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Effects of Hellenic Philosophy on the Image of Creation and of human being in the Book of Wisdom and Sirach
Matějů, Hana ; Větrovec, Pavel (advisor) ; Hřebík, Josef (referee)
Práce předkládá Platónovu kosmogonii prezentovanou v díle Timaios a porovnává ji s obrazem Božího stvoření v knihách Moudrosti a Sírachovec. Metodou je exegeze vybraných úryvků biblických knih a porovnání rekonstruovaného obrazu s prvky Platónovy kosmogonie. Není v možnostech této práce prokázat přímou literární závislost, proto její výsledky zůstávají jen u identifikování podobností. V knize Moudrosti byly nalezeny významné podobnosti, zatímco u knihy Sírachovec evidentní podobnosti s platónovou kosmogonií nejsou. Kniha Moudrosti obsahuje množství filosofických termínů, zvláště v popisu moudrosti v 7,22 - 8,1. Ve verších 8,19-20 a 9,15 byl identifikován platónský dualizmus těla a duše a narážka na nauku o reinkarnaci. I hlavní myšlenka kapitol 11 - 19, představit vyvedení Izraele z Egypta jako nové stvoření, je prezentována v myšlenkovém rámci platónské nauky o přeměně prvků.
The biblical view of man and its contribution to the social and pastoral work.
Fausová, Petra ; Heryán, Ladislav (advisor) ; Fischer, Ondřej (referee)
1 Abstract The bachelor's thesis deals with biblical anthropology, i.e. biblical view of man, as it is written down in the Old and New Testaments. It presents the creation of the world, the creation of man and the relationship between man and God. It clarifies the consequences of the original sin. Also, it describes the biblical holistic concept of man and follows up selected terms of biblical anthropology: body, soul, spirit and heart. The terms are explained in the context of the Old and New Testaments. Afterwards, the outlined biblical view of man is summed up into four principles focused on human dignity, the holistic concept of man, human-to-human relationship and human-to-work relationship. Then, there is an attempt to use these principles in concepts of the social and pastoral work. Firstly, both concepts are briefly presented and then the bachelor's thesis follows up potential influences of the biblical anthropology on the theory of the social and pastoral work. Finally, there is an example of the care service provider, specifically a day centre for people with multiple disabilities. The bachelor's thesis describes the practical use of the biblical view of man and its possible contribution to daily work in the day centre.
Man from the Bible perspective and holistic concept of Social work
Apatsidu, Markéta ; Heryán, Ladislav (advisor) ; Jandejsek, Petr (referee)
This bachelor thesis tries to describe the personality of a man from the perspective of biblical anthropology and the resulting need for a holistic approach of helping professions to clients of all target groups of social work. It is based primarily on Genesis, which focuses on two messages of human creation. It shows how both messages are reflected in the Bible as a whole. The first chapter, in addition to the messages of creation, describes the individual aspects of human being, which are body, soul, spirit and heart. It emphasizes that man is a holistic being according to the Bible. Man is the body, man is the soul, man is the spirit, not that man has got the body, the soul and the spirit. Therefore every man must feed all aspects of his personality, otherwise he suffers. And here is the space for holistic social work. The topic of the contribution of biblical anthropology for social work is discussed in the second chapter of this bachelor thesis. It also wants to show that even to social workers who do not claim any religion can help the Bible to shape their personal spirituality and approach to clients. It also mentions the terms of moral autonomy and conscience as a necessary prerequisite for the ethically proper conduct of a social worker.
Representation of God's Creation in Psalms
Hraba, Jaroslav ; Větrovec, Pavel (advisor) ; Hřebík, Josef (referee)
The bachelor thesis "The image of God's creation in the Psalms" deals with the picture of creation in the Psalms and its theological significance, with a view to describing the creation in the first chapters of the book Genesis. The analytical part contains an exegesis of selected biblical texts from the books Genesis, Psalms and Daniel; the systematic part summarizes the findings. The executed exegesis found that images of creation in the Bible also contain elements of myths of polytheistic cosmogonia. The work to a certain extent shows the intentional use of such elements for the defense of the monotheistic faith and the Hebrew cosmogony. It further develops the symbolic interpretation of some images of creation in Psalms and other biblical books. The result of the work is the presentation of sufficient material from which there is a clear connection between the theology of creation and soteriology. Keywords God, the Lord, the Creator, the Psalms, Genesis, creation, images of creation, cosmogony, polytheistic mythology.
God's Image in Gregory of Nyssa
Marunová, Magdalena ; Karfík, Filip (advisor) ; Bartoň, Josef (referee) ; Dus, Jan (referee)
The aim of this work is to introduce Gregory of Nyssa's doctrine of man as the image of God, based especially on his work Περ κατασκευ ς νθρώπουὶ ῆ ἀ (De hominis opificio). In his work Gregory created quite a systematic anthropological treatise based on Stoic sources, Biblical interpretations inspired by Philo of Alexandria and Origen, as well as on ancient medicine. In contrast to the ancient philosophical school views concerning human being, Gregory refuses the parallel of man as a small world and says that the dignity of man consists not in being similar to the created world, but to the Creator. There are many attributes that constitute human similarity to God, but especially due to the incomprehensibility man is the image of God. The incomprehensibility consists in human mind (νο ςῦ ) in which the human likeness to God can most apparently be recognized. It cannot be placed anywhere in the body and the connection between mind and body is, according to Gregory, unspeakable: the mind does not reside in any particular part of the body, but yet it acts in and is influenced by the whole body. The image of God is the whole mankind, from the first up to the last created human being. When the planned number of souls is completed, the time and everything that happens in time will come to an end. In the...
