National Repository of Grey Literature 20,576 records found  beginprevious20567 - 20576  jump to record: Search took 0.69 seconds. 

Legal regulation of international arbitration in the Czech Republic and Portugal
Přib, Jan ; Růžička, Květoslav (advisor) ; Dobiáš, Petr (referee)
This thesis deals with legislation of international arbitration in Czech republic and Portugal. The choice of international arbitration and of these countries particularly as the object of the work has not been done coincidentally of course, the reason is, despite Czech republic and Portugal are countries with that do have a lot in common, e.g. their membership in European Union, similar economic power and current situation and relatively significant activity in international trade that the area of Portuguese legislation of international arbitration and of the whole system of law from the Czech view and vice versa remains still almost unexplored. The choice of international arbitration was not random either. Such choice was made due to the fact that arbitration is probably the most significant way of out-of-court settlement of disputes in last years and decades with use still increasing. It offers parties a private settlement of litigation with easy enforceability of rendered arbitration award abroad, and foreing arbitration award at home. Therefore, the objectives of this work were not solely to describe the present legislation of international arbitration but also to enable the reader to comprehend particular legal provisions correctly in a sense of their legal background. The work analyses the...

The analysis of the risk factors in Gamma knife radiosurgery for benign meningiomas
Kollová, Aurélia ; Liščák, Roman (advisor) ; Náhlovský, Jiří (referee) ; Zvěřina, Eduard (referee)
Doctoral thesis represents results of analysis of stereotactic radiosurgical treatment of meningiomas, benign intracranial tumors, and the risk factors related to the treatment in 368 patients with 400 meningiomas treated at the Department of Stereotactic and Radiation Neurosurgery, Na Homolce Hospital in Prague between 1992 and 1999. Detailed analysis of the results of skull base meningiomas was performed, as well as analysis of long-term results. An edema prediction model was created in order to identify patients with higher risk for post treatment complications with its practical clinical implication. The actuarial tumor 5 and 10 years control was 97,9% and 94,7% respectively, what confirmes efficiency of radiosurgical treatment, with low permanent morbidity of 6,4% and zero mortality. Radiosurgery as a minimally invasive technique is a treatment of choice of meningiomas in skull base filfilling size criteria; as a part of multimodal approach in large meningiomas, which cannot be excised completely, in patients, who would not tolerate operative procedure and in elderly. Doctoral thesis consists of seven chapters and 4 appendices.The first chapter deals with theoretical background of meningioma as a nosologic entity. Hypotheses and goals of the study are defined in the second chapter. The third chapter...

Housing in new residential complex. The positives and negatives of living in the "new housing estates"
Dittrichová, Hana ; Buriánek, Jiří (advisor) ; Sládek, Jan (referee)
The thesis is a case study about Prague new housing estate, that is a build-up area very similar to housing estates from the socialist era. It differs in some aspects of living conditions on the other hand. The thesis is conceived as a "chapter from urban sociology". It's devided into three parts. The first part constitutes theoretical background of the empirical survey. It makes readers acquainted with the branch of urban sociology and with is narrower theme sociology of architecture. It puts forward basic conceptions of this branch - sociological perception of migration (move), neighbourhood, dwelling choice (and connected decision process) and satisfaction with it, public places and neighbourhood units (mixed-use areas). The thesis follows the situation at the Czech (Prague) housing market, that closes the whole theoretical part. The second part of the thesis describes an object of the case study - Slunečný vršek. It pictures the nearest locality and broader surrounding of the new housing estate. The theoretical part followed by description lead in the empirical part of quantitative empirical survey that was realized by questionnaing local inhabitants (inhabitants of the new housing estate Slunečný vršek). The survey aims at contribution toward the urban sociology. Wants to show the new point of view,...

The causes and consequences of the mortgage crisis in the USA
Vondál, Tomáš ; Jílek, Josef (advisor) ; Munzi, Tomáš (referee)
The main objects of this diploma thesis are basic trends in the mortgage market in the United States and their role in the current mortgage crisis. As a theoretical background in the first part of this work are mentioned asymetric information with the optimal consumer choice regarding mortgage product and the general theory of the securitization. Practical part continues from the description of the main characteristics of the mortgage to the whole mortgage market and the role of government agencies. Following analysis is concerning the significant tendencies in the past years, which dominates in the mortgage market in the USA. The focus is mainly aimed at the growth of alternative mortgage products in connection with strong home price apreciation. Then the position of mortgage brokers and their role in the subprime sector are discusssed. Subprime sector is analysed as well and then the securitization of mortgages as the main trend in the past years is investigated. The development of the current crisis is the object of the last chapter.

The role of Toxoplasma gondii on the expression of Major Urinary Proteins in the house mouse
Hladovcová, Denisa ; Stopka, Pavel (advisor) ; Hrdý, Ivan (referee)
Major Urinary Proteins (MUP) are pheromonal transmitters involved in chemical communication in rodents. Complexes of MUPs and ligands mediate information about genetical background of an individual and co-create individual scent profile. They play a significant role in kinship determination, the crucial factor in the choice of a mating partner. It is assumed that the MUP production is energetically demanding due to the pressure of sexual selection, and the transmitted signal is thus supposed to be honest. This theory hasn't yet been experimentally tested, neither was proven the effect of another intense selection pressure- a parasitic infection. In my thesis, I describe the effect of an infection of a parasite Toxoplasma gondii on MUP production. The results suggest that the production is altered in both sexes, the production decreasing in males to the level of male castrates (or the female level). Considering the results of more detailed analysis of the infection we assume that the energetical demands of the MUP production doesn't allow the production of ordinary amounts if MUPs during the first phase of the infection as the energy is primarily devoted to the infection control. The increased production in latter phase can be attributed to the importance of scent communication. Decreased levels of...

