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Size effect analysis during cutting and its importance for evaluation of minimum chip thickness
Kraváček, Radek ; Novák, Zdeněk (referee) ; Bumbálek, Bohumil (advisor)
During machining play the size off component deciding role from the viewpoint of their behaviour. This is result of „size effect”, which turns common characteristic cutting process. The aim of diploma thesis was contribute piece of knowledge verification of this effect and the further exploit during machining. The main interest is directed to the relation between the cutting edge and depth of cut.

Thermophilic microorganisms
Sůkalová, Kateřina ; Vránová, Dana (referee) ; Babák, Libor (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis is focused on distribution thermophilic species from among microorganisms, characteristic important genera, in which these microorganisms we can find and detailed description choice species. There is described origin of thermal environment and locations of habitation thermophilic microorganisms with intention on geothermal areas, where is found the biggest number of these species. In consequence of thermal stability of enzymes these microorganisms are used in food industry, in waste treatment, in medicine and for their production of thermostabile enzymes.

Restaurování a konzervace laténského meče
Ottenwelter, Estelle
The primary aim of this paper is to demonstrate an example of restoration of a La Téne Period sword. The secondary aim is to highlight the importance of firstly studying the artefact to determine the fabrication technology and also to examine the corrosion products strtigraphy so as to localise the original surface before commencing restoration. Finally, the benefits of collaboration between specialists to reveal the maximum archaeological information are explained in this sword restoration treatment.

The Specifics of Nurse´s work on a Psychiatric Ward
Theoretical background Psychiatry belongs to fundamental branches of medicine. Its task consists of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of mental diseases. Psychiatry includes adult psychiatry, child psychiatry and adolescent psychiatry, gerontopsychiatry, psychiatric addictology, psychiatric sexulogy with psychiatric rehabilitation. Nowadays, importance of the psychiatric branch is increasing; according to epidemiologists, we can see a slightly upward trend in the number of psychiatric patients. Work of a nurse in the department of psychiatry differs considerably from work in other standard departments. Such work is demanding both physically and mentally. In the department of psychiatry, it is extremely necessary that the nurse builds up a close relationship with the patient and acquires their confidence. Goals of the thesis The goal of the thesis was to map differences relating to work of a nurse working in the department of psychiatry, to find out what communication skills a nurse working in the department of psychiatry must have and in addition, to find out what the possibilities of further education within the framework of life-long education for nurses working in the branch of psychiatry are available. Methodology The qualitative methodology was applied to the research. The data were obtained by the interview method. Prior to execution of the research as such, the staff nurse was asked for permission and she agreed with execution of the research concerned. In cooperation with the charge nurse and the head nurse of the department of psychiatry, seven interviews with the nurses were made. The interview consisted of twelve questions and was absolutely anonymous. The written records of the interviews were analysed and the results were divided into categories and sub-categories subsequently. Results Based on the research, it was discovered that work of nurses in the department of psychiatry is much different from work thereof in other departments. The nurse working here should be interested in the field and should have good knowledge of the psychiatry-related issues. The nurse working in the department of psychiatry should be competent, resourceful and should be well informed of the patients to be able to perceive early possible changes in their behaviour. In the psychiatric nursing care it is important in particular to communicate correctly with various types of patients. Therefore, it is vital for the nurse to be well versed in mental diseases and symptoms thereof. Behaviour, perception and communication of the psychiatric patient are often affected by the disease as such. There are various communication barriers which the nurse has to cope with. Therefore, the nurse should be able to use all components of verbal as well as non-verbal communication correctly. Preparation for incidents consists of in particular regular training in the area of occupational safety and protection of health at work, fire protection and study of methodological guidelines and standards of the department of psychiatry. Certain preparation for incidents is included as well. There are sufficient possibilities of further education in psychiatric nursing care available. As it followed from the research, the nurses show active interest in education and search therefor independently. The nurses are sufficiently supported by their superiors in the search for suitable educational projects. Conclusion Considering the overall view of the thesis results, it is possible to say that the research questions were answered and the set goals of this thesis were achieved. The results of this bachelor's thesis may serve as supporting source material for lectures on nursing care in departments of psychiatry. In addition, the thesis may serve students as study and source material for their own studies and work.

Ab initio studie Lavesových fází v systémech Fe-Cr, Fe-Mo a Fe-Ta
Houserová, Jana ; Šob, Mojmír
Binary systems Fe-Cr, Fe-Mo and Fe-Ta can be found in many kinds of steels where the Laves-phase can be considered as a potential candidate for strengthening provided size and distribution of the particles are within certain limits. We performed electronic structure calculations to study the thermodynamic and structural properties of the C14 Laves phase with various compositions. In the frame of the thermodynamic study, we have evaluated the total energies of formation of Laves phase structure with different occupations of sublattices (Fe2Fe, Fe2X, X2Fe, X2X, where X stands for Cr, Mo and Ta) with respect to the Standard Element Reference (SER) states. These energies of formation are of great importance for prediction of stability of studied configurations.

