National Repository of Grey Literature 29,463 records found  beginprevious29454 - 29463  jump to record: Search took 1.76 seconds. 

Flooding Risk and Ways to Eliminate Its Consequences
Kučera, Michal ; Ducháčková, Eva (advisor)
The first part of the paper focuses on the global warming effects on the extreme weather events frequency. The second part tries to specify the role of the critical institutions managing the flooding risk in the Czech Republic. The following chapters are all aimed at the fundamental questions of the paper: Insurability conditions, position of the individual insurance companies, necessity of the insurers - reinsurers cooperation and alternative risk transfer (ART) methods endeavouring to deepen the capacity of the traditional reinsurance markets.

The Idea of Death in the First Grade of School
Koryntová, Gabriela ; Procházková, Jana (referee) ; Duplinský, Josef (advisor)
The theoretical part is based on the study of available literature. The fírst part is about the developmental concept of death, in the second part, which is based on research published abroad; the subconcepts of death are described. There are 4 subconcepts: universality, irreversibility, nonfunctionality and causality. I have mostly focused on the 5 to 9 year age group. The research comes from 14 semi-structured interviews which were conducted with 29 children in their fírst year of school. The analysis is focused on three major topics: 1) How does life end? 2) What does death look like? 3) What happens after death? After that I analyzed the interviews in order to relate what was said to the subconcepts. My results are compared with the conclusions I drew in the theoretical part. A detailed, longitudinal study, which could observe all the necessary parameters I have not had capacity for, is needed. Powered by TCPDF (

Business koncept of facilities of hunting tourism - Pilner region
The general aim of my diploma thesis was to create a business concept of facilities of hunting tourism in the Pilsner region. Klatovské rybářství, a.s. was selected as a cooperative company, which deals with agricultural activities, especially fish and poultry breeding. The company operates some services of hunting tourism, but it is not the main field. The thesis will serve as a manual for "non-experts" who are interested in expanding their range of travel services. The resulting business concept will consequently be presented to the management of the company in order to demonstrate how the company can further develop. While writing this thesis I got several perspectives on the issue of hunting tourism in the area. The first view was provided by the existing clients of the company who filled in questionnaires which were designed to determine their interest in these services. In addition, three representatives were selected from age groups who were asked for ideas about how the device should look. Another view was obtained through an interview with the director of the company and the employee responsible for the current planning and management of hunting activities. Next view on the issue of hunting tourism, which should be independent, was provided by an employee of Infocentre Bor. Here it was revealed that hunting tourism is not popular with everyone and that it is a rather controversial topic. However, we can say that if done correctly and with concern for the countryside, it can bring many benefits to the given region. These include attracting visitors of other segments of the society, the development of the region, expansion of tourism services and expansion of cooperation between entrepreneurs. Last view was represented by my own experience that I gained during working participation in hunting tourism events. At the beginning of my diploma thesis I determined three working hypotheses. All available resources helped me to evaluate the present circumstances and I can confirm all three hypotheses. The general aim was to create a business concept of facilities of hunting tourism in the Pilsner region. I was able to realize the general aim thanks to the cooperation with the company and by means of utilizing all available information. Now the diploma thesis will be handed over to the management for consideration and possible implementation

The culture of Nazca in the miror of hypothesis an interpretations
Ledvinka, Robert ; Soukup, Václav (advisor) ; Matějů, Martin (referee)
předmětem zpracované rigorózní práce byla kompletní teoretická analýza kultury Nazca v kontextu vývoje předkolumbovských peruánských kul tur až do éry Inků obsahuj ící všechny dosud zveřejněné teorie vysvětluj ící příčiny a důvody vzniku obrazové galerie na území dnešního Peru. Cílem práce bylo prezentovat nazcanskou kulturu jako součást vývoje amerických nativních kultur v čase a prostoru. Podle mého názoru není možné interpretovat a pochopit kulturu Nazca izolovaně t nebot je součástí širšího kulturního okruhu t který jako celek vykazuje řadu kulturních univerzálií ~ socio-kulturních specifik. Zvláštní pozornost jsem věnoval unikátní obrazové galerii geoglyfů a petroglyfů t které se nacházej í na planině Nazca. Tyto tajemstvím obestřené linie a obrazce vedly vědce t cestovatele i fantasty k formulování celé řady různých hypotéz a teorií na téma jejich funkce a smyslu. Vzhledem k tomu t že výklad nazcanské kul tury má mnohdy velmi spekulativní charakter, rozhodl jsem se seznámit s dostupnou literaturou a zaujmout vlastní stanovisko k existujícím teoriím. Po dokončení rigorózní práce jsem nucen konstatovat, že ani po prostudování celé řady fotografií, studií a knih se mi nepodařilo shromáždit dostatek důkazů, které by jednoznačně podpořily pravdivost pouze jedné z teorií. Dospěl jsem totiž k závěru, že k...

