National Repository of Grey Literature 25,463 records found  beginprevious25454 - 25463  jump to record: Search took 0.76 seconds. 

Simulation of network element in Matlab environment
Kuchár, Peter ; Vymazal, Michal (referee) ; Vychodil, Petr (advisor)
Master’s thesis is dedicated to the issue of network element. In the first part are described technological aspects as the internal structure of network elements and control mechanisms that provide differentiaton of services and support their quality requirements. In the first chapter are listed control mechanisms from most simple like FIFO to the more sophisticated like CBWFQ. Active queue managements are not missing and they are described in the section Riadiaci člen. Significant role in the differentiation of services have processes marking and pakets classification. The second chapter is devoted most promising standard DiffServ. Contains section devoted to architecture, paket marking, code point DSCP and the final part is devoted to the types of per-hop behavior and it is expedited forwarding EF and technique assured forwarding AF. The third chapter gives an overview common models of neural networks, their properties and assess their suitability for deployment in network elements. The routher design itself and its structure in programming environment Matlab/Simulink is the subject of the fourth chapter. Except used bloks from Simulink library is described their setting and function in the wiring. Consequently results are reviewied and conclusions drawn.

Ukraine`s integration into EU transport systems
Smolyanyuk, Olha ; Sato, Alexej (advisor) ; Halík, Jaroslav (referee)
The work introduces the different types of transport in the Ukraine, their development and peculiarities, gives an overview of their importance for foreign trade. The individual chapters describe specific transport development in Ukraine, characteristics of transport network, the participation of Ukraine in international conventions, the participation of Ukraine in international transport corridors, problems and prospects of transport in Ukraine

The role of Chamber of Commerce in Austrian Exports
Koráb, Jan ; Gullová, Soňa (advisor) ; Laschoberová, Libuše (referee)
Austria, a small Central European economy belongs to the winners of globalization. Its involvement in world's international trade has been remarkable and is generally seen as one of the crucial factors of its GDP growth. Austrian exporters have become an example of efficiency for all the other in-county industries, as well as a proud of leading politicians. The Austrian Chamber of Commerce is self-managed and led by its members, not only big, but in over 90 %, small and medium size enterprises. Internationalization and the support of barrier free international trade belong among its most important goals. Therefore the Chamber of Commerce founded its International Trade Branch, which has a network of 108 offices worldwide and aims to be the world's biggest organization of a kind. This network supports Austrian entrepreneurs in developing their international business activities.

Financial Analysis of Agricultural Cooperative Budišov
Jaša, Stanislav ; Krause, Josef (advisor) ; Vochozka, Marek (referee)
Evaluation of the financial health of an agricultural business in Vysočina region related to selective examinations of FADN - Farm Accountancy Data Network - using models of rentability, activity, liquidity and insolvency. Trend assesment of assets, liabilities and equity using horizontal analysis and evaluation of the structure of assets, liabilities and equity by the vertical analysis. Eventually, reference calculation of EVA model using Ministery of Industry and Trade model.

IP telephony for medium and large companies
Jirák, Tomáš ; Pokorný, Pavel (advisor) ; Jelínek, Jiří (referee)
In this graduation thesis wants introduce possibilities of voice transportation in IP networks like Internet. There are described behaviors of IP network, internet connectivity possibilities, voice protocols included Skype and economical outputs. There are mapped positives and negatives of technology including implementation issues. All economic comparisons are made to Telefonica O2 Czech Republic Inc., which is still telecommunication company with majority in the Czech Republic. There are compared samples of VoIP providers with preferences like company live time, lowest cost and guaranteed quality. Description starts with model situation and continues to real case studies. Case studies describe economic calculation, implementation and target analysis. There are three case studies: small company with fast migration in one time, medium company witch accelerated migration in two steps and large company with conservative and control migration in three steps.

