National Repository of Grey Literature 127 records found  beginprevious31 - 40nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Motor control testing and coordination and speed abilities
Kohout, Tomáš ; Přívětivý, Lubomír (advisor) ; Sovák, Libor (referee)
Title: Testing speed and coordination skills in the military environment: a systematic review Objective: Based on a literature search, find out which tests of speed and coordination skills are used in foreign armies. Methods: The presented work is done in the form of a systematic review. Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed databases were selected for searching articles. The search was performed using two search scripts, the first focused on speed and the second on coordination skills. 439 and 297 studies were retrieved from the search scripts and unsystematic searches. These studies were subsequently screened and removed according to the systematic search procedure. After final removal, 33 studies remained for speed and 23 for coordination. Results: The highest representation was found in tests focused on a combination of speed and coordination skills, especially agility tests. Of these, the most used tests are the Illinois Agility Test, the Pro-Agility Test, the 3x5 m shuttle run and the 15 m slalom. The second most represented group is the speed tests, which focus on sprints over various distances. There are 8 different tests in total, with the 20, 30 and 15 m sprints being the most represented. The fewest tests focused on coordination skills. Keywords: army, military, soldiers, cadets, recruits,...
The Israeli Druze: Military Service as a Tool to Influence Domestic and Foreign Policy
Odlová, Markéta ; Kučera, Tomáš (advisor) ; Záhora, Jakub (referee)
Master thesis entitled "The Israeli Druze: Military Service as a Tool to Influence Domestic and Foreign Policy" regards the relations of the Israeli Druze Community and the State of Israel. Druze people live also in Lebanon and Syria and are usually categorized as an ethno-religious and transnational group. They are distinctive for their secretive and esoteric religion and tightly-knit social bonds. The Israeli Druze community (composing less than 2 % of the Israeli population) is specific for its mandatory service in the Israeli Defense Forces, which marks a difference from other Arabic speaking citizens of Israel. The service in the Israeli army implies that the Israeli Druze people are loyal both to the state and the transnational Druze community. Using the framework of a theoretical concept of Strategic Military Refusal by Udi Lebel, the goal of the thesis is to examine whether the Israeli Druze community was able to influence domestic and foreign policy of the State of Israel in order to reach its own political goals, whether these efforts were intentional, strategic and successful. Alongside, it is also identified which factors may influence the loyalty of the Israeli Druzes towards the State of Israel. To achieve this goal, two cases are analyzed: 1) the reaction of the Israeli Druze...
Political determinants and development of Israel's military strategy
Teissigová, Andrea ; Perottino, Michel (advisor) ; Bahenský, Vojtěch (referee)
Tato bakalářská práce sleduje vliv politické scény Izraele na vývoj izraelské strategie v průběhu historie a konfliktů, kterými si stát Izrael doposud prošel. Nejprve se práce zabývá strategií obecně, definicí války, strategií Izraele a charakteristikou politiky v Izraeli. Dále vznikem Izraele, konflikty a rozebírá vlády Izraele v průběhu konfliktů. Práce je psaná formou případové studie, kdy se na příkladech války o Nezávislost v roce 1948, spoluprací s Francií a Velkou Británií v průběhu Suezské krize, ohromující Šestidenní válce, nečekané Jom Kippurské válce, ale také na válce s Libanonem, která byla odlišná způsobem jednání izraelské vlády a následného postupu izraelských ozbrojených sil, ukáže, jak izraelské vlády vyvíjely svoji strategii vůči nepřátelům a jak byly války vedeny. Vzhledem ke skutečnostem, že vedení válek záleží částečně i na druhu vlády - v případě Izraele levice/pravice, práce rozebere posty premiérů Izraele v době válek a jejich politickou příslušnost a pokusí se dokázat rozdíly mezi levicí a pravicí ve způsobu vedení války. A také nekončící problémy s Hamásem a pásmem Gazy na jihu Izraele. Spojením poznatků z teoretické a analytické části práce zanalyzujeme strategii Izraele, a zda na její vývoj mají vliv vládnoucí strany, pravice nebo levice.
