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Reflection of the Moscow Trials in the Czechoslovak Press
Müller, Jiří ; Pullmann, Michal (advisor) ; Vojtěchovský, Ondřej (referee)
This bachelor thesis inquires into the reflection of the Moscow Trials in the second half of the 1930's in the Czechoslovak press. It charts the political spectrum in light of the most significant political streams in Czechoslovakia in the second half of the 1930's. Beside the qualitative analysis is lesser used quantitative analysis, which reflects the interests of the Czechoslovak press in the Moscow Trials. The thesis insists on the representative choice of partail press that time. The objective of the work is to bring the sum of stances to the Moscow Trials on the pages of Czechoslovak press. The main questions are: how the Trials were preceived, what was criticised, how The Sovie Union and Stalin were preceived against a background of the Trials, which antagonisms were during the Trials in the Czechoslovak society, how the editor's offices stances were changed during the Trials and the most significant interest of the thesis are diferent stances in the Czechoslovak society and political streams. KEY WORDS: Muscow Trials, Great Terror, Czechoslovak press, Soviet-czechoslovak alliance
The first people in space according to Czechoslovak media
Panák, Břetislav ; Štaif, Jiří (advisor) ; Lomíček, Jan (referee)
This thesis focused on how propaganda was used in the Czechoslovak media and how that directly relatedd to the first people in space. The aim is an analysis of celebrities of Soviet state system including Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova and also John Glenn for comparison. The thesis discusses how these people were promoted and constructed into cult heroes in Eastern, Western and Third World countries. The secondary literature of this subject was not yet analysed and the author wants to use it for further study. The contemporary sources are used in the press - Rude pravo, Mlady svet, Dikobraz, ABC mladych prirodovedcu a techniku and the Ceskoslovensky vojak.
The Reflection of Sudeten Germans in the Czech Press during the 1938 Crisis
Sálová, Anna ; Bednařík, Petr (advisor) ; Köpplová, Barbara (referee)
Bibliografický záznam: SÁLOVÁ, Anna. Obraz sudetských Němců v českém tisku v krizovém roce 1938. Praha, 2012. 177 s. Diplomová práce. Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky. Katedra žurnalistiky. Vedoucí diplomové práce PhDr. Petr Bednařík Ph.D. Abstrakt: Diplomová práce "Obraz sudetských Němců v českém tisku v krizovém roce 1938" se zabývá mediálním obrazem německé menšiny v Československu v období mnichovské krize (od dubna 1938 do podpisu mnichovské dohody), a to formou komparace, která zahrnuje ústřední tiskové orgány hlavních politických proudů té doby: u ČSDSD - Právo lidu, u ČSNS - České slovo, u ČND (Národního sjednocení) - Národní listy, u KSČ - Rudé právo, u ČSL - Lidové listy a u agrárníků (Republikánské strany zemědělského a malorolnického lidu) - Venkov. Práce se rovněž dotýká postojů českých fašizujících proudů k sudetským Němcům. Výstupy stranických periodik nejsou zkoumány izolovaně, ale i vzhledem k politickým postojům jednotlivých stran a je zohledněn vývoj těchto postojů v čase s tím, jak se krize prohlubovala, rozdělením zkoumaných témat do tří hlavních období roku 1938. V neposlední řadě jsou tyto postoje konfrontovány i s postoji tisku sudetských Němců. Práce je obecně zarámována pojednáním o mezinárodních a historických souvislostech...
The media image of Prague underground in the contemporary press 1974-1990
Trojanová, Monika ; Bednařík, Petr (advisor) ; Jirků, Jan (referee)
Bachelor thesis "The media image of Prague underground in the contemporary press during the period 1974-1990" deals with presenting underground railway by daily press during the normalization and shortly after the velvet revolution in 1989. The author have chosen Lidová demokracie, Mladá fronta, Rudé právo a Večerní Praha as the sources. The thesis is focused on years 1974, 1978 and 1985 - during these years the underground line C, A and B were opened - and 1990, when the line A was prolonged. The thesis also describes the history of the underground in Czechoslovakia and interprets the contemporary and political context.
The Nuremberg Laws of Nazi Germany and Reaction to them in Czechoslovakia
Zemanová, Barbora ; Veselý, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Spirit, Michal (referee)
The main concern of this bachelor´s thesis was to outline the reaction of the Czechoslovak press to the Nuremberg Laws. This bachelor´s thesis is divided into five chapters - the first chapter describes definition of racism and anti-semitism, the second chapter analyses the rise of Nazism in Germany, the third chapter explains the measures preceding the Nuremberg Laws, and most importantly makes an analysis of the actual nature and impact of the Nuremberg Laws. The fourth chapter focuses on the implementation of the Nuremberg Laws to the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia - the territory that became occupied by Nazi Germany. The most important part of the whole bachelor´s thesis is chapter five providing the analysis of the reaction of the Czechoslovak press to the Nuremberg Laws.

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