National Repository of Grey Literature 2,534 records found  beginprevious2525 - 2534  jump to record: Search took 0.13 seconds. 

Physiological role of SIGIRR in early embryonic development.
Hanusová, Zdeňka ; Filipp, Dominik (advisor) ; Brdička, Tomáš (referee)
IL-1 receptor/Toll-like receptor (IL-1R/TLR) supefamily represents a group of proteins that share highly conserved TIR domain in their cytoplasmic region. Signal transduction mediated by TIR-containing proteins involves the activation of NF-κB transcription factor and thus the members of this superfamily play a key role in many physiological responses related to innate immune defense and inflammation. SIGIRR (single immunoglobulin IL1R-related molecule) is a recently discovered member of the IL-1R family, however it differs from the other group members by its unique structural features. SIGIRRhas been so far considered to be an 'orphan' receptor as no SIGIRR ligand has been identified yet. Moreover, SIGIRR itself is not capable to induce the NF-κB activation. Instead, SIGIRR is supposed to act as a negative regulator for IL- 1Rs/TLRs mediated inflammation. Its inhibitory function has been implemented in several signalling pathways in various cell types and tissues including the kidney, the digestive tract and the lung. Recent reports also suggest that SIGIRR could play a role in early embryonic development. The main aim of this thesis is to characterize the mechanism how SIGIRR negative regulatory function in IL-1R/TLR signalling pathway is delivered. Here we describe the establishment of...

Integration of clonal plants in heterogeneous environment
Vinšová, Jana ; Weiser, Martin (advisor) ; Macek, Petr (referee)
Clonal plants may be able to cope with spatial and temporal heterogeneity due to the physiological integration of ramets. To begin with, I discuss basic characteristics of clonal plants and then I provide a review of theoretical and empirical work dealing with the advantages and disadvantages of clonal growth in heterogenous conditions. Three main traits - translocation of resources, division of labour and foraging - are examined in terms of their contribution to the success of clonal plants. Despite a large amount of attention which this topic has received in the past few decades, a number of issues still remain unclear.

Diversity, phylogeny and biology of various strains of Cryptosporidium muris
The morphological, biological, and molecular characteristics of various isolates of Cryptosporidium muris, namely HZ206 and TS03 were described. Oocysts of C. muris TS03 measuring 7.77 ? 0.23 × 5.20 ? 0.08 ?m with a length to width ratio of 1.48 ? 0.02 (n = 100) were morphometrically larger than C. muris HZ206 oocysts measuring 7.62 ? 0.40 × 6.63 ? 0.09 ?m; 1.32 ? 0.02 (n = 100) (p=0.034). Oocysts of both C. muris TS03 and HZ206 isolates obtained from naturally infected Tachyoryctes splendens and Mus musculus musculus, respectively, were infectious for na?ve 8-week-old Mastomys coucha. While the prepatent period of C. muris TS03 was 19-21 days post infection (DPI) and the animals did not lost infection within 120 DPI, animals infected with HZ206 start to shed oocysts 13-15 DPI with patent period 63-112 DPI. The accumulated value of infection intensity (AUC) in TS03 infected animals ranged from 250,000,000 to 800,000,000 oocysts per patent period (OPP) and HZ206 from 11,000,000 to 35,000,000 OPP. Histologically, a massive infection of cryptosporidia was detected in the glandular epithelium of stomach. Histopathological changes had a non-inflammatory character and included distinctive dilatation of infected parts of the glands with atrophy and metaplasia of the glandular epithelial cells. Infection with TS03 influenced the size of the stomach. While physiological weight of stomach of na?ve 12-week old mastomys and those infected with HZ206 were 0.61 ? 0.06 g and 0.70 ? 0.17 g,respectively, abnormal enlargement of stomach was observed in animals infected with TS03 (3.23 ? 0.51 g). There was no effect on feed intake among tested groups. Phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit rRNA, actin, MS1, MS2, MS3 and MS16 gene sequences revealed that C. muris TS03 is genetically distinct from other C. muris isolates. In conclusion, morphological, genetic, and biological data support the establishment of Cryptosporidium muris TS03 as a new species.

Stanovení sklizňového termínu jablek
Suková, Barbora
The goal of this thesis which is called "Determination of the harvest date of apples" was find out a dependences between fabric components during maturation period. Four species of apples were selected (Idared, Golida, Topaz and Golden Delicous) in practise part. The samples were collected in eight terms. From each cultivar was taken five fruit. The fruits were analysed by quality parameters (titrable acids, soluble solids, firmness of the flesh and determination of starch). The main goal was identify the most appropriate parameter for assessment maturity at given cutivars. The basic parameter of apples were desribed in theory part, then better storage of fruit, new trends in storage or physioloical disease of apples in storage. Methods to determine the date of matury are described (Streife index, measuring the activity of physiological important gases).

