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Role of Psb28 proteins in the biogenesis of the Photosystem II complex in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
BEČKOVÁ, Martina
The thesis focuses on the role of Psb28 proteins, namely the Psb28-1 and its homolog Psb28-2, in the biogenesis of the Photosystem II complex (PSII) in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803. The aims of this work were to localize the proteins within the cells, and to determine their function. A fraction of both Psb28 proteins was identified in the monomeric PSII core complexes but most proteins were found in the unassembled protein fraction associated with thylakoid membranes. Psb28-1 was mostly detected as a dimer while Psb28-2 as a monomer. Psb28-1 also differed from Psb28-2 by its higher affinity to the PSII core complex lacking CP43 antenna. Characterization of Psb28-less mutants suggested regulatory function of the proteins in PSII biogenesis in connection with chlorophyll biosynthetic pathway. Analysis of preparations isolated using FLAG-tagged versions of Psb28 proteins showed their association with Photosystem II - Photosystem I supercomplexes, especially under increased irradiance, and supported a role of Photosystem I in the PSII biogenesis.

Survey of continuing care for cardiacs in Czech Republic, with focus on nursing care.
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the Czech Republic. An increasing number of its inhabitants become cardiac patients who require a nursing intervention. Nursing in cardiology has an irreplaceable position in the cardiovascular care provision. The health care costs are rising, nursing has been undergoing many changes. Training of cardiology nurses gets changed, as well as the image and role of cardiology nurses in society. Cardiology nurses are much more independent, educated and organized. In cardiovascular facilities nursing care is being standardized and the quality of care is improving. In this thesis, focus is given to nursing in cardiology. In the introduction the issue of cardiovascular diseases is outlined, the major part is devoted to the concept of Czech nursing in cardiology. Individual stages of the system of care for cardiac patients in the Czech Republic and the status of cardiology nurses involved in the system are surveyed. Attention is also paid to the structure of cardiovascular facilities and expert companies in our country and abroad. The thesis has the title: Survey of continuity of care for cardiac patients in the Czech Republic with focus on nursing care. In total five goals, seven research questions and four hypotheses were stated. We surveyed the cardiology nurses´ attitude to lifelong learning, if they are building their own specific image, and if they ensure the continuity of care. Our objective was also to identify the role of nurses in education of cardiac patients and the level of cardiac patients´ knowledge. The research section is elaborated on the basis of a qualitative and quantitative investigation. The qualitative part was carried out by semi-structured interviews with cardiology nurses working in comprehensive cardiovascular centers. The quantitative part of the survey was conducted with patients of comprehensive cardiovascular centers. Seventy domestic and foreign sources of literature devoted not only to the issueof cardiovascular diseases were quoted. The research results are supposed to serve as a basis for coordinated efforts of all participating nurses and institutions to build a well-functioning and technically and economically efficient system of nursing care for cardiac patients in CR.

Fish passes and their role in landscape and ecosystem management
Míka, Martin ; Horký, Pavel (advisor) ; Kuříková, Pavlína (referee)
Fishways are devices intended to restore fish migration through the transverse obstacles in fragmented flows. Basic types of fish passages can be divided into technical and close to nature. Technical as cellular or crevice between the close to nature can include, for example, a bypass channel or boulder ramps. Close to nature fishways are suitable not only for Migration wider range of species and the size of fish, but they are preferable as landscape elements in urban landscapes. Can be recommended to be close to nature when crossing streams fragmented preferred, although not necessarily their use, for example, due to space constraints at a particular location possible.

International Monetary Fund
Drobná, Martina ; Hrdlička, Pavel (advisor) ; Severová, Lucie (referee)
The object of this thesis is an analysis of the current role of the International Monetary Fund in the 21st century. The first part of this thesis is focused on history that led to foundation of this international organisation, the reasons for its establishment and its characterization. The second par introduces one from the most important roles of this Fund, which is providing of credit to the countries that have financial difficulties. The result of this part is an appraisal of these loans and their future development. The last part of this thesis assesses current tasks of the Internationl Monetary Fund and its role in the future.

