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Determination of zinc in food supplements
Nedorostová, Helena ; Hraníček, Jakub (advisor) ; Šíma, Jan (referee)
- 1 - Abstrakt Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na stanovení zinku (zinečnatých iontů) v potravinových doplňcích pomocí atomové absorpční spektrometrie. Součástí práce je také porovnání mezí detekce dvou odlišných atomových spektrometrů. Cílem práce bylo zjistit optimální podmínky a vliv interferencí na stanovení zinku, nalézt vhodnou metodu pro převedení vzorku do roztoku, a také porovnat meze detekce u použitých přístrojů. Optimalizovanými parametry byla výška paprsku nad hranou hořáku, průtoková rychlost acetylenu, otočení hořáku, šířka spektrálního intervalu, typ plamene. Převedení pevného vzorku do roztoku bylo provedeno ve vodě za laboratorní i zvýšené teploty, v kyselině dusičné nebo kyselině dusičné s přídavkem peroxidu vodíku, též za zvýšené teploty. Analyzovány byly tyto potravinové doplňky: Centrum od A až po železo, Walmark- vápník, hořčík, zinek, Spektrum 50+, Calibrum 50 plus, Supradyn Energy Complex. Množství zinku v potravinových doplňcích bylo stanoveno na spektrometru GBC 933 AA v kolmém uspořádání. K porovnání meze detekce byly použity přístroje GBC 933 AA s výbojkou s dutou katodou a ContrAA 700 s xenonovou výbojkou. U obou přístrojů byl pro experiment použit plamen obsahující acetylen-vzduch. Pro stanovení zinku byla pomocí standardních roztoků vytvořena kalibrační křivka, z níž byly...
Nutritional strategy for long-distance cross-country skiers
Opočenská, Tereza ; Česák, Petr (advisor) ; Šimková, Michaela (referee)
Title: Nutritional strategy for long-distance cross-country skiers Objectives: The aim of the bachelor thesis is to answer as the clearest as possible the following research questions: 1. How appropriate diet affects the internal environment of the body long-distance cross-country skiers? 2. What composition of the diet and supplements is most suitable for long-distance cross-country skiers? 3. When to start eating regime that will help competitors prepare the body for the completion of remote cross-country skiing? Methods: We used the research of czech and foreign literature. We searched the scientific studies related to our theme through the service Google Scholar. We also drew from licensed Internet databases (PubMed, SPORTDiscus, Scopus, ProQuest, OvidSP, JSTOR). Results: We found that long-distance cross-country skiers should follow the macronutrients and micronutrients content in connection with food intake. The ratios of nutrients taken depends on whether it is a period before the race, during the race or after its completion. However, a key role in all three phases perform carbohydrates. Optimal nutrition strategy should start no later than 1-3 days before the race. Keywords: sport, exercise, cross-country skiing, nutrition, food supplements, endurance, performance
Nutritional indicators of performance triathletes
Skuhrová, Tereza ; Vilikus, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Matoulek, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis is aimed to find out nutrition indicators of performance triathletes and to compare them with non-sportsmen. The next aim is to point out the importace of proper balanced diet in endurance sport and to evaluate the usage of food supplements. This thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical part and a practical one. Main individual nutrients are described in the theoretical part in connection with energy metabolism and with emphasis on influence of nutrition in triathlon. The practical part summarizes results obtained from an analysis of a four-day nutritional intake of 8 performance triathletes and 8 non-sportsmen. A range of the respondents' age was between 26 and 37 years. The results point out that both groups have higher energy intake than recommended rate. Both groups' intakes of proteins and fats of animal origin are approximately twice higher than recommended as well as their results of micronutrient intake are not balanced. Furthermore, a brief questionnaire shows that 50 % of respondents were not satisfied how they can gain information about nutrition, at the same time 54 % use the internet as a main source of information and only 13 % read a scientific literature. Key words: triathlon, sports nutrition, endurance performance, food supplements, drinking regime
Nutrition of elite cross-country skiers in summer training
Pilná, Petra ; Coufalová, Klára (advisor) ; Kinkorová, Ivana (referee)
Title: Nutrition of elite cross-country skiers during summer preparation. Aims: The study aims to describe the nutrition of endurance athletes competing in cross-country skiing during summer training (season). Also, to discover what is the level of their energy balance and nutrient ratio. Lastly, to find out if supplements were used during the mentioned period. Methods: The research method was a structured survey consisted of open questions focusing on a type and quantity of consumed nutrition. Furthermore, the questions were centred around physical activity detailed of a concrete type, average heart rate, distance of taken mileage, intensity and calories burned. The questionnaire was sent electronically to five men who are among the representatives of the Czech Republic in cross-country skiing. Results: Three out of five elite cross-country skiers were in a negative energy balance of which the most significant difference between energetic expenditure and intake is 1338 kcal. The most notable differences were noticed in the consumption of carbohydrates opposite to the least difference in the protein intake. The percentual average of nutrients in the diet of all five elite cross-country skiers are 46,4 % carbohydrates, 34,4 % fats, 17,4 % protein of total energy intake. Four out of five respondents...
