National Repository of Grey Literature 12,710 records found  beginprevious12701 - 12710  jump to record: Search took 0.56 seconds. 

The undecidability of the field of rationals
Jurenka, David ; Krajíček, Jan (referee) ; Švejdar, Vítězslav (advisor)
Otázka rozhodnutelnosti, tj. otázka, zda existuje algoritmus, který by byl schopen rozhodnout o platnosti každé prvořádové predikátové formule, se dostala na výsluní pozornosti matematiků ve dvacátých letech minulého století. Spolu s ní byla zkoumána i rozhodnutelnost druhořádových formulí a obecně jakéhokoli matematického tvrzení. Souhrnně byly tyto otázky označovány jako Hilbertův Entscheidungsproblem a ještě roku 1930 Hilbert věřil v jejich kladné řešení. Roku 1936 však Alonzo Church ukázal, že samotná predikátová logika prvního řádu je nerozhodnutelná, a téhož roku pak Alan Turing představil dnes již klasický nerozhodnutelný problém, problém zastavení. Oba při tom ve svých pracech využili myšlenek, které formuloval Kurt Godel ve svém důkazu neúplnosti aritmetiky. V otázce rozhodnutelnosti základních aritmetických struktur přinesl první významný výsledek Mojzesz Presburger, který roku 1929 dokázal rozhodnutelnost přirozených čísel s operací sčítání a konstantami O a 1. Nicméně hned následujícího roku vyplynulo z Godelových výsledků, že tatáž struktura včetně operace násobení již rozhodnutelná být nemůže. Tím byla zároveň vyřešena i otázka rozhodnutelnosti čísel celých, neboť pojem přirozeného čísla je v této struktuře definovatelný (viz kapitolu 4.2), a tak je možno v celých číslech reformulovat každou...

The undecidability of the field of rationals
Jurenka, David ; Švejdar, Vítězslav (advisor) ; Krajíček, Jan (referee)
Otázka rozhodnutelnosti, tj. otázka, zda existuje algoritmus, který by byl schopen rozhodnout o platnosti každé prvořádové predikátové formule, se dostala na výsluní pozornosti matematiků ve dvacátých letech minulého století. Spolu s ní byla zkoumána i rozhodnutelnost druhořádových formulí a obecně jakéhokoli matematického tvrzení. Souhrnně byly tyto otázky označovány jako Hilbertův Entscheidungsproblem a ještě roku 1930 Hilbert věřil v jejich kladné řešení. Roku 1936 však Alonzo Church ukázal, že samotná predikátová logika prvního řádu je nerozhodnutelná, a téhož roku pak Alan Turing představil dnes již klasický nerozhodnutelný problém, problém zastavení. Oba při tom ve svých pracech využili myšlenek, které formuloval Kurt Godel ve svém důkazu neúplnosti aritmetiky. V otázce rozhodnutelnosti základních aritmetických struktur přinesl první významný výsledek Mojzesz Presburger, který roku 1929 dokázal rozhodnutelnost přirozených čísel s operací sčítání a konstantami O a 1. Nicméně hned následujícího roku vyplynulo z Godelových výsledků, že tatáž struktura včetně operace násobení již rozhodnutelná být nemůže. Tím byla zároveň vyřešena i otázka rozhodnutelnosti čísel celých, neboť pojem přirozeného čísla je v této struktuře definovatelný (viz kapitolu 4.2), a tak je možno v celých číslech reformulovat každou...

Psychological aspects of gambling and realted consequenses
HŮDOVÁ, Veronika
Psychological aspects of gambling and the consequences associated with this problem My thesis deals with psychological aspects of gambling and the consequences associated with this problem. The research was focused on regular casino visitors, but partly also to gamblers who have already decided to treat their addiction. The theoretical part is divided into 8 subchapters, in which basic terms concerning gambling are mentioned, for example: definitions and categorization of the terms gambling and pathological gambling, a list of possible causes of the addiction origination, characteristics of risk groups, individual forms of gambling, the development of addiction, the addiction treatment and the possibility of a social worker intervention. The purpose of my study was to identify and analyze the motives for gambling with regard to the quality of life, with a special attention to social aspects and possibilities of a social worker intervention. In relation to the objective of the thesis four hypotheses were stated, for verification of which quantitative research was used. The interviewing method by means of a structured questionnaire was selected. The analysis of the conclusions enabled to verify the defined hypothesis, which says, that playing of hazardous games has a negative effect to level of psychological mood of the human being. Another stated hypothesis supposing that gambling causes economic, social, family and work problems has not been confirmed by the research. The following hypothesis presuming that a random winning encourages the gamblers to continue playing has been confirmed by a vast majority of respondents. And the last hypothesis, in which is defined the presumption, that the level of life quality is related to grade of pathological gambling, was also confirmed. The results of my work may be used in education or as information for social workers. Based on the findings on the issue of pathological gambling I suggest to focus on prevention of development of this dangerous addiction.

