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Specifics of nursing care in patients after transapical aortic valve implantation.
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a new and an attractive method in cardiology and as well as in cardiac surgery. It is constantly evolving method which has been developed as an alternative to standard open surgery, especially in patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis with unacceptably high perioperative risk or patients who are not suitable for conventional open heart surgery because of age and comorbidities.A teamwork is very importantfor this new method and approach. The choice for TAVI is discussed by the institutional multidisciplinary heart team, typically consisting of interventional cardiologists, imaging-specialists, cardiac surgeons and anaesthesiologists. The first implant in a human being was performed by Cribierin 2002. In Czech Republic this method was first used in 2008. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) was accepted as a minimally invasive alternative to open surgery. This method does not require the use of cardiopulmonary bypass, and cardiac arrest. Other several benefits includinglower risks of bleeding and stroke events, better wound healing, less pain, as well as more rapid early recovery due to preservation of continuity of the sternumthat result in shorter durations of stay in the hospital, earlier rehabilitation and faster returns to normal life. In the presented work was used a combination of qualitative-quantitative methods of investigation. The data was obtained by using the quantitative research. The main technique was using the questionnaires designed for nurses working at the Department of Cardiac Surgery, Hospital Czech Budejovice, a. s. These results were backed up by the implementation of qualitative research, which investigated the patients and physicians view on monitored issues. Questioning method using a semi structured interview technique was used for qualitative research. The results of the survey were processed using descriptive statistics charts in LibreOffice Calc and using diagrams created in LibreOffice Writer. Qualitative results of the research were transcribed from audio recordings and coded, and the base code was created nine categories of interviews with clients/patients and three categories of interviews with doctors. The aim of this work was to explore the specific problem of nursing care about the clients / patients after transapical aortic valve implantation. On the base of our obtained data it is evident, that the client/patient after TAVI may be positioned sideways, the use of surgical drains are less frequently, so the care about the surgical wounds is simpler, patients report less pain in the surgical wound and postoperative rehabilitation and recovery is shorter. H1 - The nurses take care about the clients/patients after transapical aortic valve implantation in the same way as about the clients/patients after open aortic valve replacement, without realizing the differences between the patients treated with different approaches, was not confirmed. The nurses'sees/reported major differences in invasiveness and extent of providing care, rehabilitation, convalescent, in the duration of the hospitalization and better cosmetic effect. The results of the research can serve as a basis for creating the standards of nursing care or educational material for clients/patients. It is also possible to present the results of this work at a specialized seminar for non medical healthcare workers and results can also increase the quality of nursing care about the clients/patients after transapical aortic valve implantation.

Charity Projects of Organizations Providing Care for Children with Disabilities in South Bohemia
The bachelor thesis "Charity Projects of Organisations Providing Care for Children with Health Disability in the Region of South Bohemia" deals with those projects that were founded by non-profit organisations and that provide care for children with health disability in the Region of South Bohemia. The aim of this thesis is to chart the charity projects of above mentioned organisations and to find out what is a proper and effective way to create them and what methods and procedures are used by non-state, non-profit organisations. The first research inquiry refers to a successful implementation of these projects. The result will be not only a realisation what kind of projetcs were created by the above mentioned organisations but also what is important for an organisation itself. Within the bounds of the second research inquiry I find out wheather there is an optimal procedure for the implementation of the charity projects of non-state, non-profit organisations. A qualitative method was used for a research part of this thesis. I used a method of a half-structured interview, a technique of a personal interview. A research group was selected for bringing the research into practice, which includes nine organisations seleceted from non-state, non-profit organisations providing a care for health disabled children in the Region of South Bohemia. It is more difficult for non-state, non-profit organisations it this field to obtain enough finances for providing services and for obtaining necessary aids than for state non-profit organisations because of different ways of fundraising . A non-state, non-profit organisation has several possibilities how to obtain necessary material and non-material sources. There are charity projects that offer means of selfless help; provided they are successful, they help the organisation to obtain necessary sources. It emerged from the research that it was very important for non-state, non-profit organisations to get a multi-source fundraising and supporters of their projects, mainly donors and sponsors, to obtain available care for children with heath disability. On the basis of the research, it is possible to state that non-state, non-profit organisations providing care for children with health disability, implemented many successful projects. The results of this thesis can be used in the way of an informative material for setting a complete view of a solution of the problems of the above mentioned organisations projects.

