National Repository of Grey Literature 41 records found  beginprevious27 - 36next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Volumetric Segmentation of Dental CT Data
Berezný, Matej ; Kodym, Oldřich (referee) ; Čadík, Martin (advisor)
The main goal of this work was to use neural networks for volumetric segmentation of dental CBCT data. As a byproducts, both new dataset including sparse and dense annotations and automatic preprocessing pipeline were produced. Additionally, the possibility of applying transfer learning and multi-phase training in order to improve segmentation results was tested. From the various tests that were carried out, conclusion can be drawn that both multi-phase training and transfer learning showed substantial improvement in dice score for both sparse and dense annotations compared to the baseline method.
Segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions using deep neural networks
Sasko, Dominik ; Myška, Vojtěch (referee) ; Kolařík, Martin (advisor)
Hlavným zámerom tejto diplomovej práce bola automatická segmentácia lézií sklerózy multiplex na snímkoch MRI. V rámci práce boli otestované najnovšie metódy segmentácie s využitím hlbokých neurónových sietí a porovnané prístupy inicializácie váh sietí pomocou preneseného učenia (transfer learning) a samoriadeného učenia (self-supervised learning). Samotný problém automatickej segmentácie lézií sklerózy multiplex je veľmi náročný, a to primárne kvôli vysokej nevyváženosti datasetu (skeny mozgov zvyčajne obsahujú len malé množstvo poškodeného tkaniva). Ďalšou výzvou je manuálna anotácia týchto lézií, nakoľko dvaja rozdielni doktori môžu označiť iné časti mozgu ako poškodené a hodnota Dice Coefficient týchto anotácií je približne 0,86. Možnosť zjednodušenia procesu anotovania lézií automatizáciou by mohlo zlepšiť výpočet množstva lézií, čo by mohlo viesť k zlepšeniu diagnostiky individuálnych pacientov. Našim cieľom bolo navrhnutie dvoch techník využívajúcich transfer learning na predtrénovanie váh, ktoré by neskôr mohli zlepšiť výsledky terajších segmentačných modelov. Teoretická časť opisuje rozdelenie umelej inteligencie, strojového učenia a hlbokých neurónových sietí a ich využitie pri segmentácii obrazu. Následne je popísaná skleróza multiplex, jej typy, symptómy, diagnostika a liečba. Praktická časť začína predspracovaním dát. Najprv boli skeny mozgu upravené na rovnaké rozlíšenie s rovnakou veľkosťou voxelu. Dôvodom tejto úpravy bolo využitie troch odlišných datasetov, v ktorých boli skeny vytvárané rozličnými prístrojmi od rôznych výrobcov. Jeden dataset taktiež obsahoval lebku, a tak bolo nutné jej odstránenie pomocou nástroju FSL pre ponechanie samotného mozgu pacienta. Využívali sme 3D skeny (FLAIR, T1 a T2 modality), ktoré boli postupne rozdelené na individuálne 2D rezy a použité na vstup neurónovej siete s enkodér-dekodér architektúrou. Dataset na trénovanie obsahoval 6720 rezov s rozlíšením 192 x 192 pixelov (po odstránení rezov, ktorých maska neobsahovala žiadnu hodnotu). Využitá loss funkcia bola Combo loss (kombinácia Dice Loss s upravenou Cross-Entropy). Prvá metóda sa zameriavala na využitie predtrénovaných váh z ImageNet datasetu na enkodér U-Net architektúry so zamknutými váhami enkodéra, resp. bez zamknutia a následného porovnania s náhodnou inicializáciou váh. V tomto prípade sme použili len FLAIR modalitu. Transfer learning dokázalo zvýšiť sledovanú metriku z hodnoty približne 0,4 na 0,6. Rozdiel medzi zamknutými a nezamknutými váhami enkodéru sa pohyboval okolo 0,02. Druhá navrhnutá technika používala self-supervised kontext enkodér s Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) na predtrénovanie váh. Táto sieť využívala všetky tri spomenuté modality aj s prázdnymi rezmi masiek (spolu 23040 obrázkov). Úlohou GAN siete bolo dotvoriť sken mozgu, ktorý bol prekrytý čiernou maskou v tvare šachovnice. Takto naučené váhy boli následne načítané do enkodéru na aplikáciu na náš segmentačný problém. Tento experiment nevykazoval lepšie výsledky, s hodnotou DSC 0,29 a 0,09 (nezamknuté a zamknuté váhy enkodéru). Prudké zníženie metriky mohlo byť spôsobené použitím predtrénovaných váh na vzdialených problémoch (segmentácia a self-supervised kontext enkodér), ako aj zložitosť úlohy kvôli nevyváženému datasetu.
