National Repository of Grey Literature 16,595 records found  beginprevious16576 - 16585next  jump to record: Search took 0.40 seconds. 

Knowledge, attitudes and practice of vaccination against HPV - the male and female population
MANOVÁ, Michaela
The theoretical part summarizes information about cervical cancer, which is caused by the human papilloma virus. Cervical cancer is ranked on the second place in the incidence of cancers world wide. Virus HPV affects both men and women. For men, it results in the emergence of genital warts or cancer of the penis. Although there are existing opportunites for effective prevention for men, the focus is more on the female population.This thesis looks at the current problems in the prevention of cervical cancer, which affects an ever growing number of women and men. In this work, we find out how informed are the young people about cervical cancer, their knowledge about possibilities of prevention, and experience of vaccinated respondents in the age in which this vaccination is recommended, that is, before the start of an active sexual life. In the research part, is a summary of a questionnaire, which was done among pupils of a primary school in Plzen. The age range of respondents was 13- 16 years. The research included both girls and boys. The assumption that girls are more informed and are more interested in information regarding cervical cancer and boys on the contrary don?t search for this information because they think that this problem does not concern them , was largely confirmed by this research.

The Czech spa as a European phenomenon.
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the needs and consumer behavior in spa services to the dominant segments Czech clientele and also predictions of potential behaviors that part of the population that has been in the spa. In the practical part mainly analyzes the project titled "Let's go to the spa," which was presented to the 6th challenges in the Integrated Operational Programme and in April 2010 was from this program and approved for funding. The project was completed in June 2012. The project was elaborated author of this thesis. Finally, the practical part was especially pointed out the current situation ongoing in almost all spa facilities with regard to the results of research just everything where R is the author's spa visits and the number of received proposals on health care in the previous period and a summary of current critical situation in the spa is

Black-Scholesův model oceňování opcí a jeho aproximace modelem binomickým
Gatter, Michael ; Pígl, Jan (advisor) ; Korbel, Jiří (referee)
Počátkem sedmdesátých let 20. století udělali Fischer Black, Myron Scholes a Robert Merton průlom do oceňování akciových opcí. Jejich přínos spočíval v tom , co je dnes obecně známé pod pojmem Blackův-Scholesův-Mertonův model. Tato snaha byla v roce 1997 oceněna Nobelovou cenou za ekonomii. Tato práce se zabývá odvozením Black-Scholes-Mertonovy stochastické diferenciální rovnice a Black-Scholesova modelu pro evropskou call opci na akcii nevyplácející dividendu a odvozením diskrétní verze tohoto modelu, za kterou můžeme brát model binomický.

Creating the star in the media
Rábová, Tereza ; Janovec, Ladislav (advisor)
Práce se zabývá tématem ustavování hvězd v médiích a ikonizace a adorace populárních osobností různých oblastí lidské činnosti. Zasazuje ho do širšího společenského a kulturního kontextu, zároveň hledá příčiny pozorovaného chování v principech platných pro dnešní dobu, kterou také stručně charakterizuje. Stanovuje okruh důvodů (mezi něž patří podněty psychologické, společenské, ale i biologické), z kterých jsou publika hvězdnými osobnostmi přitahována a podporují jejich vznik, popř. ovlivňují jejich další vývoj. Dále se věnuje obecným charakteristikám populárních osobností, profesi "hvězdy", příslušným teoriím o celebritách, definuje různé způsoby přístupu elitním osobnostem ze strany masové veřejnosti. Popisuje přístup médií prezentaci hvězd. Následuje přehled možného dělení jednotlivých typů hvězd (hlediska profesní, časová, místní atd.). Další část práce obsahuje pragmatickou analýzu mediálních produktů, věnujících se dané tematice, tedy rozbory prostředků, jimiž média docilují požadovaného efektu vzniku populární hvězdy (zahrnuje mj. podstatu bulvárního tisku, práci novináře, typy tiskovin a pořadů, analýzu jazykových prostředků). Závěrečná část zkoumá a konstatuje souvislost oblasti hvězd s náboženskými motivy, a to jak z hlediska lingvistického, tak z pozic chování a jednání publik. Vyvozuje závěry...

