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Strategy of a specific business project
Bartáková, Iva ; Zeman, Jiří (advisor) ; Filipová, Alena (referee)
Diploma thesis on strategy of a specific business project discusses a formation of the common European hockey league and its penetration into the European market. Based on an analysis of the newly created project strategy, survey with fans of the Czech hockey team and information obtained from the stakeholders, biggest challenges for the competition were set and recommendations for improvement were proposed.

The current state and prospects for sustainable development of tourism in Slovakia.
Libantová, Silvia ; Indrová, Jarmila (advisor) ; Chaloupka, Radek (referee)
Tourism contributes to the prosperity of destinations by bringing financial resources, new jobs, a higher level of services and infrastructure development. However, if tourism does not develop sustainably, it is accompanied by negative factors, as well. Especially, negative impacts on the environment, such as: water and soil contamination, increased noise and overcrowded destination during the high season. As a response to the worsening state of the environment and possible irreversible changes caused by irresponsible human behavior, the idea of sustainable development is becoming more important. The theoretical part describes tourism in the Slovak Republic and highlights plans for sustainable tourism development. In the practical part, the results of the questionnaire, related to the awareness of sustainable tourism in the Slovak Republic, are evaluated. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the current situation in the field of sustainable tourism and to make suggestions for its future development.

Introduction to bio art
Šperanda, Nina ; SILVERIO, Robert (advisor) ; JANOŠČÍK, Václav (referee)
Bio art is a contemporary art practice that works with living organisms (except humans) or is created in cooperation with living organisms. It is relatively new art movement that is rooted deeply inside the history of evolution, domestication of animals and plants, technological discoveries, their development and science. Never before was art questioning its ethics and aesthetics in such profound, molecular and sub-molecular way. In this work I will consider the historical influences and conditions that led to current developments in the field. I will also try to explain the problematics of defining what bio art is and try to clarify the associated terminology. Most relevant and ground breaking works in the field will be mentioned as some new recent developments. Aesthetics of bio art is also an important subject often set aside by the ado around ethics of it. It is an extremely important subject to be considered when talking about bio art and I will try to sketch out a brief outline of it with references to philosophy and contemporary bio art theory.

Nutrition of pregnant - reccomendation and reality
For my bachelor thesis I have chosen the theme : Nutrition of pregnant women recommendations and reality. The theoretical part includes the specifics of nutrition in preconception period and pregnancy, risk groups of pregnant women, high-risk behavior and a chapter about dietary supplementation in pregnancy. Pregnancy is an important period in a woman's life. The changes that accompany pregnancy also impose increased demands on the supply of the body with nutrients. I have chosen the method of a survey for the processing of the research part of my thesis. The practical part includes the results of the survey, which was attended by 80 women in the 7th-9th month of pregnancy. The questionnaire asked for basic information besides the weight, height and weight gain in pregnancy, also eating habits, fluid intake, inadequate habits (alcohol, smoking), use of dietary supplements, awareness of pregnant women and their physical activity. The questionnaires were processed in Microsoft Excel using tables and graphs. All collected pieces of information about dietary habits were compared with the recommendations for pregnant women. The aim of this thesis was to find out what is the reality of eating habits of pregnant women compared with recommendations. Another aim was to determine, whether pregnant women are well informed about the nutrition recommendations during their pregnancy and where they get the information from. Further aim was to explore, whether pregnant women use nutritional supplements before or during pregnancy and what kind of them. The last aim was to determine some of the bad habits during pregnancy (e.g. alcohol , smoking). The results of the questionnaire survey showed that by the majority of pregnant women the reality and recommendations coincided in water intake and beverage preference. Most of them preferred water or tea. Coffee consumption was also by the majority of them problem-free. Eating meat and eggs corresponded with the recommendations for a large group of respondents. As for legumes, fish and fish products, their consumption corresponded with the recommendations by only about half of the women. Eating fruits and vegetables were in the majority of pregnant women unfortunately insufficient as well as the consumption of milk and dairy products, nuts and seeds. It would be very appropriate to increase consumption of these groups of food. Conversely, the consumption of sausages and sweets, which turned out to be more frequent, should be reduced . Most women were well informed about the nutrition recommendations during their pregnancy, in most cases from the media or pregnancy counseling from a doctor. Here, I would suggest creating a website for pregnant women offering really reliable information. Nutritional supplements related to pregnancy were used by about half of the respondents. Only less than a half of the surveyed women supplemented folic acid in preconception period. I would suggest to create some information leaflets about the suitability of folic acid supplementation in preconception period and place them in the gynecological outpatient's clinics . Pregnant women ordinarily didn't smoke and consume alcohol. Occasional alcohol consumption stated 14 % of women. It seems that women are informed enough about the risk of smoking and alcohol consumption.

