech regulation are international documents for example the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms from 1950. Specially the First Protocol to the European Convention, signed in Paris in 1952, includes the right to the peaceful enjoyment of possesion in the Article 1. Third chapter is dealing with definition of expropriation: "taking out property by public authority." Legal definition of this term is in expropriation act where is used as legal abbreviation for expropriation and limitation of property. There is text about land and Constructions for example what is land and what is not land according to...

Cleft sentences in English and Norwegian
Mojžíšová, Kateřina ; Šaldová, Pavlína (advisor) ; Dušková, Libuše (referee)
The subject of this thesis is the use of the cleft construction in English and Norwegian. These languages employ a formally similar construction to focus a sentence element, but the use of the construction is not always identical. The analysis is carried out on English and Norwegian translations of Czech texts. The main aim of this thesis is to identify and analyse possible types of motivation for the use of the cleft construction. The studied types of motivation are the FSP, textual and syntactic motivation. The analysis of the FSP motivation is based on the theory of the FSP as described by Jan Firbas (Firbas 1992). The list of textual functions is based on the work of Jan Firbas (Firbas 1995) and Hilde Hasselgrd (Hasselgrd 2004). Some types of the syntactic motivation are proposed by Libuše Dušková (Dušková 1999: 319), but the types described in this thesis result from the present analysis. In addition to the motivation for the use of the construction, the thesis deals with Norwegian and English counterparts of the analysed cleft sentences. These counterparts are divided into three groups: the cleft or pseudo-cleft construction, the underlying non-cleft construction and a different construction (cf. chapter 4.4.). The purpose of the analysis is to find where the use of the cleft construction differs in...

Consequences of assumption violations of selected statistical methods
Marcinko, Tomáš ; Blatná, Dagmar (advisor) ; Malá, Ivana (referee) ; Lukáš, Ladislav (referee)
Classical parametric methods of statistical inference and hypothesis testing are derived under fundamental theoretical assumptions, which may or may not be met in real world applications. However, these methods are usually used despite the violation of their underlying assumptions, while it is argued, that these methods are quite insensitive to the violation of relevant assumptions. Moreover, alternative nonparametric or rank tests are often overlooked, mostly because these methods may be deemed to be less powerful then parametric methods. The aim of the dissertation is therefore a description of the consequences of assumption violations concerning classical one-sample and two-sample statistical methods and a consistent and comprehensive comparison of parametric, nonparametric and robust statistical techniques, which is based on extensive simulation study and focused mostly on a normality and heteroscedasticity assumption violation. The results of the simulation study confirmed that the classical parametric methods are relatively robust, with some reservations in case of outlying observations, when traditional methods may fail. On the other hand, the empirical study clearly proved that the classical parametric methods are losing their optimal properties, when the underlying assumptions are violated. For example, in many cases of non-normality the appropriate nonparametric and rank-based methods are more powerful, and therefore a statement, that these methods are unproductive due to their lack of power may be considered a crucial mistake. However, the choice of the most appropriate distribution-free method generally depends on the particular form of the underlying distribution.

20th century haiku in English
Roubíček, Jan ; Houskova, Mariana (referee) ; Quinn, Justin (advisor)
For a reader or author residing in the West, the haiku journal scene is, owing to the Internet and to the many published printed journals, abundantly rich, and from the research we have done, we see that there is also a large number of authors in the English-speaking world who submit to these journals. The Internet also offers the option of blogspots, which some authors make use of; scholarly articles on haiku are readily accessible through journals and through other web pages. This situation allows for a dialogue, where the judgment about a haiku's quality is never simple. In the conclusion to this paper, we will sum up what we consider to be the important features of haiku, and we will discuss the prose-poetry dichotomy, as it seems to have relevance for haiku. The Japanese tradition still plays a crucial role in shaping modern haiku, as can be seen in the issues of Shamrock and elsewhere; there is a clear awareness, in the haiku community, that English is a different medium, with its rhythm and sound specifics, and that the same applies for other languages.

Legal Spanish
Pérezová, Dana ; Zavadil, Bohumil (referee) ; Čermák, Petr (advisor)
The objective of this thesis is to describe the basic aspects of a legal language, which presents an important variety of a technical style in every literary language. The description of the legal Spanish is organized according to the individual language areas, it means the lexical area, stylistic area, morphology and syntax. The characterization of each specific feature of the legal Spanish is exemplified by quotations taken from the valid legal texts that are contained in the Official Bulletin of the State (Boletín Oficial del Estado).

Social and Economic Impacts of Labour Rigidities in Developed European Countries
Štekláč, Jiří ; Ševčíková, Michaela (advisor) ; Vybíralová, Ivana (referee)
The aim of my work is to evaluate the social-economic aspects brought along by the respective rate of flexibility at labour market. The individual im-pacts will be illustrated by selected EU countries with high (France), middle (the Czech Republic) and low (the UK) labour market rigidity. In the first part the social aspects of labour market rigidity will be evalua-ted. I will examine the influence of social systems (e.g. the extent of and crite-ria for providing social benefits) on labour markets in the selected countries, with focus on social consequences caused by labour legislation (e.g. em-ployees protection, wage rigidity). The second part will evaluate the economic (especially macroeconomic) aspects of labour market flexibility. The analysis will employ primarily ma-croeconomic indicators. The analysis will specifically verify the pressure of rigid labour market rules on inflation, unemployment, GDP and exchange rate. In a broader con-text I will try to answer the question whether (and to what extent) the labour market rigidity participates in deepening or on the other hand averting the cur-rent economic crisis.

