National Repository of Grey Literature 34,084 records found  beginprevious34075 - 34084  jump to record: Search took 2.01 seconds. 

Burning pellets from non-wood biomass in boilers I
Knob, Jan ; Zejda, Vojtěch (referee) ; Brummer, Vladimír (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deals with combustion of non-woody biomass pellets in boilers. In the first part of the background research, biomass is generally described in terms of fuel properties, with a focus on characteristics determining its suitability for a direct combustion in boilers and undesirable emissions. In this context, planned legislative restrictions of boilers with a lower operating power are summarized. Furthermore the usage of the automatic boilers, and specific problems associated with combustion of non-woody pellets are described. Final part of the background research focuses on a composition of commercially available non-woody pellets and their production. Experimental part consists of fuel analysis determining the general properties of the biofuel - i.e. the water and ash content, essential content of elements, lower and higher heating values. Results of analysis are used to put together fuel lists of tested pellets. Conclusion of the experimental part discusses the influence of the pellet composition on the boiler functionality and emissions.

Solarcity Linz
Zhuravlyova, Yelena
The demand for ecological development of towns and cities is urgent. Most contemporary cities have problems related to the environment, drinking water supply and energy. Studies of energetically autonomous residences occur; they explore the possibilities of use of renewable sources of energy, mainly solar technologies, in residential environment. SolarCity Linz/Austria is an example of effort for energetically economic and ecological solution of residential development, well thought out from the urban point of view. It allows definition of ecological indicators in a practical example as well as assessment of the extent of fulfilment of these indicators. It can also illustrate that even a very reputable example of an eco-city still has a great number of unfulfilled ecological requirements. However, it also shows that the ecological indicators allow comparison of various examples of eco-cities.

Earth heat sources for heat pumps – vertical bored collectors
Pech, Ondřej ; Štětina, Josef (referee) ; Jaroš, Michal (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis deal with utilization of vertical bored collectors like source heat for heat pumps. The theoretic part contains an introduction with history and principle of heat pumps, operational modes, explanation of heating factor, low potential heat sources, types of vertical collectors, development of drill hole, materials of vertical collectors, their dimensioning, installing, operational problems, environmentalism of operational and their preferences and deficiencies. The practical part is dedicated to comparing approximate investment and operating costs for heating and hot service water preparing for designed house of five types source of heat.

House of Beauty Salon
Ficza, Silvia ; Šafářová, Markéta (referee) ; Lavický, Miloš (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the design of a family house with a beauty salon. The object is a detached two-storey building with a flat roof and a basement and it gives home to five people. The garage and the parking lot for the clients of the salon are also part of the object. The main entrance into the building is situated to the west and the separate entrance for the clients of the salon to the north. The construction system of the house consists of solid wooden CLT (cross laminated timbre) based panels from the Novatop company. The structure is based on foam glass, as by its´ use there is no need for further isolation of the building from the base plate, which is made of steel reinforced concrete. Thanks to good land selection, there were no problems with underground water or possible damage to neighbouring buildings.

The problem of poverty in African countries
Melicharová, Michaela ; Bič, Josef (advisor) ; Sejkora, Jiří (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to draw attention to the issue of poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. The first part focuses on the definition of poverty and indicators for its measurement. It also outlines the causes which lead to poverty. The second part defines the main problems related to the existence of underdevelopment in African countries. It includes mainly a lack of access to basic needs, incorrect way of managing water resources and the problem of food waste. Last part concentrates on some of the tools which could lead to eradication of poverty. The attention is devoted to the Millennium Development Goals, humanitarian and international organizations and the concept of Fair trade. The bachelor's thesis draws upon Czech, mostly foreign books and Internet resources, particularly the annual reports, statistics and databases of international institutions.

Development of Sub-Saharan Africa and its position in the global economy
Kaštilová, Klára ; Jiránková, Martina (advisor) ; Sudliankou, Aliaksandr (referee)
This thesis deals with the sub-Saharan Africa, and especially with its development and position in the global economy. Sub-Saharan Africa is a territory consisting of 47 diverse states, which are mostly characterized as poor and backward. This backwardness stems primarily from poor literacy levels, low levels of life expectancy, high infection of HIV / AIDS and the lack of access to drinking water and food. The current situation is influenced by the history of sub-Saharan Africa, especially by the colonial and postcolonial era, which was followed by a gradual process of regional integration. At the time of European domination the major importance of sub-Saharan Africa was already recognized . It lies in the agricultural and mineral wealth of this region. The main commodities exported by sub-Saharan Africa are cocoa, coffee, diamonds, gold and cobalt. But the most important natural raw material is still oil. Even though sub-Saharan Africa accounts for only 1% of global GDP, its economic development over the last decade is significantly positive. However, despite this economic growth in this area there are the traps that impede sub-Saharan Africa's development. It's a trap of conflict, natural resource trap, the geographic trap and the mismanagement trap of small sub-Saharan countries. These problems are then engaged in a campaign UN's Millennium Development Goals, which aims to eradicate poverty and hunger, ensure primary education for all, achieve gender equality, improve maternal care, to defeat diseases such as HIV / AIDS, ensure sustainable development and promote cooperation between them, all by 2015. Backwardness of sub-Saharan region is evident from the fact that of all 47 states only 8 is regarded as newly formed economies and from the remaining 39, 32 are known as the least developed countries. As regards the other sub-Saharan Africa relations, they can be divided into so-called official development assistance, purely economic relations and foreign direct investment. In these relationships traditional partners like the EU or the USA have their exclusive position, but currently the importance of newly formed economies is growing. the growing importance is the most obvious in the flow of Chinese FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa, which is constantly increasing.

