National Repository of Grey Literature 21 records found  beginprevious12 - 21  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Standardized Assessment of Sensory Disorders in School Aged Children
Husovská, Veronika ; Dvořáková, Petra (advisor) ; Gerlichová, Markéta (referee)
OF DIPLOMA THESIS Author: Bc. Veronika Husovská Supervisor: Mgr. Petra Dvořáková Title: Standardized assessment of sensory disorders in school aged children Summary: The thesis deals with problems of sensory processing disorders in school aged children. The aim of this diploma thesis is to create a working version of the standardized questionnaire Sensory Profile 2 School companion. Another aim is to verify the clinical applicability of this standardized questionnaire by using it to do a screening on school aged children to identify those with a sensory processing disorder within the classroom. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the diagnosis of sensory processing disorders (SPD), their diagnostics and the roles of an occupational therapist in SPD. Diagnostic tools for detecting SPD are presented and described in the thesis. The standardized questionnaire Sensory Profile 2, mainly the category School companion, is presented in this thesis. Methods: The practical part of the diploma thesis is elaborated in the form of quantitative pre-research. 39 respondents were evaluated by a standardized questionnaire Sensory Profile 2 School companion for the purpose of pre-research. The respondents were chosen in accordance to the tests purpose. Respondents were third-grade students studying...
The developmental coordination disorder/developmental dyspraxia in patients with the idiopathic scoliosis - A Pilot Study
Mašíková, Darina ; Lepšíková, Magdaléna (advisor) ; Vránová, Hana (referee)
The thesis is foccused on the problematics of the developmental coordination disorder and its presence within the patiens with the idiopathic scoliosis. The theoretical part deals with the explanation of the terms of developmental coordination disorder, sensory integration and idiopathic scoliosis. The experimental part looks for the connection among the idiopathic scoliosis and the dvelopmental dyspraxia. Thirty patients took part in it. Eighteen of them were patiens with the idiopathic scoliosis, these were divided into two groups according to the age. The first group at the age of 7 to 10 years counted four patiens, the other group from 11 to 16 years contained fourteen patiens. The controll group involved twelve children from the fifth class of the common primary school. The children were tested by the standardized Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2 (MABC-2). Furthermore the measurement was completed by two questionnaires for parents. In the DCDQ'07 they assessed the motor abilities of their child compared to children of the same age and gender. The other questionnaire was aimed at closer information obout the pregnancy, development of the child, presence of any disease or impairment, etc. The difference between motor skills of children with the idiopathic scoliosis and the controll group in...
Sensory integration and praxis - literature review
Vondráková, Veronika ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Maršáková, Kateřina (referee)
Title of diploma thesis: Sensory integration and praxis - literature review Summary: The aim of the literature review is summary of academic findings and information from foreign sources about the basic concepts of sensory integration by Dr. A. J Ayres. To describe the mechanism of sensory integration during the physiological development of the child and to discover the possibilities of dysfunction of sensory integration with focusing on Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) by Dr. Ayres. Furthermore, it aims to make an analysis of studies in which was used SIPT to identifying dysfunction of sensory integration and praxis, find the characteristic features and specifics of dysfunctions in children with Asperger's syndrome (AS) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), with learning disorders, in delinquent - prone individuals and institutionalized children against to control group, compare the results with studies using imaging equipments and evaluate the possibilities to use the information for physiotherapy. Methods: Diploma thesis is compiled from an accessible literary sources as a theoretical work in the form of literature review and it has two parts. In the first part is summarized theoretical background dealing with the basic concepts of...