Účinky xenobiotik na oxidační stres, metabolizmus lipidů, integritu DNA a životaschopnost lidských buněk a rybích spermií in vitro
Pollution of the aquatic environment by inorganic and organic chemicals is a major factor posing a serious threat to the survival of aquatic organisms including fish. In addition balancing risks and benefits of fish consumption is nowadays an intensively discussed public health topic. Spermatozoa of almost all fish species are released into water environment where they can be directly exposed to various compounds, such as xenobiotics including toxic metals, prior to fertilization. In addition, exposure of parental adults to various xenobiotics may affect gamete quality, which may subsequently reduce fertilization success. On the other hand the advantages of eating fish are well-known, not only in the point that fish is a healthy source of protein and other nutrients, but eating contaminated fish may also confer various health benefits. Research over the past few decades has shown that the nutrients and particularly the n-3 fatty acids (FA) found in fish and seafood, are for examples protective against cardiac diseases and have a positive impact on brain development. The thesis provides a focus on two different cell model types. Firstly, human hepatocellular cells (Hep G2, ATCC) were used as in vitro tool for studying the effect of the intake of cadmium (Cd2+) contaminated fish on cytotoxicity, oxidative stress and fatty acid and phospholipid class compositions. Secondly, spermatozoa of one threatened species of fish, sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) were used as in vitro model for studying effect of potentially hazardous xenobiotic compounds' occurring in open waters. Sperm from sterlet were exposed for 2h to environmentally relevant concentrations of DQ (0-150

Summary of foreign knowledge about the origin and development of EDZ in crystalline rocks - research
Vavro, Martin ; Souček, Kamil ; Staš, Lubomír ; Vavro, Leona
Presented search summarizes findings of foreign research oriented on the origin and evolution of the excavation damaged zone in crystalline rocks with a particular focus on the essential results of experimental projects which were performed in Canada, Sweden, Finland, and Switzerland. The study is divided, excluding the introduction, into seven main chapters of the text, which gradually deal with: (1) definition of key terms, (2) overview of the main underground research laboratories in the world where EDZ assessment was conducted, (3) methods suitable for EDZ description and characterization, (4) main factors influencing the origin of failure around the excavations and time-dependent evolution of EDZ. An overview of important outcomes of EDZ experiments, focusing on the European hard rock laboratories (Stripa, Äspö, Onkalo/Olkiluoto and Grimsel), and their summary are presented in the final two chapters.\nThe review summarizing the published key findings and results of in situ experiments shows, that for rock in lower stress state, i.e. in no spalling environment, the extent and character of rock mass damage is typically dependent on the excavation method. Using mechanical excavation, rock damage zone with thickness less than 3 centimeters can be originated. The microcracks within this zone contribute to the increase of hydraulic conductivity of the rock mass. At some test sites (Äspö, Grimsel), where the tunnel boring machine technology was used, the damage zone was already detected in depth of less than 5 mm.\nOn the contrary, openings excavated by drilling and blasting are characterized by much more extensive damage zones up to several tens of centimeters in width. The damage progressively diminishes with the distance from the opening.

Role informačních a komunikačních technologií (IKT) v zemědělském sektoru Kambodži
Huml, Tomáš ; Kandakov, Alexander (advisor)
Tato práce se bude zabývat vlivem rozšiřování ICT na prodejní ceny a to zejména ceny rýže jak ve venkovských oblastech Kambodži, tak městských trhů. Rýže jakožto předně pěstovaná plodina v Kambodži (cca 80% zemědělců) tvoří hlavní složku HDP v zemědělství, proto výsledek této práce má velký potenciál zhodnotit stav používání ICT v Kambodži. Místní zemědělské trhy nutí farmáře prodávat své výrobky pod velkoobchodní ceny. Nicméně se zdá, že se tato situace mění s difúzi ICT, především používáním mobilních telefonů. Výsledkem této práce by mělo být zhodnocení jak moc ICT ovlivňují ceny a zda-li jsou rozdíly v cenách venkovských a městských trhů. V práci není žádný vlastní výzkum, práce je založena na literární rešerši.

Promotion of selected company
Svatek, Jakub ; Švec, Václav (advisor) ; Lukáš, Lukáš (referee)
This thesis deals with one of the key marketing communication tool of Tesco company, which is a promotional leaflet. The aim is to evaluate how is visual design and user friendliness of leaflet perceived independently and in relation to competing leaflets. The first part defines the theoretical basis of the areas of marketing, marketing communications and marketing research. The following practical part of the thesis contains a two-phase marketing research composed of individual in-depth interviews, which is followed a survey. In conclusion, the research results are summarized. Based on the results proposals are recommended for possible improvements of the current version of leaflet.

