National Repository of Grey Literature 50 records found  beginprevious31 - 40next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Criminal Liability of Legal Persons
Marešová, Adéla ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
Criminal liability of legal persons Abstract The author of the thesis deals with the issue of criminal liability of legal persons, from the position of her advocate. The purpose of the study is to stress the need to introduce this institute into the legal systems of democratic states, but at the same time to deal with the problems brought by its Czech substantive law. In the first part of the thesis the author discusses the legal aspect of criminal liability of legal persons, summarizes opinions for and against the introduction of criminal liability of legal persons, and examines the criminological aspects of corporate crime. The second part of the thesis focuses on the differences, advantages and disadvantages of three basic models of criminal liability of legal persons - true, false and administrative. The author commends that the Czech Republic has proceeded to introduce true criminal liability of legal persons. The third part explains the term legal person itself. In the pivotal fourth part of the thesis, the author deals critically with the individual substantive provisions of the Czech law implementing the criminal liability of legal persons and proposes a solution de lege ferenda. The last part evaluates the whole issue using statistical data on the number of convicted legal persons in the Czech...
Criminological factors related to crime of legal entities
Freimannová, Anna ; Bohuslav, Lukáš (advisor) ; Vokoun, Rudolf (referee)
This thesis analyses criminological factors related to crime of legal entities. Criminal liability of legal entities has not been a subject of such extensive research as criminal liability of natural persons, let alone criminology of crime of legal entities - the origins of this field first appeared in the first half of 20th century, when the criminologist E. H. Sutherland introduced and described a white-collar crime phenomenon. Crime of legal entities is an up-to-date issue, being a phenomenon of a considerable danger and it is desirable to make it a subject of a comprehensive research in order to find the most suitable prevention or an adequate reaction to that crime. Understanding criminological factors related to crime of legal entities can help to prepare matching provisions which can serve as an efficient tool for prevention of and response to this type of crime. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first one addresses the crime of legal entities in general - it describes the historical evolution of crime of legal entities in the Anglo-American judicial system and its variations in the continental judicial system. After that is presented the history of legal regulation in Czech Republic and its current state. The second chapter discusses the criminological factors related to crime...
Issues of criminal liability of legal entities
Adamíra, Jiří ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
1 Abstract Issues of Criminal Liability of Legal Entities The aim of the thesis is to analyse and evaluate the current legal regulation of criminal liability of legal entities regarding the most problematic institutions of law contained in the Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings against Them, which came into effect on 1 January 2012. The subject of the thesis is current and still developing, based on the increasing amount of convicted legal entities. The regulation is affected by numerous amendments. Despite the lawmaker's effort, the act contains many problematic provisions criticized by experts. Therefore, new amendments can be expected in the near future. The thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter One deals with the general issues regarding the criminal liability of legal entities, its progress in the Czech Republic, the process of passing the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and the arguments in favour of and against the enactment of the regulation. Chapter Two focuses on the substantive criminal law incorporated in the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and examines institutions of law contained in the aforementioned act, mainly its problematic parts. Chapter Three concentrates on sanctioning of legal entities, because the Act on...
Criminal liability of legal persons in the environmental protection
Süssmilchová, Nela ; Damohorský, Milan (advisor) ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (referee)
This thesis is concerned with the topic of corporate criminal liability in the environmental contexts. The main purpose of the text is to describe possible ways for application of this phenomenon for the purposes of the environmental protection in practice and to evaluate its functioning so far. The first two chapters of the thesis focus on a general introduction to the topic of liability for environmental offences, and the background process for introducing corporate criminal liability into the Czech legal system, including the international incentives. The third chapter of the work aims to analyze some of the relevant sections of Act. No. 418/2011 Coll. and their capability to contribute to effective environmental protection. The importance of the fourth chapter lies in comparison of the advantages and drawbacks for using administrative or criminal liability for the purposes of sanctioning environmental offences. The analysis carried out in the first part of the thesis, leads to conclusions on the employment of corporate criminal liability in environmental law, and some of the possible recommendations for the enforcement authorities. Finally, there is a comparative chapter about the corporate criminal liability in England and Wales.
Criminal liability of legal persons for corruption offences
Procházka, Tomáš ; Vokoun, Rudolf (advisor) ; Pelc, Vladimír (referee)
Thesis entitled "Criminal liability of legal persons for corruption offences" focuses on the criminal liability of legal person in relation to corruption offences in the Czech Republic and in other selected countries. Despite the fact that the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons was enacted several years ago, it is still subjected to public discussions. The thesis is divided into four main chapters. First, introductory, chapter defines selected basic terms, e.g. criminal liability, legal persons, and provides a brief comprehensive overview of historic development with focus on main approaches to legislation. The chapter also analyzes the Czech legal rules on the criminal liability of legal persons and the sanctioning of legal persons in the enforcement practice. Second chapter focuses on the general context of corruption and on measures undertaken by the international organizations in order to support the fight against corruption. It also analyzes the Czech legislation on selected criminal offences that are connected with corruption and bribery. Third chapter describes legislation of other selected countries, e.g. USA and the United Kingdom, in order to compare it with the Czech legal rules. In addition, the thesis aims to illustrate results of OECD's stocktaking report on the criminal...
