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Agreement on guilt and punishment
Slavík, Michal ; Říha, Jiří (advisor) ; Krupička, Jiří (referee)
This master`s thesis deals with the topic of agreement on guilt and punishment, which was introduced into Czech criminal procedure code in 2012. The agreement on guilt and punishment represents an alternative way of solving criminal cases. The agreement is entered into by the prosecutor and the accused, while taking into account the interests of the injured party. A precondition of the conclusion of an agreement on guilt and punishment is the declaration of the accused that they committed the act for which they are prosecuted. The prosecutor proposes the adequate punishment for the act committed and the final version of the agreement has to be approved by the court. For the accused, this procedure means a mitigation of the sentence in exchange for a declaration of committing an act. An advantage for the law enforcement authorities is shorter and simplified criminal procedure. Other benefits of the conclusion of the agreement on guilt and punishment are the cost savings and the protection of injured parties. The institute of agreement on guilt and punishment has its origin in the Anglo-American legal system where it is one of the pillars of the criminal process. In the Czech context, however, it is a foreign and controversial institute, which is subject to strong criticism mainly by legal theorists....
Agreement on guilt and punishment
Dimitriadisová, Šárka ; Říha, Jiří (advisor) ; Bohuslav, Lukáš (referee)
Agreement on guilt and punishment This master's dissertation focuses on a relatively new juridical institute of the criminal procedural law, which is agreement on guilt and punishment. This institute was incorporated in the Czech legal system by the Act No. 193/2012 Coll., which took effect from 1st September, 2012. The main purpose for the incorporation was acceleration and efficiency of criminal proceedings as well as lightening the burden of courts, which are overloaded due to excessive amount of new cases. The master's dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the inclusion of plea bargaining in the system of the Code of Criminal Procedure and on the institute of agreement on guilt and punishment in comparison with other diversions. A brief introduction to the basic principles of retributive and restorative justice is also included in this chapter. The second chapter covers the historical development of incorporating plea bargaining into Czech legislation and the legislative process itself. The basic arguments both in and against favour of the institute are outlined, especially taking into account the principles of Czech criminal proceeding. The third chapter contains a detailed analysis of relevant legislation and is divided into two parts, the first focusing...
Plea bargain: comparison of Czech and German regulation
Sakařová, Michaela ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
This master's thesis deals with the institute of agreement process that originates in anglo-american plea bargain, which has been implemented in many criminal proceedings within the countries of continental Europe. Civil law based countries are using agreements in different forms during their criminal proceedings as an alternative to common trials. Its purpose is to make them faster and more simple. Every agreement is different from each other, but one common element is that accused person pleads guilty of crimes he/she is being prosecuted for and also that the authorities involved in given criminal proceeding are willing to make concession in punishment of the prosecuted. Even though this type of solution to overburdened authorities active in criminal proceedings seems to be quite positive, there are some critics that find this method in conflict with some basic principals of continental criminal proceeding. This thesis introduces the agreement process in general view, briefly examines its origins and focuses mainly on its legislation in the Czech Republic and Germany. Legislative force in the Czech Republic implemented the agreement on guilt and punishment into criminal proceedings by an amendment of Criminal Procedure Code No. 193/2012 Sb. as a completely new diversion, respectively as special...
Agreement on guilt and punishment
Šaćirović, Adéla ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
This master's thesis deals with the topic of agreement on guilt and punishment, which became a part of the legal system of the Czech Republic on 1 September 2012 - by effect of the eighty-third amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code, which was implemented by the Act no. 193/2012 Coll. The agreement on guilt and punishment is an alternative way of solving criminal cases. As is apparent from its title, it is the negotiation of an agreement between the prosecutor and the accused, or even injured person, whose objection is a solution to the question of guilt and punishment. A necessary prerequisite of its validity is subsequent approval of the negotiated agreement on guilt and punishment by the court. When designing a statutory regulation of a particular institute it is always necessary to pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages that will most likely accompany this institute. The positives must obviously outweigh the negatives and try to minimize them as much as possible. Simply stated, the institute must bring more good than harm. The main aim of my thesis is to introduce the comprehensive legislation of the agreement on guilt and punishment, to assess the positives and negatives accompanying the agreement on guilt and punishment, and to point out the specifics, imperfections and...
Agreement on Guilt and Punishment
Zaoralová, Petra ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Herczeg, Jiří (referee)
The submitted thesis is addressed to the institute of Agreement on Guilt and Punishment which has been adopted to the Czech criminal proceedings by the amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code, the Act no. 193/2012 Coll., as effective of 1 September 2012. The inspiration of implementing the new procedural institute was drawn from the Anglo-Saxon institute of "Guilty Plea" which was modified and adapted to the Czech legal environment. The Czech legislator has significantly diverged from fundamental theoretical grounds commonly recognized in other countries abroad while setting up such application conditions which has legitimately risen debates questioning the position of the Agreement on Guilt and Punishment in the Czech legal system itself. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The introductory chapter deals with systematic and ideological foundations of plea bargaining and summarizes the reasons why has been originally Anglo-Saxon institute progressively implemented to many continental legal systems across Europe. Second chapter offers the summary of valuable international case law and presents the plea bargaining process from the view of European Court of Human Rights. Third chapter focuses on legislation related to the Agreement on Guilt and Punishment in other continental law jurisdictions laying...