Association of Idependent Theatres of the Czech Republic – Analysis and Description of the Current State
Bodoríková, Markéta ; KAŠPAR, David (advisor) ; PROKOP, Petr (referee)
The thesis is focused on newly established Association of Independent Theaters of the Czech Republic, officially using the abbreviation AND ČR. The aim of the thesis is to describe formation of the association, its current state, future plans and its functioning. The first part examines the term “independent professional theater” and briefly characterizes selected organizations from the Czech Republic and Europe with the potential to meet with the AND ČR in the cultural area in future. In the following parts were researched needs of independent professional scene in Prague and was described the needs analysis for the field of “independent” theater from the year 2013. The thesis describes the development of AND ČR, its activities up to current stage, organizational structure and future short-term plans. In the final part of the thesis, there is defined the management system of the association and established its possible improvements so the AND ČR would become the leading organization representing independent professional theaters in the Czech Republic.

Etienne Decroux and his method Le Mime Corporel
Šimon, Lukáš ; VIZVÁRY, Radim (advisor) ; SOPROVÁ, Jana (referee)
This thesis discusses the life and work of Etienne Decroux, one of France's most important reformers of the theater and his method of Le Mime Corporel, which still forms the basis of modern pantomime. Decroux is known worldwide as an excellent mime, director, teacher, theorist and reformer of the theater. His contribution to the development of the European theater in the last century is very significant, especially for mime theatre. The work presents Decroux's personality and his contribution to the creation of the new method of mime theatre - Le Mime Corporel. Another task of this thesis is to explore the effects of different important personalities in the artistic development of Etienne Decroux, to describe the basic elements forming the method Le Mime Corporel and to compare it to other genres of movement theater.

Sorption and Stabilization of Metals/Mettalloids by Innovative Synthesized Sorbent Amochar.
Ouředníček, P. ; Trakal, L. ; Komárek, M. ; Pohořelý, Michael
Remediation of contaminated soil which is based on stabilization and immobilization of potential\nhazardous substance by sorption materials has been studied intensively nowadays. Biochar – activated organic carbon belongs to this group of stabilizing agents which can adsorb wide range of contaminants, including metals/metalloids. Surface area of the biochars is quite large in general and functional groups (e.g. COO–) can form chelates or alkaline elements on the surface, which is represented by cation exchange capacity. Altogether with the high pH values (7.00 – 10.00), biochars are quite effective sorbents and can adsorb metals/metalloids from the solution (ground water), especially in acidic soils (in the environments affected by intensive mining activities). Sorption\neffectiveness can be increased (especially for As (V) or Cr (VI) sorption) by modification of biochar by various types of secondary oxides. Innovative sorbent AMOchar (AMO + biochar) has been synthesized currently. The product was prepared by adding of biochar to the reaction solution during amorphous manganese oxide (AMO) synthesis. The AMOchar was formed mainly by Mn-oxalates which had coated surface of the pristine biochar. AMOchar composite was able to remove significantly higher amounts of various metal(loid)s from the solution despite the rather high pH of the material. Sorption effectiveness was high not only in case of Pb (II) sorption (almost 99%), and Cd(II) (51.2%), but also a very high amount of As(V), 91.4%. Additionally, both AMOchar composite was able to reduce Mn leaching. This can avoid potential post-contamination caused by the dissolution of less stable Mn-oxalates as observed in the pure AMO.
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Marketing plan
Nosálová, Lucie ; Štůsek, Jaromír (advisor) ; Ladislav , Ladislav (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to detect errors in the management of small family business, which basically does not use marketing. Following this finding should be to build an effective marketing plan. The diploma thesis is divided into theoretical part, which forms the basis for the analytical part. In the analytical part is described the company and there are also detect errors in the management that are caused by faulty marketing. To achieve results it is important to use several different types of analysis on which it is necessary to set new marketing goals, strategies, changes and projects. The aim is to provide business information and convince him that use of good marketing communication should lead to improve management efficiency and ultimatem increase profitability of the company, without the need to break away from the corporate goal of maximum efforts to build a pro-customer oriented service.

Subspace Modeling of Prosodic Features for Speaker Verification
Kockmann, Marcel ; Kenny, Patrick (referee) ; Nöth, Elmar (referee) ; Černocký, Jan (advisor)
Předložená disertační práce se zabývá ověřováním mluvčího pomocí prozodických příznaků zahrnujících hodnoty základního tónu, energie a délek řečových úseků. Studovali jsme dvě rozdílné techniky pro parametrizaci: první vede k dobře definované sadě menšího počtu příznaků, druhá k vysoko-dimenzionální sadě heterogenních prozodických příznaků. První část práce se věnuje vývoji příznaků reprezentujících prozodické kontury, zde jsme vyvinuli a ověřili několik modelovacích technik, s důrazem na modelování v reprezentativních podprostorech. Druhá část práce se zaměřuje na nové pod-prostorové modelovací techniky pro heterogenní prozodické parametry s velkou dimenzionalitou. Model je teoreticky odvozen a experimentálně ověřen na oficiálních datech z NIST evaluací ověřování mluvčího (NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation). Ve srovnání s ostatními současnými prozodickými jsme dosáhli podstatně lepších výsledků. Na konci práce presentujeme také novou techniku pro elegantní kombinaci dvou prozodických systémů. Tato technika může být použita rovněž pro fúzi prozodického systému se standardním přesným cepstrálním systémem, což vede k dalšímu podstatnému zvýšení úspěšnosti verifikace.