National Repository of Grey Literature 24 records found  beginprevious15 - 24  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Protection of citizens during emergencies, natural disasters or other critical situations with concentration on South Bohemian towns.
From the beginning of times people have encountered emergency situations which endanger their lives, health, properties and also the environment. Communities often try to prevent the impact of these situations or at the very least minimize the consequences. Depending on the particular society{\crq}s economic development, various precautionary measures have been implemented. My dissertation work addresses the current laws relating to crisis management in the Czech Republic. Fundamental principles are also explained. Main goals of my work were as following: 1. To compare South Bohemian towns and their respective legislation 2. To administer a questionnaire among a sample population 1. My selection consisted of five towns in the South Bohemian region. These were: Pisek, Jindrichuv Hradec, Sobeslav, Trebon and Cesky Krumlov. Prior to me visiting these towns, I made arrangements with its local representatives, specifically with those responsible for crisis management. I was able to inquire about their processes and conduct interviews. I have concentrated on the following areas: Process of informing population and emergency management Education of citizens, publication and distribution of educational materials School lectures/meetings Crisis management form Structure of emergency management authorities 2. My research focused on the population readiness and responsibilities during crisis and the means by which population is informed of a crisis. Questionnaire was distributed to the employees of local government offices of all five towns, and also to a random sample of citizen in two out of the five towns. I collected 132 questionnaires. My dissertation includes 8 tables and 2 graphs prepared based on the gathered data. Conclusion: Local governments and their employees dedicate significant amount of time and attention to crisis management. They follow the norms and regulations. Existing differences may be discussed and in the future it could facilitate integration of the system and improve the cooperation. Population is well informed of basic safety-principles.
The Structure of Positions to be occupied by Higher School Graduates at Regional Authorities
Marková, Aneta ; Krbová, Jana (advisor) ; Luštický, Martin (referee)
This thesis analyzes the structure of positional places for graduates in the regional offices, particularly in the Jihočeský Region, Jihomoravský Region, Karlovarský Region, Plzeňský Region and Region Vysočina. It examines the requirements that are imposed on candidates for the position of the regional office. Then the thesis focuses on the profile of the graduate School of Management, specializing in public sector management and regional development, and determines whether the knowledge are applicable to positions in the regional offices.
Decision-Making and Competence of Region Bodies focused on Vysočina Region
Marešová, Dita ; Strnad, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Glaser, Lukáš (referee)
This thesis describes the position of local government units in the Czech Republic. It focuses mainly on decision regional bodies makers in delegated force and separate force. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts used in the work, decision making in public service and regional development and local government in the European context. The analytical part characterizes different regional bodies. They are evaluated in terms of its scope and powers of decision. There are identified risks that may arise from this organization. The system of organs is presented on the example of Region in the current election period 2008 - 2012.
County Council and its Possibilities to Participate on Improving the Quality of Foster Care
The bachelor's work is is focused on parents, which desided to take a child into a foster care. Before this process, ``preparation for child acceptance into family{\crqq} preceded. Under our social conditions, the preparation is completely in authority of the county council. This institution makes a psychological adjudication of applicants, during which their character qualitites and reasons for child acceptance are assessed. On the basis of this adjudication, the applicant is declined or admit to peparatory course. The aim of the preparation course is to provide the potential parents with sufficient information essential for successful upbringing of the stepchild. The preparation has several parts and the decision of inclusion into applicants register is given at the end. Practical part includes two illustrative casustic interviews with foster families. They positively evaluate the activity of county council, but they also emphasize the necessity of permanent warning of wild range of potential problems and variety of their solutions.
