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War: persons and characters. Who wages war in western political-philosophical tradition
Slačálek, Ondřej ; Barša, Pavel (advisor) ; Znoj, Milan (referee)
Válka je konstantou dosud známých dějin Západu. Konstantní ale není její podoba ani podoba jejích aktérů. Abychom porozuměli místu války v západní tradici (a potažmo i v našich životech), je třeba mimo jiné snažit se porozumět proměnám těchto aktérů. Tedy vedle těch, kdo ve válkách bojují, a těch, proti kterým je vedena (a dále také těch, kteří jsou jejími pasivními objekty - civilistů), také proměnám těch, kteří války vedou, rozhodují o válkách, vyhlašují je a ukončují. Předkládaná práce si vybrala právě tyto poslední aktéry válek. Na úvod začněme dvěma ne snad definicemi, ale pracovními vymezeními. Válkou rozumíme stav násilného a více či méně organizovaného a většinou rovněž ozbrojeného potýkání mezi dvěma společenskými celky vyvolaný vzájemně se vylučující (ať už skutečně či domněle) mocenskou či symbolickou aspirací. Tím, kdo vede válku, rozumíme osobu nebo kolektivní entitu, která má moc (nikoli nutně pravomoc) rozhodnout či případně rozhodovat o válčení toho kterého společenského celku. Může či nemusí splývat s tím, kdo válčí (rytířstvo), nebo dokonce s celým společenským celkem (třída, hnutí), za nějž rozhoduje. Klíčovou otázkou práce je, jak se proměňoval tento rozhodnutí činící subjekt války, jaké měl v jednotlivých svých podobách charakteristiky, zda jsou v něčem shodné a v čem se naopak...

Sir Horatio Herbert Kitchener, the desert railway and the British reconquest of the Soudan, 1896-1898. (A contribution to the history of the British Empire in the nineteenth century)
Valkoun, Jaroslav ; Horčička, Václav (referee) ; Kovář, Martin (advisor)
Britské znovudobytí Súdánu probíhalo oficiálně od března 1896 do září 1898. Fakticky však začalo již v lednu 1885, pádem Chartúmu a smrtí generála Gordona. Tyto události se staly latentním "hnacím motorem", který vytvořil celospolečenskou oporu pro jakékoliv akce proti mahdistům, v britské společnosti. Veřejně zmiňovaným důvodem bylo potrestání teroru a násilí, kterého se derviši dopouštěli na "súdánském lidu". Oficiálním a současně i politickým důvodem k tažení byla snaha pomoci zvrátit potupný konec italských koloniálních ambicí ve východní Africe; neoficiální příčina plynula z obav z možné změny statu quo v oblasti horního Nilu. V době extenzivního zemědělství v oblasti dolního Nilu byl osud Súdánu a Egypta nerozlučně spjat s touto řekou. Celá oblast veletoku, od Viktoriina jezera až k deltě, se stala neoddělitelným celkem; potřeba spojit a spravovat obě země pod jednou vlajkou či správou tak byla čím dál naléhavější. Bylo jen otázkou času, kdy dojde k nějaké formě sjednocení. Tato doba nastala příhodným stavem egyptských financí a vhodným obsazením všech klíčových funkcí potřebných k realizaci myšlenky dobýt Súdán - nástup markýze Salisburyho do úřadu ministerského předsedy a ministra zahraničí, sir Evelyn Baring (později lord Cromer) jako generální konzul Egypta, sir Horatio Herbert Kitchener v čele...

Characteristic feature sof spokenness in inhabitant´s communications in the region of Strakonice
My work aims to describe specific general czech linguistic means typical of Strakonice region and its vicinity as well as its quantity. The work at first deals with simply informing style in theoretical level and than it slowly goes to analytical level and it ends by discussion about the benefit of the prepared data. The material from which it proceeds is made by monologues of the selected people in the age of 15-75 years living in the mentioned area. The material which has primarily a recording form and secondarily written form is subsequently divided into the groups according to the age, gender and social classification of the mouthpieces and it is also analyzed under the terms of the arisen groups from the compositional, phone word, form word, syntactical and lexical standpoint.