Regulation of advertising for food supplements in public law
Brousilová, Tereza ; Svoboda, Petr (advisor) ; Rajchl, Jiří (referee)
Public law regulation of advertising food supplements Abstract The thesis deals with advertising of food supplements and its public regulation. The aim of this work is to provide information about existing legislation and decision-making practice in this area. The first chapter outlines the basic legal sources of public regulation of advertising for food supplements, which consists mainly of several European regulations, the Food Act and the Act on Advertising Regulation. The second chapter deals with general issues of legal regulation of food suppelements. Food supplements are foods intended to supplement the normal diet. They must be appropriately labeled, not given medical properties and health and nutrition claims may only be used in accordance with European regulations. The notification is carried out at the Ministry of Agriculture and the ingredients are controlled by the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority. It is also important to understand the difference between medical products and food supplements, which may not always be obvious. The third chapter deals with general issues of legal regulation of advertising. It defines what advertising is, how it is regulated and what its constitutional legal basis is. The whole thesis culminates in the fourth chapter, when it comes to special...
Determination of manganese in food supplements by atomic absorption spectrometry
Melicharová, Zuzana ; Hraníček, Jakub (advisor) ; Šíma, Jan (referee)
EN The main content of this thesis was the determination of manganese in the form of manganese ions in food supplements by the atomic absorption spectrometry. It was necessary to find the optimum conditions for this method, to conduct interference studies, to find a suitable way of transferring samples into solution and to determin manganese to achieve this goal. Following parameters were examined in optimalization study: beam height above burner edge, burner horizontal position, acetylene flow rate, torch angle, and spectral interval width. Copper, iron, sodium and calcium ions were investigated as interferents as they were present at the highest concentration in selected food supplements. The conversion of solid samples into solution was carried out in water and nitric acid at a room temperature as well as elevated temperature. These food supplements were selected for analysis: Calibrum 50 Plus, Caltrate Plus, Center A to Iron, DAS Gesunde Plus A-Z Multispectrum, GS Extra Strong Multivitamin, Spectrum 50+ and Supradyn Energy Complex. The manganese assay was performed on a GBC 933 AA spectrophotometer. Standard solutions were measured to determine the detection limit and the limit of determination of the instrument. The detection limit was 0.001 mg/l and the limit of determination was 0.004 mg/l...
Zinc in food suplements
Sauchanka, Katsiaryna ; Suková, Petra (referee) ; Řezáčová, Veronika (advisor)
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to determine zinc in the dietary supplements by the voltammetric method. The general properties of zinc, its occurrence, toxicity and influence on human health are described in the first part. Next the methods, including a detailed description of the voltammetric analysis, are summarized. The experimental part is focused on the process of optimization of the conditions for zinc voltammetric analysis and the application of the optimised method on real samples.
Nutritional indicators of performance triathletes
Skuhrová, Tereza ; Vilikus, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Matoulek, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis is aimed to find out nutrition indicators of performance triathletes and to compare them with non-sportsmen. The next aim is to point out the importace of proper balanced diet in endurance sport and to evaluate the usage of food supplements. This thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical part and a practical one. Main individual nutrients are described in the theoretical part in connection with energy metabolism and with emphasis on influence of nutrition in triathlon. The practical part summarizes results obtained from an analysis of a four-day nutritional intake of 8 performance triathletes and 8 non-sportsmen. A range of the respondents' age was between 26 and 37 years. The results point out that both groups have higher energy intake than recommended rate. Both groups' intakes of proteins and fats of animal origin are approximately twice higher than recommended as well as their results of micronutrient intake are not balanced. Furthermore, a brief questionnaire shows that 50 % of respondents were not satisfied how they can gain information about nutrition, at the same time 54 % use the internet as a main source of information and only 13 % read a scientific literature. Key words: triathlon, sports nutrition, endurance performance, food supplements, drinking regime
Probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics - are they really effective?
Šmídová, Zuzana ; Pejšová, Hana (advisor) ; Pechar, Radko (referee)
Probiotics and prebiotics constitute an important part of our nutrition and possess many positive effects on human organism. Synbiotics represent combination of both of them. The aim of the theses in the theoretical aspect was to create a systematic review of available knowledge on the given topics and in the practical part to assess the level of awareness on these topics with regard to their presence and effects. In the practical part of the theses the questionnaire survey methodology was used. After evaluation of all answers it was found out that most people are familiar with the term probiotics, less people with the term prebiotics and the least respondents with the term synbiotics. Fermented dairy products are consumed by 88,3 % of respondents, mostly 2-3 times a week. The rest not consuming them indicated mostly the reasons of bad flavour or some form of intolerance. The respondents know also other fermented foods (sauerkraut, vegetables), however, these are less consumed than fermented dairy products. The least often the food supplements containing these substances are consumed. Due to the low level of awareness on prebiotics and synbiotics it would be very appropriate to improve public awareness on the given topics in order to increase their consumption, mainly in the form of their natural...
Dietary habits during long triathlon
Teplá, Jana ; Kovářová, Lenka (advisor) ; Coufalová, Klára (referee)
Title: Dietary Habits during Long Triathlon Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to prepare alternative diets from three selected manufacturers offering sports nutrition. Another objective was to ascertain the eating habits of triathletes during race in long triathlon, and their comparison. Methods: We carried out determination of the eating habits of triathletes via a survey. Eleven triathletes on various performance levels participated in the survey. We ascertained in particular the amount of kJ, carbohydrates and volume of liquids intake during a race, the average of kJ, carbohydrates and volume of liquids intake per 1 hour of the race, the average of carbohydrates intake per 1 kg of the racer weight and 1 hour of the race, and then we compared these data with the recommended values. According to the recommended values and products of selected manufacturers, we prepared three diets with a schedule so that they suited sportsmen of 80 kg in weight who can finish the race under 5 hours. Results: 2 racers complied with the recommended values of kJ intake, 5 racers exceeded these values and 4 racers did not reach the values. 4 racers complied with the recommended values of carbohydrates intake, whereas 2 racers exceeded these values and 5 racers did not reach the values. The two fastest...

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