František Žák SJ (1862-1934) and the theology of creation
Žák, František ; Novotný, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Mohelník, Tomáš (referee)
FRANTIŠEK ŽÁK SJ (1862-1934) AND THEOLOGY OF CREATION The thesis is focused on the personality of Czech Jesuit priest František Žák SJ (1862-1934) and his theology of creation. In the first chapter the life story of František Žák is presented - the description of key moments of his life offers a basis for an evaluation of his personality. Consecutively, his writings are summed up in different thematic groups according to author's interest. In the second chapter Žák's main work of systematic theology - Soustavná katolická věrouka pro lid - is portrayed. Themes of different parts of the book are outlined and special focus is put on its fifth chapter, which deals with God the Creator. This question will be examined in the third chapter of this thesis. The fifth chapter of the book will be thematically and formally analyzed - with special regard to the way how Žák uses the evidence from the Scripture and Church Fathers. Finally, author's main work will be examined in comparison with the writings of his contemporaries Josef Pospíšil, Richard Špaček and Jan Valerián Jirsík. Their and Žák's conception of God the Creator is compared. Keywords František Žák Biography Systematic theology Theology of Creation
Theology of respect to life in the work of John Paul II. and its possible aplication for environmental ethics
Rohlena, Jan ; Sládek, Karel (advisor) ; Ovečka, Libor (referee)
Christianity is for the relationship to nature repeatedly exposed to criticism and expectations.The general objective of this work is to point out the legitimacy of one or the other.More specifically, this thesis deals with the position of man in creation and its relation to the world. The work analyzes the texts of Pope John Paul II., And in his work he tries to map such thoughts and attitudes that are applicable for environmental ethics. The main source of finding solutions to the theology of respect for life and theology of creation of this pope. This work attempts to bring complete complex theological and ethical foundations that could help a person gain a better knowledge in dealing with life and all of nature. The work is divided into three parts. The first environmental elements are searched in the theology of creation of John Paul II. The second part follows the Pope's theology of respect for life. The third part gives an insight into the state of the world, as at the turn of the millennium saw John Paul II., And presented concrete proposals to address the environmental crises that the Pope is aware. Due to the interdisciplinary theme pervades the work of theology, philosophy and environmental ethics.
Faith inspired by living creation according to Psalm 104
Čmelík, Pavel ; Prudký, Martin (advisor) ; Sláma, Petr (referee)
Faith inspired by living creation according to Psalm 104, Bless the LORD, O my soul! This work is concerned with the structure of Psalm 104, in various ways partition of Psalm's motives by various authors. It is aimed at analyzing of translations of selected parts, which are concerned with living creation. is concerned with variants of translation of some Hebrew (Greek and Latin) terms of animals (ibex, daman) in Czech. It compares the Psalm 104 with Egyptian Hymn to the Sun and other similar creation texts in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament is among the texts at first creation's report in Gn 1, others creations Psalms (Ps 8, Ps 19 and Ps 146) and 38-41 chapter of Job. Through many thematic similarities and disimilarities in ideas, it looks like very significant differences in the form of the texts presentations. While Psalm 104 is a praise of God in personal relationship to the God, the report of creation in Gn 1 is unpersonal story abote the God and in case of Jb 38-41 is a preaching speech of God to man. At more deeply meditation over the Psalm 104 and other similar texts, which arn't ment in more detail, is noticeable similarity of Psalm 104 with the report of the Flood in Gn 7-9 and analogical ancient myths in Mesopotamia. Also, this work is interested in a question of mythical,...
Human being by Ibn Rushd and Maimonides
Kopecká, Pavlína ; Hogenová, Anna (advisor) ; Rybák, David (referee)
This thesis interprets the concept of human being in the work of Maimonides and ibn Rushd, two representatives of major Arab and Jewish medieval philosophy. It combines the ancient Greek philosophical tradition, especially Aristotle, with a religious context. When Maimonides and Ibn Rushd tried to harmonize these two traditions, they had to deal with many opposite views, that stemmed from the difference between religious and ancient world. Behind this intellectual ground have they created the original thesis and approaches to grasping reality, the world and the human being in it. The issue of human being is analyzed in three levels. The first level consists of the relationship between human being and creation, which addresses the question about origin of the world the human soul and the resurrection. The second level, i.e. the man and the world, is devoted to describing a scheme of the world, human knowledge and the theory of prophecy. Ethical and political views are analyzed on the third level, which represents the position of human being in relation to the polis. Keywords Ibn Rushd, Maimonides, Aristotle, Plato, neoplatonism, philosophy, religion, The Koran, Torah, human being, world, creation, eternity, soul, resurrection, emanation, knowledge, illumination, active intellect, prophecy, politics,...

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