Two "perfect" crimes. Analysis and interpretation of Hygine de l'assassain and Cosmétique de l'ennemi by Amélie Nothomb
Stojanová, Stanislava ; Ébert-Zeminová, Catherine (advisor) ; Listíková, Renáta (referee)
V obou románech autorka zpracovává téma zločinu. Termínem zločin označujeme trestný čin, který se vymyká zásadám morálního myšlení společnosti a právním normám. Odhalení staví pachatele do pozice zločince, jenž by mčl být potrestán. V opačném případě, kdy odhalen není, může být považován za zločin dokonalý. Zde je ale nutné položit si otázku, zda takový dokonalý zločinec může opravdu ujít svému trestu. V úvodu práce jsme uvedli hypotézu, že i po spáchání dokonalého zločinu ve smyslu zahlazení veškerých stop nemůže viník uniknout spravedlnosti reprezentované jeho svědomím, které se mu stává pomyslným vězením a zároveň tedy i trestem. Tuto hypotézu jsme ověřovali na obou studovaných románech. Představili jsme zločince, prostředí, ve kterém vyrůstali, jejich záliby a posedlosti, jejich charakterové rysy. Perverzita, mystické myšlení, ale i narcismus se ukázaly jako prvky silně zasahující do povahy hrdinů. Rozluštili jsme také hádanku, kterou nám Amélie Nothombová nabídla v jejich jménech. Poté jsme se zaměřili na jejich oběti oplývající nepopsatelnou krásou. Obludná zvrácenost vrahů, která tuto krásu ještě umocnila, se projevila i ve vzájemných vztazích, v nichž si hlavní hrdinové potvrzovali své dominantní postavení, svou nadvládu. Důkladně jsme prostudovali také samotný zločin, místo činu a možné motivy....

Cannabidiol level in hemp (\kur{Cannabis sativa})
BOUDOVÁ, Miroslava
Hemp (Cannabis sativa) is a crop that people have grown for a lot of years ago. It is amazing by its almost versatile use, whether in medicine, food, industry and power engineering. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the content of cannabidiol in different parts of hemp and the possibility of using these parts as a source of the compound. Morphologically distinct varieties - Bialobrzeskie and Finola were selected for the experiment. The Cannabidiol content was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Hemp roots, stems, male and female inflorescences and leaves were sampled for the determination of cannabidiol level. The highest content of cannabidiol was found in hemp flowers and leaves of Cannabis sativa. Therefore, theoretically, these parts of hemp grown for fiber could be used as a potential source of cannabidiol.

Motivation of employees in the insurance company
Nezdařilová, Andrea ; Dvořáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Stříteský, Marek (referee)
The bachelor thesis is concerned with a modern theory of human resources in a company. It's focused mainly on the motivation of empolyees, as a very important part of human resources process, and factors of motivation such as instruments leading to satisfaction of employees and success of the company. The theory engages with a description of human resources activities, a defination of the motivation, motivation resources and motivation factors in the business world. In the practical part I analyse the motivation of employees in the AXA company, who became a favourite employer of a young generation. The main object of my thesis is to identify the interest in this job. And there is another object to analyse how to keep a loyality of AXAs' employees.

