National Repository of Grey Literature 23,912 records found  beginprevious23903 - 23912  jump to record: Search took 2.03 seconds. 

Comparison of evolution of taxation of labour and employers' costs in EU
Charvát, Jakub ; Tepperová, Jana (advisor) ; Peroutka, Vojtěch (referee)
Comparison of evolution of employers' costs and rate of taxation of labour is the subject of this thesis. Employers' costs are considered wages and social security contributions. Amount of these costs was discovered by Amadeus database which contains data published in companies' annual reports and in their financial statements. Analysis was performed with data about 23 EU countries which were available. Implicit tax rate on labour and Average tax wedge were used for quantification of the rate of taxation of labour. Implicit tax rate on labour is published by Eurostat and Average tax wedge is compiled by OECD. The analysis was performed with data about 19 OECD countries of total 23 countries which are compared. Finding of existence of corresponding trend between evolution of employers' costs and evolution of rate of taxation of labour is goal of this thesis. Existence of that trend was not found for most compared countries between years 2007 and 2012.

The Meat Utilization of Rabbit Breed Czech Solver
This master's thesis focuses on the utilization of the Czech Solver, a Czech national rabbit breed, which is registered in The National Programme on Conservation of genetic resources of plants, animals and micro-organisms for Food and Agriculture. The Czech Solver was originally invented to be able to confirm or disprove the purebred origin of the tested animal. This feature is useful for breeders so that compensates for low meat performance breed. Fertility monitored breeding is less than the average fertility medium breeds, among that is the Czech Solver sorted, and significantly lower than the fertility of broiler rabbits. Surveyed individuals have achieved monthly weight gain sampler breeds of rabbits, but fattening period to 2.70 kg live weight ranged from an average of 105 days for semi-intensive rearing system in cages to 135 days at a traditional pens housing system farming, which is at least 27 days longer than the period of fattening broiler rabbits. Average growth rates were observed in the amount of 19.7 g in traditional breeding and 20.6 g in semi-intensive farming. Because the rabbits were slaughtered when reaching 2.70 kg live weight, were at abattoir analysis revealed no statistically significant differences between males and females or between traditional and semi-intensive farming. Slaughter analysis confirmed the breed Czech Solver average percentages of the intermediate part, fore and hind parts of the carcass and a higher proportion of kidney fat compared to other breeds of rabbits included in the genetic resources and compared with broiler breeds.

Analysis of the meat performance of Sumava sheep in herd Michlova Huť
At the present time in Czech Republic we can see a growing number of sheep farming focused on meat performance. Sheep´s meat has a high quality and we can expect much higher demand for this product in the future despite its minimal present consumption in Czech Republic. Predominant concentration on meat performance of sheep is caused by sheep farmers through several factors that are modesty of meat breed, relatively easy farming technology and a wide range of marketing opportunities. At the same time it´s possible to combine this breeding way with the breeding of other animals and with various profit-making activities. The goal of this Bachelor thesis was an analysis of the meat performance level in herd of Sumava sheep in Michlova Huť. For this purpose I used information from the year 2009, 2010 and 2011, from which I deduced conclusions about this Sumava sheep farming. Based on these results the basic breeder recommendations to breeder community were deduced. Based on this analysis I found out, that the greatest average daily mass increase reached lambs in the year 2010 while the smallest values were noted in the year 2011. Concretely we see than the value of meat performance 216, 39 g/day in 2010 and the value 161, 25 g/day in 2011. The next conclusion is that there was no significant influence of paternal line on lamb´s meat performance during the observed period (2009, 2010 and 2011). Breed´s economy is on this farm very advantageous because there is the sheep farming combined with the raising livestock and other different services in the agriculture part. At the same time there are preferred the long-term strategies connected with the effectiveness and productivity of labour on farm Michlova Huť.