The Usage of Sensory Integration within Occupational Therapy in children with autism spectrum disorder
Kozáková, Veronika ; Gerlichová, Markéta (advisor) ; Krulová, Anna (referee)
The thesis aims to describe the approach of sensory integration according to Jean Ayres and examine the possibilities for the usage in occupational therapy for children suffering from autism spectrum disorder. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the basic knowledge about sensory integration and occupational therapy related to autism spectrum disorder. The practical part tackles the terms of using sensory integration and therapeutic activities focused on particular sensory processing disorders of children with autism spectrum disorder. Sensory integration approach was developed by occupational therapist. Sensory integration approach defines three primary diagnostic groups of sensory processing disorders, provides evaluations and sensory integration activities. Based on observed data, sensory integration can be used in occupational therapy as a means to treat autistic children suffering from sensory processing disorder Key words: Sensory Integration Occupational Therapy Sensory Processing Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder
The intervention in Occupational Therapy for children with perception disorder of body schema
Smrčková, Andrea ; Ředinová, Barbora (advisor) ; Krivošíková, Mária (referee)
This thesis deals with process of body scheme, its disorders in childhood and the possibility of influencing, mainly due to the sensory integration. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create a synoptic manual on processing of body scheme from the perinatal period when the creating of body scheme is an indispensable component, to neonatal, infant and toddler age, when the possibilities of influencing the disorders are the most effective and provide good results. The thesis is divided into two parts; one is theoretical and the other practical. The theoretical part describes the commonly used terms relating to the body and body perception, perception development, specific diagnoses, where the body image disorder is present, methods of evaluation and therapy. The practical part describes two case studies of preschool children diagnosed with dyspraxia, in which the body scheme disorder is analyzed. For practical knowledge there is an importance of proper physiological perception and negative impacts of disturbances on motor skills in all areas. Key words: Occupational therapy, body scheme, dyspraxia, Sensory Integration, process of body scheme
Sensory integration approach in paediatrics
Kordíková, Eliška ; Hyttichová, Zdenka (advisor) ; Zounková, Irena (referee)
The thesis describes the approach of sensory integration of Jean Ayres, summarizes a basic neuroanatomy knowledge related to this approach and deals with sensory processing disorder, their diagnosis and therapy. There is a case study in the thesis containing an examination, assessment and the suggestion of therapy according to the approach of sensory integration theory. The sensory processing disorders are functional disorders of perception, filtering and organizing of stimulus coming from sensory systems. On this basis the sensory modulation processing and sensory discrimination disorder in different sensory system occur or sensory - based motor disorder can occur too. Sensory processing disorders may occur simultaneously with another diagnosis, for example the Down syndrom, syndrom ADHD. We create diagnosis from history, clinical observation and tests and from standardized tests. The therapy uses a number of different tools and special equipped rooms to provide adequate sensory stimulation, especially for vestibular, touch and proprioception. The approach of sensory integration is a part of integrated look at an individual and his problems and it is a part of the whole rehabilitation too.
Postural function at early age and final condition of motor functions at Preschool age
Líbalová, Kateřina ; Zounková, Irena (advisor) ; Kolář, Pavel (referee)
In its theoretical part, the thesis "Postural Function at Early Age and Final Condition of Motor Functions at Preschool Age" summarizes the knowledge of motor abilities and skills, postural control and development, control and development of rough and fine motorics. At the same time, the theoretical part resumes briefly characteristic features of developmental coordination disorders, way of their diagnostics and possible treatment. Furthermore, it presents the most common tests used for motorics assessment and its disorders. Practical part focuses on comparison of results according to developmental kinesiology as an investigation method and MABC-2 test. There have not been found any statistically important relations between the results of the developmental kinesiology test as an investigation method performed in the first and fifth week and in the third month of postnatal development and the results of MABC-2 test performed in the same children at school age. Likewise, there seem to be no statistically important relation between the results of MABC-2 test in children playing sports and those not playing any sport, neither in the results of MABC-2 test in children of sporting parents and non- sporting parents. Key words: Postural function, developmental kinesiology, motor abilities, motor skills,...
Somatognosis in patients with chronic vertebrogenic disorders
Křikavová, Alena ; Kolář, Pavel (advisor) ; Lepšíková, Magdaléna (referee)
This thesis called "Somatognosia by the chronic back pain patients" summarizes in its theoretical part the information about the concept of one's own body perception and clears up the terms body image and body schema in various contexts. The experimental part of the thesis includes testing of somatognosia on two sets. This research aims to compare the level and quality of somatognosia by the chronic back pain sufferers and healthy individuals. Powered by TCPDF (
Evaluation of developmental dyspraxia and effects of its therapy in children
Smržová, Jitka ; Kraus, Josef (advisor) ; Zounková, Irena (referee)
Diploma thesis "Evaluation of developmental dyspraxia and effects of its therapy in children" summarizes the knowledge of developmental dyspraxia or developmental coordination disorder (DCD) in the theoretical part. The practical part deals with the usage of new diagnostic method for identification of motor difficulties in children, Movement Assessment Battery for Children, second edition. The presence of motor difficulties in some children with ADHD and some children with neurofibromatosis type 1 was confirmed. The significant difference between motor skills in gymnasts and in children attending to all-round sport activities was not detected. No significant correlation between BMI and the level of motor skills in children was found. The evaluation of the effect of therapy confirmed that intervention is useful for children with developmental dyspraxia. The best improvement was found in activities which were specifically trained. Powered by TCPDF (
Stereognostic examination. Body image examination : (literature review)
Kos, Vojtěch ; Lepšíková, Magdaléna (advisor) ; Vítová, Veronika (referee)
Cílem této bakalřské práce bylo vyhledat v odborné časopisecké literatuře a zdrojů z odborných databází poznatky o způsobech vyšetření stereognosie a body image, jejich následné vyhodnocení a uplatnění v terapii a v neposlední řadě nastínit vývoj stereognosie a body image vzhledem k ontogenetickému vývoji jedince a k různým nosologickým jednotkám. Powered by TCPDF (

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