Trh s elektřinou v České Republice (teorie a praxe)
Pavlátka, Pavel ; Schwarz, Jiří (advisor) ; Brychta, Pavel (referee)
Liberalization and privatization of the electricity industry is one of the most important processes in the few last years. Even when the electricity market is fully open, substantial barriers to competition often remain. These barriers are refusal of access to the market, the lack of capacity in interconnectors and long-term contracts. The process of liberalization has shown that a third-party access to the network is a critical and important factor in ensuring a real and effective liberalization of the market. The process of liberalization has also supported new ways and forms of energy trading including financial contracts instead of purely physical contracts for the delivery of electricity. It is a question if the benefits of liberalization of the electricity industry compared with a regulated private monopoly or public monopoly were profitable. Someone could argue that the liberalization of electricity tends to bring benefit to monopoly structures and increase prices of electricity in industry. This work tries to present the pros and cons of liberalization in the electricity industry while taking in consideration the best means of making the liberatization as much profitable and useful as possible.

The burial-ground of early Roman period in Ohnišťany (distr. Hradec Králové)
Černý, Martin ; Salač, Vladimír (referee) ; Košnar, Lubomír (advisor)
This BA dissertation evaluates archeological discoveries from a burial-ground dated back to the early Roman period which was discovered during a ploughing 1,4 km southeastern far from a village Ohnišťany (Distr. Hradec Králové). Most of the findings became a part of a depository of National Museum in Prague (56 finds). Eight graves with brooches, knifes, scissors and weapons are preserved. The disturbed graves have afforded a number of romanprovincial imports - bronze vessels (for example a service of a dipper and a strainer of a type Eggers 162 with a stamp of a producer C MANSVANNII) and brooches from eastern and western provinces. Distance contacts from territory of Baltic tribes are documented by a belt fastener. In the place of a present village a contemporary settlement is evidenced by field observations. The large number of imports evidently relate to a very good connection with a trade network.

Logistic and logistic chains in the context of transport infrastructure development in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on road infrastructure
Svoboda, Lukáš ; Zelený, Lubomír (advisor) ; Klee, Lukáš (referee) ; Kleprlík, Jaroslav (referee)
The transport infrastructure facilitates the development of national economies not only in Europe but all over the world. Stagnating transport network development, along with stagnating modernisation of such networks caused by a lack of funds and associated with the absence of modern approach and technology within the construction and operation, has a fatal impact on the advancement of trade, industry and, ultimately, the development of the state itself. The dissertation thesis aims to describe and verify the way the heavy road infrastructure development supports the economy of the whole country, regions and economic entities. At the same time, the thesis strives to examine whether the construction completion accelerates the development and building of logistic centres in the vicinity of such big highways, and the manner the commissioning of such buildings is reflected in traffic intensity changes inland and at the borders.

Protection of three dimensional trade marks and designs
Čech, Jakub ; Růžička, Michal (advisor) ; Pítra, Vladimír (referee)
Resumé Protection of Three-Dimensional Trade Marks and Designs The aim of this work was to examine the registration requirements of three- dimensional trade marks and designs, to compare the rights and protection conferred by each of these forms of intellectual property and to observe the interaction of trade mark and design when their subject matter is identical or similar. First part of this work focuses on the questions regarding the registration requirements of the three-dimensional trade marks. The work looks closely on what constitutes a sign and which absolute grounds for refusal of registration are mostly employed when dealing with the three-dimensional trade marks. Furthermore this work looks at exclusion of registration of certain types of shapes, on the requirement of good faith when applying for trade mark registration and briefly at the average consumer. The landmark cases cited in this part of the work are Dyson v Registrar of Trade Marks, Philips v Remington, Henkel v OHIM, Lego v OHIM and Lindt v Franz Hauswirth. Second part of this work looks at the definition of design and its relationship to product itself. It also looks at the background of design protection and closely at the registration requirements of designs, namely the novelty requirement, the individual character and exclusion of...

Concepts of management and trade-off with risks and their criticality rates with regard to subject targets
Procházková, Dana
The paper passes judgement of five concepts of work with risks that are used in managerial and engineering disciplines, according to their capability to ensure the safe community. The results of multi criteria assessment confirmed that recent concepts having the high demands on finance, knowledge, technology and material and also of managerial capabilities of entities governance ensure the safe community by the best way.