National Repository of Grey Literature 64 records found  beginprevious24 - 33nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Principles and types of hydrodynamic valves
Havelka, Milan ; Himr, Daniel (referee) ; Pochylý, František (advisor)
This thesis deals with characteristics of the most commonly used valves in hydraulic systems. The aim was to create an overview of available features and define their brief characteristics. The emphasis was placed on their function and principles of task performance in a hydraulic circuit. The second part of the thesis is aimed at solving the issue of valves oscillation and subsequent optimization of constants that function as factor dampping.
Dynamic Analysis of Valve Train Drive of Six-cylinder Engine with 24 Valves
Guláš, Tomáš ; Píštěk, Václav (referee) ; Dundálek, Radim (advisor)
Diploma thesis deals with the dynamic analysis of OHV pushrod valve train drive of the old-new conception of 6-cylinder tractor engine with 24 valves made by Zetor Tractors, a.s.. There is a requirement to create an analytical model and design valve springs for the engine. The work also points to the current analytical methods of appropriate simulation software used in automotive industry.
Rotation Electric Actuator: parameter estimation and control
Palaj, Lukas ; Houfek, Lubomír (referee) ; Grepl, Robert (advisor)
The bachelor’s thesis deals with design of printed circuit board in the first part. The board will be used for connecting rotation electric actuator (REA) to the card MF624. It is written about electronic throttle and it’s particular parts, it’s connection to the card and estimation of parameters necessary for composing a virtual model in Simulink in the second part. After that control for the model is designed.
Developments of Car Drive Train
Hebnar, Tomáš ; Kloss, Ondřej (referee) ; Kaplan, Zdeněk (advisor)
This work is focused on clutches, which are an integral part of car drive train, it describes the distribution of clutches and gives examples of modern design.
Physical Simulation of a Cloth
Řehánek, Martin ; Juránek, Roman (referee) ; Navrátil, Jan (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis concerns with simulation of material in real time. By material we mean the textile. Firstly, it will explains principle of simulation in textile, where the system of springs is used. Secondly, it will explains mathematical and physical basics needed for simulation and then describes implementation of simulation itself. In a final part the achieved results are evaluated.
Vliv chemické modifikace na vybrané vlastnosti dřevěné pružiny
Novák, Filip
This thesis focuses on the influence of chemical modification on a wooden spring.The spring was made of beech wood (Fagus sylvatica, L.). Bending ratio was chosen 1:4 thickness to radius. The effectiveness of the chemical modification with acetic anhydride was measured by weight percentage gain (WPG). Acetylation was made with 18 % WPG (at full acetylation 25 % WPG was observed damage of bent wood mostly by compression stress). Chosen spring properties was evaluated in four moisture states (dry, in condition of 65 %, 85 % and 99 % relative humidity and temperature 20 °C). Influence of acetylation on mechanical properties was proven. In wet condition acetylated samples proved higher shear modulus of elasticity a higher rigidity of spring. In dry condition acetylated samples proved lower shear modulus of elasticity a lower rigidity of spring. Influence of acetylation on dimension stability was proven. Acetylated samples proved reduction of equilibrium moisture content (46-56 %) in comparison to reference samples. Acetylated samples proved swelling reduction in radial direction (41-56 %) and in tengential direction (46-59 %). More regular swelling (ratio of radial and rangential) was observed at acetylated samples. Influence of acetylation on shape stability was proven. Shape stability of acetylated spring was evaluated by change in diameter of spring in different moisture states. Wet conditions caused enlargement of acetylated spring diameter (5-16 %) and of reference spring diameter (10-40 %). Reduction of shape changes was observed (57-75 %).
