National Repository of Grey Literature 28,449 records found  beginprevious28440 - 28449  jump to record: Search took 2.33 seconds. 

Analysis of Exchange Rate Regimes under Conditions of Economic Transition
Stejskal, Jan ; Taušer, Josef (advisor) ; Plchová, Božena (referee)
This paper concentrates on the analysis of currency crises in economies undergoing economic transition. The papaer begins with a brief introduction of contemporary exchnage rate regimes, which is followed by an analysis of the history of the World monetary system. The following chapters concentrate on the analysis of the monetary development in selected transitional economies. In case of the the first one, The Czech Republic, the analysis includes the period from the times of the centrally planed economy, through the initial transformation and the currency crisis of 1997 to the present day. In case of the other countries included in this paper, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Icelnad, the analysis concentrates on the current critical development in these economies. Apart from the analysis of the selected currency crises, the objective of this paper is to draw conclusions relevant to the future development of currency policies in the transitional economies.

Outdoor activity courses' influence on the development of social cohesion and relationships in groups of adolescents
Kalkusová, Lucie ; Vomáčko, Ladislav (advisor) ; Neuman, Jan (referee)
Title: Outdoor activity courses' influence on the development of social cohesion and relationships in groups of adolescents. Aims: The aim of this thesis is to find out whether outdoor activity courses support the development of social cohesion and relationships in groups of adolescents. Methods: The survey was realised by questionnaires. We used two different instruments - Group Cohesion Evaluation Questionnaire which was evaluated by matched-sample t-test and sociometric test whose results are presented by the method called sociomapping. Results: Comparing the results of pre-test and post-test we realised that 3-days outdoor activity courses support the development of social cohesion by adolescents. We proved increase in sympathies, attachment and also more positive and stronger mutual relationships in all classes which is presented in the sociomaps. Keywords: outdoor activities, social cohesion, sociometry, sociomapping, adolescents

The Role of WT1 gene in normal hematopoiesis and leukemogenesis
Kramarzová, Karolina ; Trka, Jan (advisor) ; Zadražil, Stanislav (referee)
6 Abstract The Wilms' tumor gene is highly expressed in a large proportion of human acute leukemias and other hematological malignancies. It is thought to play an important role in human hematpoiesis and leukemogenesis. Despite the large number of studies, WT1 expression patterns and its clinical significance in acute myeloid leukemia remain still controversial. To investigate the prognostic relevance of initial WT1 expression and its usefulness as a marker for minimal residual disease, we have analysed 66 bone marrow samples from newly diagnosed AML patients. RQ-RT-PCR for absolute quantification of total WT1 was designed according to Europe Against Cancer Program. In 82 % of samples we detected a higher expression of WT1 compared to normal healthy donors or patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (p<0.0001). We did not find any correlation between initial WT1 expression level and age or sex. Patients with FAB M3 subtype showed significantly higher WT1 levels than other subtypes, especially M5 (p<0.001). We found a strikingly high WT1 expression in standard risk group patients compared to high risk group (p<0.0007). Children with FAB/cytogenetical favorable prognostic factors have high WT1 expression, while there was no relation between WT1 levels at diagnosis and day 15 BM response. We did not find any...

The influence of cognitive behavioral therapy on dietary habits in courses of overweight reduction
Kaizrová, Linda ; Schneidrová, Dagmar (advisor)
The objective of this thesis was to monitor the influence of cognitive-behavioral therapy on weight reduction and dietary habits change within the courses of STOB (Stop obesity). These courses are aimed at overweight reduction and their programs include cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is a method of psychological therapy. The study data was obtained in STOB courses that took place in September 2003, January and April 2004. The overall duration of the courses was 12 weeks, sessions took place once a week and consisted of 90 minutes of theory - cognitive-behavioral therapy - and 60 minutes of individually adjusted physical activity. Three instruments were used for data collection: "3 day recall - printed version of a questionnaire" (records of dietary habits throughout all the day), "Frequency and popularity of comestibles questionnaire" and "Physical activity standardized questionnaire." Data was acquired from 420 individuals taking part in those courses. Criteria for inclusion were BMI over 25 and female sex. Participants were divided in 3 groups. "Drop-outs" were the ones that took part in 6 or less lessons of the course, there were 120 women included in this group. Remaining 300 individuals formed the group of graduates. The absolvent group was then divided in a group of "successful...

International relations of the Czechoslovak (Czech) archives after 1918 up to the present
Simkovičová, Jana ; Ebelová, Ivana (advisor) ; Linhartová, Lenka (referee)
The objective of this thesis is to cover the development of international relations of the Czechoslovak and Czech archival science after 1918 up to this day. The international relations primarily stand for the forms of cooperation under the patronage of full statehood, the support on the part of official authority and also scientific institutions. Likewise, the Czech archivists' research at the external archives has been taken into account. It was initiated more intensively in connection with the constitution of our archival administration after 1954. Being a part of the thesis, the overview of official journeys was compiled on the basis of our archivists' reports from the official trips. These reports create a part of the register office that belongs to the Department of the Archives Administration at the Ministry of the Interior. Although the international relations have to all intents and purposes begun to develop aťter 1945. this thesis also includes chapters dealing with the Czechoslovak archival science development after 1918 and the restitutional proceeding in the sphere of archival science after the World War I and World War II. A separate chapter is dedicated to the archives and records disjuncture within the context of the end of the federation in 1993. Powered by TCPDF (