Role of proteins of Bcl family on oncogyneacology
Lidová, Lenka ; Svoboda, Petr (referee) ; Švandová, Ivana (advisor)
The Bcl-2 protein family consists of about 20 homologues important for stimulation and inhibition of apoptosis. The ratio between pro- and antiapoptotic regulators predetermines fate of the cells. Apoptosis is a physiological form of cell death which plays an important role in tissue development and maintenance of tissue homeostasis. By the apoptotic way are eliminated redundant cells and cells which can damage the organism. Cells undergo apoptosis through two major apoptotic pathways - the extrinsic or the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. Apoptotic cells are characterised by specific changes - nuclear, plasma membrane, mitochondrial etc. The contents of dead cells are packaged into apoptotic bodies. These are then recognized by macrophages and cleared by phagocytosis. Dysregulation of apoptosis may lead to many malignant, autoimmune or degenerative diseases and some developmental defect. Understanding the mechanisms of apoptosis can be an important part of the diagnostics and therapy in oncology.

Physiological Characteristics of Upper Body Speed-Power Skills in Cross Country Skiing
Matuszná, Lenka ; Heller, Jan (advisor) ; Melichna, Jan (referee)
Title of thesis: Physiological Characteristics of Upper Body Speed-Power Skills in Cross Country Skiing. Aim of the project: Aim of my study was to prepare, develop and evaluate obtained information of anaerobic capacities diagnostic in cross country skiing in different drill periods of the year, and to extract conclusions for training practice of elite trainers and of other coaches. Method: Measurements passed at the biomedical laboratory of Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in the spring, where monitored cross-country skiers passed the maximal test on a running treadmill and Wingate test on a specialized upper-body ergometer. Results will be recorded and subsequently evaluated according to defined methodology. Next measurement was realized on roller skis in terrain. There were evaluated double poling ski techniques. These fitness tests occurred in spring and in autumn. Results: The study documented meaning relevance of physiological diagnostic for cross- country skiers at laboratory and terrain. Physiological capacity of double polling in roller skiing and double polling imitation on ergometer, assessed distance and anaerobic capacity overcome, was statistically significant. The higher cross-country skier had effort, the more he achieved to have distance moved. The relation expressed by the...

Molecular mechanisms of signal transduction by the ERK signaling cascade.
Bráborec, Vojtěch ; Rösel, Daniel (referee) ; Vomastek, Tomáš (advisor)
The MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) cascade represents an evolutionary conserved mechanism by which cells sense extracellular signals and convert them into variety of context-dependent responses. The best studied member of the MAPK protein family is protein kinase ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase). Together with protein kinases Raf and MEK (MAPK/ERK kinase) comprise a prototypical signaling pathway which regulates broad-spectrum of biological processes such as cellular proliferation, differentiation, cellular migration, adhesion or apoptosis. To modulate such a multitude of distinct responses by a single pathway, cells utilize mechanisms such as signal strength and duration, distinct protein localization, communication with other signaling pathways, differential substrate selection and the selection of interactive partners. All presented means of regulation are influenced by proteins with non-enzymatic functions - scaffold proteins, protein inhibitors and anchoring proteins. These protein modulators channel the signals leading to particular cellular response, and thus represent the key element of signal transduction. Despite increasing importance of protein modulators in cellular signaling, their biological roles remain mostly unknown. The physiological importance of protein modulators is...

Physiological Principle of Neurorehabilitation : Diffuse Cerebral Hypoxia
Altmanová, Jana ; Angerová, Yvona (advisor) ; Pitrmanová, Věra (referee)
OF BACHELOR THESIS Title: Physiological principle of neurorehabilitation Subtitle: Diffuse cerebral hypoxia Abstract of Bachelor thesis: This experimental work deals with the verification of a hypothesis that secondary brain changes induced by hypoxia can be influenced by neurorehabilitation. The aim is to determinate the effect of motor training in combination with erythropoietin and enriched environment on the functional state of a rat brain after hypoxia. The research subjects was 31 laboratory rats who were exposed to an altitude of 8,000 meters above sea level in hypobaric chamber, which induced diffuse cerebral hypoxia. The studied group of rats was subjected to regular motor training and was compared with the control group which underwent the rehabilitation without motor training. The experiment lasted 8 weeks and took place at the Institute of Physiology, First Faculty of Medicine. Results of the study showed improvement in the functional status of rats that were living in an enriched environment, were applied erythropoietin and underwent daily motor training. The increasing incidence of people who survive brain damage, connected with an oxygen deficiency, increases the importance of monitored dependencies between the neurorehabilitation and the functional state of the organism. The...

Implementation of Experimental Techniques for Preparing of Recombinant Proteins on the Model of CBR3
Reissová, Helena ; Wsól, Vladimír (advisor) ; Novotná, Eva (referee)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biochemical Sciences Candidate: Mgr. Helena Reissová Supervisor: prof. Ing. Vladimír Wsól, Ph.D. Title of rigorous thesis: Implementation of experimental techniques for preparing of recombinant proteins on the model of CBR3. This study was focused on implementation of experimental techniques for preparing of recombinant proteins. As a model protein was used the human carbonyl reductase 3 (CBR3). The recombinant CBR3 is used for numerous metabolic studies and its structure is already well described on both amino acids sequence and structure levels. Several of its substrates have been described, but its physiological functions and its role in metabolism of endogenous substances and xenobiotics are still not sufficiently described. The preparation of the recombinant protein started from isolation of the plasmid carrying its code sequence (vector pOTB7), followed by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with appropriate primers containing restriction sites for the choosen endonucleases. The PCR product was ligated into the amplification vector (pCR® 2.1-TOPO® ) and the vector was multiplied in transformed competent cells. The code sequence was removed from the vector by using restriction endonucleases and subsequently was...