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Hybrid magnetic bearing design
Šindelář, Petr ; Bárta, Jan (referee) ; Rúra, Dávid (advisor)
The thesis deals with the design of a hybrid magnetic bearing. This is an extension of the issue of common bearings in high-speed motors. The work is divided into three parts. A general theory of magnetic bearings is described in the first part. The second part deals with the mathematical description of the bearing. A proposal of specific hybrid magnetic bearing is described in the third part. The bearing for the motor was already designed. It is a 45000rpm motor with a power output of 12 kW. This thesis aims to create a design of hybrid magnetic bearing with magnets to create a permanent magnetic field and coils to regulate forces to stabilize the rotor and limit vibrations. The practical design includes mathematical calculation in Matlab and computer simulation based on the finite element method in ANSYS Maxwell.
Passive axial magnetic bearing
Dostál, Patrik ; Štěpánek, Vojtěch (referee) ; Pruša, Radomír (advisor)
The goal of the bachelor thesis is to measure the characteristics of a passive magnetic bearing. The practical part of the thesis consists of two segments – experimental measurement of properties of a passive axial magnetic bearing and a simulation of this bearing using the finite element method in the FEMM application. The simulation also dealt with the effects of temperature on the bearing. It was discovered that high temperatures considerably lower the axial stiffness of the magnetic bearing. Other effects on the stiffness of the bearing were taken into consideration, especially the dimensions of used magnets and the distance between them. The values that were determined by the experimental measurement and the FEMM simulation were mutually compared. The analysed bearing was built for use in a seal-less centrifugal pump. The values determined by the simulation and the measurement were applied to practical use in pumps. A part of the thesis was concerned with a research on passive magnetic bearings. The research dealt with the principle of the bearings, their structure and their application.
Control of Magnetic Levitation Educational Model
Bednařík, Josef ; Brablc, Martin (referee) ; Matějásko, Michal (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the modelling and control of the magnetic levitation CE 152 laboratory plant, which is specific in its nonlinearity and unstability. Firstly, all parts of the system are described by mathematical equations, which are the basis of the modelling of simulation model created in MATLAB/Simulink. Estimation of parameters is tackled by using the various of experiments and simulation’s model is validated with the real magnetic levitation system. Main body of the paper is focused on description and aplication of control on simulation’s and real model. It is realized by PID regulator, state regulator and feedforward regulator. In the last part of the thesis, the results are evaluated and compared among the all methods of control.
Application of local approximators for control of real mechatronic system
Palaj, Lukas ; Vejlupek, Josef (referee) ; Grepl, Robert (advisor)
Cieľom práce je aplikácia lokálnych aproximátorov pre riadenie reálnych mechatronických sústav pomocou metódy dopredného riadenia predstavujúcej zaujímavú alternatívu k metódam využívajúcim globálne aproximátory. Po ukážkových príkladoch funkcie lokálnych aproximátorov bol navrhnutý algoritmus implementovaný pre riadenie dvoch sústav, elektronickej škrtiacej klapky a výukového modelu magnetickej levitácie, predstavujúcich vysoko nelineárne a nestabilné sústavy. Skúmali sme, či riadiaci algoritmus bude mať pozitívny vplyv na presnosť regulácie, ďalej bola skúmaná jeho schopnosť prispôsobiť sa zmene parametrov sústavy a tiež prípadná možnosť jeho implementácie pre mikrokontrolér znížením vzorkovacej frekvencie. Výsledky ukázali, že riadenie založené na lokálnych modeloch zlepšilo riadenie v porovnaní s jednoduchým PID regulátorom a že má schopnosť adaptability. Veľmi výhodné sa zdá byť jeho použitie pre zariadenia umožnujúce vzorkovaciu frekvenciu do 1 kHz.
Magnetically levitated cart
Jančuš, Rastislav ; Pohl, Lukáš (referee) ; Blaha, Petr (advisor)
Diploma thesis is summarizing common theoretical knowledge about permanent magnets and electromagnetism. Represent DC electromagnet as basic part for levitated high-speed train. Work is analyzing basics under cart and principles used for magnetic levitation in high-speed transportation. Second practice part including projecting construction levitated cart and analyzing acquired mathematical model of electromagnet. Work is analyzing process for projecting control for side electromagnets and realization real model, including tuning computer communication with states of sensors and comparison real model with model simulated in program Simulink.
Special bearing types and its application
Polášek, Lukáš ; Vrbka, Martin (referee) ; Koutný, Daniel (advisor)
The goal of this bachelor’s thesis is to provide a search analysis of special bearing types. This work is focused especially to magnetic and air bearings, which are the most available and used special bearings. Both of these types are contactless, from which follows a big part their benefits. In this thesis there are introduced and explained the principles and design solutions of the most frequently used types of magnetic and air bearings. At the conclusion there are written up advantages and possible uses of these bearings.

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