Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 1,987 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí1978 - 1987  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.20 vteřin. 

Nová diagnostika pomocí Thomsonova rozptylu pro tokamak COMPASS
Brotánková, Jana ; Bělský, Petr ; Weinzettl, Vladimír ; Böhm, Petr
Po převozu do České Republiky, tokamak COMPASS prochází řadou inovací. V rámci těchto inovací bude postaveno několik nových diagnostik. Jedna z nich je nová diagnostika pro měření elektronové teploty a hustoty pomocí Thomsonova rozptylu. Vzhledem k tomu, že fyzikální program je zaměřen na výzkum okrajového plazmatu, největší pozornost bude věnována této oblasti měření.

Current state and prospects of scintillation materials for detectors in SEM
Schauer, Petr ; Bok, Jan
The two principal quantities are important for assessing the quality of each imaging system. Firstly, it is the detective quantum efficiency (DQE), which is primarily a measure of image noise. As the DQE is determined by signal to noise ratio (SNR), the efficient and noise-free components are the key to the high DQE. Second, not less important indicator of image quality is also the modulation transfer function (MTF). MTF describes the ability of adjacent pixels to change from black to white in response to patterns of varying spatial frequency, and hence it determines the actual capability to show fine detail, whether with full or reduced contrast. Using a scanning imaging system the fast components are the key to the good MTF. In a scintillation electron detector of scanning electron microscope (SEM) the scintillator is the most crucial component, because it significantly influences both the DQE and MTF. The aim of this study is to assess the scintillation materials suitable for SEM detectors characterized by the both high efficiency and fast decay characteristic.

Quality assessment of scintillation detector in SEM using MFT
Bok, Jan ; Schauer, Petr
One of the recent trends in S(T)EM is increasing of the e-beam scanning speed. In general, higher speeds decrease object degradation and prevent image artifacts caused by slow electrical discharging. However, the increase of the scanning speed is limited by the time response of the segnal-electron detector. When the detector response is slower than the scanning speed, it can have negative influence to the quality of the scanned image, such as contrast reduction and image blurring. Usually, the rise and fall edges of the time response curve to a square electron pulse have more complex form, such as a multi-exponential function of time. Evaluate and compare the time-dependent edges in contex of their influence on the image quality is rather complicated. Therefore, we propose to express the detector time response by the modulation transfer function (MTF), which contains all relevant information. It can give the answer to the important question, what maximum scanning speed can be used not to significantly decrease the image quality.

Vývoj a praktické testy izolační a současně chladící skřínky se senzorem pro in-situ měření koncentrací CO na pohyblivých roštech ve spalovnách komunálních odpadů
Martinec, J. ; Skála, Z. ; Schosger, J.-P. ; Baxter, D. ; Svoboda, Karel
Data naměřená in-situ na pohyblivých roštech ve spalovnách komunálních odpadů jsou potřebná pro lepší porozumění spalování a další vývoj těchto spalovacích technologií. Proto byla námi navržena a vyvinuta speciální skřínka (modul) s vnější izolací z keramických vláken. Uvnitř byla další účinná tepelná izolace spolu se speciálními materiály s chladícím efektem, umožňující měření teploty a oxidu uhelnatého v okolní atmosféře elektrochemickým senzorem pomocí nasávání plynu malou pumpičkou a záznam údajů elektronikou. Tato samostatná, přenosná a mechanicky a tepelně odolná měřící sonda, obsahující v tepelně chráněné části měření a elektroniku pro ukládání naměřených dat, byla schopna vydržet teploty přes 1000 oC po dobu delší než 2 hodiny.

Kinetika doznívání scintilačních krystalů pro detektory elektronů v SEM
Schauer, Petr
V této práci je presentováno studium kinetiky doznívání monokrystalických scintilátorů YAG:Ce pro SEM. Základní veličiny určující kvalitu obrazu v SEM jsou kontrast, prostorové rozlišení a šum. Nicméně pro vyčíslení celkové kvality zobrazovacího systému je lepší detekční kvantová účinnost (DQE), neboť zahrnuje jak funkci přenosu modulace tak spektrum šumu. Z toho vyplývá, že detektor, který má mít vysokou DQE, by měl mít nejen vysokou účinnost a nízký šum, ale také dobré kinetické vlastnosti. S využitím výsledů doznívání katodoluminiscence je presentován schematický kinetický model zářivých a nezářivých přechodů v monokrystalech YAG:Ce.

