National Repository of Grey Literature 17 records found  previous11 - 17  jump to record: Search took 0.04 seconds. 

Cultic Purge in Political Concepts of Vassal Judah
Hanzová, Alena ; Charvát, Petr (advisor) ; Oliverius, Jaroslav (referee) ; Chalupa, Petr (referee)
KULTICKÁ OČISTA V POLITICKÝCH KONCEPCÍCH JUDSKÉHO VAZALSKÉHO STÁTU CULTIC PURGE IN POLITICAL CONCEPTS OF VASSAL JUDAH ThDr. Alena HANZOVÁ In the introduction, the author characterise his work as interdisciplinary based historical analysis of specified period of Biblical Israel and interprets relevant Old Testament texts. The author first brings the best-known approaches of researchers (M. Noth, A. Alt, FW Albright, GE Mendelhall) in archaeology and history of Israel. She introduce the so-called revisionist approach to history of Israel and presents a chronology of ancient Israel and also focuses on Israel's religion in the context of the 8th and 7th centuries BC on the territory of Israel and Judah. She examines in detail the semantically very rich phenomenon of religious cults, other part of the work explains the characteristics of the kings of Judah and offers description of the most important cult reforms and the political concepts of Judah vassal state. Finally, the author notes that "Judah despite its unquestioned vassal ties and obligations retains its distinctive cultic and religious character ".

Hirohito - the fall of the divine myth
Dostálová, Klára ; Flanderka, Pavel (referee) ; Labus, David (advisor)
In the thesis "Hirohito - the Fall of the Divine Myth" an analysis of Emperor Hirohito's New Year's Rescript is presented. The Rescript was made public on January l st 1946 and ended the myth of Emperor Hirohito's divinity. This event goes back to the postwar period in Japanese history when occupation authorities were in charge of democratization reforms. Unlike their process and consequences, the New Year's Rescript goes unnoticed by many although it also contributed to the rebirth of Japan into a modem state. The purpose of this thesis is to present facts leading to the birth of the political myth of the divine character of the Emperor and its usage in the wartime period as well as details conceming the making of the Rescript, comments from Japanese and foreign public and its influence on postwar democratization development in Japan. The story of the divine character of the Japanese Emperor dates back to ancient times. It was created out of necessity to "prove" the antiquity of Japan and her ruler when compared to Chinese culture. In the course of time the story became a powerful political myth used to consolidate the nation in the time of cultural and power encounter with Western countries aťter the Meiji Revolution and mainly as a means of explanation and justification for the expansionary policy set...

Puchmajer's poetry collections. The birth of contemporary Czech verse
Dobiáš, Dalibor ; Červenka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Jiráček, Pavel (referee) ; Langerová, Marie (referee)
The submitted work uses the example of poetry collections of A.J. Puchmajer (Sebrání básní a zpěvů /1795, 1797/ and Nové básně /1798, 1802, 1814) and other contemporary poetry, theoretic and critical works in the wider context of forming of new Czech prosody and meter system. The focus is put on treatise of verse problems in the traditions of Czech literary-scientific structuralism and development of this scientific tradition; further on the interpretation of relevant social, philological and poetological discourse of the end of 18th and beginning of 19th century with primary focus on literary works; and finally on the treatise of processes, by which the new Czech verse formed, in relation to older local literature of 18th century and current European context. In the general concept of literary science, the reform of the Czech verse, as performed by Slavist J. Dobrovský (Böhmische Prosodie, 1795), represents a milestone, perhaps even the beginning of new Czech prosody. Older "lower" syllabism (prosody directed by the constant number of syllables in a verse) and "higher" quantitative metrics (based on the alternation of long and short beats as in the ancient literature) were criticized by Dobrovský as archaic, insufficient (syllabism) or being contrary to the spirit of Czech language (quantitative metrics)....

Puchmajer's poetry collections. The birth of contemporary Czech verse
Dobiáš, Dalibor ; Červenka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Jiráček, Pavel (referee) ; Langerová, Marie (referee)
The submitted work uses the example of poetry collections of A.J. Puchmajer (Sebrání básní a zpěvů /1795, 1797/ and Nové básně /1798, 1802, 1814) and other contemporary poetry, theoretic and critical works in the wider context of forming of new Czech prosody and meter system. The focus is put on treatise of verse problems in the traditions of Czech literary-scientific structuralism and development of this scientific tradition; further on the interpretation of relevant social, philological and poetological discourse of the end of 18th and beginning of 19th century with primary focus on literary works; and finally on the treatise of processes, by which the new Czech verse formed, in relation to older local literature of 18th century and current European context. In the general concept of literary science, the reform of the Czech verse, as performed by Slavist J. Dobrovský (Böhmische Prosodie, 1795), represents a milestone, perhaps even the beginning of new Czech prosody. Older "lower" syllabism (prosody directed by the constant number of syllables in a verse) and "higher" quantitative metrics (based on the alternation of long and short beats as in the ancient literature) were criticized by Dobrovský as archaic, insufficient (syllabism) or being contrary to the spirit of Czech language (quantitative metrics)....