Corporate criminal liability and its criminological aspects
Náhlovská, Lenka ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
This thesis deals with the topic of corporate criminal liability and its criminological aspects. When adopting a law, it is necessary to examine its impact on the society as well as the individual. However, the Czech Act No. 148/2011 Sb. on Corporate Criminal Liability was adopted, above all, because of the pressure exerted by European law. That is possibly the reason why there has never been, until now, much focus on the criminological aspects of corporate crime or the prevention of corporate crime. It follows that the elaboration of this kind of thesis is imperative. The first chapter of this thesis addresses the historical concept of white-collar criminality which was developed by one of the greatest criminologists of the 20th century - Edwin H. Sutherland. After exploring his work, and works of his followers, the author of this thesis aims to summarize the main characteristics of corporate criminality. In addition, the first chapter specifies the focus and the individual sections of this thesis. The second chapter is concerned with the etiology of corporate criminality, i.e. with the reasons why corporations commit crime at all. In this part of the thesis, the author analyses the data on corporate criminality collected abroad, nevertheless, the main focus is on the data coming from the Czech...
Criminal Law Instruments Against Organized Crime
Danková, Katarína ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Tlapák Navrátilová, Jana (referee) ; Ivor, Jaroslav (referee)
This doctoral thesis is concerned with an in-depth analysis of organized crime under criminological and criminal-law aspects, taking an approach that recognizes organized crime as a multi-faceted, dynamically changing category. The importance of this issue derives, firstly, from the grave threat to society which it represents and, secondly, from the on-going international and domestic discussions of the need for better tools to eradicate it. The first part of this work conveys the nature of organized crime, and based upon an understanding of the modern forms of organized crime raises and reappraises the important substantive-law questions of its criminalization and punishment. Organized crime is inseparably associated with the most controversial institutions of procedural criminal law, namely, the institutions of the cooperating accused person, informers, agents provocateurs, and the protected witness, which in the fight against organized crime represent a serious challenge for the fundamental principles of procedural criminal law. A theoretical analysis of these issues follows, which, together with a look on the consequences of the imperfect current Czech legislation being applied in practice, highlights the need for reappraisal and reform of the current laws. The thesis takes a critical,...
Criminal Liability of Legal Persons in the Czech Republic and in Selected Countries around the World
Březinová, Kristýna ; Tlapák Navrátilová, Jana (advisor) ; Bohuslav, Lukáš (referee)
The purpose of the Rigorosum Thesis named Criminal Liability of Legal Persons in the Czech Republic and in Selected Countries around the World is to comprehensively set forth the issue of the criminal liability of legal persons. The Rigorosum Thesis is divided into five chapters. In the first place the basic terms related to this topic are defined and also the theories of attributing criminal liability to legal persons are set forth. Subsequently the thesis examines the criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic including the evolution of the legislative process and current law in force, the Act n. 418/2011Coll., on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings Against Them. Following chapters are dedicated to the exposition of the foreign legal frameworks, namely legislations in the common law countries and in selected European, Asian and South American countries. The Rigorosum Thesis points out the shortcomings and weaknesses of the legislations concerned and at the same time the author attempts to propose rectifications and improvements. When the legal regulations are explained, the author especially focuses on the most typical and characteristic instruments in the legal frameworks analysed as well as on the institutes, which are unknown to the Czech criminal law....
Issues of criminal liability of legal entities
Šťastný, Jakub ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
The topic of this Master's thesis is the analysis of criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech republic that is contained in the Act no. 418/2011 Sb., on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Procedure against them, which was adopted on 22. 12. 2011. It is a topical isuue, which still contains a lot of unanswered questions. The aim of the thesis is to familiarize the reader with this new institute in the Czech legal system, with which there are not many practical experiences yet. Taking into account the extent of the thesis, it does not include a comprehensive analysis, but it focuces on key issues in the legal regulation. The work is also dedicated to the regulation of this institute in the Spanish legal system. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with general issues that are related to the criminal liability of legal entities. It presents the historic development, models of liability of legal entities for offences, international regulation, corporate criminal liability in the Common law system and the reasons for and against introducing criminal liability of legal entities into legal system. The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of current legislation criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech Republic. It is focused on the nature of the...

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