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The leveling of the newly stabilized elevation points in RA Detmarovice in 2016
Kajzar, Vlastimil ; Waclawik, Petr ; Staš, Lubomír
In the northern area of mining areas Doubrava and Karvina mines on the border RA Detmarovice and Doubrava are implemented, the mining activities. For this reason, in order to detect possible effects of the mine to the surface and surface objects twice a year height focuses, points in this area stable. From 2014 he was a contractor for these works chosen by the Institute of Geonics, v.v.i., Ostrava. The measurement results are annually presented in the final report - elevation measurements in the northern area of mining areas Doubrava and Karviná Mines I. In 2016, the existing network of height points in a cadastral municipality Dětmarovice expanded by 11 new points. New points are stabilized by means of steel bench mark on objects. Elevation point near house No. 713 is a stabilized form of measuring support cast-in steel casing

Paeonies and their breeding
Sekerka, Pavel ; Faloutová, Z. ; Macháčková, Markéta ; Caspers, Zuzana ; Blažek, Milan ; Blažková, Uljana
Paeonies are old ornamental and utilitarian plants. This contribution represents horticultural division of varieties and their history. The collection of paeonies in Pruhonice Botanic Garden was founded in 1968, since the eighties it is also engaged in their breeding. Peonies were in 2015 included in the National Program, we are now preparing their classifier.

The Liberation of Pilsen 1945 in Photography
Křenová, Tereza ; SILVERIO, Robert (advisor) ; JANOŠČÍK, Václav (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with liberation of Pilsen in May 1945 by american army in photography. The aim of this thesis is finding and collecting archival materials and placing them in a historical-political context. Communist regime changed the portrayal of historical events and directly influenced the amount of exisiting photographs, documents and lives of those who created them. Important part of this bachelor thesis is working with those archival materials – particularly with photographs capturing arrival of Americans and their stay in Czechoslovakia at the end of WW2. Both professional and amateur photographers created valuable photographs as they witnessed the liberation of Pilsen. These photographs became in spite of communist propaganda a clear evidence that Pilsen was liberated by american army.

Strnadová, Marie ; NEKVASIL, Ondřej (advisor) ; KOČÍ, Jindřich (referee)
Purpose of the thesis is a visual and theoretical approach to western genre script of movie The Brigands of Rattleborg based on a novel „The Brigands of Rattleborg“ by Craig S. Zahler. Thesis consists of two main parts, theoretical and one's own design of the visual concept. Theoretical part contains a definition of western genre and its issues, historical overview with important milestones and a list of main subgenres. The visual part contains three analysis of creative approach to western movies produced after year 2000. This part of thesis is concluded with one's own visual concept of the movie and its detailed description.

Analysis breeding of milk cattle on the chosen biofarme
Plášková, Pavlína ; Toušová, Renata (advisor) ; Ducháček, Jaromír (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluace the conditions of dairy cattle breeding in ecological agriculture and to compare them with concrete values taken from the chosen ecological farm Bílčice, which has been part of ecological agriculture since 2011 and which is focused on czech fleckvieh breeding and bio milk production. The first part deals with dairy cattle breed characteristic, main objectives and ecological agriculture principals, welfare problems, breed cattle and utility control, housing technology, nutrition and feeding, mechanical milking technology, milk production, reproduction, health condition and breeding economy. The practical part contains the rating of milk yield index (milk production, % proteins, % fat) and reproduction index ( meantime, perioda service, insemination index and after first parturition percentage). 650 pieces of cos were stabled at farm, from that 200 pices of dairy cos were mostly czech fleckvieh. Monitoring was made in 2013. Dayily milk production was around 2 750 kg. The milk utility for lactacion was in 2013 6 100 kg of milk, 3,89 % fat and 3,34 % proteins. The dairy cos were free stabled with high bedding, They were mechanically milked twice a day in herringbone parlours. Milk is being delivered once in twodays to Olma dairy. Cows are regularly driven out to pasture in summer feeding period. They are extra fed with 10 kg of clover silage and 6 kg of scarp (barely, wheat, triticale). Cows stays in stables for winter time. The ration consists of 45 kg of clover silage, 6 kg of scarp, 2 kg of lupine and 1 kg of corn in first time of lactacion. The cow utility in transitional form of economy at farm Bilcice was 7 477 kg of milk in 2010, a value in the Czech Republic was 7 726 kg of milk. After entering the ecological agriculture in 2013 milk yield at the farm decreased on 6 100 kg of milk and the average value in the Czech Republic increased to 8 370 kg of milk. The cow utility in transitional form was 4,03 % fat in 2010 and 3,89 % in 2013 (ecological agriculture). A diference between 2010 and 2013 is 0,14 %. Proteins were 3,39 % in 2010 and 3,34 % in 2013. There was average value for every reproduction index. The service period was 96 days and the meantime was 400 days, the insemination index was 1,8 and the after first parturition percentage was 54,2 %.