The selected issues of juvenile criminal justice
Adam, Josef ; Gřivna, Tomáš (advisor) ; Bohuslav, Lukáš (referee)
IN ENGLISH The thesis deals with the selected issues of the juvenile criminal justice. The aim of the thesis is to analyze certain issues of the juvenile criminal law, especially the issue of their criminal liability, punishment for their illegal conducts with concentration on upbringing measures, further protection of juvenile privacy and introduction to restorative justice. The respective analyses were realized with respect to historical development of the legal regulation of juvenile justice in the Czech Republic, primarily in form of comparison with the regulation from 1931, which was an inspiration for the current legal act on juvenile justice. Within my thesis I emphasize on aspects of restorative justice and bigger share of upbringing measures.
An agreement on guilt and punishment
Bořuta, Jan ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
This thesis is dedicated to legal institute of plea bargaining which has been adopted to Czech criminal procedure law on September 1, 2012. The plea bargaining law in the Czech Republic is highly influenced by plea bargaining practise used in different forms in various common law jurisdictions. The thesis is divided into three basic chapters. First chapter of this thesis describes overall background and reasons for adoption of plea bargaining into Czech law. In this chapter the author presents and analyses reasons and desired results the Czech legislature pursues by adoption of plea bargaining and its usage in practise. Second chapter provides a critical view of relation of plea bargaining with the rest of Czech criminal procedure regulation, especially an interaction of plea bargaining with fundamental principles of criminal procedure. Third chapter focuses on whole procedure related to plea bargaining as regulated by current law. This chapter describes and analyses positions of all parties to the process concerned, plea bargaining negotiation process itself and its legal limits. Furthermore it depicts and examines the process of court hearing and position and role of the court within it. The third chapter also concerns several legal measures laid down in order to secure compliance of the plea...
Current issues of an agreement on guilt and punishment
Hájek, Tomáš ; Vokoun, Rudolf (advisor) ; Bohuslav, Lukáš (referee)
Institute of agreement on guilt and punishment, was implemented into Czech criminal law by Act No. 193/2012 Coll. in 2012 and came into force on 1th September 2012. The institute belongs among diversions from standard criminal proceedings. The purpose of its introducing was an effort to increase efficiency of criminal proceedings. Generally, this instute is typical in common law system, however several countries with continental legal system have already introduced agreement on guilt and punishment into their criminal law - for example: Spain, Germany, Italy and Slovakia. In particular, the Slovakian agreement on guilt and punishment constituted fundamental basis for the Czech version of the agreement. The inspiration for choosing this topic for my Master's thesis was formed by internship at district prosecutor of Prague 4. I have had an option to attend conclusion of the agreement during the process there as well. The thesis is divided into six chapters, which are accompanied by my personal experiences from the internship. Each of them is dealing with different aspects of the institute. The content of the first and the second chapters are reasons for implementing of the institute and detailed analysis de lege lata and I have solved also a question in these chapters namely, if the agreement is in...
An agreement on guilt and punishment: comparison of Czech and Swiss legislation
Bicek, Rudolf ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
Originally Anglo-Saxon criminal process concept in the form of plea bargaining also constituting the topic of this thesis has become a phenomena within a number of civil law countries in the last decades. This alternative way of solving criminal cases consists simply of the possibility for an agreement between the prosecutor and accused through plea bargaining if the accused, under certain conditions, admits committing the offense and agrees with the proposed punishment. When looking at foreign but also domestic legal literature we may, without any exaggeration, consider plea bargainig as a controversial institute. On one side are the proponents with their strongest argument being the acceleration and simplification of the criminal proceedings. However, on the other side, their opponents refer mainly to the flagrant inconsistency of this institute with the fundamental principles of continental criminal proceedings. In the first part this thesis the author examines the agreements in criminal proceedings in general, focusing on their origin, historical development and various basic forms in which the agreements in criminal proceedings are presented in the world. Special section is devoted to plea bargaining regulation in the Czech Republic where this institute was introduced by an Amendment to the...
An agreement on guilt and punishment
Pišvejc, Lukáš ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to deal with recently enacted institute named agreement on guilt and punishment which was incorporated to the Code of Criminal Procedure by Act No. 193/2012 Coll. This Act also widen field of application of existing alternative procedures. The aim pursued by legislator is to achieve the increase of effectivity of criminal proceedings in the Czech Republic. My diploma thesis is divided into three main chapters. In the first chapter can be found presentation of existing alternatives procedures in the czech criminal proceedings with accent to the changes made by Act No. 192/2012 Coll. At the end of the first chapter there are statictical records showing the use of particular alternative procedures. In the second chapter I present and analyze the agreement of guilt and punishment. This chapter contains definition, history of evolution and conditions of use of the agreement of guilt and punishment. In the last chapter we can find comparison of the agreement of guilt and punishment to french institute named la Comparution sur reconaissance préalable de culpabilité which aims to provide inspiration for potential future changes of this procedure.

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