Genetic influenceof Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in mice
Šíma, Matyáš ; Lipoldová, Marie (advisor) ; Krulová, Magdaléna (referee)
Genetic influence of Trypanosoma brucei brucei infection in mice The African trypanosomes are zoonotic parasites transmitted by Tse-Tse flies. Two of the three subspecies, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, cause sleeping sickness in humans whereas the third subspecies, Trypanosoma brucei brucei is not infective to humans. These parasites are members of Kinetoplastida. Trypanosomes are extracellular parasite witch have complex life cycles involving both insect and mammalian hosts. African trypanosomes after infection penetrate mainly vascularized organs and get into brain where cause serious pathology. Parasite can manipulate with immune system of mammal host in wide spectrum of interactions witch are not clearly understood so far. Discovering of a new immune mechanisms, whitch participite in reaction on african trypanosomes, can reveal some general characteristics of immune system. The results of these studies can help to prepare effective drugs and vaccines against this disease. The best way to observe pathological manifestation and genetical analysis is study on animal models . Study on suitable animal model to find genes which are responsible for control of immune response to T. brucei can help us to find homologous genes in humans. It was found that immune responces to...

Evalution of state and management of small-scale especially reserved areas in Prague and environs
Ptáčková, Šárka ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Hanel, Lubomír (referee)
The aim of the M.Sc thesis is evaluation of the ten small-scale especially reserved territories ("mZCHU") in the southeastern part of Prague following the methodic of the evaluation of small- scale especially reserved territories (Svátek & Buček; 2005). These territories are individually described in the first part of this diploma thesis, then I shortly give an account of the methodic I used and in the main part of this work the analyzed territories are described and ranked .By analyzing the acquired information I discovered that the overall condition of these territories is average (70%). 10% of territories are excellent, 50% are good, 30% average, 10% bad. None of these territories was rated as very bad. Using the same methodic I evaluated the intensity of management for these territories; with these outcomes: 10% excellent, 60% good, 30% average. None of these territories was very bad. In the conclusion of this work is analyzed the comparison of acquired information with the outcomes of the evaluation of mZCHU areas in southwestern part of Prague (Hamplová; 2008), in the village of Štěpánov (Bubeníková; 2008) and with territories in competence of CHKO Pálava (Rejžek; 2008). The outcomes of comparation of these territories shows that areas in southeast part of Prague and chosen territories of CHKO Pálava...

Mikveh: the phenomenon of Jewis solemity. Notes about newly discovered ritual baths in the Czech republic
Žahourová, Ivana ; Pargač, Jan (referee) ; Krupková, Jaroslava (advisor)
This baccalaureate work is devoted to the ritual purification of the Hebrew in mikva. Mikva is a Hebrew ritual bath which must fulfull certain religious regulations to be understood as properly religious. All the regulations and order regarding the functioning, construction and water, which is allowed to be used, are stated in Misna in the tractate Mikwa'ot. The basis for the ritual adequacy of mikva is water which should have inflow and outflow. Mikva serves to renew ritual cleanliness of a person who became ritually unclean. This ritual dates back to the times when Desater made a commandment to Sinaji. The first people who practiced the ritual were supposedly priests. Those were impurified after the contact with a dead body, carrion of an animal or a snake; after emission of semen or spermatorrhoea. During the times of the first Church the whole population including children cleaned themselves from different impurities. After the deconstruction of the Church the law regualting cleanliness and impurities changed. Today mikva is visited by women firstly before wedding, then after each menstruation period and after giving birth. Men are no longer obliged to practise the ritual after the deconstruction of the Church however even today orhodox Hebrew and chasids clean themselves before important Hebrew...