Treatment of personal status in jurisdictions of selected Arab states
Kopecký, Robert ; Kropáček, Luboš (advisor) ; Veselý, Rudolf (referee) ; Pauknerová, Monika (referee)
In my dissertation thesis I tried to explicate the fundamental institutes of Islamic family law, according to modern and contemporary legislation in a number of Arab states. The family law is fairly exhaustively treated in the sacred book of Muslims, in Koran, albeit in a number of scattered passages, mostly in suras from Medinese period. These passages are defined with more precision by the prestigeous method of the interpretation of Koran, with so called taj<;ir and thanks to collected statements of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions, constituting the tradition, so called swma. And the modern and contemporary legislation is based rigid on it with some westernized elements. After a brief acquaintance comprehension of the personal statute in contemporary Near Eastern countries is described in detail. The next chapter contains the description of the sense of marriage in Islamic law in three aspects- legal, social and religious. It is a contract of civil law concluded by the bridegroom with the legal guardian of the bride, so called wali.After this I continue through the short characterization of conditions of the conclusion of the marriage, for example form and capacity, limitations to marry any person of the opposite sex, special time period cidda ... The following part of thesis describes dissolution...

Event marketing
Vinterová, Petra ; Matějů, Martin (referee) ; Žák, Josef (referee)
Ve své rigorózní práci se zabývám problematikou event marketingu jako moderního nástroje využívajícího lidské emoce a prožitky k působení na spotřební chování jedinců, zejména pak jeho praktického využití v komunikačním mixu firem a organizací. Toto téma považuji za nesmírně zajímavé a podnětné nejen z obchodního, ale rovněž z kulturního, psychologického, sociologického hlediska. Jedním z hlavních důvodů výběru této problematiky je má aktivní činnost v marketingu a event marketingu obzvláště. Domnívám se tedy, že na těchto stránkách budu moci zhodnotit některé své praktické zkušenosti, a naopak pro mě nové poznatky, získané při podrobném studiu dostupných podkladů pro rigorózní práci, budou nepochybně přínosem pro mé budoucí působení v marketingu. Event marketing je v naší zemi poměrně novým komunikačním nástrojem, objevil se zde samozřejmě až několik let po revoluci v roce 1989, v první polovině 90. let 20. století. Někteří současní marketingoví pracovníci se s ním doposud blíže nesetkali a ne všechny firmy a instituce event marketing aktivně využívají. Dá se říci, že v našich podmínkách jde o území ještě ne zcela probádané a skrývající velký potenciál. Této situaci, bohužel, odpovídá též situace na poli odborné literatury věnované event marketingu. Zájemce o danou problematiku má na českém trhu k...

Italian dialectal poetry in the 20th century
Mallyová, Alexandra ; Pelán, Jiří (advisor) ; Flemrová, Alice (referee)
Italská literatura má díky rozmanitosti svého území a především díky historickému vývoji mnoho specifik. Jedním z nich je dialektální tvorba v době, kdy dialekty již téměř ztratily svou původní komunikační funkci. Pro svou diplomovou práci jsem si vybrala téma italské poesie v dialektu 20. století, neboť právě v poesii je tato tendence návratu k dialektům nejsilnější. Tato látka byla zatím nejúspěšněji zpracována Frankem Brevinim, jehož rozlišení pěti hlavních proudů dialektální poesie 20. století považuji za velice objevné, a proto jsem si jej dovolila použít i v této práci. Naopak výběr čtyř dialektálních básníků, Giottiho, Marina, Guerry a Pierra, jimiž se tato práce zabývá podrobněji, je čistě subjektivní, pouze snad dokládá fakt, že dialektální poesie 20. století našla svou největší sílu na poli lyriky. Cílem této práce není dokazovat, že dialektální literatura má právo existovat i v době, kdy její antropologický svět již v podstatě neexistuje; to dokazuje sám fakt, že v dialektu vznikají stále nová díla. Snažila jsem se jen částečně zmapovat fenomén, který je neprávem opomíjen, a doložit, že dialekt je pro poesii vhodným nástrojem a záleží pouze na nadání autora, zda tento nástroj dokáže použít.

Support of using date and time in programming languages
Bendák, Martin ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (advisor) ; Gála, Libor (referee)
The main object of this bachelor thesis is the support of using date and time analysis in following programming languages: Java, Visual Basic, C++, C, QBasic, PL/SQL, Lisp and Prolog. This thesis is categorized into two logical blocks. First one describes different types of calendarsand differences in the date and time formatting throughout the world. There is a Czech standard ČSN ISO 8601 related to this issue that defines unified dates interpretation in international data exchange. The second block analyses available tools for working with date and time in different programming languages. The bridge between both blocks are criteria defined by main areas (support of: gregorian calendar, 24-hour clock, formatting and other calendar systems).