Risk management in IS/ICT projects
Knapp, Roman ; Chocholatý, Drahomír (advisor) ; Kubačák, Antonín (referee)
Cílem této práce je uspořádat a obohatit teoretickou základnu řízení rizik v projektovém managementu, analyzovat a zhodnotit přístup k této problematice dle metodiky PMBOK a poskytnout základní praktický pohled na řízení rizik ve skutečných projektech z oblasti IS/ICT. Vlastní text je strukturován do sedmi kapitol, z nichž první poskytuje úvod a vymezení celé práce. Ve druhé kapitole je proveden úvod do oblasti řízení rizik v projektech a dále analyzován přístup a základní principy metodiky řízení projektu PMBOK. Ve třetí kapitole je uveden seznam projektových rizik, který byl vytvořen a popsán na základě průzkumu literatury, diskusí s odborníky a praktických zkušeností autora. Ve čtvrté kapitole, která obsahuje řadu nových teoretických pojmů, jsou poté popsány autorem identifikované různé způsoby řízení rizik projektu podle jeho základních charakteristik. Pátá kapitola se zaměřuje na posouzení metodiky PMBOK vzhledem ke všem zjištěným typům rizik a identifikovaným způsobům jejich řízení a pokouší se o její doplnění. V šesté kapitole jsou konečně využity všechny poznatky získané ve všech předchozích kapitolách a je provedena jejich aplikace na oblast IS/ICT, mimo jiné pomocí vzorového příkladu obsahujícího některé autorem navržené analytické nástroje. V sedmé kapitole je provedeno závěrečné zhodnocení.

Financial analysis of the company Unilever CR, spol. s.r.o.
Horňáková, Veronika ; Sieber, Martina (advisor) ; Sieber, Patrik (referee)
The banchelor thesis evaluates the financial health of the company and bases its statement on the outputs of the financial analysis. Considering the size and power of the company, it is very interesting to observe the influence of certain changes in the company. However, it could be said, that the company, considering the possibilities which it has thanks to its power, is unlikely to get into financial problems. Financial health of the comapny is firm.

Maupassant's Fantasy Short Story "A Sick Soul" as a Source of Inspiration for a Specific Literary Genre
Velík, Miroslav ; Petrová, Jana (advisor) ; Ébert-Zeminová, Catherine (referee)
Comment comprendre l'oeuvre de Guy de Maupassant sous la lumière de nouvelles informations tirées d'une analyse de ses contes? De queljaçon fautril interpréter sa maladie en relation avec son oeuvre? Existe-t-il un véritable lien entre la peur traitée dans ses contes et son état mental ? Toutes ces questions sont le sujet de ce mémoire. Tout d'abord, il est nécessaire de présenter le thème du conte fantastique qui reste le principal sujet de ce travail. La peur représente la pièce maîtresse de tous les contes fantastiques de Guy de Maupassant. L'auteur travaille à ce sujet avec assiduité sous la tutelle de Gustave Flaubert qui l'initie au métier d'écrivain et encore plus tard où il poursuit son travail comme auteur reconnu tout en exploitant des expériences acquises. Sa façon de représenter la peur est très appreaée et offre à l'auteur une position privilégiée dans le monde de la littérature fantastique. Maupassant reprend et poursuit le travail de 1' auteur de contes fantastique Hoffmann et s'inspire notamment de la philosophie de Schopenhauer. Son génie est dû à un travail préparatoire régulier, attentivement surveillé par Flaubert et, à son talent personnel transmis par son milieu familial, favorable à l'essor du travail artistique. Maupassant reste néanmoins un homme avec ses vices et ses vertus. Il...

