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Pojistné podvody v podmínkách České a Slovenské republiky a jejich vývojové trendy
Kovářová, Lenka
The diploma thesis introduces the issue of insurance frauds from the perspective of the Czech and Slovak Republic. An essential part is characteristic of insurance markets of both countries and their specific definitions and their continuities. The elementary terminology in context with the topic is demarcated and attention is paid to the legislation of both countries, with particular emphasis on the Criminal Codes, which classify insurance fraud as an the object of financial crime. The main part of this thesis consists in the construction of regression models and the use of correlation analysis and time series analysis to detect the relationships and the degree of impact of selected indicators on the trend of proven insurance frauds. The expected developments in the near future are formulated and identified trends in the insurance frauds in both countries are faced to mutual comparison.
Development of Material Based on Hyaluronic Acid s Hydrogels for Myocardial Regeneration
Kovářová, Lenka ; Kubala,, Lukáš (referee) ; Prokš,, Vladimír (referee) ; Pekař, Miloslav (advisor)
The thesis is focused on material development based on hyaluronic acid usable in regenerative medicine, especially for heart tissue regeneration after myocardial infarction. The object of the study is the oxidized form of hyaluronic acid (HA-Ox) and hydroxyphenyl derivative of HA (HA-TA). HA-Ox can be crosslinked with a bifunctional alkoxyamine POA and HA-TA undergoes an enzymatic reaction in the presence of hydrogen peroxide catalysed by horseradish peroxidase leading to gel formation. To describe the materials, chemical and physical properties, gelation kinetics and conditions of crosslinking reactions were studied. Hydrogels were characterized by mechanical and viscoelastic properties, degradability or stability in simulated body fluids. These hydrogels serve as scaffolds for the selected cell type. To promote cell adhesion and viability, an RGD sequence has been bonded to the structure of HA-TA. This resulting material is also compatible with selected applicators. Its viscosity and extrusion force are low enough to allow application with a catheter with a very small internal diameter. The applicability of the material through the supply tube to the hydrogel reservoir of the second SPREADS device showed good homogeneity, cell distribution and viability. Finally, the material was applied in vivo using these devices during a preclinical study.
Preparation and application of physical hyaluronan gel
Kovářová, Lenka ; Krouská, Jitka (referee) ; Venerová, Tereza (advisor)
Bachelor's work is concerning by research in physical hyaluronan gel area. Research is focusing on its preparation, especially by interaction of hyaluronan (HyA) solution with opposite charged surfactant in physiological solution (0,15 M NaCl). In the first part of work I found out influence of molecular weight, concentration of original hyaluronan solution and the ratio of binding sites on hyaluronan chain and surfactant on amount of solids in gel, expressed in percent. Finally we can say, that this value is not influenced by molecular weight of HyA neither relation of binding sides. On the other side, concentration of original HyA solution has significant influence on amount of solids in gel. There was also researched process of gel swelling, where was set amount of water (in percent) able to take dried gel back. Analogical conclusion has been reached like amount of solids in gel. In other part were researched influence of hyaluronan molecular weight and the ratio of binding sites on hyaluronan chain and surfactant on formation of excimers and spectrum change by fluorescence spectroscopy. Pyrene, 1,3-bis(pyren-1-yl)propane (P3P) and prodan were used as fluorescence probes. Excimer emission showed at P3P, while there was no growth of intensity at 470 nm for pyrene. It was found that molecular weight does not affect the value of the ratio of excimer and monomer probe P3P, or the ratio of the first and third peaks of pyrene. The ratio of binding sites HyA and surfactant influence only relation of excimer to monomer (P3P probe), while influence to relation 1:3 hasn't been noticed for pyrene. I have compared spectrum of developed gel for prodan probe, relevant solid and swelled gel by return. It also served for drying and swelling process visualisation.
Study of physical gels with hydrophobic domains
Kovářová, Lenka ; Márová, Ivana (referee) ; Mravec, Filip (advisor)
The thesis is focused on physical hyaluronan gels. The object of study is the interaction of hyaluronan (HyA) with oppositely charged surfactants in physiologic solution (0.15 M NaCl), leading to the formation of gel. In the first part of work have been determined the solids´ contents (X) in gels and their supernatants in percentage and their correlation with molecular weight concentration of original HyA solution and the ratio of binding sites on hyaluronan chain and surfactant CTAB. To conclude, decrease in HyA concentration results in higher values of X and vice versa. On the other hand, increase in the value of X with increasing molecular weight of HyA is not so significant. Analogous conclusions have been made for supernatants and the amount of solids in gel. Drying process has been recorded by drying curves. Swelling process has been used for the characterization of gels. The percentage of water that can be absorbed by dried gel, was determined. The results are in agreement with the measurements of solids´ content in gels. In the next part, the correlation between rheological properties of gels and HyA concentration, HyA molecular weight and concentration of CTAB have been studied by the oscillation and flow tests. The samples with the highest molecular weight and concentration have the most viscoelastic character. The flow test confirmed the assumed pseudoplastic behavior of gels. A very interesting trend arose while comparing HyA concentrations and viscosity in stock solutions and gels. Whereas in stock solution viscosity (at low shear rate) is lower with increasing of HyA concentration, the situation was exactly the opposite in gels. The results are in agreement with frequency tests and observed character of gels.