The Specifics of Care about a Patient after Dental Surgeries
This bachelor's dissertation deals with the specifics of attendant care for a patient after dental treatment. The term ?dental treatment? is not the synonym just for a surgical dental extraction. This term includes more forms of medical treatment, which are demanding for the surgeon as well as for the patient. Such patient needs a quality attendant care after the treatment, care represented by a nurse. The nurse is acquainted with the specifics of the care and knows how to look after the patient. The dissertation contains a theoretical as well as practical part. The introduction of the theoretic part consists of basic terms of stomatology and dental surgery, followed by an introduction into the anatomy and oral cavity physiology. The basic information is accompanied by information about stomatology investigation and cooperation of a nurse with a doctor. The dissertation continues with the most frequent diseases in dent alveolar and maxillofacial dental surgery. This is followed by preoperative preparation, divided into preparation for a planned treatment, which is long-term, short-term and immediate; preparation of the patient in local anaesthesia; urgent unplanned treatment and preparation of patients who are being cured on long-term bases with anticoagulative treatment. Later emerges a topic, which contains interventions executed at the patient after the treatment, together with the requested standards of the nurse looking after these patients. The theme of oral cavityhygiene, nutrition and pain is essential. There are also stated communicational and educational skills of a nurse and the final care for the patient practiced with the help of orofacial area rehabilitation. The practical part contains a quality examination via a semi structured dialogue consisting of 24 questions. The examination sample is represented by nurses from Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.s., who look after dental surgery patients, it means nurses from dental ambulances, ORL (ear-nose-and-throat) and ophthalmological departments. It was found out during the examination survey that these patients are looked after at the department of traumatology as well. The dialogues are absolutely anonymous with the respondent?sfree choice. After the agreement of the respondents and the sister ward the dialogues were recorded on a dictaphone of a mobile phone. The examination took place at the beginning of the month of March. The semi structured dialogue contains basic characteristics of the respondent. The next part of examination was to find out, which patients after dental treatment are looked after by the respondents in their departments most often. Questions typical for the examined areafollowafter the introduction into the problematic, this means question dealing with taking meals, hygiene and education, the dialogues are further enriched with more unplanned questions. The record of the dialogues is registered in the bachelor?s dissertation in the form of a transcription and the results are dealt with via the categorization. For this examination there were stated three examination questions. The examination question 1: What is the specific of taking meals with the patient after a dental surgery? Examination question 2: What is the specific of oral cavity hygienic care with the patient after a dental surgery? Examination question 3: How does the nurse educate a patient after a dental surgery? The results of our dissertation are going to be accessible to the students who meet these patients during their practices, and for nurses who look after these patients. The results will serve to enrichment or completion of information in the field of after-treatment care for these patients. That is why the received information was dealt with as an information material, accessible in electronic version. The form of the information material is stated in the enclosure (Enclosure 4).

T.G. Masaryk' s view of the function of religion in the civil society
Horák, Karel ; Pelc, Bogdan (advisor) ; Ovečka, Libor (referee)
ANGLICKÁ ANOTACE DIPLOMA THESIS TITLE: THE OPINION OF TOMÁŠ GARRIGUE MASARYK ON THE FUNCTION OF RELIGION IN THE CIVIL SOCIETY AUTHOR: Karel HORÁK SUPERVISOR: Bogdan PELC ANNOTATION: It is to be stated that the current postmodern Czech society does not pay much attention to the heritage of the first President of the Czechoslovak Republic, Prof. Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, nor it takes much efforts to understand. Moreover, the rising generation has hardly any cognizance, what was the importance of the personality of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk for our state and for the Czech society. The secularized Czech civil society of the beginning of the 21st century perceives the heritage, left by one of the most important personalities of the Czech, European and world history in his life and works, with certain constraints. The main objective of this thesis is to give a transparent survey of Masaryk's views on the function of religion in a civil society, proceeding from the assumption of a very quest, based on the existing and actual facts that are known about Masaryk's life and work. In the first section, the life story of Prof. Masaryk is described. It is not, however, a pure listing of biographical data. This section aims at "clarifying and illuminating" that nebulous cloud, shrouding the person of T.G.M. for present-day...