Investments in South Bohemia
The topic of my thesis is Investment activities in South Bohemia. The aim of my work was examining activities of investment in South Bohemia. In my work I wrote about the investments in general, investments in the Czech Republic and in the South Bohemia region. I gathered information from special literature, the internet, and I visited the institutions as regional authority of South Bohemia and corporate town of České Budějovice. In face of possibilities in investments of this region, the use of capacities is insufficient. In the region of South Bohemia we have many investments to transport infrastructure. If these investments are finished in the right time, in high-quality, it will increase investment to our region as for better transport connection. Supporting of investment and business is a very important thing. In our region there are institutions for supporting businessmen as a branch of CzechInvest in České Budějovice and the South Bohemia Economic Chambre, which provides advice to businessmen in the beginning of their business. The Regional authority of South Bohemia was established a new server about investment possibilities, but generally in our region there is a lack of information. The Regional Authority can give an attention of the server to the public. In my work I stated examples of future investments as the motorway D3, the railway Corridor R4 from Prague to České Budějovice to Austria and the airport in Planá near České Budějovice. Another investment is building a new town quarter in the area of Čtyři Dvory, the previous military area.
Activities of the regional authority of the Central Bohemia region concerning tourism development
Voláková, Petra ; Jarolímková, Liběna (advisor) ; Vaško, Martin (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe activities of a regional authority of the Central Bohemia region concerning a tourism development and on the basis of ascertained information and a subsequent analysis to evaluate the activities of the regional authority. The first part of the work deals with region characteristics and a potential of tourism in this district. The next part is devoted to main questions, i.e. the activities of the regional authority in the sphere of the tourism development. Finally the evaluation is made and several recommendations are mentioned.
Issues of tourism development in the Moravian-Silesian Region
Juhaňáková, Veronika ; Jarolímková, Liběna (advisor) ; Mlejnková, Lena (referee)
The aim of this work is to analyze the potential of the Moravian-Silesian Region in the field of tourism development, to describe the activities of regional authority of the Moravian-Silesian Region, approximate the most important projects and strategies to tourism development in the region and identify regional cooperation with the private sector. Regional authority of the Moravian-Silesian Region excersices a wide range of activities to promote tourism in the region and recognizes the revenue from this sector and creates new jobs, which is for the region very important now. The Moravian-Silesian region is perceived very negatively in the eyes of many citizens of the Czech Republic, and one of the objectives of this work is to change this view.
Činnost krajského úřadu ve vybraném kraji v oblasti rozvoje cestovního ruchu
Lorencová, Pavla ; Jarolímková, Liběna (advisor)
Cílem této práce je zmapovat činnost Krajského úřadu Pardubického kraje v oblasti rozvoje cestovního ruchu. V první části práce přibližuje samotný Pardubický kraj, následuje zhodnocení potenciálu kraje pro cestovní ruch a výčet hlavních institucí zodpovídajících za rozvoj cestovního ruchu. Dále se již zabývá konkrétně činností krajského úřadu: probíhajícími programy na podporu cestovního ruchu, vyhlášenými grantovými programy. V závěru je uvedeno zhodnocení a nastínění hlavních problémových oblastí do budoucna. Hlavní přílohu tvoří SWOT analýza kraje pro oblast cestovního ruchu, seznam nosných témat CR zvolených pro rok 2008, seznam certifikovaných turistických informačních center v kraji.
Činnost Krajského úřadu Jihočeského kraje v oblasti cestovního ruchu
Libusová, Anna ; Jarolímková, Liběna (advisor)
Cílem této práce je zhodnotit činnost Krajského úřadu Jihočeského kraje v oblasti cestovního ruchu. Úvodní část je věnována stručnému popisu Jihočeského kraje a jeho předpokladům pro rozvoj cestovního ruchu. Následuje identifikace nejdůležitějších regionálních institucí ovlivňujících vývoj odvětví a výčet jejich rolí v organizaci řízení cestovního ruchu v rámci regionu. Těžiště práce tvoří výsledky provedeného dotazníkového šetření mezi nejrůznějšími aktéry cestovního ruchu regionu, přibližující jejich názory jak na činnost krajského úřadu v dané oblasti, tak na další relevantní témata.

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