History of the North Czech philharmonic Teplice
Kolařík, Tomáš ; PANOCHA, Jiří (advisor) ; TOMÁŠEK, Jiří (referee)
In his master thesis the author provides a look into the history of The North Czech philharmonic Teplice, the only professional symphonic ensemble in the region of Ústí nad Labem, since 1948 until now. The work is divided into four main chapters. The first one gives an overview about the most significant conductors, which held a position of either a chief-conductor or a deputy. The second, crucial chapter brings an insight to the historical development of the orchestra, its changes and events, from the time of the re-establishment (1948) to the year 2016. In the third chapter, the author mentions the most important information about Ludwig van Beethoven music festival, of which The North Czech philharmonic Teplice is an organizer, and then gives a brief and incomplete list of the festival's seasons. The final chapter marginally sums up the work with the information about a new feature called "orchestra academy", inspired by the main czech orchestras. The thesis is attached with pictures showing the rehearsals and concerts environment in the time course and recent images of the orchestra, which enhance the possible plain and fact-like character of the whole work.

Research Infrastructure ACTRIS-CZ.
Holubová Šmejkalová, A. ; Ždímal, Vladimír ; Váňa, M. ; Klánová, J. ; Dvorská, Alice
Research infrastructure ACTRIS-CZ was adopted on the Czech national roadmap of reaserch infrastructures in 2016. Its coreforms a co-located station Košetice-Křešín u Pacova and special equipment from collaborating partner institutions. Research infrastructure ACTRIS-CZ is focused on atmospheric research, especially on atmospheric aerosol, reactive gases and meteorological parameters.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: SKMBT_C22016111512070 - Download fulltextPDF

Impact of Current Information Technology Trends on the Future of Grey Literature
Savić, Dobrica
This paper deals with emerging information technology (IT) and other trends and their impact on the grey literature. It is based on analysis of the most prevalent trends in general information management and new IT solutions, which will define and impact the digital future of related information management activities, as well as the grey literature. The analysis was done based on seven reports issued in 2016 by five world leading consulting and service companies that have a special interest in researching the impacts of IT on our business environments, work procedures and behaviors.
Fulltext: idr-1032_3 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: idr-1032_1 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-1032_2 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-1032_4 - Download fulltextMP4

Automobil Industry on the pages of newspaper in year 2007
Dobiáš, Petr ; Jirák, Jan (referee) ; Trampota, Tomáš (advisor)
Bachelor thesis deals with quantitative content analysis of topical rubrics of newspapers named above involving all releases in 2007. The analysis is focused just on rubrics conversant questions of automotive industry. Its goal is describe similarities and differences in content selections, how it is led along, what space is devoted to it and what kind of information gives to its readers. This thesis is devoted to segmentation of space on quantifiable parameters and outcomes of analysis are put through the statistic analysises . All the findings are presented through schemes and diagrams. An outcome is quantitative description of chosen topical units which describes topical and spatial zoning of automotive industry as a topic presented on pages of totally different newspapers regarding the historical background and different reader's bases. There are answered questions on seasonality and space devoted to motorism.

Dance as a means of integration adults with intellectual disability
The goal of the bachelor thesis called Dance as a means of integration adults with intellectual disability was to create, implement and evaluate a dance course focused on the development of social competences in adults with intellectual disability. The thesis deals with adults with intellectual disability and with a leisure activity focused on dancing. There is some space for the development of social competences in adults´ leisure time. In response to the current situation of leisure activities proposition for adults with intellectual disability. I found it beneficial to found a dance group of adults with intellectual disability, and at the same time a group of individuals intact in places unfamiliar to them. Based on an activity which may be implemented amusingly it is possible to develop an individual´s personality as well as his or her social competences, which become a presumption of a successful integration, universally. The bachelor thesis consists of four chapters.The first chapter defines the term ´intellectual disability´. Further on the attention is paid to the characteristics of the target group, i.e. adults suffering from a slight and medium mental retardation. Further on, the disability´s impact onto the human psyche as well as social area is described. In the second chapter the term ´dance´is defined and then the description of its usefulness within the leisure, artistic and therapeutic areas is given. In the third chapter the presumptions for a successful integration are described. In the conclusion of the theoretical part there is an interconnection made between the target group and the activity for developing social competences. The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis is continued with a practical part, the fourth chapter. It is a programme of a six-month course which I have set together based on the analysis of expert literature and my experience gained during the leadership of dance lessons and working with adults with intellectual disability. The programme will include work methods and an evaluation of partial activities. The six-month course was held in the school year of 2015/2016 and 6 intellectually disabled adults took part in it. Students of the University of South Bohemia joined the course. Partial goals were set for individual dance lessons and the activities were set so that they would develop social competences in participants non-violently and in the greatest extent possible. The course was implemented in the IN Civic Association facilities. To evaluate the activity and find out the progress within the area of the participants´ social competences, several development fields have been set. Several chosen social competences were divided into evaluation scales. The participants were evaluated at the beginning of the course and then again, six months later. The evaluation method chosen was my own observation. I focused on the evaluation of my own working, on group evaluation and the evaluation of each individual. Evaluation was also done on the part of each course participant, too. Dance lessons and activities connected have proven to be a suitable means for developing social competences in intellectually disabled adults. In five participants the values have risen in 5 10 out of 17 competences observed. A recourse occured in a participant who was going through a difficult life situation during the last two months of the course. Values have risen dramatically and in all participants in the area of group cooperation. Five participants made a progress in establishing and keeping eye contact and in starting a conversation. One participant has made a progress in the area of group performance, another one has made a progress in the area of independence and another one started to call the other participants by their names, as opposed to the beginning of the course. In general, the members of the group became more self-confident.