The Novel of Central Europe The Green Virgin by Bernhard Setzwein
Šťavíková, Veronika ; Glosíková, Viera (advisor) ; Maidl, Václav (referee)
Nach der politischen Wende 1989 tauchte das Wort vom "Blick über die Grenze" auf. Mit diesem Begriff kamen wahrscheinlich zuerst die Autoren des Lesebuchs "Böhmen" von der "edition lichtung" aus Viechtach im Bayerischen Wald.1 Zehn Jahre später war der "Blick über die Grenze" der Chamer Zeitung und Kötztinger Zeitung als tägliches Feuilleton über bayerisch-deutschtschechische Themen geboren (Ende 2001). Kurz vorher konnte man im Tschechischen Rundfunk Pilsen bereits die Sendung "Pohled přes hranice" hören, also mit dem gleichen Titel. Inzwischen ist ein neues Buch "Böhmerwald' des Viechtacher Verlags erschienen, das sich ebenfalls als "Blick" verstehen könnte.2 Einmal wöchentlich präsentiert die Sächsische Freie Presse (Chemnitz) eine ganze Seite als "Blick nach Böhmen", und zwar ebenfalls schon seit ein paar Jahren.

Introduction of Smart Metering: Ramifications for Business Management in Medium-sized Energy Providers
Selmke, Pierre ; Heřman, Jan (advisor) ; Neumaierová, Inka (referee) ; Markovič, Peter (referee)
In the European Union (EU), increasing final energy efficiency, so as to save energy, has become mandatory. This obligation will fundamentally alter the EU energy sector. The relevant EU directive, 2006/32/EG, requires that adjustments be made to energy billing and, where technically feasible, that new metering technologies (i.e. smart metering) be introduced. Individual EU countries are implementing these requirements in different ways: Smart metering is either being nearly fully implemented (e.g. in Italy), is being planned (e.g. in Germany), or completely disregarded (e.g. in the Czech Republic). Since the introduction of smart metering affects virtually all value-added steps, organisational structures and areas of operation in medium-sized energy providers, these providers must take the relevant requirements into account at as early a stage as possible. The present thesis analyses the effects of the introduction of smart metering on the business management of such companies. A deductive method was chosen and the effects of intro- ducing smart metering were assessed through a cross-sectional study of two separate data collections. Experts were interviewed and their statements were qualitatively evaluated. A written survey followed via online questionnaires, the results of which were quantitatively evaluated. Institutional, functional and activity-based perspectives were considered as well as normative, strategic and operative aspects of business management. The evaluation of the survey enabled a better assessment and analysis of the introduction of smart metering. An analysis of the scope of the upcoming alterations within energy providers illustrates just how fundamental a change this will bring to medium-sized energy providers. However, the outcome of the written survey shows that most executives do not recognise this need for change and therefore are unable to initiate it. These management deficiencies threaten the very existence of these companies and must be resolved through the timely initiation of consistent change management.

Application of Women on the Labour Market during Parental Leave and after
Kuchařová, Barbora ; Kaczor, Pavel (advisor) ; Nováčková, Blanka (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to analyse the factors which affect a female employment support on market job during parental leave or after that and issue our own suggestions and recommendation which would more support female. The thesis is divided into two parts which is theoretical and emperical. The theoretical part is about family policy where a factors are influencing in promotion of female employment and employment policies. The empiric part is based on quality research in regards to interviews with respondents and following summary with own recommendations which can contribute to the effective support female employment on market job in parental leave or after that. For this research I choose 15 respondents with who I made a semi-structured interview. I made a 5 research circulars which each one was based on particular number of sub questions to help analyse them make some appropriate recommendations.