Monitoring of ethological expressions of animals for the purpose of developing sensors assessing various animal movements
Breed of beef cattle belongs to one of the most important branches of live-stock production in the Czech Republic. These farm animals are mainly used to produce milk and meat. Since 1989 numbers of beef cattle have strongly declined, this transparent decrease now marking more than a 2 million difference from the early 1990s. The main aim of this thesis is to gather basic information, details and primarily formulate knowledge about the behaviour of dairy cows and their physiological reactions in relation to the process of milking and the consequent response regarding the water requirement and kinetic activities (e.g. the need to relax). The research described in this thesis was conducted in DZV Nova a. s. enterprise, Petrovice, which cultivates an area of nearly 5000 hectares and has 640 dairy cows of Holstein breed in its possession. Vital meter is a device in a sealed box, which hangs on a dairy cow?s neck while registering a certain amount of movements throughout a specific time, one hour in our case. Each hour is divided into two hundred and forty fifteen-second sections. Any movement during this section is therefore registered in a computer through this device?s receiving antenna. A total number of 6 gravid cows of Holstein breed, in a good health condition, with an average daily milk yield between 25 ? 35 litres, was selected for our ethological observation. All these dairy cows had a vital meter placed on their necks, which measured the aforementioned amount of movements an hour. The actual observation took place between the 27th and 28th of October and between the 4th and 6th of December 2012. First, the dairy cows were observed throughout the entire 24-hour period (November 27th, 28th) and then twice in 12-hour periods (December 4th, 6th). The overall time of observation equalled to 48 hours. Temperature conditions ranged from -3 degrees of Celsius to +5 degrees. The animals were gathered and therefore milked in a milking parlour three times a day roughly between 12 ? 13, 20 ? 21 and 3:45 ? 4:30. From the computer records we found out that the vital metres successfully registered all these movements and as a result verified the functionality of these devices and their possible usage as the means of observation of cows? kinetic activities. The outcomes of the dairy cows? observation and the data from vital metres also imply that even if the vital metres correctly registered increased kinetic activity representing a real rise in cows? mobility, they fail to display the particular acts of lying and getting up as well as jumps. After calculating an average from individual daily activities of a dairy cow, these results can be concluded: During a 24-hour period one dairy cow spends three and three quarters of an hour feeding itself, drinks seven times, excretes eleven times, urinates 5 ? 6 times. It places itself at rest nine times and the measured time spent lying accounts for an average of 11 hours and 39 minutes. The process of rumination is connected with lying or standing and lasts for 6 hours and 41 minutes a day. As for the kinetic activity, the average distance walked by one cow amounts 478, 6 metres. There is only one phenomenon contradicting the literary articles/literature ? the process of feeding, which is significantly (75 minutes) shorter and consequently leads to dairy cows producing less urine than they ought to, yet they have more kinetic activities and mobility. As mentioned, a dairy cow walks almost 480 metres a day, while literary sources state less (200 ? 300 metres).

Induction of neurogenesis and gliogenesis after ischemic injury of CNS
Filipová, Marcela ; Moravec, Jan (referee) ; Anděrová, Miroslava (advisor)
Ischemic injury (stroke) is one of the most common causes of death and disability in humans. Discovery of adult neurogenesis and possibilities to induce neurogenesis by cytokines brought new approaches and hopes in treating the ischemic lesion in future. The aim of this thesis is to describe cellular and molecular mechanisms of neurogenesis, mainly those discovered within last ten years. The first part describes generation of new neurons in the brain under physiological conditions, which is localized in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus and in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles (i.e. in principal neurogenic regions). The second part describes animal models used for studying ischemic injury in rodents and moreover, it focuses on patophysiology of ischemic brain injury, which is accompanied by astrocyte and microglia activation. Further, the ischemia-induced neurogenesis is described in these two major neurogenic regions. Also the important role of NG2 glial cells in central nervous system (CNS) regeneration is pointed out. According to recent findings NG2 glia that are present in all regions of CNS might serve as a potential source of cells for directed differentiation into oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and even neurons during CNS repair/regeneration. In the last part of this work,...