The methods of mapmaking in the past and at present
This bachelor thesis deals with the methods of mapmaking in the past and at present. Mapmaking from prehistoric times to the oldest maps in the Czech Republic is covered in the introductory part. Military mapping, overview of cadastral surveying, topographic mapping of the 20th century and other maps (SM 5 (1:5000 national map), THM (technical-economic maps), ZMVM (basic large-scale map), middle-scale maps and purpose maps) are described in the following parts. The main part covers an overview of geodetic methods and, in addition, measuring of lengths and altitudes, and instruments and tools used are briefly described. The methods used for photogrammetry and the latest way of providing data i.e. remote survey of the Earth are described in the final part. The aim of the thesis is to describe procedures of mapmaking in the Czech Republic and the map development and to give a summary of methods that were used in the past and those that have been used these days for mapmaking.

Work adjustment
Václavovičová, Michala ; Mužík, Jaroslav (referee) ; Kocianová, Renata (advisor)
The thesis summarizes findings on the process of work adaptation with a view to adaptation process of new employees. Initially it deals with adaptation in biological-medical and psychological term and focuses on concept of work and social adaptation, their precise definition, content and structure. Subsequently the thesis identifies factors that have decisive influence upon course and result of the process of work adaptation. The chapter on social adaptation disserts upon the topic of mobbing which belongs to factors that can unfavourably influence human relations in the workplace. The thesis also interprets individual aspects of process of work adaptation, its areas, goals, participants and adaptation period. The closing part of the thesis is devoted to adaptation programmes. At first there are described features and instruments which can be used to realize adaptation programmes in organizations. Next part analyzes an adaptation manual as an adaptation tool and presents characterization and mutual comparison of several adaptation manuals together with some examples of procedures used within adaptation management in organizations.

Regulation of access electronic communications networks in the Czech Republic and its impact on the industry development
Sekaninová, Renáta ; Ševčík, Miroslav (advisor) ; Munzi, Tomáš (referee)
The thesis deals with the asymmetric ex-ante regulation applied in the electronic com-munications sector in order to strengthen the competitive ability of alternative operators at the expense of incumbent operators' competitiveness with the aim of reinforcing effective competition in the electronic communications markets. The author is concer-ned with the regulatory instrument entailing an obligation on the fixed incumbent opera-tors to open their access networks to other operators. This is called Local Loop Unbund-ling (LLU). The thesis assesses regulatory impacts on the Czech electronic communi-cations market. The market development in the Czech Republic certified the negative regulatory effect on the fixed alternative operators'motivation to build their own access infrastructure. The author tries to find the dismotivating elements of the present-day LLU regulatory form by means of the Czech LLU market analysis. The author adverts to the undesirable regulatory effect on both alternative operators'and incumbent opera-tors'investment motivation. The thesis offers reasoning why the pro-competitive regula-tory policy (inhibiting investments necessary for the sector development) is not appro-priate.

The collectivization of agriculture in village Puklice, commune near Jihlava, 1949 - 1960
TARAS, Jaroslav
Diploma thesis The collectivization of agriculture in village Puklice 1949 - 1959 deals not only with the period which is mentioned in the title of this work but it also tries to cover the agricultural development of Jihlava´s region and district considering Puklice as the concrete example in the period from the end of the Second World War to the beginning of the sixtieth. An important event in history of all Jihlava´s region is connected with the end of the Second World War, the initial point of this interval. This region was settled by German inhabitants from 13th century and these Germans were displaced. Their post-war expulsion meant an appreciable interference to the economic expansion of this region. In years 1959 ? 1960 the rebuilding of a village according to the communist model ? the socialization of the village - was finished. This date is also associated with the end of Jihlava´s region as an administrative region existing from 1949 for the whole process of collectivization in agriculture. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the process of collectivization in agriculture during the 1950´s in the instance of one region and one concrete village because this period was decisive in the towards of socialism in Czechoslovakia and it influenced the country to the contemporary days. At the same time the work should contain the negative side of the collectivization ? the mass unlawfulness against the innocent people. Last but not least the work makes an effort to broaden people?s mind that relates to the socialization of the country in region Jihlavsko. Our source of information was, in addition to the technical literature focused on agriculture and political situations of the 1950´s, archival materials, a local chronicle and also personal memories of the living contemporaries and the participants of agricultural collectivization.

New sensors of distributed control system in medieval Jeroným Mine in Čistá
Kaláb, Zdeněk ; Knejzlík, Jaromír
Addition of instrumentations of distributed control and measurement network for geomechanical measurement is performed subsequently. Measurement of crack development in the mine working, development in changes in convergence cross-sections of linear workings and fluctuations of water levels in underground spaces was initial parts of this network. At present, measurement of convergence in chamber (spatial working) using laser distance meter, measurements of changes of tensor stress state of rock mass and measurements of temperature of mine atmosphere completed the network.