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Cao Cao - historical prsonality and literary figure through centuries
Vyhlídka, Štěpán ; Lomová, Olga (referee) ; Maršálek, Jakub (advisor)
V čínské historii je mnoho velkých a důležitých postav, které se dostaly do lidového vyprávění, jsou ztvárněny v literatuře, různě velebeny a oslavovány, či naopak haněny a kritizovány. Důležitým hrdinou a nepřehlédnutelnou postavou čínských dějin je bezesporu vojevůdce Cao Cao lf~. Příběhy o jeho životě jsou vypravovány po staletí. Lidé se k nim stále vracejí a také v současné době cítí potřebu se k nim vyjadřovat. Cao Cao má v historii Číny své nezastupitelné místo. Kdyby se události vyvíjely jinak, možná by dnes zaujímal přední místo mezi nejslavnějšími kladnými čínskými hrdiny a ztělesňoval by ctnostného panovníka sjednotitele. V čínském povědomí je však většinou obecně spojován s prototypem záporného hrdiny. Tak tomu ale nebylo vždy. Zobrazení jeho osobnosti mělo svůj vývoj. Vznikl určitý rozpor mezi reálnou historickou osobností a jejím výrazně záporným obrazem. O hodnocení Cao Caoovy osobnosti se vedly diskuse a nejednotné bylo i umělecké ztvárnění jeho postavy. Ve své diplomové práci se budu věnovat tomuto kontrastu. Chtěl bych zjistit, jak velké jsou rozpory mezi historickou osobností Cao Caoa a jeho postavou zpodobněnou v literatuře a čínském tradičním divadle a zda se jedná o kontrast, který je dán vývojem hodnocení Cao Caoovy postavy. Chci popsat, jaký byl tento vývoj a co ovlivňovalo formování...

The Jewish business activities in the Czech Republic
Šiková, Dominika ; Půlpán, Karel (advisor) ; Sojka, Milan (referee)
This thesis focuses on the special chapter of Czech economic history - the Jewish business activities. Its goal is to point out the importance, which Jewry has given to the economics in Czech countries. The first chapter focuses on the industrial revolution, when the great success in industry and business had occurred; the second one describes progress of the industries and points out the role of Jewish companies and financial institutions. The next chapter is devoted to Petschek, Gutmann and Rothschild families, which had influenced economic and political life in Czech Republic. The last chapter bears the interestingness about lives and enterprise of the most widely known businessmen and their companies, still famous, which make the Czech Republic well-known abroad. Powered by TCPDF (

European lace of renaissance and baroque
Svobodová, Veronika ; Jarošová, Helena (referee) ; Kybalová, Jana (advisor)
Lace is a decorative ajour textile. Real laces can be divided into needle laces and bobbin laces. There are two types of bobbin laces: straight and part-lace. These both techniques were developed in the epoch of renaissance, in the first half of the 16th century. The needle lace was developed from a cutwork. The immediate precursors of the needle lace were "point coupe" and "reticella" techniques. The bobbin lace was developed from a passementerie. The bobbin laces as well as the needle laces appeared probably at once in Italy and Flanders. The first laces have a geometric decor. Linear or plant decors were used in the first half of the 17th century. Fine and light laces with a flower motif rise in the 18th century. In the end of the 18th century, the motifs are very small and the most of the laces fill mesh ground. In the epoch of the renaissance and the baroque, good conditions for complex figurative scenes were allowed. A grateful space for (riche -great) religion scenes was given. The lay scenes, almost genre, symbolic and hunting scenes can be seen on the lace, too. All the 16th century and in the first half of the 17th century appeared a lot of Pattern Books first for needle laces and then for bobbin laces in Germany and Italy. It is a proof (evidence) of a great vogue of the lace.

The development of harmonization of cataloguing rules
Halmichová, Miluše ; Drobíková, Barbora (advisor) ; Bratková, Eva (referee)
Katalogizace je jednou ze základních činností knihovny. Jejím smyslem je vytvářet záznamy pro knihovní katalogy, a tak umožnit uživatelům vyhledávání informací o dokumentech obsažených v knihovnách a zjištění vztahů mezi nimi. Katalogizační pravidla podle TDKIV definujeme jako "Soubor pravidel, metodických pokynů a zásad pro výběr a formalizaci údajů v katalogizačním záznamu. Slouží k dosažení jednotnosti a jako předpoklad k výměně záznamů." 3 Cílem katalogizačních pravidel je tedy jednotným postupem vytvořit záznamy dokumentů, které budou náplní online katalogů a umožní výměnu bibliografických záznamů. Měla by být přesná, flexibilní, uživatelsky přívětivá, kompatibilní a efektivní. V posledním desetiletí se katalogizační praxe potýká s významnými změnami. S prudkým technologickým rozvojem, zejména v oblasti počítačové techniky a Internetu, vznikají nové typy dokumentů a nové způsoby jejich publikování. Stávající katalogizační pravidla již nedokáží adekvátně zpracovávat tyto nové formy zdrojů informací.

Business Plan for Creating of New Company
Pavlíčková, Petra ; Bližňáková, Monika (referee) ; Kocmanová, Alena (advisor)
The master´s thesis is a proposal of a business plan for establishment of catering company in the city Náměšť nad Oslavou. The theoretical part is focused on the structure of the business plan, necessary analyses, sources of financing, and legal forms of business. In the practical part there is the theoretical knowledge applied to the particular situation, where the feasible entrepreneurial plan will be created.