Nursing care for children with sculpture ears
The name of the bachelor thesis is ?The Process of Nursing Children with Otoplasty?. Plastic surgery deals with operations of congenital and acquired defects and is concerned with post-operative and post-traumatic conditions. Plastic surgery includes aesthetic surgery, which still continues to grow in importance. The timing of a visit to a plastic surgeon depends on the defect type. Congenital cosmetic defects appear in the period of adolescence. Operations of prominent ears are the most common cosmetic operations. The operation can be carried out disregarding the age. Most often, schoolaged children and middle-aged people are interested. The costs of operation on children up to the 10 years of age are covered by the insurance company. The theoretical part deals with the description of plastic surgery, the history, the description of an operation, pre- and post-operative care and the child age development stage. It also concentrates on nursing care. The aim of the bachelor thesis was to identify the specifics of nursing care of children with otoplasty and the most common complications in relation to this operation. Three research questions were put forward. The research sample included children and their parents hospitalised in a child post-operative and post-traumatic ward. The research was based on semi-standardised interviews, observations and content analysis of documentation. All information was summarised in case studies, in accordance with Virginia Henderson model. In the second phase, the information was verified by means of a semi-standardised interview with a nurse based on interviews with children. The results have identified the most common complications relating to the operation of auricles. As far as postoperative care is concerned, nurses primarily monitor the pain and the patient?s general condition. Furthermore, it followed from the results that parents lacked comprehensive information on the operation. The specifics of care of children with otoplasty include wearing large compression bandage on the head and long-term application of an elastic headband. In consequence of the findings, a seminar for children wards will be held concerning the issues of nursing care of children with otoplasty, and a nursing plan has been worked out for such children.

Regional languages in the French educational system
Pokorná, Monika ; Kalfiřtová, Eva (advisor) ; Jančík, Jiří (referee)
Beginning section of this thesis named Regional languages in the French education system is focused on a terminology concerning regional languages. Further content is focused on the history of languages in France since the Roman campaign on Gaul territory and the latinization of this region until the democratization of regional languages towards regular French. An important role in French education system development was played by education laws that are thoroughtly discussed in text of this thesis. The current distribution of regional languages in France and teaching of these languages in French schools is described in the next part of the thesis. This part is primarily focused on the four regional languages: Basque, Breton, Catalan and Occitan. Laws that permited the education of regional languages in France and faciliated the foundation of institutions intended to support these regional languages are also covered within this section. The research of today's state of Occitan in everyday life of Nîmes residents is covered in final part of this thesis. Occitan was chosen as the representative model of regional language. For the research have been used questionnaires to find out that Occitan is still living even though it is only known by the elder generation. Powered by TCPDF (

