National Repository of Grey Literature 29,762 records found  beginprevious29753 - 29762  jump to record: Search took 0.89 seconds. 

Cellular functions of tail-anchored proteins.
Martincová, Eva ; Zubáčová, Zuzana (referee) ; Doležal, Pavel (advisor)
This work reviews recent studies on the biogenesis of tail-anchored proteins. These proteins form a distinct class of integral membrane proteins which are intensively studied nowadays. Although this class of proteins is defined by the structure and membrane topology, individual proteins do not share any functional similarities. The basic cellular functions, structure and localisation are reviewed there. The work is focused mainly on the unique transport mechanisms and the determination of the target cellular compartments - endomembrane system and mitochondrial outer membrane. A separate part of the work also summarizes existing knowledge about VAP protein family which belongs to the class of tail-anchored proteins and which is conserved across all eukaryotic species. The last chapter presents results and goals of the research of these proteins in the human parasite Giardia intestinalis in the laboratory of organellar biogenesis.

Contribution to social services for mentally disabled people
Chalupová, Eliška ; Šabatová, Anna (advisor) ; Probstová, Václava (referee)
Resume Contribution to social services for mentally disabled people Author: Chalupová Eliška Supervisor of the thesis: Mgr. Anna Sabatová Ph.D. My thesis deals with a new phenomenon in Czech law - financial contribution to social services - and its consequences to mentally disabled people, particularly to mentally disabled people living in sheltered housing. Since January 1st 2007 providers of social services charges statutory fees for a separate service. Fees are to be covered from financial contribution to social services, which is under Act No. 108/2006 Coll., imbursed to all persons meet legal conditions. In my work I focused on people who leave mental hospitals and after a long-term hospitalization lose their ability to cope with all necessities associated with a life in common society. Do these people need the financial contribution to social services? What are the main problems these people met in the course of application for the contribution and where do the problems originate? The basis for answering thesis questions was a research among clients of a sheltered housing and theirs social workers. Semi-structured interview and case study were used as a research method. Outputs of the research might have generated particulars which helps to recognize the main difficulties often appear within the...

Role of RecQ helicases in maintenance of genomic stability during mitosis
Černoch, Marek ; Janščák, Pavel (advisor) ; Půta, František (referee)
Helicases are proteins capable of unwinding nucleic acids, their malfunction can be dangerous for genome stability of the cell. Five RecQ-family helicases identified in human cells participate in many cellular events during the whole cell cycle, including mitosis, and therefore are very important for correct functioning. The mutations in RecQ helicases can cause them to malfunction and seriously damage various cell processes, for example DNA replication, DNA damage control or sister chromatids separation. The mutations can also lead to dangerous syndromes, with the hallmark symptom of increased risk of cancer.

Semi-detached house, Brno - Lisen
Žižková, Martina ; Majsniar, Michal (referee) ; Bečkovský, David (advisor)
The objective of the bachelor thesis was to design a semi-detached house where each part of the house is built as a separate dwelling unit. The semi-detached house is located on plots no. 5136/4, 5136/7 and 1395/1, 1395/2 in Brno, district Lisen. The house is free-standing, with no basement and it has two floors. The entrance and access road is located on the eastern side of the property. The supporting construction is designed from the Velox system. The roofing is divided into two aisle roofs with various inclinations. The house offers accommodation for 4-5 family members.

Possibilities of relational background support of a child from children's home
Plessingerová, Jana ; Matoušek, Oldřich (advisor) ; Pazlarová, Hana (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to find the answer to a question What are the possibilities of relational background support of a child from children's home? The thesis is devided into two parts - theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is dealing with two topics - system of an out-of-home care of children in the Czech Republic (children's homes take part of this system) and roles and importace of relations in human life. In the first chapter a list of reasons why children go to out-of-home care is given. It talks also about forms of out-of-home care - institutional and family care, specially about organization of care in children's homes. It is focused on law concerning this topic, too. In 2nd chapter characteristics of children placed in out-of-home care as well as psychological deprivation is decribed. The third chapter sums up the most often mentioned problems of the system, institutional care. On the other hand it defines also the advantages of it. The fourth chapter centralizes on importace of relations in human life at all, summarizes important knowledges about socialization of a child from his birth to adolescence. It is focusing on attachement theory - developmental theory focused od relations, on a topic of separation and loss. In the fifth chapter the particularity of relational background...

