The problems of the Czech-German-Jewish coexistence in Moritz Hartmann's life and work
Nichtburgerová, Petra ; Stromšík, Jiří (advisor) ; Petrbok, Václav (referee)
This Thesis works out the issue of the Czech-German-Jewish Relations in Moritz Hartmann's Life and Work. As a Jew growing up in a Czech village, he received a German education. Talented in writing, he became a politically oriented author, who similarly to Heine knew how to use old forms to put into them a new political content. Hartmann used very often a form of a monk diary or used even a character of a writing monk, who is trying to be objective, but is on the contrary very subjective. This form is not by chance a form of at that time newly found medieval Czech manuscript, which proved to a be falsification in the 20th Century. Hartmann is not only using a form related to the Czech National Movement, but also topics from Bohemian history occur in the majority of his works. Hartmann's Bohemian motives raised a debate on two different issues. Are the topics purely Czech or are they Bohemian? Can a history belong to a single nation in a multicultural environment? The other issue is Hartmann's legitimacy of using the Bohemian history. Is he as a German writing and a pro German feeling Jew from Bohemia allowed to loving the Bohemian country? Is he allowed to make a comparison with the Jewish fate and history? Hartmann's temporary and later Czech critics argued negatively. They were afraid of Hartmann's...
Poverty, Pauperism and Social Question as Public Discourses in the Habsbburg Monarchy in the Era "Vormärz" and Revolution of 1848/1849
Raška, Jakub ; Štaif, Jiří (advisor) ; Petrbok, Václav (referee)
(in English): This paper deals with early views on industrial pauperism in texts intended for a public reading in the western part of the Habsburg monarchy during the pre-March period (here 1830-1848) and at the time of the revolution in 1848-1849. The main observed phenomenon is the dynamics of social and political imagination of the Austrian society in a relation to structural processes of European modernization. On two basic areas, journalism and literature, it explores development of views on the mass poverty from the general romantic rejection of modernization process to the proposals for solutions of the social question, which were formulated on the basis of affiliation to any political camp, for example, education by liberalism or the welfare state by socialism. The work does not deal so much with a thinking of big personalities of social theory, but rather focuses on the everyday negotiations dichotomy of "old" and "new", which was led by nowadays more or less forgotten authors.
František Jan Vavák on the way to learning and culture
Matějec, Tomáš ; Kolár, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Petrbok, Václav (referee) ; Peřina, Josef (referee)
Předkládaná disertační práce je věnována životu a působení Františka Jana Vaváka, patrně nejznámějšího z literárních samouků osmnáctého, resp. počátku devatenáctého století, jejichž literární činnost se v jistém smyslu (zvl. časově, ale ne jen časově) pohybuje na pomezí mezi barokním písemnictvím a literaturou národního obrození. V souvislosti s tím se otevírají dvě otázky: jednak je to otázka zdrojů, z nichž tito samoukové čerpali svoje vzdělání, jednak s tím souvisící otázka vztahu těchto autorů ke starší, "tradiční" literární aktivitě barokní doby (případně k písemnictví humanistickému, nebo dokonce středověkému) na jedné straně a k rodící se, "nové" literatuře obrozenské. V této práci předkládáme příspěvek k řešení těchto otázek, nakolik k němu může poskytnout materiál bohatá a relativně dobře zachovalá písemná pozůstalost Vavákova. Soustavně se přitom zaměřujeme zvláště na první z uvedených otázek - v souvislosti s hledáním odpovědi na ni se však v naší práci rýsují určité náznaky odpovědí také na druhou z nich. ...
Interpretation of Tadeáš Biron's poetry selection Neviditelné slunce
Maixnerová, Anna ; Petrbok, Václav (advisor) ; Nosek, Štěpán (referee)
The thesis deals with a collection of poems named Neviditelné slunce (The Invisible Sun) by a Czech poet Tadeáš Biron (which is a pen name of František Kouřil). The author attempts to identify the fundamental features of Biron's poetry. She covers the recurrent motifs, themes and intertextual references present in Biron's work. The autobiographical elements, manifested in the poems, are also taken into account, on the basis of the author's correspondence with his friend J. Červenka. The thesis tries to provide a more profound understanding of Tadeáš Biron's perception of poetry and his use of linguistic and compositional means and imagery. It also attempts to identify the sources of the poems' effect.
From Libussa to Wlasta - from Vyšehrad to Děvín. Tale about Libussa and "the Woman's War" in the Literature of the 19th Century
Futtera, Ladislav ; Petrbok, Václav (advisor) ; Maidl, Václav (referee)
This thesis concentrates on the capturing of the portrayal of the Czech prehistory in the German literature, by the German-speaking authors originating from the Czech countries as well as in the Czech literature. The term 'Czech prehistory' is approached in terms of the Czech tales, with emphasis laid on the character of Princess Libussa (Libuše). The span of the thesis reaches from the Englightenment to the argument about the authenticity of the Rukopis královédvorský (Manuscript from Dvůr Králové) and the Rukopis zelenohorský (Manuscript from Zelená hora) in the 1880s. The thesis is divided into two parts. First, the development trends of the representation of the Czech prehistory are chronologically presented. The literary-historical development is discussed in relation to the changes in the concepts of German and Czech patriotism and nationalism. There is also a focus on the development of poetics and the shifts in the reception of prehistory during the periods of Enlightenment, Romanticism and Biedermeier. The changes in the character of Princess Libussa are compared of the possibilities of literary portrayal of Rübezahl (Krakonoš), the mythical ruler of the Giant Mountains, in literary works claiming allegiance to German or Czech patriotism and nationalism. In the second part, the portrayal...
