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The Point System as a Road Safety Tool
Habásko, Jakub ; Ptáček, Petr (referee) ; Semela, Marek (advisor)
HABÁSKO Jakub: The Point System as a Road Safety Tool. The Master´s thesis of Master degree, second grade, school year 2010/2011, Brno University of Technology, Institute of Forensic Engineering, May 2011, pages 198, pictures 12, tables 6, supplements 21. The thesis is elaborated in frame of the Master degree, study branch Expert Engineering in Transport. In this diploma thesis is in detail introduced Penalty Point System in our country and in other selected european countries. The thesis further contains the part about comparing Road Safety in our country and in other selected countries from the point of view of statistics. Most frequented offences and criminal offences in our country were analyzed. In the final part of this thesis is the suggestion of changes in point system. In the last chapter is introduced actual amendment of the Road Safety Act.
Do legal measures affect road accidents´ rate in the Czech Republic?
Bohata, Martin ; Melzochová, Jitka (advisor) ; Svoboda, Miroslav (referee)
There are more than 1.3 million people killed and tens of millions of people injured every year in road accidents. In the Czech Republic the financial losses due to road accidents are more than 50 billion Czech crowns a year, in the EU it is almost 200 billion euros a year. That is why the goal of every lawmaker should be to rationally affect the traffic flow and to try to lower the number of road accidents and their consequences. In 2005 Czech legislators ratified law no. 411/2005 introducing the "point" system and law no. 133/2011 in 2011 forcing the use of winter tyres. This paper studies the impact of these laws on road accidents a on the number of killed and injured people due to road accidents. It studies other possible elements which are likely to affect road accidents. The paper confirms positive influence of the law no. 411/2005 containing the "point" system. There has been a significant decrease in the number of killed and injured people. This fact is accepted at the .01 level. . The effect of the law no. 133/2011 has not been proved for now. That is because of short evaluation time, ergo lack of data.
The impact of nex luxury cars on road traffic fatalities and serious injuries in the Czech Republic
Zapletal, Jan ; Houdek, Petr (advisor) ; Rod, Aleš (referee)
This paper analyzes the negative effect of new luxury cars on road traffic fatalities and serious injuries in the Czech Republic. The analysis has been done using linear regression method on time series dataset for years 1991-2010. The results may show (with low significance) that 1 % increase in share of luxury cars on total number of registered vehicles results in 0.39% decrease of road traffic deaths accidents and 0.03% decrease in number of seriously injured persons. Results, which are contradictory to other previous studies, were probably caused by the broader definition of luxury cars, including new classes which weren't included in earlier papers. The results may show as well that new luxury cars don't increase significantly the risk of death for car passengers in other vehicles, what may have been due to prevailing share of low risk luxury cars in traffic than the higher risk ones. Very surprising finding is that with increasing alcohol consumption there would be less people seriously injured. The increase in alcohol consumption by 1 % would decrease the number of seriously injured people by 2.36 %. It is probably caused by the responsibility of the people who in threat of the punishment didn't drive a car after they have consumed alcohol. The impact of demerit point system may show, that its introduction decrease accidents fatality rates by 2.31 %.
What factors affect obtaining penalty points by region in ČR?
Farbiak, Marek ; Mičúch, Marek (advisor) ; Janíčko, Martin (referee)
The bachelor thesis define factors which motivate drivers for obtaining points for violations of traffic offense. Factors will be tested by method of fixed effects. The economic theory comes from G. Becker, which serves as basis for the tested hypothesis. The accepted hypothesis tests whether the number of traffic policemen, average wages and density of transport in each region of ČR are statistically significant and if they have direct impact on obtaining points. The hypothesis also predicts presumed impacts of each factor. Calculation proved the real impact and statistical significance of all factors. It was also proved that preferences of would-be criminals is also determined by the economic and social environment formed by public policies. However, due to the opposite impact of the density of transport networks the econometrics indicates that we have to reject part of the hypothesis.
Analysis of the proportion of legislation on road safety
PRŮŠA, Radek
Work deals with the immediate impact of legislation on road safety. The first part is the introduction of the current legislation in the Czech Republic in the field of transport. The next section presents the statistics from last year, an analysis of the most common accidents and their causes and comparisons with previous years. Based on the findings from the statistics of the causes of accidents (with the current state of roads, traffic signs and the psychology of drivers) further investigated and determined by their elimination through appropriate legislative amendments, which are also compared with those in surrounding states.
The Influence of the Point System on the Behavior of drivers in the Czech Republic
Ungr, Ondřej ; Bolcha, Peter (advisor) ; Mirvald, Michal (referee)
This bachelor thesis should research the changes in drivers' behaviour caused by the introduction of the demerit point system in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part deals with an explanation of reactions of drivers and police officers on each other as a result of the tightening of the rules. Based on statistical data, the analysis examines the influence of the demerit point system and the individual factors on death. The analysis disproves a positive influence of the demerit point system implementation on both death rate and the number of traffic violences committed.

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