Design of shaped springs for mechanical resonators
Ševčík, Jakub ; Kšica, Filip (referee) ; Hadaš, Zdeněk (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the design of a structural flexible member for mechanical resonators. Such designed member could find application as part of a vibration generator system. Vibration generators are used to power sensors where it is not easy to supply electrical energy, especially in railway transportation, specifically in monitoring the condition of tracks. This thesis provides an overview of current constructions of vibration generators, drawing inspiration for the subsequent design of the flexible component of the mechanical resonator. Subsequently, a suitable construction is created to ensure proper functioning of the resonator at frequencies ranging from 15 to 50 Hz. The design takes into account the manufacturing process using laser cutting and 3D printing. Two versions are created, where the first is suitable for laser cutting, and the second is suitable for 3D printing. The designed flexible components are then kinematically excited, and their maximum deflection at the resonant frequency is determined using the Ansys and Simulink software. Lastly, a spring suitable for 3D printing is manufactured. Its maximum deflection and the maximum generated power are determined. At an acceleration of 1 m/s2, the system achieves a deflection of 0.5 mm, and the generated power in this case is 0.035 mW. With increasing acceleration, the pover values can reach up to 0.8 mW.
Springing and Damping of Truck Cabin
Kroupa, Ondřej ; Vančura, Jan (referee) ; Blaťák, Ondřej (advisor)
This Diploma Theses, which can be included in the field of vehicle dynamics, explores the effect of suspension and damping of truck cabs for the safe ride and comfort. As the driver spends many hours in their vehicle, comfort is the most essential criterion. That is why we seek possible improvements which are offered by the sprung cab. The research part firstly analyses the individual elements of suspension and damping. The following chapter is devoted to the systems which are used nowadays in the construction of cabin suspension. Next there is the introduction to the theoretical production of a simplified computational model as well as the presentation of the possible evaluation of the achieved results. The following practical part deals with the actual shaping of the computational model in the Adams View software, which is based on a real vehicle, and was lent at the faculty. The model is then verified and compared with the existing state and the cab mounting concepts are tested on it. The effects of cab parameters on driving comfort and safe riding were tested on it as well. The last part focuses on the forming of the special Dakar computational model, on which optimization was performed according to the findings discussed in the previous chapter. Also, the appropriate configurations to the real-life testing were designed.
The Use of Inerter in Vehicle Design
Lanzendörfer, Tomáš ; Hejtmánek, Petr (referee) ; Blaťák, Ondřej (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the inerter application in vehicle’s suspension. The aim was to perform a theoretical analysis of its features, to compare its construction layouts, to create a multibody model of the car’s suspension and to analyse inerter’s effects while performing different driving manoeuvres. All analyses were performed by MSC Adams View software with a little support from Matlab. The quality of ride comfort and accessible traction force were increased by the inerter almost in every case, and dynamic load of the suspension was also decreased in some cases. The inerter is a device with high potential, but with high purchase costs as well, so further development and practical research is necessary.
Front Axle of a High-performance Sports Car
Hrudík, Jan ; Blaťák, Ondřej (referee) ; Drápal, Lubomír (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce byla psána při studentské zahraniční stáži, pod záštitou Evropské Unie – program „ERASMUS Student Mobility for Placement“. Stáž byla absolvována mezi prosincem 2010 a květnem 2011 ve společnosti a.d.Tramontana, mající sídlo v Palau de Santa Eulália, Španělsko. Pro kompletní návrh podvozku a odpružení jakéhokoli vozidla je nezbytná znalost mnoha technických disciplín. Tato diplomová práce se zabývá dvěma z nich – odpružení a řízení. Nejprve je rozebrána teorie, na kterou se může navázat v praktické části práce. Velká pozornost byla věnována srozumitelnosti textu a názornosti obrázků, bez zbytečných detailů, avšak bez vynechání důležitého. Tuto práci je tedy možné užít jako prvního kroku před návrhem podvozku. V další části je popsáno, jak byla probraná teorie využita při návrhu řízení u skutečného vozu, přičemž největší pozornost je věnována Ackermannově teorii řízení a geometrii zabraňující samořízení při propružení. V závěrečných částech je pozornost věnována ukázce některých z každodenních činností v malosériové výrobě automobilů – jde o zjištění maximálně možného pohybu kola při propružení a proces výroby příčných trojúhelníkových ramen včetně návrhu jejich připevnění k šasi.

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