Characterization of silver nanoparticles
Župková, S. ; Sopoušek, J. ; Šídlo, M. ; Buršík, Jiří
Understanding and characterization of colloidal nanoparticles is very important for their uses in the research and technology. Colloidal silver solutions have many interesting properties such as surface plasmon resonance. Plasmons are optical effects observed for silver, gold, and copper and the other nanoparticles. The value of the wavelength of this effect depends on the particle size and shape as well as on the properties of solvent or absorbent presented. As sample there were used nanoparticles of silver, which were dispersed in aqueous solution. The fluorescence, size and zeta-potential of two samples each with different date of preparation were measured. The colloidal solutions were investigated by means of fluorescence spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, electron microscopy, and electrophoretic light scattering for zetapotential evaluation.

Polarizace záření rozptýleného na horkých elektronech
Horák, Jiří
Studujeme polarizaci záření horkých elektronových oblaků.

Petrenec, M. ; Strunz, Pavel ; Gasser, U. ; Heczko, Milan ; Zálešák, J. ; Polák, Jaroslav
The nanostructure of Inconel 738LC Ni-superalloy strengthened by trimodal Y precipitates distribution was investigated after Low Cycle Fatigue (LFC) loading at temperature 700°C. Different microscopic techniques as Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with STEM detectro, transmission Kikuchi diffraction in the SEM, transmission electron microscope (TEM) in the bright field mode and high resolution transmission electron mciroscopes (HRTEM) in STEM mode were used for the characterization and quantification of superalloy nanostructure. The characteristic morphology of y precipitates was examined by ex-situ and in-situ Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) at high temperatures. All adopted microscopic techniques indicate that the morphology of y precipitates distributed in the y matrix as recived state corresponds to two types, i.e. large cuboid-like precipitates with the size around 670 nm, and the spherical precipitates with the diameter 52nm. After eh LCF tests at temperature 700°C, the ex-situ SANS measurement yielded addititonal scattering intensities coming from another small y precipitetes with estimated size up to 10nm.

Petrenec, M. ; Strunz, Pavel ; Gasser, U. ; Heczko, Milan ; Zálešák, J. ; Polák, Jaroslav
The nanostructure of Inconel 738LC Ni-superalloy strengthened by trimodal γ’ precipitates distribution was investigated after Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) loading at temperature 700°C. Different microscopic techniques as Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with STEM detector, transmission Kikuchi diffraction in the SEM, transmission electron microscope (TEM) in the bright field mode and high resolution transmission electron microscopes in STEM mode were used for the characterization of nanostructure. The characteristic morphology of γ’ precipitates was examined by ex-situ and in-situ Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) at high temperatures. All microscopic techniques indicate that the morphology of γ’ precipitates distributed in the γ matrix as received state corresponds to two types, i.e. large cuboid-like precipitates with the size around 670 nm, and the spherical precipitates with the diameter 52 nm. After the LCF tests at temperature 700°C, the ex-situ SANS measurement yielded additional scattering intensities coming from another small γ’ precipitates with estimated size up to 10 nm.

Monte-Carlo simulation of proximity effect in e-beam lithography
Urbánek, Michal ; Kolařík, Vladimír ; Krátký, Stanislav ; Matějka, Milan ; Horáček, Miroslav ; Chlumská, Jana
E–beam lithography is the most used pattern generation technique for academic and research prototyping. During this patterning by e–beam into resist layer, several effects occur which change the resolution of intended patterns. Proximity effect is the dominant one which causes that patterning areas adjacent to the beam incidence point are exposed due to electron scattering effects in solid state. This contribution deals with Monte Carlo simulation of proximity effect for various accelerating beam voltage (15 kV, 50 kV, 100 kV), typically used in e–beam writers. Proximity effect simulation were carried out in free software Casino and commercial software MCS Control Center, where each of electron trajectory can be simulated (modeled). The radial density of absorbed energy is calculated for PMMA resist with various settings of resist thickness and substrate material. At the end, coefficients of proximity effect function were calculated for beam energy of 15 keV, 50 keV and 100 keV which is desirable for proximity effect correction.