Gastrointestinal nematodes in wild ruminants from Czech Republic
Heinclová, Pavla ; Langrová, Iva (advisor) ; Vynikalová, Lucie (referee)
This study is focused on the occurrence of gastrointestinal nematodes in cervids in the Czech Republic. The aim of the study was to determine the species composition of gastrointestinal nematodes of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and fallow deer (Dama dama) . Research on presence of parasites in the digestive tract of roe deer and falow deer was done by using autopsy which was performed in the laboratory of the Department of Zoology and Fisheries FAPPZ CULS Prague according to K. I. Skrjabin. Autopsy material was extracted from small intestine of the captured pieces during the years 2009 - 2014. Research was done on 15 deer coming from Central Bohemia, Ústí and Liberec region. For determination were used microscope and determination key. Among determination characteristics determined in females include overall length of the body width, shape and size of the vulva, the presence of flaps, vulva distance from the anus, the shape of the end of the body. Males observed features: overall length, size and shape of spicules, gubernaculum. Among the common features observed included the formation of the pharynx and oral capsule. Each of the nematode was measured and incorporated into species and genera. Result shows nematodes: Trichostrongylus capricola, Nematodirus fillicolis venulosum and Oesophagostomum, Cooperia pectinata and subsequently evaluated prevalence. From the results of the autopsy of the small intestine shows that the highest prevalence rate among deer and fallow deer reaches Trichostrongylus capricola (60 %) and Nematodirus filicollis (20 %). The lowest prevalence consistently achieve Oesophagostomum venulosum and Cooperia pectinata (6.7 %). The prevalence was consistent with studies carried out in other European countries. In comparison with studies in the Czech Republic with Trichostrongylus capricola was compared to another research from 2008 to decrease prevalence.

Business project based on franchising
Zavázalová, Kateřina ; Pilař, Ladislav (advisor) ; Zdeněk, Zdeněk (referee)
The thesis describes business project based on franchising. For this type of business had been choosen the company The Little Gym which is deals with providing services mainly exercise classes in specialized gyms for children aged from 3 months to 12 years. The aim of this thesis is create a business and economic evalution of the project in the field of fitness with the use of franchising. The thesis is devided into theoretical and practical parts. In practical part the authoress used data from the Czech statistics authority and created a comparison of development birth of childrens, income of families, proportion of minor against the population and others namely between regional cities as Hradec Králové where a new branch will come and Ostrava where the branch was recently opened. Marketing research of potential customers was focused on their opinions and attituteds to physical activitites. Further was done a market segmentation and analysis of competition, especially Porter model. The financial plan was developed based on calculation from the available data. In conclusion the bussines plan was evaluated including evaluation of the economic aspects of the project.

Small-scale biogas technology in Southeast Asian countries: current state, bottlenecks and perspectives
Roubík, Hynek ; Banout, Jan (advisor)
Biogas produced via the anaerobic digestion (AD) of organic waste materials is considered as an important technology in improving the environment because it solves waste management problems and simultaneously produces biogas as a main product and digestate as a by-product, which can also be used as a fertilizer. Within the rising expectations for the substitution of fossil energy with renewable energy as one of the solutions to cope with climate change, the environmental aspects of small-scale biogas plants, as widely used method for energy creation, should be evaluated in a holistic and systematic way. The use of small-scale biogas plants is mostly common for energy creation from waste in Southeast Asia. This source of energy is mainly lauded for its low costs, clean production and high fertilization effects of digested matter for crops. There are number of advantages of small-scale biogas production on farms, including also savings on firewood or fossil fuels and reduction in odour and greenhouse gas emissions from using other fuels. However, biogas plants are often poorly managed and there is lack of proper distribution systems for biogas. That results in methane being release inadvertently through leaks in digesters and tubing, and intentionally when production exceeds demand. As methane has a global warming potential 25 times higher than that of carbon dioxide, environmental advantages of small-scale biogas plants might be compromised. This dissertation intends to provide in-depth understanding about the issue with taking into accounts possible risks. Investigating of such a topic is within continuing concern about small-scale biogas technology in rural areas of developing countries. For this reason technical, social, economic and environmental assessment of small-scale biogas technology will be done. Methods of data collection will consist of questionnaire survey and focus group discussions among randomly selected owners of biogas plants, semi-structured personal interviews with local authorities and facilitators and observation. Furthermore, prediction of future development of this technology will be created.

Management of Education of Employees in Organisation
Suchardová, Lucie ; Urbancová, Hana (advisor) ; Lenka, Lenka (referee)
This diploma thesis is focused on the management of educational process in a particular organization. Knowledge, skills and abilities of employees are often the only source of company's competative advantage. Therefore, the issue of employees' education is becoming the key topic of company's management. The main goal of this work is to identify and evaluate the educational system in the settings of the DIAMO organization, a state owned company, its subsidiary plant of Mining and Refining, and in case of finding of possible problems to suggest the appropriate measures and changes in the educational process. This is achieved by the analysis of the company's internal documents, quantitative survey plus qualitative research performed in the form of interviews with the managers. The result of this procedure is the finding of existence of the systematic, repetative and effective educational process, whereas the eployees' attitude is predominantly positive. On the other hand, weeknesses are seen in the absence of some thematic areas of education, in some employees, who consider further education unnecessary, and in the fact that the key empoyees reach retirement age, and with their departure the company loses valuable skills and know-how. On the basis of these findings there has been suggested regular professional excursions for employees, improvement of internal motivation of employees to education via the individual approach of managers towards each worker, and securing the continuing of know-how by sharing the knowledge among the different groups of employees.