Performance comparison of selected populations of two breeds of rabitts
The aim of the thesis was performance comparison of selected populations of two breeds of rabbits, the Moravian blue (Mm) and the Dutch rabbit (Ho), large and small breed of rabbit in fact. The monitored aspects were the production characters (growth and carcass yield) and reproduction characters (average numbers of birth, number of all births, live born and still-born births and number of weaning rabbits, ability of pregnancy, milkiness). Population of each of the breeds was monitored in a selected base of 68 litters of Moravian blue and 84 litters of Dutch rabbit. Both monitored breeds are recognized by the Czech Breeders Association as bred breeding and club breeding rabbits. Growth was monitored in regular intervals from birth until the end of fattening, i.e. until 8 months of age at Moravian blue a until 6 months of age at Dutch rabbit. The results were compared with the gain in weight published in pattern book of breeds. To evaluate milkiness, each of litters was weighed at 2 and 21 days of age. To compare the reproduction characters the monitored criteria were number of births, total natality and mortality and the number of raised births. The gained values of both breeds were compared and evaluated depending on increment of living mass and the fattening period. Carcass yield was monitored according to the traditional procedure of selected animals of average live weight and after reaching the slaughter age. The results show significantly higher gain in weight throughout the growth period of Dutch rabbit, than required by the pattern book of breeds. Moravian blue showed lower average increase of weight during the first five months of age from standard. The average number of rabbits in litter was 6,3 births at Moravian blue and 6,48 births at Dutch rabbit. On the other hand breeding succest and overall natality gave better results at Moravian blue. It has also been found that the milkiness of Moravian blue was 3985,4 grams in comparison with 2582,2 grams at Dutch rabbit, which is given by the size of breed. The slaughter analysis showed the carcass yield to be 56,1 % at Moravian blue and 62,4 % at Dutch rabbit, which is a value approaching meat breeds but at a lower meat production. The overall summary of the gained results showed greater production of living matter at Moravian blue rabbit providing greater demands for animal housing and feeding base. Its brood provides greater potential for growth and in some aspects better reproduction character. On the other hand, Dutch rabbit reached paradoxically more births in litter and higher carcass yield of undoubtedly better quality meat. Results of this thesis can be beneficial for choosing breed for novice breeders and for existing breeders it can help in their attempts to improve the strengths and eliminate the weaknesses of their breed.

Effect of transport stress on the mortality of broilers
The aim of the thesis is to acquaint the reader with the reasons for mortality of broilers during their transport to the slaughterhouse. Materials for your own research (from 2012) were obtained from the State Veterinary Administration of a company Vodňanská drůbež s. r. o., the argest supplier of poultry meat in the Czech Republic. The second chapter deals with legislation relating to animals in general, but also legislation that governs the protection primarily for meat production. Welfare of broilers, therefore, their comfort, and handling is dealt with in the third chapter. It describes picking halls, catching chickens, chicken waste, transport of poultry for slaughter, chickens and unloading conditions to be met by the authorized person when handling poultry. The fourth chapter describes the factors affecting the welfare of broiler chickens during fattening. These factors include the type of litter, microclimate - thermoregulation poultry, lighting, and health status of broilers. Because the work deals with the mortality of broilers during transport, the fifth chapter is devoted to this issue. There are analyzed transport requirements, the effect of high and low temperature for transporting poultry. Furthermore, means of transport and the obligation of carriers during transport to the slaughterhouse, whether it's planning a trip or taking care of animals during transport. The sixth chapter deals with the custom dissertation: In 2012, it was the slaughterhouses (company Vodňanská drůbež s. r. o.) moved from 116 breeders 30,231,410 pieces of broilers at slaughter, of which 136,616 units during transport died at a mean of 0.455 %. Most deaths were at a distance of 251-305 km (0.834 %), at least at a distance of 50 km to 0.252 %. Age of chickens at slaughter, an average of 35.13 days and slaughter weight was on average 1.93 kg. Most deaths occurred during transport of broilers during the winter 0.919 %, the correlation coefficient r = 0.37, less than 0.316 % in summer (r = 0.02).