National Repository of Grey Literature 18 records found  previous11 - 18  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Paradigm of Czech modern and postmodern feminism in the context of European culture
Fuxová, Bohuslava ; Ferrarová, Eva (referee) ; Pachmanová, Martina (referee)
This study presents an anthropological and historical analysis of the women's movement in Europe and its interaction with and influence over the development of the women's emancipation movement in Bohemia since the romantic period. Specifically, this study focuses on and understands European feminist literary achievements as crucial to instigating and informing the various developmental stages of the emancipation movement in Bohemia. In mapping the features of the Czech women's emancipation movement not only onto major works of European feminism but minor ones as well, this study examines the full range of influence had by feminist writing in the Czech lands, including that of works that have fallen into obscurity. By reconstructing international feminist writing in its historical context, this study is able to identify "lost" texts and consider closely their movement between feminism and romanticism, liberalism and capitalism. Against this backdrop, this study brings the individual efforts of both known and relatively unknown feminist pioneers in Bohemia to the fore in an attempt to grant them the public recognition they deserve. Thus, this study traces the currents of global feminism in order to achieve a powerful local effect.
Typology of chosen women characters in the czech literature of 19th century - Marinka (Marinka), Křivoklad (Miláda), Svatba na Sióně (Ludmila), Kutnohorští havíři aneb Krvavý soud (Anežka), Babička (Viktorka), Vesnický román (Sylva)
Kubálková, Tereza ; Krejčová, Iva (advisor) ; Mocná, Dagmar (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with six chosen characters of 19th century Czech literature - Anežka from Kutnohorší havíři and Ludmila from Svatba na Siónu of J. K. Tyl, Mácha's Marinka and Miláda from Křivoklad, Němcová's Viktorka and Sylva from Vesnický roman of Karolína Světlá. The theoretic part tries to present and explain terminology connected with the concept of a literary character. It also briefly explains tension between Romanticism and Biedermeier style as the two main approaches significant for actions of the chosen characters. There is the most important part of the thesis - the interpretative one - which tries to give a comprehensive profile of the particular characters. To achieve the goal, the work contains internal and external characteristics of the protagonists, motivation of actions, presenting of their unhappy fate and subsequent characters' story conclusion. The whole thesis is based on the girls approaches confrontation and in the conclusion, there are the main common and opposite attributes pointed out.
The literary character of Don Juan in French literature from classicism to romanticism
Kareta, Filip ; Jamek, Václav (advisor) ; Pohorský, Aleš (referee)
Bachelor thesis of Don Juan as a character in French literature from the period of Classicism to the period of Romanticism. The thesis is mainly focused on development and transformation of Don Juan's character in literature from the 17th to the mid 19th century. For the Classicism period, the author chose the comparative method, taking Molière's Don Juan character as a pivotal figure of the Don Juan myth. In the 18th century Don Juan does not appear in the literature but the author found similar features from the libertines of that period and therefore he compares the character of Don Juan to Valmont in his work. Romantic authors like to return to the topic of Don Juan and he appears in short stories and poems. The author presents various concepts of romantic Don Juan with emphasis on new features which were added by many individual writers. The conclusion of Bachelor Thesis is devoted to Don Juan as a mythical figure and it's comparison with Tristan.
Peregrination as a Component of the Creation
Macek, Tomáš ; Bláha, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Kornatovský, Jiří (referee)
This thesis deals with the fine art based on the experience of peregrination and walking - from plein air landscape painting to the works of action art and land art. These contemporary art movements regards the act of peregrination itself as an artwork. Didactic part of this thesis aims to employment of physical experience of walking in art education.
From Libussa to Wlasta - from Vyšehrad to Děvín. Tale about Libussa and "the Woman's War" in the Literature of the 19th Century
Futtera, Ladislav ; Petrbok, Václav (advisor) ; Maidl, Václav (referee)
This thesis concentrates on the capturing of the portrayal of the Czech prehistory in the German literature, by the German-speaking authors originating from the Czech countries as well as in the Czech literature. The term 'Czech prehistory' is approached in terms of the Czech tales, with emphasis laid on the character of Princess Libussa (Libuše). The span of the thesis reaches from the Englightenment to the argument about the authenticity of the Rukopis královédvorský (Manuscript from Dvůr Králové) and the Rukopis zelenohorský (Manuscript from Zelená hora) in the 1880s. The thesis is divided into two parts. First, the development trends of the representation of the Czech prehistory are chronologically presented. The literary-historical development is discussed in relation to the changes in the concepts of German and Czech patriotism and nationalism. There is also a focus on the development of poetics and the shifts in the reception of prehistory during the periods of Enlightenment, Romanticism and Biedermeier. The changes in the character of Princess Libussa are compared of the possibilities of literary portrayal of Rübezahl (Krakonoš), the mythical ruler of the Giant Mountains, in literary works claiming allegiance to German or Czech patriotism and nationalism. In the second part, the portrayal...
Julius Zeyer: The Adventure of Madrana
In the first part, this paper examines publishing and reception of the work The Adventure of Madrana since its first publication until the end of World War 2, i. e. until 1945. An attention is aimed to five existing articles written by the authors of that period, which occurred in significant magazines from the end of 19th century (Ruch, Pokrok, Květy, Osvěta, Čas), and one monograph about Julius Zeyer, in which the authors criticise the researched work. The second part is divided into two sections. The first analytical section characterizes the structure of the text from narratological and poetological point of view. It focuses on basic narratological categories of the analysed text, i. e. the narrator, the story, the characters, the time and the key dynamic themes. Special attention is paid to descriptiveness which forms the work in a characteristic way. The second section is focused on the relation of the text towards the literary forms of the end of 19th century, i. e. realism, parnasism and romantism. The aim of this work is to give a complete image of Zeyer´s work The Adventure of Madrana.
The national revivalist enlightened by romantism?
The aim of the study is the analysis and the interpretation of three different texts (occasional poetry, heroic epic and a record of dream), which hade taken a form in the late 1820? and in the course of 1830?, by Josef Franta Šumavský (1796-1857). The interest of the literary criticism concentrates on expressing markers of the literary discourses (the tendencies of the enlightement, romanticism and biedermeier) in all of these texts to decode the idea of these texts, on the intertextuality of iconography and poetics and also on their total historical context. On these texts, still ignored by literary criticism, it was able to describe the art syncretism of the Czech National Movement (Revival) and characterize the literary production of this time in its genesis thanks to the method inspired by new historicism, Peter Zajac?s and Dalibor Tureček?s pulse theory and Vladimír Macura?s semiotics. In the apendix, the list of the Franta?s literary and scientific works in the book, journal and hand-written form is attached.
The pioneers of American Poetry of the 19th Century
Diploma work presents the Poetics of Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman as a big influence on traditional American Literary development. Their work brought a new view of traditional Poetry in 19th century, which affected the whole status of traditional American culture. Their styles of writing had an effective impact on American Literature and shaped the new image of Poetry. One of the purposes of this diploma work is to introduce historical and literary-philosophical background of the period of 19. century, which influenced their lives and work as well. Then the diploma work demonstrates the Poetry of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson and compares their work afterwards according to the chosen topics appearing in their poems. To summarise the whole diploma work there is the analyse of the similarities and differences in the poetry of both poets.

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