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Nakládání s biologicky rozložitelnými odpady formou kompostování
Svobodová, Anežka
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to describe and characterize the composting process as a way of handling biodegradable waste. The bachelor thesis will list the most important concepts and legislation related to biodegradable waste. Brief description of the ways of handling biodegradable waste. Further elaborated statistical data on the production and management of biodegradable waste in the Czech Republic and neighboring countries. Characteristics of the composting process. In the practical part, this is a description of the composting process at a selected composting plant. As an example, I chose a composting plant in Boskovice, which will be briefly described.
Analýza nakládání s odpady ve vybraných obcích svazku obcí Tišnovsko
Svobodová, Anežka
The submitted diploma thesis deals with the analysis of waste management in se-lected municipalities of the Tišnov region. The first part is devoted to legal regulations related to the issue of waste generated in the municipality. Furthermore, this work describes the possibilities of waste management generated in the municipality. The practical part is focused on waste management in individual municipalities. The resul-ting data are processed, for greater clarity, using graphs and tables.
Motivation and Remuneration in the Selected Company
Svobodová, Anežka ; Konečná, Zdeňka (referee) ; Konečný, Štěpán (advisor)
The dissertation deals with the motivation, satisfaction and reward of employees in a selected company. The thesis consists of three parts. The theoretical part discusses the concepts related to the topic and serves as a theoretical basis for the analytical and proposal part. The analytical part introduces the company and analyses its current situation. This is followed by data collection in the form of an interview. After evaluating the results, the proposal part makes suggestions and recommendations for changes to increase employee satisfaction and performance.
Electrospinning and characterization of fibrous structure for piezoapplications
Svobodová, Anežka ; Kaštyl, Jaroslav (referee) ; Částková, Klára (advisor)
The master’s thesis deals with the preparation and characterization of PVDF-based composite fibrous layers prepared by electrospinning. Ceramic particles TiO2, BaTiO3 and BCZT were used as fillers. The fibers were prepared containing 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% of these particles and then their morphology, piezoactive phase representation and dielectric characterization were characterized. The effect of the presence of particles on the fiber diameter and on the crystallinity fraction of the polymer was shown. Particle size significantly influenced their distribution in the fibers. Piezoelectric particles further influenced the content of electroactive phases beta and gamma. The highest proportion of electroactive phases was determined in BaTiO3 filled fibers, which reached up to 98%. For the BaTiO3 filled fibers, the dielectric constant values were also measured, which reached lower values than expected due to the high porosity of the prepared fibers The as-prepared fibers can be considered promising not only for piezoapplications, therefore, optimization of their preparation and measurement of electrical characteristics will be further studied.
Rail materials and profiles in rail transportation
Svobodová, Anežka ; Kvarda, Daniel (referee) ; Galas, Radovan (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis is focused on the issue of the choice of rail materials and profiles. The aim is to give a comprehensive overview of the current situation in Czech Republic and some other foreign countries. The first part is dedicated to rail steels with description of structure, current usage and indication of the scopes of consecutive development. In the second part, there are described the most frequent profiles, their history and the current state. This thesis includes also discussion part which compares current problems and requirements that can be significant to some possible research.
Sales Promotion and Advertising of Company
Svobodová, Anežka ; Havíř, David (referee) ; Mráček, Pavel (advisor)
The bachelor’s thesis focuses on the subject of online marketing communication of the company Sýry & Vína Večerka. It aims particularly at sales promotion and advertising. The thesis is based on the information described in the first, theoretical part of the thesis. The practical part examines and evaluates the current state of company, competing companies and at the end is supplemented by marekting research. Based on the obtained results from analyses, changes are suggested to adjust the online communication mix.
Sales Promotion and Advertising of Company
Svobodová, Anežka ; Havíř, David (referee) ; Mráček, Pavel (advisor)
The bachelor’s thesis focuses on the subject of online marketing communication of the company Sýry & Vína Večerka. It aims particularly at sales promotion and advertising. The thesis is based on the information described in the first, theoretical part of the thesis. The practical part examines and evaluates the current state of company, competing companies and at the end is supplemented by marekting research. Based on the obtained results from analyses, changes are suggested to adjust the online communication mix.
Electrospinning and characterization of fibrous structure for piezoapplications
Svobodová, Anežka ; Kaštyl, Jaroslav (referee) ; Částková, Klára (advisor)
The master’s thesis deals with the preparation and characterization of PVDF-based composite fibrous layers prepared by electrospinning. Ceramic particles TiO2, BaTiO3 and BCZT were used as fillers. The fibers were prepared containing 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% of these particles and then their morphology, piezoactive phase representation and dielectric characterization were characterized. The effect of the presence of particles on the fiber diameter and on the crystallinity fraction of the polymer was shown. Particle size significantly influenced their distribution in the fibers. Piezoelectric particles further influenced the content of electroactive phases beta and gamma. The highest proportion of electroactive phases was determined in BaTiO3 filled fibers, which reached up to 98%. For the BaTiO3 filled fibers, the dielectric constant values were also measured, which reached lower values than expected due to the high porosity of the prepared fibers The as-prepared fibers can be considered promising not only for piezoapplications, therefore, optimization of their preparation and measurement of electrical characteristics will be further studied.
Rail materials and profiles in rail transportation
Svobodová, Anežka ; Kvarda, Daniel (referee) ; Galas, Radovan (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis is focused on the issue of the choice of rail materials and profiles. The aim is to give a comprehensive overview of the current situation in Czech Republic and some other foreign countries. The first part is dedicated to rail steels with description of structure, current usage and indication of the scopes of consecutive development. In the second part, there are described the most frequent profiles, their history and the current state. This thesis includes also discussion part which compares current problems and requirements that can be significant to some possible research.
Increasing age of primigravidae in the Czech Republic
Svobodová, Anežka ; Kulhavá, Miluše (advisor) ; Lukášová Jeřábková, Lenka (referee)
Increasing age of primigravidae is discussed topic nowdays. It's a trend that also affects the Czech Republic - The Czech Statistical Office shows that the process of increasing age of primigravidae progresses since 1990 till now and that is why I consider it important to talk about this issue. The main objective of this work is to determine the causes of the increasing age of primigravidae in the Czech Republic. Sub-objectives are: to determine if socioeconomic factors are reasons for delaying childbirth, to determine whether delaying childbirth is the cause of the emancipation of women and whether the decision of delaying childbirth is affected by low knowledge of risks associated with late childbirths (for both mother and child). The work consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part consists of three parts and each of them is related to one objective. The first part is dedicated to changes during pregnancy and pregnancy of old primigravidae. The second part analyses family policy in the Czech Republic and the third part describes status of women in the Czech Republic. The research part is implemented in the Highlands region and in Prague, these two parts has been compared. As a research method I have chosen quantitative method of anonymous questionnaire. The...

National Repository of Grey Literature : 12 records found   1 - 10next  jump to record:
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