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Advertisement Regulation in the European Community Law
Novotná, Alžběta ; Pavlok, Jan (advisor) ; Mikeš, Jiří (referee)
Advertisement plays an important role in the life of companies and it is understandable that there can be advertisements created, which will try to gain benefits for the company in various ways, causing damage to other competitors or to consumers included. A logical reaction is the creation of legal and ethical regulation in order to prevent this. Advertisement regulation exists on national level and in the course of the european integration development also a regulation on the community level has been created, especially in form of directives that have to be incorporated into member states' national legislation. Some of the directives allow the states to preserve stricter provisions, unless they are in conflict with the Treaty establishing the European Community, whereas in others the principle of maximal harmonisation is applied, forbidding stricter regulation. This diploma thesis describes legal regulation in the Czech Republic and the European Union as well as ethical regulation on the domestic and european level. It introduces the most important statutes and directives. One part is completely focused on self-regulation in the area of advertising. The last chapter then outlines possibilities of protection against advertisements that violate the mentioned legal and ethical standards by means of judicial or other authorities and self-regulation.

Poláčková, Eliška ; Halada, Jan (advisor) ; Ježek, Jiří (referee)
This work primarily deals with situation of non-profit sphere in Czech republic. Concretely, I focus on communication activities of the Rakovina věc veřejná foundation in year 2010. In the first part I addres the historical and present situation in non-profit sphere in Czech republic. I accent especially non-profit organisations, which are dealing with cancer diseases,which represents the Rakovina věc veřejná foundation as well. The third part is about the importance of public relations. Next part is about event marketing, which is being widely used and plays very important role by gaining the financial assets. I assess two main events, which the foundation Rakovina věc veřejná presented in year 2010. The fifth part deals with internet communication, which is presented through web pages of the Rakovina věc veřejná foundation and its profile on social network Facebook. Also grows the popularity of celebrity marketing, which is analysed in chapter six. Chapter seven handles with the importance of sponzoring for the Rakovina věc veřejná foundation. Last chapter is focused on competition between the Rakovina věc veřejná foundation and organisation Liga proti rakovině Praha. Through SWOT analysis I recommend certain changes in the communication of the Rakovina věc veřejná foundation.

European economy and its importance in the world economy
Kútna, Dominika ; Cihelková, Eva (advisor) ; Bič, Josef (referee)
Bachelor thesis European economy and its importance in the world economy is focused on the place of economy of European union in the world and its current influence. The target of this thesis is to define, whether the economy of European Union is enough strong to become global leader. The thesis aims in the first chapter on the general characteristics of economy of European Union from the view of macroeconomic indicators and its current status. The second chapter pays attention to external economic relationships of the European Union with its biggest trade partners. The next aim of this chapter is to mention the world economic gain and potential, which can be strategic for European union in the future. Third chapter is linking for the two former and answers the final question, whether the economy of European union is global player and in which questions plays the key role. Final part of my thesis targets the future European Union and its next movement that can influence not only the economy of EU, but also the rest of the world.

Conduct disorders as a result of specific learning disorders
This thesis focuses on relationship between specific learning disorders and conduct disorders in puberty. The theoretical part explains the basic terms apearing in the thesis such as specific learning disorders, conduct disorders, puberty and prevention of conduct disorder formation. It presents Czech and foreign research which have already been done in this and related areas. The empirical part uses a quantitative method to measure anxiety and occurrence of conduct disorders in second grade students in 2. ZŠ in Třeboň and ZŠ Londýnská in Prague. Data gained from children with specific learning disorder are compared with data from children without disorder.