Object detection in video using neural networks and Android application
Mikulec, Vojtěch ; Kiac, Martin (referee) ; Myška, Vojtěch (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with the implementation of functional solution for classifying road users using mobile device with Android operating system. The goal is to create Android application which classifies vehicles in real time using rear-facing camera and saves timestamps of classification. Testing is performed mostly with own, diversely modificated dataset. Five models are trained and their performance is measured in dependence on hardware. The best classification performance is from pretrained MobileNet model where transfer learning with 6 classes of own dataset is used – 62,33 %. The results are summarized and a method for faster and more accurate traffic analysis is proposed.
Automated contract classification for portal
Maroušek, Jakub ; Nečaský, Martin (advisor) ; Holub, Martin (referee)
The Contracts Register is a public database containing contracts concluded by public institutions. Due to the number of documents in the database, data analysis is proble- matic. The objective of this thesis is to find a machine learning approach for sorting the contracts into categories by their area of interest (real estate services, construction, etc.) and implement the approach for usage on the web portal Hlídač státu. A large number of categories and a lack of a tagged dataset of contracts complicate the solution. 1
Analysis of Landscape Deforestation Using Satellite Imagery
Javorka, Martin ; Španěl, Michal (referee) ; Beran, Vítězslav (advisor)
Today is important to protect forest resources and tracking deforestation is essential. Re- mote sensing has an important role in this monitoring effort. This thesis studies four different techniques for detecting deforestation from satellite imagery - using both optical and radar data. The specifics of Earth observation data and geospatial analyses are described. The analytical techniques are used for detecting deforestation in the study area of Chocske vrchy. Image segmentation with Unet neural network model is used to classify there all deforested patches.
Bayesian transfer learning between autoregressive inference tasks
Barber, Alec ; Quinn, Anthony
Bayesian transfer learning typically relies on a complete stochastic dependence speci cation between source and target learners which allows the opportunity for Bayesian conditioning. We advocate that any requirement for the design or assumption of a full model between target and sources is a restrictive form of transfer learning.
Interactive 3D CT Data Segmentation Based on Deep Learning
Trávníčková, Kateřina ; Hradiš, Michal (referee) ; Kodym, Oldřich (advisor)
This thesis deals with CT data segmentation using convolutional neural nets and describes the problem of training with limited training sets. User interaction is suggested as means of improving segmentation quality for the models trained on small training sets and the possibility of using transfer learning is also considered. All of the chosen methods help improve the segmentation quality in comparison with the baseline method, which is the use of automatic data specific segmentation model. The segmentation has improved by tens of percents in Dice score when trained with very small datasets. These methods can be used, for example, to simplify the creation of a new segmentation dataset.
Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation
Filo, Denis ; Fajčík, Martin (referee) ; Jon, Josef (advisor)
This thesis deals with neural machine translation (NMT) for low-resource languages. The goal was to evaluate current techniques by using the experiments and suggest their improvements. The translation systems in this thesis used the  neural network transformer architecture and were trained by the Marian framework. The selected language pairs were Slovak with Croatian and Slovak with Serbian. The subjects of the experiments were the transfer learning techniques and semi-supervised learning.
Spoken Language Translation via Phoneme Representation of the Source Language
Polák, Peter ; Bojar, Ondřej (advisor) ; Peterek, Nino (referee)
We refactor the traditional two-step approach of automatic speech recognition for spoken language translation. Instead of conventional graphemes, we use phonemes as an intermediate speech representation. Starting with the acoustic model, we revise the cross-lingual transfer and propose a coarse-to-fine method providing further speed-up and performance boost. Further, we review the translation model. We experiment with source and target encoding, boosting the robustness by utilizing the fine-tuning and transfer across ASR and SLT. We empirically document that this conventional setup with an alternative representation not only performs well on standard test sets but also provides robust transcripts and translations on challenging (e.g., non-native) test sets. Notably, our ASR system outperforms commercial ASR systems. 1
Exploring Benefits of Transfer Learning in Neural Machine Translation
Kocmi, Tom ; Bojar, Ondřej (advisor) ; van Genabith, Josef (referee) ; Cuřin, Jan (referee)
Title: Exploring Benefits of Transfer Learning in Neural Machine Translation Author: Tom Kocmi Department: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Ondřej Bojar, Ph.D., Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Keywords: transfer learning, machine translation, deep neural networks, low-resource languages Abstract: Neural machine translation is known to require large numbers of parallel train- ing sentences, which generally prevent it from excelling on low-resource lan- guage pairs. This thesis explores the use of cross-lingual transfer learning on neural networks as a way of solving the problem with the lack of resources. We propose several transfer learning approaches to reuse a model pretrained on a high-resource language pair. We pay particular attention to the simplicity of the techniques. We study two scenarios: (a) when we reuse the high-resource model without any prior modifications to its training process and (b) when we can prepare the first-stage high-resource model for transfer learning in advance. For the former scenario, we present a proof-of-concept method by reusing a model trained by other researchers. In the latter scenario, we present a method which reaches even larger improvements in translation performance. Apart from proposed techniques, we focus on an...

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