Kyberšikana na středních odborných školách
Kovářová, Lenka
The main topic of this thesis is focused on the issue of cyberbullying among secondary schools’ students. The idea of the work is to know, describe and interpretate the problem of cyberbullying at secondary schools. This thesis is divided into two parts – theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part are described information and communication technology, online security, social networks with describe, describe of bullying. Next and main section is about phenomenon of cyberbullying, which is described, divided and reader gets to know about the characters of cyberbullying. As well as protection and coping strategies, prevention programmes. At last, but not least the differences between traditional bullying and cyberbullying. In the practical part the author tries to get know if secondary schools’ students are threatened with cyberbullying, if they know what cyberbullying really is, how is wide, if they actively particulate in this phenomenon and who they let know (if so). End of the questionnaire is focused on their relationship with social networks. The questionnaire was distributed online and physically.
The evaluation of protection of selected soft targets and the evaluation of preparedness of heritage conservation objects in terms of safety
The thesis is evaluated the conservation of selected soft targets in the South Bohemian Region as well as the readiness of these installations in terms of safety. The objective of this work is to evaluate the safety of the selected installations of historic preservation in the South Bohemian Region and characterise the tasks and actions of the basic components of the integrated emergency services when ensuring the conservation of these selected installations of historic preservation. This thesis aims to evaluate the safety and conservation of selected castles and chateaus in the South Bohemian Region. The installations in question are The State Chateau of Hluboká, The State Castle and Chateau of Český Krumlov, and The State Castle and Chateau of Jindřichův Hradec. In the first section, there is described the issues of the soft targets, their conservation, and protection, whereas, in the second section, there is provided a brief preview of the history of the conservation efforts for each castle and chateau and describe a number of unpleasant events that took place at the castles in the past. In the third section, I illustrate the castles' and chateaus' current use as well as their brief characteristics. In reply to the research questions "How is the conservation of the selected installations of historic preservation in the South Bohemian Region ensured?" and "How did the basic components of the integrated emergency services and, in particular, the Police of the Czech Republic participate in the conservation of the installations of historic preservation?", the answers of the semi-structured interviews with the responsible persons from the selected castles and chateaus are applied, as well as those of the responsible persons from the Fire Brigade of the South Bohemian Region and the South Bohemian Regional Police Directorate, of which this entire thesis and the objective of this work are based. Furthermore, the data taken from the semi-structured interviews are used in the SWOT analyses, which assemble the analysis of the safety and provision of conservation for each selected castle and chateau.
The occurrence animal's dangerous infections and zoonoses in the Czech Republic and South Bohemian Region
The bachelor thesis deals with the occurrence and frequency of dangerous animal infections and zoonotic diseases in the Czech Republic and the South Bohemian Region in the years 2014 to 2018. The hypothesis of this paper is to find whether the number of outbreaks of dangerous animal infections and zoonotic diseases in the last 5 years has increased. In the first section I deal with the actual characteristics of infections, their course and latency. In the next section, I look at the history of infections, their discovery and, as the case may be, pandemics that caused certain infections. The third section describes the current infection situation which serves to meet the objectives and answers of the hypothesis. A description is presented here of the occurrence and frequency of infections in the Czech Republic and the South Bohemian Region. The data are also used as a tool to answer the hypothesis and assess the infection situation in the Czech Republic and in the South Bohemian Region. Data from the State Veterinary Administration, National Institute of Public Health and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control were analysed to meet this objective. In my paper I describe the most common animal infections and zoonotic diseases that affect the Czech Republic or are a global problem, and provide information about the infection situation concerning avian influenza, African swine fever virus, rabies, leptospirosis, salmonella, campylobacteriosis, Lyme borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, tularemie, bovine tuberculosis or the current Covid-19. This paper also presents a comparison of the data about the number of infected people in European Union countries, including the Czech Republic, and compares the occurrence of zoonotic diseases throughout the country and in the South Bohemian Region. In my paper I also describe the system of animal screening carried out by the State Veterinary Administration and the number of tested animals.

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