Assessment centre - validity and other choosen characteristics of this method
Doubková, Dagmar ; Rymeš, Milan (referee) ; Bahbouh, Radvan (advisor)
My final thesis is focused on the issue of Assessment Centre method (AC), its validity, contribution and objectivity. The selection of competences studied by this method is discussed here as well. Strong and weak sides of the method are described by the SWOT analysis and possible opportunities and threats are pointed out in the work. The structure and the implementation of the AC method as well as its opportunities and real use in practice are described in the theoretical part of the work. This part of the work is also focused on the particular methods used within the AC methods. The differences between the Assessment Centres and Development Centres are brought up here. The AC method is compared with the other procedures which are used for the selection and development of employees. Opportunities and limitations of the validity of the measurement are discussed in this part of the work. The practical part of the work is devoted to the comparison of the AC method with other methods of selection and evaluation conceming the contribution and objectivity. The data analyzed in this comparison have been collected from the interviews with 27 personnel. Four files describing the AC method from the point ofview ofthe weak and strong sides are based on the above mentioned interviews. The obtained files point out the...

Staff appraisal
Justová, Gabriela ; Faltýn, Jaroslav (referee) ; Kocianová, Renata (advisor)
Hodnocení pracovníku je některými autory přirovnáváno k používání bezpečnostních pásu. Všichni vědí, že jejich používání je nutné, ale většina lidí jejich používání nemá ráda. Zaměstnanci i manažeři mají z pracovního hodnocení obavy. Zaměstnanci mají strach, že se mohou stát obětí svévolných úsudku nebo nejasných očekávání. Ale také si uvědomují, že je hodně v sázce, včetně zvýšení platu nebo povýšení. Na druhé straně manažeři nechtějí být soudci ostatních, obzvláště pokud těmi, koho soudí jsou zaměstnanci, jejichž spolupráci a podporu potřebují k dosažení úspěchu celé organizace. Kvalitní systém pracovního hodnocení dokáže odlehčit toto oboustranné napětí. Pokud jsou cíle hodnocení jasně dané, dohodnuté manažery i pracovníky a pokrok je společně monitorován, je spravedlivé a přesné hodnocení pracovního výkonu téměř zaručeno. Dobrým pracovníkum se dostane uznání, které si zaslouží a ti špatní se dozví o svých nedostatcích dříve než se vymknou kontrole. Svou bakalářskou práci na téma hodnocení pracovníku jsem se rozhodla psát proto, že mě tato problematika velmi zajímá a sama jsem ve svém zaměstnání v pozici jak hodnotitele, tak i hodnoceného. Cílem mé práce je popsat teoretická východiska hodnocení pracovníku a také navržení změn, které by podle mého názoru zefektivnily stávající systém hodnocení, který je...

Patients with implanted cardioverter defibrillators
This Bachelor Thesis deals with the issue of implantable cardioverter defibrillator usage, namely with the impact of implantable cardioverter defibrillator on patient life and the details of nursing care in scope of implantation of these devices. The implantable cardioverter defibrillator (hereinafter referred as to "ICD") enables to prevent or avert heart failure which affects approximately 2 % of population. Nearly 3/4 of cases of sudden death take place at home and 2/3 of these cases are witnessed by other person. Indications for the ICD implantation are severe malignant ventricular tachycardia (ventricular tachycardia, fibrillation and chamber flutter) which rapidly lead to the circulation failure, unconsciousness and, finally, death. The rapid termination of such arrhythmias by ICD saves the life of its holder. The diagnostics shall commence by the standard electrocardiogram (ECG). The field study of the Bachelor Thesis includes results of the qualitative research based on the semi structured interview. The research group contained thirteen patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator, residing in Středočeský kraj (Central Bohemia Region) and Jihočeský kraj (South Bohemia Region), who have had their ICD at least for a year. All respondents were asked ten basic questions as a part of the interview. The interviews were recorded over voice recorder and subsequently were directly transcribed to text. The interviews were processed while using the open coding, paper and pencil method. The data analysis produced five categories: Difficulties before the implementation of ICD, Changes in lifestyle after the implementation of ICD (with subcategories of Life certainties, Common activities, Employment, Driving and State of mind), Defibrillator shock, Nursing care and Importance of ICD for patients. The research shows that patients are predominantly satisfied with the nursing care. Nearly all respondents do not feel the need for increased nursing care while being in hospital. Patients greatly appreciated the wound care all respondents were satisfied with this precise type of care as no complications did occur while healing and the wounds healed per primam. I see imperfections in the patient education although ten patients state that they were duly informed, they were informed only by their doctor. Only one patient states that he was given "certain" information from the nurse. However, these results may be misrepresented by patients due to the time lapse (from the hospitalization). Furthermore, the research shows that ICD device does not influence common activities of majority of respondents. Nearly all respondents experience mental relief and the improvement of life quality. The respondents do not consider the restriction connected to the ICD usage to be negative. The majority of them try to observe given advices (in scope of driving, travelling, magnetic security systems, etc.) which do not restrict them in their common life significantly. Even though their disease is severe and endangers their life, the patients with these devices may travel abroad, do sports, work and live their normal life with less risk of sudden heart failure. Twelve respondents out of thirteen consider the ICD to be of great significance to their life. The outcome of this Bachelor Thesis is the Guide for ICD Patients.