Education and training in ancient times - a reference today
My thesis discusses the manner of upbringing and education in antiquity compared to current upbringing and education. First, we learn about education in two city-states Sparta and Athens. We compare their differences and then move on to one of the most significant figures of the then philosophy - Socrates. I included a brief introduction to his life but his philosophical and educational activities and ideas are much more important and affect our lives even at present. The thesis is concluded with a comparison of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle views of the then upbringing and education with today?s views. The major objective of my thesis is to find a sort of legacy left for the present, be it either a method or an idea that could be used nowadays to aid upbringing and education.

Education of boys in Ancient Sparta. Agoge in the athenien bibliography in the context of Sparto-Athenien rivalry
Borská, Karolína ; Kepartová, Jana (advisor) ; Skopek, Robert (referee)
Od mé první cesty v do Řecka, již před 20 lety, roste můj zájem o tuto oblast, která tolik ovlivnila evropskou kulturu a vzdělanost. Můj zájem o téma výchovy chlapců ve Spartě byl pak vyvolán studiem na univerzitě v Perpignanu, kde jsem v rámci studijního pobytu Erasmus rok studovala dějiny. Volnost ve výběru předmětů mne vedla k zapsání především přednášek z antických dějin. Překvapivě, antické Řecko a Řím jsou pro tamní studentky velkou neznámou a poprvé se s nimi setkávají až na vysoké škole. Nižší školství ve svých osnovách tuto část evropské historie nemá. Samotné přednášky byly spíše povrchovým opakováním už známých věcí, k rozšíření vědomostí sloužily semináře, které se pod vlivem francouzské historiografícké školy zabývaly především antickou každodenností. Vzhledem k tomu, že na oplátku tato část je u nás v především politicko-ekonomických přednáškám opomíjena, bylo to velmi obohacující. Poprvé jsem se dozvěděla něco více o výchově v dórských státech a celá otázka mne zaujala natolik, že jsem si hned začala půjčovat doplňkovou literaturu s cílem napsat tuto práci, která jak bych ráda, by měla seznámit její čtenáře s obrazem a hlavními rysy výchovy chlapců v klasické Spartě. Pro práci používám české, anglické nebo francouzské překlady původních antických děl. A frankofonní a anglosaskou...

Attitude of Society to Physical Activities in the Context of the Historical Development
Physical inactivity is one of the main problems of the 21th century. Low level of activity of the population is closely related to many lifestyle diseases. That is the reason why it is very important to find out which historical changes have led to today's low physical activity level. In this bachelor thesis I deal with the attitude of today's society towards physical activities in the context of historical development. I set three goals. The first one is to chart retrospectively the evolution of physical activities in the society. The second goal is to find out if in the past people were more active than nowadays. The last objective is focused on the description of historical changes which might have led to nowadays low physical activity level. This bachelor thesis is only theoretical. The beginning of this thesis is focused on the explanation of the basic terms associated with physical activity. The following chapter discusses the physical activity itself. The next parts of the thesis are focused on different periods of human history. The first historical period that I deal with is Prehistory. In the prehistoric times, physical activity was associated with survival. Physical fitness determined whether the prehistoric man obtains food, is victorious in battles, or is able to resist various types of danger. Because of these reasons, the attitude of the society towards physical activities was mainly practical, but at this time first sports also started to develop. The following part of this thesis focuses on the physical activities in slave countries. Physical activities like archery, wrestling, or infighting were permitted only within certain higher classes. A variety of treatment systems were developed in some Asian countries. The thesis deals with movement activities in ancient Greece as well. In this chapter, the emphasis is on the creation of the Olympic Games, the ideal of kalokagathia and physical education in Sparta and Athens. The next era included in this thesis is the Middle Ages. In this chapter is a description of the differences between the physical activities in the countryside and the city. Physical activities of the aristocracy are included as well. The Modern Times part of this thesis is mainly focused on the development of the physical education and its inclusion in the school curriculum systems. The fundamental change in this period that affected the attitude toward physical activities was the industrial revolution and the related migration of people from rural to urban areas. As a result of this change, the new era of sedentary lifestyle began and that's causing us a lot of problems now. Modern Times brought a big change to the whole attitude towards physical activity. Nowadays, physical activity is seen as one of the forms of recreation. The last part of this thesis is focused on the 20th century. This chapter discusses mainly the problem of the lack of physical activity. In the end, the changes that led to today's low physical activity level are summarized. I used professional literature and internet sources to study the problem. In conclusion, I evaluated all of the information collected within my research. From them is clear that the attitude towards physical activities has changed dramatically since Prehistory. From my literature research is also following that the problem with inactivity and the health issues linked to inactivity started being a problem at the 2nd half of 20th century. Due to a big importance of physical activity and its ability to prevent many diseases I would suggest to increase the physical activity level more in a free time activities. I think that this thesis pointing out one of the main problems of today's society and I think that this work could serve as a source of information for the public.