Products with Protected Designations of the European Union and Their Position in Regional Tourism
Licková, Kamila ; Kalábová, Markéta (advisor) ; Abrhám, Josef (referee)
The master thesis deals with products with protected designations of the European Union. The main objective of the master thesis is to evaluate the importance of the chosen product with protected designation of the EU in regional tourism and analyse the perception of the product by a producer and by tourists. The sub-objective is the description of the European system of food labelling. The thesis is divided into five main chapters. The first part explains basic concepts which are related to the thesis. The second chapter introduces the best known food quality labels. Greater attention is devoted to the description of the food protection system of the EU. The third chapter deals with the characteristics of the chosen region Beskydy-Wallachia. The second part of this chapter is focused on the chosen protected product Štramberské uši. The forth chapter includes a structured interview with the chosen producer of Štramberské uši and a survey research, which was conducted in two phases. The last chapter contains the evaluation of the implemented survey. The main finding of this thesis is the fact that a relatively high percentage of respondents know the product Štramberské uši. An interesting finding is the fact that only a small portion of them know that the product Štramberské uši is the holder of the protected designation of the European Union. The chosen producer of Štramberské uši sees the main benefit of the label in greater publicity. Among problems he ranks the enforceability of the label and lack of general promotion of Štramberské uši.

The qualitis life of women in Czech Republic
Vachtová, Soňa ; Zelinková, Olga (referee) ; Krahulcová, Beáta (advisor)
The main target of my diploma thesis is to find how much the women are satisfied with their life, namely in life aspects, which are closely associated with gender problems. At first there is sketched when, where and who started to concerned with standing of woman in society. Next I describe the gender from biological view, then if the gender indicitive allocation of roles has the biological grounds or not. In the next chapter there're founded the grounds of gender indicative allocation of roles in the area of individual socialization, mainly in infancy period. In the fourth chapter I try to describe individual parts of life, where, in my opinion, the gender disparity the most reflexed is. This is concretely concerned the family field, employment, I deal the cult of beauty as well. The last chapter is about effort of European Union and about the achieving of identical standing of men and women, I lightly touch also the worldwide problem of woman's standing. The important part of this diploma thesis is questionary, what finds the satisfaction of men and women with their lifes, namely in life aspects, where are adherent to gender problematic. There's also regarded the influence of education in the qestionary investigation.

Use of social services by beneficiaries of care allowance.
The Bachelor's Thesis deals with the issue of the carer's allowance recipients benefiting from social services, which is important and topical in my opinion. Applying the quantitative method of research, I performed a survey based on questionnaires. I divided the respondents into 3 groups to allow questions asked in the questionnaires to cover all types of clients among whom I carried out the research. The group one included persons benefiting from residential care social services; the group two included persons provided with outpatient care or field care social services and the group three included persons who are recipients of the carer's allowance where care is provided by, for example, their family members. The goal of the Bachelor's Thesis was to find out how the recipients dispose of the carer's allowance and whether they are satisfied therewith. Two more partial goals finally resulted from the research in relation in particular to persons belonging to group one. One of the partial goals is whether the respondents are satisfied with the services provided and the other partial goal is whether, according to the respondents, the quality of the provided services corresponds with the financial means that they pay to the services providers. The hypothesis H1: The allowance is used for social services. This hypothesis could be examined among the respondents belonging to groups two and three only. In this case, the hypothesis was not affirmed. In the group three, no respondent utilizes social services and in the group two only 27 respondents out of 80, who were interviewed, benefit from such services. The hypothesis H2: The recipients are satisfied with the carer's allowance amount. This hypothesis was affirmed in a total number of 80 respondents. 48 persons are satisfied with the carer's allowance amount and the remaining 32 respondents said that they were not satisfied. I think that this research may be beneficial for social services providers, as it will find out how the respondents assess the effectiveness of the provided services or whether they would welcome a different alternative available in the area of social services.

Legal aspects of the indoor production of liquors and certified distillation
Kutěj, Vladislav ; Gřivna, Tomáš (advisor) ; Bohuslav, Lukáš (referee)
Legal aspects of the indoor production of liquors and certified distillation The author analyzes all possible crimes, which can be comitted in the indoor production of liquors or during certified distillation. Firstly, he defines key terms and provides the sources important for the field of liquor production, provides information about history of liquors making and explains how the certified distillation works. The thesis also includes the author's own definition of yet undefined legal concept of the indoor liquor production. In the section devoted to the analysis of individual crimes, the author first looks at the offense of illegal production of alcohol, which has been excluded from the criminal Code. The recent health crisis in Czech republic called Methanol affair is described in the thesis as well with connection to indoor production of liquors and certified distillation. The part about the Methanol affair also describes why the crisis happened and what were the consequences for people living in Czech republic (prohibition, death of many citizens, injuries etc.) Detailed examination in relation to the indoor production of liquors and certified distillation is provided to crimes against life and health, economic crimes and to generally dangerous crimes. During the indoor production of liquors or...