Possibilities and Prospects of E-learning in Lifelong Education of Nurses
Czech health care and nursing is undergoing a significant transformation during the last years and it touches the changes in the education of health professionals. There are changing demands on the training, on the knowledge level and also on the graduate profile in accordance with the recommendations of the Europlan Union. Following these recommendations the requirements of lifelong education of nurses are also profiled. E-learning education is an important tool in use in the educational process of nursing and an effort to use processes of nursing care based on evidence.The aim of the study was to determine how nurses use e-learning in lifelong education and whether nurses prefer classical forms of education to e-learning, to map whether they have possibilities of e-learning within the facilities they work in and whether there is a sufficient supply of e-learning courses supporting lifelong education of nurses in the Czech Republic. The last goal of the study was to create an e-learning course focused on specific problems at the orthopedic ward of the Hospital Tábor, a.s. In relation to the objectives the following hypotheses were designed: H1-Nurses with university education use e-learning more than non-graduates. H2-Nurses with university education consider e-learning in clinical practice for more beneficial than traditional forms of education, unlike non-graduate nurses. H3-Nurses with clinical practice shorter than 5 years prefer e-learning more often than nurses with practice longer than 5 years. For the thesis was selected a quantitave survey form using anonymous questionnaries that were distributed electronically to the individual clinical departments. The research sample consisted of registered nurses according to Act 96/2004 Coll., As amended, from specialized outpatient clinical departments of 16 providers of medical facilities in the Czech Republic. The questionnaries were processed by matrix method in Excel 2013 and the results were converted into graphs and tables using descriptive statistics. A statistical evaluation of hypotheses was made as well. Hypotheses were tested by chi-square test in contingency tables. The selected level of significance was 5%.Results: Nurses mostly use e-learning to get professional information for nursing care. The most common reason for not using or even rejection of e-learning by nurses is that this form of education does not suit them. Most nurses do not have the opportunity to e-learning in facilities where they work and also they cannot implement the knowledge gained by e-learning. The offer of e-learning courses over time is constantly changing and evolving, some courses have even completely disappeared. A course offer is sufficient, although nurses miss some types of courses. There was to create an e-learning course "Collection of biological material, or how not make mistakes in the pre-analytic phase" focusing on specific problematic aspects of blood collection within the medical facility Hospital Tábor,a.s. The results of the survey will be together with the e-learning course given to the leading management of the Hospital Tábor,a. s.

Passportisation views of parents for mandatory vaccinations of children
ČERNÁ, Lenka
The bachelor thesis on "Passportisation of parents´ opinions on compulsory child vaccination" deals with child vaccination itself and subsequently it identifies and mutually compares social context with parents´ opinions and attitudes towards compulsory and non-compulsory vaccination. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and an empirical part. In the theoretical part I deal with theoretical observations of given problem and the practical part is focused straightaway on parents´ individual attitudes towards child vaccination. The goal of this thesis is to find out parents´ of up to 5 year-old´s opinions on the vaccination of older children. I extended my thesis in more goals that were trying to find out the relations between social questions and between supporters and opponents of compulsory and non-compulsory vaccination. To reach the set goals I used a quantitative research method and I picked a questionnaire survey among the parents of children of different ages, to be the method. I have come to that social status is not decisive for the decision of parents during the compulsory and non-compulsory vaccinations. I have found out that almost all parents of children up to the age of five years do agree with a compulsory child vaccination, but an absolute majority was against a non-compulsory vaccination. Almost half of all respondents who had children older than the age of 5 years voted for a compulsory vaccination. An interesting outcome of my research is that respondents who have disagreed with a compulsory vaccination have gained a secondary school diploma. The results have been processed into tables and summed up in a discussions where I compared some of them with similar research results from the years of 2012 and 2015. I included my own opinion within the discussion, as well as a solution proposal for the given problem. In the conclusion I have summed up the whole thesis. The research results may be published in magazines or may serve as an information source for experts, or even as a back-up material for respondents.

Extraction, separation and identification of anthocyans in skin of red cultivars of Vitis vinifera
Watzková, Jarmila ; Vespalcová, Milena (referee) ; Hrstka, Miroslav (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with application of pressurized liquid extraction (PFE) on grape skins of Vitis vinifera cultivars Alibernet and Svatovavřinecké to gain extraction of anthocyanin pigments in the form of 3-monoglucosides. This thesis deals with comparison efficiency pressurized liquid extraction (PFE) for the range temperatures 40–120 °C and the Soxhlet extraction with four extraction solvents. The identification of the anthocyanin pigments by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC/DAD) based on Synergi C12 column separation (Phenomenex) was performed. The anthocyanin pigments were identified at wavelength 520 nm. The complete amount of anthocyanin pigments grape skins was depended on the extraction solvent and temperature in range 0,38–244,06 mg/g for cultivar Alibernet and 0,28–105,01 mg/g for cultivar Svatovavřinecké. The contents of anthocyanin pigments was determined in the samples of wine both cultivars in the range 3,83–2836,84 mg/l too. PFE followed by HPLC/DAD employing Synergi C12 column provides relatively fast, quantitative and reproducible determination of anthocyanins in grape skins and wines.