Allocated forces and means of the armed forces in favor of the integrated rescue system
Eliášová, Kamila ; Fiala, Miloš (advisor) ; Vilášek, Josef (referee)
Title: Allocated forces and means of the armed forces within the Integrated rescue system Objectives: This dissertation aims to describe the duties of Czech armed forces within the Integrated rescue system in case of emergencies on our land. Method: When writing this work, the method of analysis and description of selected literature and electronic sources were used. Results: The research has revealed the main advantages and disadvantages of the deployment of dedicated forces and resources of the army of the Czech Republic in favour of the integrated rescue system Keywords: forces, sources, army, help, guard
Military training areas as anthropogenic biodiversity refuges
Bušek, Ondřej ; Reif, Jiří (advisor) ; Marhoul, Pavel (referee)
Military training areas are used by armed forces as training territories. These areas are exposed to intensive anthropogenic disturbances. It may seem paradoxical that a number of studies had shown that on those particular areas is often present remarkably high biodiversity and numerous species of conservation concern. In this respect, military training areas are more valuable than most parts of surrounding landscape and thus form true biodiversity refuges. Particularly important are those areas for open habitats species. There are two main causes of uniqueness of military training areas. First, they are closed for any human activities not connected to military training. Because of this, these areas were not exposed to negative influences such as agricultural intensification or urbanization. Second, military activities create very heterogeneous habitat mosaic. This allows coexistence of many species with different ecological requirements. However, biota of military training areas is currently endangered due to abandonment by armed forces caused by downsizing national troops. The end of unique disturbance regime caused by military training leads to gradual homogenization of landscape mosaic and therefore to population decline of habitat specialists. Subsequent commercial development of these areas is another...
"Gentle Weapons": Socialist military's institutions for performing arts in Czechoslovakia, GDR and Poland
Šmidrkal, Václav ; Kučera, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Kudrna, Ladislav (referee) ; Knapík, Jiří (referee)
This doctoral dissertation compares three types of military institutions of performing arts-military bands, military theatres and military artistic ensembles in cases of Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic and Poland since World War II to the fall of communism. Powered by TCPDF (
Military monuments and Historical Memory. Toward the reception of sepulchral-military monuments of Wars between 1757 and 1914 in the Czech Lands
Kessler, Vojtěch ; Šedivý, Ivan (advisor) ; Hojda, Zdeněk (referee) ; Bělina, Pavel (referee)
Vojtěch Kessler Military monuments and Historical Memory Toward the reception of sepulchral-military monuments of Wars between 1757 and 1914 in the Czech Lands Abstract Topic of the thesis is reception of war monuments on territory of Czech Republic with relation to events between Seven Years' War and Prussian-Austrian war. In thesis war monuments are perceived as specific places of memory. Their so called second life modifies historical awareness about mentioned war events of Czech - or more precisely German- Czech-society in watched period. Changes of relationships to historical monuments are usually dynamic. Distinctive discontinuities - such as changes of government, social systems or departures of whole ethnic groups - influence also reception changes of places, objects and historical memory that are formed woth such places.
Effects of isokinetic strength and postural muscles on dynamic strength, velocity and angular velocity of a front kick with and no carried load.
Krajcigr, Jan ; Vágner, Michal (advisor) ; Oláh, Vladan (referee)
Title: Effects of isokinetic strength and postural muscles on dynamic strength, velocity and angular velocity of a front kick with and no carried load. Objectives: The aim of the work was to find the effect of the isokinetic strength of hip and knee flexors and extensors of the lower limb performing a front kick, hip rotators during concentric and eccentric contraction of the standing lower limb and the postural muscles on dynamic forces, velocity and angular velocity of a front kick with and no carried load. Methods: This correlation study was conducted on 16 male participants (age: 22 ± 1,5 years⁏ weight: 79 ± 6,6 kg⁏ height: 182 ± 6,1 cm) studying military physical education at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of Charles University in Prague. Participants performed 5 consecutive front kicks with or without additional load (0 kg, 5 kg, 15 kg, 30 kg, 45 kg). The dynamic strength of the kicks was measured using a Kistler force plate. The velocity and angular velocity of the kicks were measured using a motion capture system (Qualisys). The isokinetic strength of hip and knee flexors and extensors and hip internal and external rotators were measured using a Humac Norm isokinetic dynamometer (CSMI). Postural muscles strength was assessed using 5 different stability tests. The correlation...

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