Community care in psychiatry
BÍNOVÁ, Romana
Abstract Diploma thesis deals with the issue of community care in psychiatry and its objective is to describe the importance of a nurse in providing this care. Community psychiatric care is a very wide area of an intermediary patient assistance designed to help the patients in any areas of their lives. Although in the Czech Republic community care has not achieved the appropriate development yet, its benefits for patients are important now and its importance has been growing. In the theoretical part, after a brief introduction to community care issues, history, principles, but also community care connection with nursing care, are mentioned. Subsequently, attention is paid to particular areas of community care that are important for the mentally ill and the role of a nurse in these areas is described. The approach to the mentally ill, the issue of stigmatization and psychiatric care organizations are mentioned. In the theoretical are part, psychiatric illnesses that may occur in community care are also analyzed and it is explained how community care may be beneficial for psychiatric patients. In the practical part, the objective was to find out the level of psychiatric nurses´ awareness of community care and to determine if they see the sense of community care in psychiatry. Making a survey of community care in which nurses can be involved was another objective of the work. The nurses´ responses to the stated hypotheses were statistically analyzed within quantitative research. The purpose of hypotheses stated was to determine whether nurses with the work experience longer than ten years are more likely to believe that psychiatric care is more beneficial for patients than hospitalization., And also, if nurses with an education higher than secondary have better awareness of community services provision. Other hypotheses were focused on finding out whether nurses consider the most common community care services issue in the Czech Republic to be housing promotion and if nurses aged over thirty years are more aware of the nurses´ role importance in community care. None of those hypotheses were confirmed. The hypothesis assuming that nurses obtain more information on community care from the Internet and literature than at workshops was confirmed. Psychiatric nurses working in mental homes in the South Moravian region and the Vysočina region took part in this research. A component of the practical part is also an analysis of community services in these regions. In both the regions 13 civic associations and community centers were mapped.

Aversion of the consumer/investor to loss
Svorad, Michal ; Chládek, Libor (referee) ; Škapa, Stanislav (advisor)
This Masters thesis analysis attitude and behavior of consumer in a role of investor in financial market to the loss or how to avoid the risk of future losses .In the theoretical part describes the theory needed to understand the other part, here in after referred to as tools and methods that are used to reduce the risk of loss.

Cooperation between nurses and physicians from the perspective of nursing management
Cooperation of nurses and physicians from the perspective of nursing management Master's thesis was focused on the cooperation of nurses and physicians from the perspective of nursing management. Nursing care and nursing management has an irreplaceable role in health care. The world of medicine, nursing care and health care is an extremely complex organizational system, which is not surely represented only by physicians and nurses, but these, however, are still the dominant persons on the scene. The first objective of this thesis was to make a survey of cooperation between nurses and physicians during the nursing process in the care of patients from the perspective of nursing management in departments of surgery and internal medicine. The second objective was to identify problem areas in cooperation between nurses and physicians from the perspective of nursing management in departments of surgery and internal medicine, and the third objective was to find out the way the nursing management tackles problem situations in cooperation between nurses and physicians in departments of surgery and internal medicine. To meet these objectives four research questions were stated: 1. In what areas do nurses and physicians cooperate during the nursing process while providing care for patients from the perspective of nursing management in their respective departments? 2. How do nurses assess and perceive cooperation with physicians from the perspective of nursing management in their respective departments? 3. Are there problem areas in cooperation of nurses and physicians from the perspective of nursing management in their respective departments? 4. How does nursing management tackle problem situations in cooperation between nurses and physicians in their respective departments? The research was conducted in the hospital, where I was given information under the condition of anonymity of the respondents interviewed. The responders were chief nurses and senior staff nurses working in departments of surgery and internal medicine. The investigation conducted is a qualitative research. Interviews with the structure of questions to non-standardized interviews were conducted with the respondents according to question structures of the non-standardized interview. Subsequently, transcripts of interviews and data categorization in tables according to the Ritchie and Spencer´s framework analysis were made. The survey suggests the following conclusions. Nurses and physicians cooperate within the nursing process in providing care for patients from the perspective of nursing management in departments of surgery and internal medicine at the stage of problem solving. Nurses appreciate cooperation with physicians on the basis of mutual respect, but they still feel the prevailing dominance of physicians. From the perspective of nursing management there are problematic areas in cooperation between nurses and physicians. Nursing management tackles problem situation in cooperation between nurses and physicians by seeking common solutions. It will be possible to provide the health care facilities, where the research was conducted, with the outcomes of the research. Thinking about the possible improvement in mutual cooperation as early as during physicians´ and nurses´ studies, to introduce various measures to improve cooperation between nurses and physicians by organizing joint seminars and cultural events could lead to meeting the purpose. It is necessary to raise physicians´ awareness of nursing process and to carry out further research on this topic.