Josef Karásek (1868-1916) in the context of Czech Slavic Studies and the Czech literary scene in Vienna (On the participation of Vienna in inter-Slavic cultural relations from the founding of the Jagić Seminary to the birth of Czechoslovakia)
Černý, Marcel ; Petrbok, Václav (referee)
This dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part (2. VIENNA AND CZECH LITERATURE) is devoted to the interaction between the city of Vienna and modern Czech culture, primarily literature. The second part (3. VIENNA AND CZECH SLAVIC STUDIES) is oriented toward the problematic of the history of Slavic Studies, the area of Slavic philology which, as a meta-discipline, deals with the self-reflection of its own subject. Specifically, both the initiative of the "Jagić concept" of Slavic philology for Czech Slavic Studies as it was eventually reflected in Karásek's specialized activities and the panoramic outline of the way in which Jagić's work was perceived and absorbed in the Czech surroundings are the subject of consideration. However, this study is not a "classic" monograph in the narrow sense of the word. Josef Karásek, who was a literary historian, editor, translator, and promoter of Slavic literatures in the German-speaking world, was not a central personality in the history of Czech Slavic Studies. Yet on the other hand, considering the rather strong echo of his work in Czech, Viennese and other Slavic research communities, and in spite of the partial research eclecticism of his work, it cannot be said that Karásek was a mere journalist and author of compilations. His extensive estate, which was...
How to write transcultural literary history?
Petrbok, Václav ; Smyčka, Václav ; Turek, Matouš ; Nekula, M. ; Heimböckel, D. ; Weinberg, M. ; Budňák, Jan ; Futtera, Ladislav ; Horňáček, L. ; Hon, J. K.
A publication How to write a transcultural literary history? contains selected contributions from the international conference held on 15th - 16th November 2018 by the Group for Research on Czech-German Intercultural Relations in the Bohemian Lands in the Institute of Czech Literature of the ASCR. The conference focused on the theoretical and methodological issues of writing the history of several literary cultures in different languages that coexisted in the Bohemian lands. It includes contributions concerning medieval literary production, the exposed “long” 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, as well as a number of problem areas (translation, cultural transfer, periodization, multilingualism, canon, regionalism, confessionalism) and theoretical and methodological approaches (postcolonial studies, transcultural theory, new historicism). In addition to the scholarly intent, this collection also seeks to stimulate further debates on the form of future literary-historical synthesis of literatures of Bohemian Lands across disciplines - Czech studies, German studies and other philologies, as well as cultural science or social and political history.
Karel Klostermann in the Mirror of the German-Czech Relations and the Cultural Life in Bohemia in the Second Half of the 19th and at the Beginning of the 20th Century.
Havlíková, Kamila ; Vodrážková, Lenka (advisor) ; Petrbok, Václav (referee)
Presented thesis deals with the personality of Czech-German author Karel Klostermann in the context of Czech-German relations. The structure of the work is based on the general outline of the cultural life in the Czech lands during the life of Karel Klostermann, then on the personality of Karel Klostermann and describes his career from the Czech-German viewpoint and on the work of Karel Klostermann in connection with the Czech-German issues. The aim of this work lies in observing the personality of Karel Klostermann and reflection of Czech- German relations in his life and work. There is captured within this theme the extent to which the author is perturbed by the Czech and German elements and to what extent this issue emerges in his work. The aim is also to depict the perception of linguistically non-homogenous society through the eyes of Karel Klostermann.
Poverty, Pauperism and Social Question as Public Discourses in the Habsbburg Monarchy in the Era "Vormärz" and Revolution of 1848/1849
Raška, Jakub ; Štaif, Jiří (advisor) ; Petrbok, Václav (referee)
(in English): This paper deals with early views on industrial pauperism in texts intended for a public reading in the western part of the Habsburg monarchy during the pre-March period (here 1830-1848) and at the time of the revolution in 1848-1849. The main observed phenomenon is the dynamics of social and political imagination of the Austrian society in a relation to structural processes of European modernization. On two basic areas, journalism and literature, it explores development of views on the mass poverty from the general romantic rejection of modernization process to the proposals for solutions of the social question, which were formulated on the basis of affiliation to any political camp, for example, education by liberalism or the welfare state by socialism. The work does not deal so much with a thinking of big personalities of social theory, but rather focuses on the everyday negotiations dichotomy of "old" and "new", which was led by nowadays more or less forgotten authors.
Czech and German literary representations of the transfer of Germans from Czechoslovakia
Škubalová, Marta ; Petrbok, Václav (advisor) ; Zbytovský, Štěpán (referee)
This paper focuses on literary representations of the transfer of Germans from Czechoslovakia. The central point of the analysis is representation of multilingualism, mainly in the form of its presence, evocation and deformation, and often also in the form of elimination. Various aspects of multilingualism are important means of characterization of the narrative settings and milieu. The use of multilingualism has the potential to illustrate the social and political changes of the Czech society in the last seventy years. However, it is not the only possible way to do so. Different languages are evaluated and considered individually, which offers a possibility to depict the complexity of the transfer of Germans. The most important aspect of the multilingualism is the emphasis on the incomprehensibility of the communication not only at the level of basic speech understanding but also at the higher level, which reflects the failure of interpersonal communication.