Evaluation of public feeding practice in selected population groups
MACH, Karel
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the level of feeding habits of a selected human population segment in order to assess their understanding of issues related to nutrition and to basic components in their diet. For this purpose, a measuring instrument (a questionnaire) was designed. The first part contained questions related to respondent´s eating habits preferences, while the second part of questionnaire included questions examining the level of respondent?s nutritional awareness. In total 389 questionnaires were personally administered and completed by the respondents, under supervision of teachers. On the basis of the recorded answers it was found that, when purchasing food, the interviewed persons are governed mostly by the quality of it (37%). It was also discovered that, 40% of people preferred local foods to foods from abroad. Only 13% of respondents indicated their ?always or almost always? preference for ?bio foods?. It may also be said that, the three most popular dairy products are yoghurts (80%), milk (72%) and cheeses (72%), as opposed to fermented drinks (43%), which are the least consumed dairy products. Among the most popular meats the respondents included these three categories: chicken (83%), pork (73%) and beef (47%). The least favourite meat selected by respondents was mutton and lamb (35%). It was found that, 27% of the respondents follow information presented on food packaging but also that, 16% of the respondents do not follow packaging data, at all. According to the recorded frequency of occurrence the sum of correct answers can be said that most students answer 4 questions correctly. The recorded answer frequency counts show that most respondents answered correctly the following question: "What is bio food?" (94% of respondents). The worst answered individual question had to do with choosing foods with the highest ?Vitamin C? content, with only 7% being correct. On the basis of recorded answers it may be concluded that; the food consumption was influenced by the type of school which the respondents attended; as it appears related to the respondents´ age and their individual ability to decide on their food money spending. The questions that examined the level of information have shown that, the overall percentage of correct answers was increasing depending on the age of a respondent. The total percentage of correct answers kept increasing in relation to increasing age of respondents. No influence of gender on percentage totals of correct responses was demonstrated.

Analýza systému vzdělávání a rozvoje pracovníků
Horáková, Radka ; Šikýř, Martin (advisor) ; Kurzweilová, Dana (referee)
Bakalářská práce je rozdělena na část teoretickou a část praktickou. Teoretická část shrnuje vývoj personální práce v podniku od počátku tzv. personální administrativy až k současnému řízení lidských zdrojů. Obecně definuje základní personální činnosti a následně se podrobněji zaměřuje na dílčí činnost, kterou je v současnosti jedna z nejdůležitějších personálních činností a to vzdělávání a rozvoj zaměstnanců. Praktická část nejprve charakterizuje vybranou společnost Kooperativa pojišťovna, a.s., Vienna Insurance Group a dále analyzuje vzdělávání a rozvoj zaměstnanců v této společnosti. Tato společnost je významným zaměstnavatelem v České republice, zaměstnává více než 3500 zaměstnanců v pracovním poměru a spolupracuje s mnoha dalšími, zejména pojišťovacími zprostředkovateli. Věnuje oblasti lidských zdrojů náležitou pozornost a na vzdělávání svých zaměstnanců klade velký důraz.

The individual protection of citizens during the emergency event in the Břeclav region
Individual protection of citizens during the emergency event in the Břeclav region In today´s society a permanent need of sophistication dominates. Common citizens try to acquire the most possible information on all sources available for them. Despite of that there is increasing the number of people, having a sufficient amount of information on the risks, endangering them, however, they do not realize the fact that they are able to prevent a lot of them. From the recent years´ experience I can see how the people´s knowledge in the personal protection sphere is still decreasing. As they are not aware of warning signals, they do not know how to act subsequently and this may have unforeseen subsequence for them. Today and every day the emergency events endanger us, whose course cannot be influenced by us in any way. Most of them appear suddenly, without a preceding warning. Unfortunately we live in the era, when we are threatened not only with the factors within our country, but here is still the actual threat of attack from somewhere else. In our own interest it would be to have the most possible extensive information and knowledge of events around us. Proverb ?To be ready not to be endangered? does not apply so completely, but it is certain that readiness is an important element to survive with minimum damages in property and life. In this thesis there will be summarized the emergency events, endangering us to the most and the related risks for citizens. From this starting point the entire work will proceed, which refers predominantly to individual risks and protection, which can be obtained by a man all by himself. By means of a questionnaire survey there will be ascertained the level of people´s knowledge in the sphere of events during the emergency actions and individual protection.