Paramedic in a view of high school student
FALTUSOVÁ, Magdaléna
The bachelor?s thesis has a name: paramedic in a view of a high school student. I chose this topic because of my interest of this problematic. This work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part, there is described a definition and personality of paramedic in details, his competence, field's development, study opportunities and then even the study of Paramedic itself. The chapter ?study? is further divided into theoretical instruction, where subjects, which students must complete, are described in more details and practical training, where are mentioned school professional practice and individual practice that learners also attend. In the practical part is mention of the courses that students take. The following chapter discusses the opportunities for graduates in the field of Paramedic. Graduates can work in the emergency medical services on the position of the operator/dispatcher, the ambulance crews or in a hospital in area of acute beds. In the chapter entitled - Paramedic in the work process - are included subsections - admission to employment, starting practice of a graduate, job description and a salary. There is also analyzed student, high school, college and motivation to study. I also mention the Fair of universities and information that can be given there to students. And the final section of the theoretical part concerns the overall awareness of high school students about the paramedic. The second part is the practical part. For the practical part of this thesis it was used the quantitative method of research, which was done by a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was anonymous and was designed for students of ending years of medical school and one grammar school selected from Ceske Budejovice. Research questions focused on students' knowledge of paramedic, his studies and job descriptions. 130 questionnaires were distributed in total, their return was 82%. For the final processing were used 106 questionnaires (100%). 55 questionnaires were from medical school and 51 questionnaires were from the grammar school. The results are summarized in a graphical form where the knowledge of the paramedic, medical and non-healthcare fields was compared. Aim of the study was to map a view and perceptions of potential students of Paramedic study and the paramedic work itself. A hypothesis was: the students of secondary medical schools have a better idea of studying and working as a paramedic, than students of other schools. In the questionnaire there were questions such as: Do you think that during the study of Paramedic is obligatory practice during the summer holidays,? Does also must ZZ operate nursing activities nurses?, What is the job description of ZZ besides direct work with patients?, Do you think that the work of ZZ presented in various films and series corresponds to reality?, Who do you think can be in a outbound crew of emergency medical services? The hypothesis can be confirmed by the results in terms of percentage. However, we can say that the correctness of the resulting responses of medical disciplines were truer only about the minor percentage. It can be concluded that the overall awareness of students about studying and working as paramedic is still small and could be definitely higher. I therefore believe that this bachelor thesis can be an interesting source of information for students interested in the field of study Paramedic, as well as high school teachers who are established as the consultant in area of further education. Furthermore, this work could help as an impetus to high schools which offer the field Paramedic ? to help them to presented it better, especially on the websites, witch (according to my reserch) students use most. Based on research, which is part of this work was prepared more detailed information leaflet for valid awareness. This is intended primarily for people inferested in learning field Paramedic.

Management of post-term pregnancy
The choice of the topic of thesis has been based on my practical experience gained from working as a midwife in the delivery room. The post-term pregnancy, i.e. pregnancy after the expected date of delivery, could be encountered in the delivery room very often. Despite the fact that we live in a time of unrestricted access to information, women are not always well informed about the risks associated with the above mentioned condition. I believe that in such a case women should know and be sufficiently informed on the labour conduct process, without distinction between primiparous and multiparous women. This fact should be taken into account in the post-term pregnancy management.The theoretical part of the thesis is primarily focused on the pregnancy, its diagnosis, duration and the date of delivery calculation. Nowadays, the most accurate method for calculating the date of delivery is considered to be the calculation of the date of delivery by the foetal ultrasound, which is performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, until completed 12th week. The ultrasound can reduce the number of false post maturities. Without having a reliable screening ultrasound examination it is very difficult to perform an adequate post-term pregnancy management. Subsequently, I will deal with the post-term pregnancy of pregnant women. We can talk about the post-term pregnancy in case the woman does not give birth until the expected date of delivery, i.e. until the 40th week of pregnancy. Prolonged pregnancy means a pregnancy that has extended beyond 42 weeks, or 294 days from the first day of the last menstrual period, or 280 days from ovulation. According to the Czech Gynaecological and Obstetrical Society?s recommendations, the pregnant woman is sent no later than at the beginning of the 41st week for further prenatal monitoring to the facilities where the woman has decided to give birth. Beyond the 41st week all necessary steps should be taken to end the pregnancy. Thus, the pregnancy should be end no later than within the term 42 +0. Post-term pregnancy in duration of 7-14 days after the verified date of delivery represents the indication for labour induction. Midwife understands the holistic nature of the pregnant woman and treats her like an individual being. The aim of my thesis is to determine whether pregnant women are aware of all risks associated with the post-term pregnancy, reasons and procedures for the labour induction and whether the study group includes more primiparous or multiparous women. On the basis of the objectives various hypotheses have been established, which should have confirmed the objectives. In the practical part I have used quantitative research techniques to collect the necessary data - questionnaire. The study group is made up of a statistically significant number of women with the post-term pregnancy, hospitalized at the Gynaecological and Obstetrical clinic of the University Hospital in Plzeň. After the consultation with the statistician I was recommanded not to analyze the data obtained for the confirmation of the hypothesis statistically. The research results of my thesis have led to the preparation of a leaflet about nursing practice and labour conduct in women with the post-term pregnancy. The leaflets will be, with the approval of the Board of the Gynaecological and Obstetrical clinic of the University Hospital in Plzeň, available at CTG counselling centres and gynaecological and obstetrical outpatient departments of the Gynaecological and obstetrical clinic of the University Hospital in Plzeň.