Mesoamerica within the classical era: the case Teotihuacan
Krajáková, Kristýna ; Korecká, Zuzana (advisor) ; Kašpar, Oldřich (referee)
The goal of this bachelor thesis is to explain basic culture and social configuration of the mesoamerican city Teotihuacan, which had in the first millenium AD great influence on mexican highland and surrounding regions for at least five hundreds years, and which, despite its fiery destruction, has survived and remained unseparable part of Mesoamerican culture area, even if perhaps only like destructed religious site or like a hidden culture inovator and bearer. Teotihuacan was important Mesoamerican urban center that by its size and level of social organization uncommonly exceeded qualities of other city-like sites on American continent. Its estimated population in sixth century AD was probably around 200 000 people, which makes it the sixth largest city on Earth in that time. The name of the city derives from couple centuries older Aztec language nahuatl and means "the place where men become Gods". This and much more non-original designation are based on we have very little historical sources and so it's diffuclt to uncover ethnic identity or spoken language of Teotihuacan residents. Thus the work of contemporary scholars lies mostly on archeological research in the site itself or areas related historically by trade and politics. Most frequently they are dealing with architecture objects, mural...

Sentenced to community service - an alternative to imprisonment
Mottlová, Jana ; Šotolová, Eva (advisor) ; Sochůrek, Jan (referee) ; Černíková, Vratislava (referee)
The thesis deals with the topic of penalties alternative to the imprisonment. Given the fact the theme of alternative punishments is very large, the dissertation specialises mostly in a penalty of community services. In the thesis the alternative punishment is presented from the point of view of the occupation whose main task is to contribute to the penal justice and to solving penal conflicts. The domain that the Probation and mediation service of the Czech Republic has represented since 2001 stands on the frontier of the social work and the law and brings out the need to define the context of its own use, role, theoretical grounds and last but not least operational procedures, mechanisms and principles of a professional work. The penalty of community services started to be used in our penal justice in 1996 and it has gone through great changes ever since. The thesis describes in details the historical evolution of this punishement. First forms of an alternative treatment of offenders, especially the probation was developing late 19th century and in the beginning of the 20th century chiefly in countries of Western and Northen Europe. Powered by TCPDF (

Buildings of the representative offices of Czechoslovakia during the interwar period; strategy of their selection and acquirement
Jaroš, Jan ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor) ; Kuklík jun., Jan (referee)
Czechoslovak Embassy and Consulate Buildings During the Inter-war Period: Selection and Acquisition Strategies In the Diplomatic Service of Austro-Hungarian empíre worked only few Czechs and Slovaks. For this reason the new established Czechoslovakia had to educate many diplomats and also to create its own network of embassies and consulates. This involved also the buildings. When choosing the right estates were above all important the following factors: representativness, security and costs. Own buildings provided better presentation opportunities and it was easier to adapt them for diplomatic function. Thanks to the stability of Czech currency in the interwar period were the costs for the buildings reasonable. For building, adaptations and equipping the buildings was used stable group of professionals. The critisism of purchase of some particular objects and its equipment was mostly sourcing from the relationships among some diplomats and political situation in Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia had its own buildings, which were used as embassies, consulates or official apartments of ambassadors or consuls, in this important cities or capitals of European states (in alphabetical order): Ankara, Belgrade, Berlín, Bern, Budapest, Bucharest, Galati, Hague, Hamburg, London, Paris, Rome, Sofia, Tirana ( only the...

Musical life of Jemnice in the past and the present
Abstract The Bachelor thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter concerns with the history and culture of the city Jemnice; the city?s most significant sights of historical interest together with the establishment of the city are noticed in this chapter. Similarly, the second chapter is focused on the history, however, from the musical perspective. In the second chapter, there are historical accounts of the music life in the city of Jemnice and remarkable personalities who belonged to the city (e.g. Jan Nepomuk Škroup and Alois Anderle). The third chapter deals with the description of the local music school. The chapter concerns with the establishment of the music school and teachers who either worked there or currently work there. The last issue of the third chapter consists of the activities and commission of the music school. The last two chapters are devoted to the women?s chamber choir functioning at the basic school in Jemnice and the church choir functioning at the church of St Stanislav in Jemnice. I tried to delineate the establishment, commission as well as activities and concerts of the two choirs.

Grammatical forms in Japanese corresponding to infinitive in Czech
Řezníčková, Adéla ; Tirala, Martin (referee) ; Švarcová, Zdeňka (advisor)
Práce sleduje tyto cíle: 1. Podat syntaktickou charakteristiku infinitivu v češtině jako slovně druhové formy plnící primární a sekundární funkce při tvorbě výpovědí a textu. 2. Vytvořit korpus příkladů užití infinitivu v českém literárním textu přeloženém do japonštiny a podat přehled překladových ekvivalentů infinitivu v japonštině, která tento gramatický jev postrádá. 3. Na základě analýzy stanovit, které syntaktické funkce infinitivu jsou v českém textu frekventní a jaké jazykové prostředky použil japonský překladatel k adekvátnímu vyjádření. 4. Vyvodit konkrétní závěry pro výklad infitinivu a jeho překladu. Práce si dává za úkol sledovat charakteristiku českého textu z hlediska překladu do jazyka japonského. Jejím těžištěm budou kapitoly, v nichž jsou uvedeny překladové ekvivalenty infinitivů, porovnávány varianty a vyhodnocovány. Celkovým cílem je přispět k hlubšímu porozumění principů a kontrastů v češtině a japonštině, k objasnění problematiky překladu v českém jazyce frekventovaného jevu.