Innovative Marketing Trends as a Response to the Changing Consumers
Keskin, Kaan ; Král, Petr (advisor) ; Tisovski, Marija (referee)
In recent years, innovation and the subsequent technological advancements have gained significance in shaping consumer behavior to a disruptive extent. Especially with the advancements in mobile technology, consumer behaviors shifted towards an elevated expectation of mobility and increased interactivity. Marketers who seek a better degree of access to the consumer market and provide customer satisfaction needed to adopt new tools and methods in communication, which would align with their target groups more effectively. Mobile marketing emerged as an innovative technique that is based on and driven by this change in consumer behavior; therefore it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of its approach and implementation. In this light, this research paper employs a quantitative approach based on the results' analysis of an online survey conducted by the Author of the thesis, aimed at testing whether there is a strong correlation between mobile marketing efforts and customer satisfaction. Consequently, one can conclude that the same mobile devices that serve as convenience for consumers, serve as an effective channel of communication for marketers, whereas with an integrated approach where other components of the marketing mix support mobile content, the likeliness of attaining consumer satisfaction is higher.

Food supplements and iodine supplementation in pregnancy
Iodine is a trace element tremendously important for thyroid gland hormone production. It affects normal evolution of brain, especially in the time of intrauterine development and in the first year of child's life. Deficiency of iodine can lead to creation of pregnancy goiter, it also decrease the probability of carrying fetus to term and increase the probability of disorder in psycho-motoric evolution of child. Czech Republic is geographically lined up among the regions with lack of iodine in natural sources and food. However, nowadays the iodine deficiency is considered to be managed. But risk groups of population still exists, especially pregnant women can be endangered by lack of iodine, because the need of iodine intake in pregnancy increases to 200 250 ug per day and this level must be ensured. Consumption of food rich in iodine can cover the increased need of iodine. Significant source of iodine is milk and milk products. Another source is table salt enriched with iodine, but its daily intake is limited. Rich sources of iodine like sea fish, sea products and seaweed rarely occur in our diet. The goal of thesis was to evaluate intake of dietary supplements with iodine by pregnant women and evaluate women's awareness of higher iodine need and iodine food sources. Quantitative research in form of questionnaires was chosen for getting information from higher number of individuals. The questionnaire consists of 15 questions. Answers were gained from 118 respondents living in Central Bohemia, Moravia-Silesia region, Liberec region, region Highlands and South Bohemia. Questionnaire was distributed to gynecological ambulances by employees of State health institution. I visited gynecological ambulances in South Bohemia personally. By evaluation of questionnaire was found out that dietary supplement with iodine use 63 % pregnant women in researched population. All respondents always use only one type of dietary supplement. Among the most used belong "Chytré miminko", "GS mamavit" and "Femibion 800". 68 % of respondents know the importance of higher iodine intake in time of pregnancy. Question about daily recommended dosage was correctly answered only by 35 % of respondents. As a food sources of iodine the pregnant women know sea fishes, sea products, seaweed and table salt enriched with iodine. But 90 % of respondents are not familiar with milk and milk products as important source of iodine. Pregnant women should be better informed about importance of sufficient supply of iodine and about sources of iodine by gynecological ambulances. Information about mentioned issues should occur in magazines, education materials and internet articles more often. Respondents were notified of issues and important role of iodine in time of pregnancy by questionnaire. It is very probable that women found correct answers on the internet or in publication for expectant mothers after filling in the questionnaire.

Reportér - new magazine in the era of media convergence
Svobodová, Anežka ; Jirků, Jan (advisor) ; Osvaldová, Barbora (referee)
The era of media convergence brings new challenges for traditional media. Print magazines don't want to lose their readers, who are moving towards on-line media. The readership of print media is decreasing. Through internet, people gained access to information and therefore they push media to publish news as soon as possible. The emphasis on speed and effectivity is in conflict with presenting only information that have been doublechecked. This thesis is focused on analysing new Czech magazine Reportér, that was launched in year 2014. The magazine presents slow-journalism trend and offers timeless reading. It's the first magazine with this concept on Czech market. Every month it brings readers reportages from business, culture or society. Reportér magazine has also an on-line version. It includes all issues of the magazine that have ever been published, as well, as special stories that are only on-line. For this thesis, a research have been provided. Its goal was to find out whether are people interested in subscribing for digital archive of some print media and what is their attitude towards new media. The research have shown that people mostly use on-line news websites as sources. They are not interested in purchasing digital form of print media.