Vektorová segmentace objemových medicínských dat založená na Delaunay triangulaci
Španěl, Michal ; Martišek, Dalibor (referee) ; Sochor, Jiří (referee) ; Kršek, Přemysl (advisor)
Image segmentation plays an important role in medical image analysis. Many segmentation algorithms exist. Most of them produce data which are more or less not suitable for further surface extraction and anatomical modeling of human tissues. In this thesis, a novel segmentation technique based on the 3D Delaunay triangulation is proposed. A modified variational tetrahedral meshing approach is used to adapt a tetrahedral mesh to the underlying CT volumetric data, so that image edges are well approximated in the mesh. In order to classify tetrahedra into regions/tissues whose characteristics are similar, three different clustering schemes are presented. Finally, several methods for improving quality of the mesh and its adaptation to the image structure are also discussed.

Optimization of network flow monitoring
Žádník, Martin ; Lhotka,, Ladislav (referee) ; Matoušek, Radomil (referee) ; Sekanina, Lukáš (advisor)
The thesis deals with optimization of network flow monitoring. Flow-based network traffic processing, that is, processing packets based on some state information associated to the flows which the packets belong to, is a key enabler for a variety of network services and applications. The number of simultaneous flows increases with the growing number of new services and applications. It has become a challenge to keep a state per each flow in a network device processing high speed traffic. A flow table, a structure with flow states, must be stored in a memory hierarchy. The memory closest to the processing is known as a flow cache. Flow cache management plays an important role in terms of its effective utilization, which affects the performance of the whole system. This thesis focuses on an automated design of cache replacement policy optimized to a deployment on particular networks. A genetic algorithm is proposed to automate this process. The genetic algorithm generates and evaluates evolved replacement policies by a simulation on obtained traffic traces. The proposed algorithm is evaluated by designing replacement policies for two variations of the cache management problem. The first variation is an evolution of the replacement policy with an overall low number of state evictions from the flow cache. The second variation represents an evolution of the replacement policy with a low number of evictions belonging to large flows only. Optimized replacement policies for both variations are found while experimenting with various encoding of the replacement policy and genetic operators. The newly evolved replacement policies achieve better results than other tested policies. The evolved replacement policy lowers the overall amount of evictions by ten percent in comparison with the best compared policy. The evolved replacement policy focusing on large flows lowers the amount of their evictions two times. Moreover, no eviction occurs for most of the large flows (over 90%). The evolved replacement policy offers better resilience against flooding the flow cache with large amount of short flows which are typical side effects of scanning or distributed denial of service activities. An extension of the replacement policy is also proposed. The extension complements the replacement policy with an additional information extracted from packet headers. The results show further decrease in the number of evictions when the extension is used.

The mentor position within in the nursing team, and her the cooperation with the shift nurses.
Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the position of nursing mentor and her cooperation with shift nurses. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided into seven chapters, and focuses on the current nursing profession that is also interconnected with education and legislature. The work is further dealing with the role of the nursing mentor and her cooperation with the nursing team. Last but not least, the theoretical part is devoted to the important role of ethics and morality in the nursing profession that is undoubtedly of central importance. We are also addressing the Certified Course for Mentors that we regard as rather positive as one of the forms of lifelong education. The nurses completing the course will acquire new skills and knowledge, but also knowledge in the field of psychology, law, didactics and other fields. The role of a nurse-mentor is rather important as she can pass the acquired knowledge further and positively influence the students in this way over the course of professional training facilitating their adaptation when they start their professional career. It was the main objective of this work to map the current position of a nurse? mentor, what her experience is with cooperation with other shift nurses as part of practical education in the workplace, and whether the nurses direct and sufficiently motivate the students to become interested in the profession of general nurses or midwifes. The section on research employed two methods. The first method consisted in quantitative research in the form of questionnaires. We employed two questionnaires, one targeted the nurses-non-mentors, while the second was intended for nurses-mentors. As a second method, qualitative research was carried out using semi-structured interview conducted with selected head and ward (charge) nurses. Using the qualitative survey approach, we tested the following working hypotheses. H1: the general nurses know what the role of a nurse-mentor is in the health-care team, H2: the nurses-mentors motivate their students to raise their interest in the profession of general nurse, H3: the nurses-mentors are not always occupying leading positions, H4: the nurses-mentors are perceived positively by the shift nurses,