Multi-functional residential building -Ro-2
Hermannová, Zdeňka ; Sibilla, Luboš (referee) ; Vlček, Milan (advisor)
Bachelor’s thesis is focused on elaboration of polyfunctional detached house. This house is divided into two separate functional parts- part for living and part for establishment of flower shop. House has three floors and it has a cellar. Building is based on strip foundations of concrete, vertical and horizontal contructions are projected of building system Porotherm, insulation parts are of system Isover, roof tiles Tondach. Part of project is seminar paper on the topic „Vapor barriers“.

Biological characteristics and coverage of Anthriscus sylvestris and Achillea millefolim in permanent grasslands
This thesis is focused on the problems connected with grasslands, their division, functions, farming, exploitation and environmental factors which influence the composition of vegetation and forage quality. It also deals with the composition of permant grasslands and their types. One separate chapter is devoted to the importance of herbs in grasslands and there are also stated examples of herbal mixtures. The main goal of this work is to describe the issue concerning milfoil (Achillea millefolium L.) and chervil (Anthriscus sylvestris L.), their biology, ecology and involvement in different types of grasslands. Individual chapters which are dedicated to each specific herb are always preceded by description of their families, their significance and application. Following chapters are about geographical spread and inventory of kinds of these specific herbs (chervil and milfoil), their description, morphology, ecology, cenologiii, forage quality, significance and application in grasslands. In the second part to supplement the findings of research on presence of milfoil and chervil there are written results of my own observation (charts and graphs) showing the projective dominance of milfoil and chervil in different types of grasslands with different farming and their height achieved in different periods of time. The charts and graphs show species composition and projective dominance of grasses, legumes and other herbs including their height at the highest achieved arithmetic average of vegetation height.

The Transit Programme in the Jedlicka Institute in Prague
Rohlena, Jan ; Vorlová, Marie (advisor) ; Herrmann, Antonín (referee)
This bachelor paper is engaged in Transit programme, which is realized in Jedlička institute in Prague. Transit programme is service, which occupy by changeover of people from one live stage to other. In that case is target group of this programme students and school-leavers of Jedlička institute in Prague, it means predominately handicapped people. Preliminary this work pay to difficulty of social integration of handicapped people and team which Transit programme put into life. The main part of this paper act with separate process of TP. It describes for example importance of creation personal profile of user TP and process of planning. Followed by bring to attention of employees particular phases of change over, and other services of Transit programme and main principles of this service. The environments and conditions of employment market are described in chapter on employ handicapped people. Their chances and possibilities on open labour market, when this people want be really successful are described in chapter on supported employment. The whole process of Transit programme, which in ideal case end for client with obtaining of valuable working station and exploration of service assisted employment are demonstrated on experiences of factual people in practical part. Powered by TCPDF (

To become a member of a first class: the child's adaptation to rules valid in the first class
Hončíková, Lucie ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Viktorová, Ida (advisor)
Beginning of a school atlendance creates one of very important moments in the chilď s life. Changes, which appear in this period, refer to aU parts of a chilď s life and mean an interference to a family life as well. In our diploma project we have aimed on a process of adaptation of a child to rules valid at school, which she/he meets in the first term of a school year. We have focused expeciaUy on the running ofthis process and on mechanisms it is determined by. In the theoretical part we have explained the problematics of the life at school in the first class and we have defined the basic concepts related to the early beginning of the school atlendance which we have worked later with. In a practical part we have firstly classified and then described every rule and the categories of rules and norms. Then we have observed the running of the process of adaptation of children to school norms separately in every month of the first term. After that we have compared the results. We have created the global picture of the process of adaptation as we have noticed it in our research. To reach our goal we have decided to choose mostly a technigue of observation of pupils in the chosen class. This technigue we have completed by directed interviews with pupils as weU as with their trachet and by other materials.

Jak velikost habitatu ovlivňuje společenstvo koprofilního hmyzu?
ZÍTEK, Tomáš
The effect of dung pat size on structure of dung inhabiting insect community was studied in Central Europe. Specifically all insect inhabiting the dung pat was targeted including both beetle and fly families. Abundance and species richness were positively correlated with increasing habitat volume. Density was negatively correlated with habitat size which represents low density refugee effect. Temporally co-occurring species which utilize the resource in similar way were separated by preferences for different habitat volumes.