Principles of capillary zone electrophoresis and isotachophoresis
Křivánková, Ludmila
The principles of capillary zone electrphoresis and isotachophoresis, their instrumentation and on-line connection are described, and the possibilities of choice of background, resp. leading and terminating electrolyte are discussed.

Graduate Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove
Janů, Vladana ; Kotlářová, Jana (advisor) ; Solich, Jan (referee)
POSITION OF GRADUATES OF FACULTY OF PHARMACY IN HRADEC KRALOVE ON A JOB MARKET Author: Janů V. * Tutor: Kotlářová J. ** *= Modřanská lékárna, Prague, Czech Republic**= Dept. of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove (FaF), Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Background: Beginning young man with practical life and choosing his first profession is one of the most important moments in life. It is essential for graduate which working conditions will make him his first employer for acquire full job satisfaction. Aim of study: Identify by the help of questionnaire survey (practise in 2000-2007) possibilities of application graduates from faculty of pharmacy in practice. Graduates notions and opinions were monitored in the time period of graduation. These are stilled in longitudinal advancement. The results are compared with others theses, lucidity and applicability are explored in the questionnaire. Methods: The questionnaire was anonymous and had seven questions. There were two identification questions, 2 questions respected choice and reason of selection a career, 3 questions identifying pharmacy as expected workplace. Year by year the questionnaire data had been processed in the Microsoft Excel database and the data are analysed in three categories (Sum, Men and...

Prevence of youth people unemployment in regional contexts.
HOUDKOVÁ, Kateřina
All industrial countries face the problem of unemployment. High percentage of unemployed has negative influence on social situation, state economy, and also quality of life. Decreasing unemployment is long term goal of each particular government. Most emphasis is given to mitigation of unemployment of people aged over 50 years, under 25 years and long-term unemployment. Important part of unemployed in all czech regions consists of graduates and youngsters. Graduates are impaired by the lack of practice and necessary occupational habits. Youngsters usually have problems with their lack of qualification and legislative obstacles. Inability to find a job grows feelings of inconclusiveness, vulnerability and inferiority among young people which leads them to idleness and socially not beneficial activities. Main goal of this work is to evaluate different solutions of young people unemployment problem in regions of Plzeň and České Budějovice; to compare unemployment percentage in these regions and define typical patterns in which the problem appears. I collected quantifiable field data using a questionnaire. As a second method of research I used semi-standardized interview with directors of technical schools. Third method used is secondary data analysis. Most important roles in prevention of the unemployment of youngsters are family background and rising to career choice in elementary school. Also system of guidance services is very important. Then motivation for higher education and prevention of early school leaves plays important role. Employment office can help young people by using the tools of active employment policy. The unemployment in the region of České Budějovice is higher than in the region of Plzeň. Both regions share good opportunities in technical professions. It appears to be beneficial to increase demand for study of technical branches among pupils.

The concept of woman on the background of social change at the turn of the 19. century (1895-1905)
Košutová, Klára ; Sochorová, Ludmila (referee) ; Štěpánová, Irena (advisor)
The paper is focused on studying the traditional concept of woman in view of its conflict with the gradually enforced demands of women within the feminist movement. The main demands of women on their way to coequality were the right to higher education, free choice of occupation, and unsegregated legal status. As they struggle for their rights, the traditional concept of woman, which places her in a role of domesticity, is used as a strong instrument against their wishes. A woman is only supposed to be a wife, mother and a housewife and she is considered incapable of and unfit to gain any other position in society. The concept of unequal status of a woman particularly governed middle class life, depicting a specific glamour in the role of an ideal woman and family life. Social changes brought up by industrial revolution and upheavals in demographic equilibrium where the percentage of women alarmingly outnumbered that of men confronted society with the task of increasing quantity of women left without possibility of subsistence, either by occupation or marrying a male- provider. Hostility toward the new claims of women was based on men's fear of competition and an unwillingness to share heretofore exclusively men's domains of power; the higher education system, the labor market and the right to vote. It...

Mobilization of neutral compounds by inorganic and small organic ions in capillary electrophoresis
Křížek, T. ; Martínková, E. ; Kubíčková, A. ; Hladílková, Jana ; Coufal, P. ; Heyda, J. ; Jungwirth, Pavel
The present study shows that neutral low-molecular-mass compounds that are presumed to possess zero electrophoretic mobility and are thus used as markers of electroosmotic flow in capillary electrophoresis can acquire electrophoretic mobility due to ion-specific interactions with constituents of background electrolyte. Therefore, these neutral markers, such as thiourea or dimethyl sulfoxide, can be separated in electric field and their migration order can vary depending on background electrolyte composition. This observation has some important implications for analytical and physico-chemical measurements using capillary electrophoresis because the choice of the marker-background electrolyte combination can influence the results of the measurement.