Myths and realities in substitute family care
This thesis deals with the myths and realities which accompany the foster care. The goal of this work was to analyze awareness of inhabitants about the foster care of the Central-bohemia Region. The work is divided into the theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part describes important concepts with which these problems are linked, such as adoption, foster care, temporary foster care, guardianship, etc.. It deals also with basic needs of the child and family functions which are very important for proper development of the child. The thesis also describes how the process of arranging foster care working and what are the requirements for applicants, there is also the information about file documentation of the applicant and the child. The thesis further concentrates to ministries which are involved in child care outside the family. In my thesis I also deals with myths that often accompany foster care. For example it is a myth that includes the percentage of children who returned to their biological families or a close relative. The practical part of this thesis is processed by using a quantitative questionnaire survey. The research sample includes 100 respondents, who are inhabitants of the Central Bohemia region - it consists of 68 women and 32 men. The questions within the questionnaire were directed to answer the research questions that this work contains. After evaluation of the data of questionnaire that data was processed into graphs. Based on these graphs, I replied in a discussion on the research questions and evaluate how many percent of the sample from the Central Bohemia Region knows what is meant by adoption, foster care and guardianship. How many percent of respondents voted for adoption, if they can't have their own child and what percentage of them would have chosen up for adoption a child of the same nationality. I also answered due to research questions how many percent of the respondents knows where in their area look for some form of institutional care for a child under the age of 3 and what percentage knows which ministries are involved in institutional child care.

SAP SMB: The solution for small and midsize businesses
Drugda, Marek ; Basl, Josef (advisor) ; Raška, Ondřej (referee)
Malé a středně velké podniky tvoří významnou součást celosvětového podnikatelského prostředí. Jako rostou, potřebují jejich řídící pracovníci podporu v jejich snaze tyto podniky efektivně vést. Proto tyto podniky v rostoucí míře poptávají robustní řešení informačních systémů. Jedním z nejvýznamnějších výrobců informačních systémů je společnost SAP. Tato dnes nabízí produkty speciálně určené pro segment malých a středně velkých podniků. První z produktů, mySAP All-in-One, je primárně určen středně velkým podnikům, které vyžadují vysokou úroveň jeho přizpůsobení jejich požadavkům. Další z produktů, SAP Business One, je určen podnikům malým, vyžaduje relativně nízké náklady na pořízení a implementaci, a nabízí značnou funkcionalitu v oblastech jako jsou řízení skladu, CRM, účetnictví, a umožňuje celkovou vynikající práci s podnikovými informacemi. Ve svém zkoumání 33 případových studií nacházím odpověď na otázku, ve kterých aspektech je SAP Business One pro podniky, které ho zavedly, největším přínosem. Ve svém zkoumání se soustřeďuji na důvody k potřebě nového informačního systému, na požadavky které na něj podniky kladou, a hlavně na zlepšení, které jim jeho zavedení přineslo. Výsledkem je závěr z větší části shodný s marketingovými tvrzeními společnosti SAP, a to že tento systém přináší pro podniky největší zlepšení v podpoře jejich rozhodování, v zefektivnění podnikových procesů a v možnostech dalšího rozšíření nevyžadujícího další velké investice.