The Soběslav floods between 1729 and 1740
Hudeček, Ondřej ; Himl, Pavel (advisor) ; Koldinská, Marie (referee)
My thesis presents a study of floods which repeatedly hit the town of Soběslav and it's close surroundings between 1729 and 1740. The text is divided in a theoretical (metodological) and an empirical part. In the theoretical part I will briefly summarize methodological trends in the modern historiography, which were most relevant for the thesis - environmental history, historical anthropology and microhistory. The second part will be dedicated to the floods of Soběslav; it derives primarily from research of previously unpublished resources from the archive and focuses also on short history of the town and description of it's natural surroundings. The main part is devoted to the Soběslav millers, but there will be reflected also the documented disputes over water-washed material, the response of the town offices to natural disaster and other consequences of the flood. The broad objective of this study is to examine other directions of research on early modern floods and the related problems. The thesis is an attempt to more general application of findings which emerged from the analysis of archival sources, and consideration of the possibilities and limits of comparison of historical and modern floods.

Classical Traditions in the Work of John William Waterhouse
Rašovcová, Katarína ; Bažant, Jan (advisor) ; Bouzek, Jan (referee)
This thesis deals with the selected topics and themes in the work of John William Waterhouse and its aim is to define the influence of classical tradition in his work, which has not been independently scrutinised. The second and the third chapter discuss the history of research of the work of J. W. Waterhouse, the specific problems associated with research, the aim of the thesis and artist's curriculum vitae. The core of the thesis is in the fourth chapter and consists of selected topics and themes from the work of J. W. Waterhouse: scenes from everyday life, dolce far niente, historical painting, water myths and ancient love myths. Their selection is based on the fashion preferences of displaying the antique motives in the 19th and early 20th century. In particular subchapters of fourth chapter the artist's paintings are compared with the works of his contemporaries and successors in Victorian England and partly in continental Europe. Comparison shows the differences in processing of subject matter, in used techniques, in linkups to the trends in art and in other elements. The end of each subchapter contains the summary of the results obtained from the comparison with the emphasis on the J. W. Waterhouse's contribution to the topic. The final chapters summarize the overall picture of the work of...

Slovenian-croatian border dispute in the period of 1991 - 2010
Bůžková, Iveta ; Tejchman, Miroslav (advisor) ; Šístek, František (referee)
The master thesis aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Slovenia-Croatian territorial dispute in the period 1991-2010. Although this dispute has its origin in the SFRY, it fully sprung up at the time of independence of Slovenia and Croatia, when the question of the definition of a common border appeared. The thesis is primarily focused on three key issues: the definition of the coastal border at the mouth of the River Dragonja, the delimitation of the territorial sea in the Piran Bay and in particular on the main Slovenian request for a direct access to international waters. In the first part selected terms from the international law of the sea are explained. The second chapter covers the historical development and changes of borders in Istria with an emphasis on the development of the municipality of Piran. The above key issues are analysed in the third chapter, which is attempting to verify the relevance of the arguments of both parties from the perspective of international law. The fourth chapter deals with the bilateral dispute resolution attempts and also briefly outlines the political developments in both countries. The final chapter then examines the role what the European Union, or the European Commission, played.

Easements in telecommunications
Hronková, Vladimíra ; Kopecký, Martin (referee) ; Staša, Josef (advisor)
Resume in English. Easement in Telecommunication This thesis deals with the easements in the specifically chosen and therefore dedicated area - in Telecommunication field. The easement has its primary regulation in the Civil Code No. 64/1964 Sb., however the easements are regulated also within the public law area, namely the public law codes e.g. Water Act, Railway Act etc. In its very basic effect they represent the limitation of the property owner. We divide them into two groups easements ad personam and ad rem. The easement in the telecommunication belongs into the public law. They are currently regulated by the Telecommunication Act No. 127/2005 which has it's specific procedure of establishing these easements. Before this Act there were two previous Acts - the Act. No. 110/1964 Sb. which was replaced by Act No. 151/2000 Sb. The Act No. 151/2000 Sb was replaced by above mentioned valid act. Each of the Acts maintained the area of easement in different way. When we take into consideration the first and the oldest Act No. 110/1964 Sb. the easements were considered like public limitation of owner rights until the year 1992, when was the Act updated and specifically renamed the public limitation of the owner rights into the easements. The Act No. 151/2000 Sb. was clear since it's beginning about the...