Creative cluster of Letna: dynamics, inner mechanisms and structure
Polakovičová, Lenka ; Kubaš, Mario (advisor) ; Kouba, Vojtěch (referee)
The presented master thesis deals with the phenomenon of creative clustering in urban environment. The thesis is conducted in the form of a case study exploring a specific creative cluster on a micro level in order to gain insight into its dynamics, inner mechanisms and structure. The study's focus area is the neighborhood of Letna, Prague, Czech Republic where a cluster of designer and artist studios, galleries, centers for art education has formed in the last four years. Using primarily qualitative techniques, specific factors were identified as decisive for choosing this location by those individuals. The thesis focuses on inner functioning of the cluster through the insider perspective of its members and tries to identify the requirements and conditions for the emergence and development of a creative cluster. A lack of micro level research of creative clustering in the Czech Republic was a dominant motivation for conducting this thesis.

Children with Special Educational Needs and their Involvement in Group Work
Vaňura, Václav ; Stará, Jana (advisor) ; Kargerová, Jana (referee)
V naší společnosti je celkem samozřejmé, že rodiče mají zájem o vývoj svých dětí a vedou je tak, aby se v dospělosti dokázaly vyrovnat s úkoly a nástrahami, které před ně život postaví. Rovněž je pokládáno za samozřejmé, že dětem, které kvůli nějakému tělesnému postižení (nevidomost, obrna, mentální retardace apod.) nemohou dosáhnout stejné úrovně jako jejich vrstevníci, projevujeme nejen soucit, ale poskytujeme jim konkrétní pomoc, například metodami kompenzace, reedukace, rehabilitace či reparace. Naproti tomu dítě, u kterého jsou diagnostikovány Jen" poruchy učení či chování, nevzbuzuje u nezasvěcených většinou zvláštní pozornost. Takové dítě vypadá jako každé jiné, může si normálně hrát s ostatními dětmi a nemá zvláštní potíže s mluveným projevem, zrakem či sluchem. U takového dítěte nebývají předpokládána žádná oslabení či znevýhodnění. Jedná se o skryté postižení. Z vlastní zkušenosti vím, jaké postoje k poruchám učení a chování zaujímá laická veřejnost (a bohužel i někteří pedagogové). Pro některé z těchto lidí jsou děti se skrytým postižením zdravé a celý problém v jejich očích spočívá vtom, že dětem je buď poskytována nedostačující, výuka, nebo jim chybí správná výchova. Tento stav je pravděpodobně následkem nedostatečné osvěty a informovanosti. Powered by TCPDF (

Employees job satisfaction analysis on company's branches
Holakovská, Lenka ; Bedrnová, Eva (advisor) ; Hubinková, Zuzana (referee)
The goal of this thesis was to define the basic terms of the problems of job satisfaction and to make the job satisfaction analysis in the chosen company, which name will be not published , because of the inside information protection. The necessary data for the analysis were obtained via questionnaire, in which took part 122 employees from 13 different branches. Respondents were divided into three groups according to the performed work position and the intensity of the contact with clients. Results of research were processed for each individual group. It allows to catch better the differences in the group satisfaction. On a basis of results were pointed out the most problematic areas and suggested concrete steps, which could lead to job satisfaction increase in researched branches.