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Competency profile of the school canteen manager
Křtěnská, Monika ; Trojanová, Irena (advisor) ; Trunda, Jiří (referee)
Sumarry: The work focuses on the problem of canteen manager competence. It is based on up-to-date theoretic knowledge of competence and specifies the aims of modern school boarding in canteens. The work analyses the results of the survey the aim of which was to judge the particular competence of the respondents. Canteen manager competence profile based on the theory and survey results was created afterwards. This profile can be used by the management of schools for the employee selection, the analysis of employees` educational needs or for their assessment.
Analysis of school canteen Prague 22
Vrbová, Hana ; Trunda, Jiří (advisor) ; Trojanová, Irena (referee)
The matter of this Thesis is an analyse of the School canteen in Praha 22 and the comparison of the current status and all boarders expectations. The problem is divide into two separate sections: theoretic section, alluded to position and definition of the school canteen in educational system and practical section focused on the canteen users expectations and the contemporary operation of the organization. The main idea of this Thesis is to bring a valuable information about users contentment with canteen operation, observation of their needs and requests for subsequent planning and development of the organization.
Podpora využití regionálních potravin ve školním stravování pomocí produktové mapy
MELOUN, Martin
The purpose of this thesis is design a collection of action, which will speed up distributional ways between regional grocery producers and schools cafeterias in the district of Jindrichuv Hradec and at the same time supports higher regional, fresh, seasonal and ecologist products in schools cafeterias via the website Regional Agrarian Chamber of the South Bohemian Region "Map of products" (interactive regional map of suppliers of foods and different schools cafeterias at Not such a long distributional truck trips are much healthier for the milieu. Better quality of foods have major positive impact on health of children and teenagers and their eating habits. Regional products distribution is great way to independency. Study of documents, questionnaires of schools cafeteria employees and regional food producers, consultations with people they are interested were bedding for SWOT analysis potential "Map of products" and creating a lists of regional food producers, whom are or could by distributers for schools cafeterias. From study emerges that "Map of products" is very beneficial in shortening ways between distributers and different cafeterias in South Bohemia region. Strengths and opportunities already today outweigh the weaknesses and threats. The main opportunities emergent from results are 92% of certain school cafeterias are serving at least one time a week food from the same region. 70% certain regional producers are interested in supplying these cafeterias. There is a 1 650 000 students eating at the cafeterias. If following suggested strategies and steps we can prevent form weak parts of project and turn it in to a solid strong successful proceeding. For that we have build a list of accommodating regional producers for school cafeterias from district Jindrichuv Hradec. And also "Map of products" can be used as an example in improving in regional food production and also in other areas of the Czech Republic.
Milk food at school organizations in the Czech Republic and EU
Milk and milk nutrition are an important part of the balanced diet for children. Milk contains proteins, which are easy to absorb and which are necessary for growth, development and the renewal of tissues. The fat contained in milk is a rich source of vitamins and carbohydrates, which are an easily available source of energy. What is more, milk also contains a number of minerals, out of which calcium is assigned the greatest importance. Because of the dangers caused by the insufficient intake of calcium, this fact is being taken in account in school catering. The impact of the school catering on the health and further development of children is considered largely important in all the EU coutries. However, the regulations of school catering are different in each country. These regulations range from non-biding governmental recom-mendations on the size of portions or meals offered to the full restrictions of certain products and the national system of standards, which are to be found for example in the Czech republic, where every school canteen has to follow the standards of the so called "basket of consumer goods". Apart from school catering, there are projects which support the consumption of milk and milk products. The most significant of these projects in the Czech republic is the project School milk. It has been implemented in 1996 and it is run by Laktea company, which restarted the supply of milk and milk products to children in cooperation with schools. The School milk project won the support of the Czech goverment in 1999 and, after joining the EU, the project has started develeping fully. The project School milk can be considered successful and desirable as it started with 426 participating school, but there are 3000 schools involved in it today. Similar projects are running in many other EU countries, where each member country can choose for themselves for which products from the EU list they will get the funding. They also have the opportunity to change their projects depending on their needs. Apart form this, the participating countries can support the project with other resources and can provide the milk for full price, partially subsidized or for free. Equallly, they have the right to change to containt of certain milk components, such as to lower the percentage of fat.
Approaches to nourishment and eating habits are formed from early childhood under the influence of family lifestyle, gradually together with the influence of school and society where a child grows. Healthy lifestyle should systematically address all children during the whole school attendance, adequately to their age and needs. Comprehensive link between theoretical and practical influencing of pupils in subjects Human and Health and Education to Health with the possibility of link to school canteen. Then we will be on the good way to cooperation of all the involved parents, healthcare staff, teachers and school canteens leading to the common goal, which is GOOD HEALTH. The aim of the thesis was to assess the role of a children nurse in school environment, namely in school catering. The research tried to analyse catering standards for pupils of primary schools and to find the experience and satisfaction with school catering among parents and to map approaches of children of lower and higher level of primary school to school canteen meals. Quantitative and qualitative research was applied to the thesis. Data collection was performed by means of questionnaires for parents and children from the 3rd to 9th grades and focus group among children of the 1st and 2nd grades of primary school in Jindřichův Hradec. The questionnaires were processed and statistically evaluated by SPSS programme. We applied Parkinson's chi-squared test, a paired sample t-test for graph and table outputs. The focus group was performed in classrooms and in the canteen during break and during lunch at presence of a teacher and the vice headmistress. The research sample consisted of parents of children attending primary school in Jindřichův Hradec and pupils of the 1st to 9th classes of the same school. School catering, which is a frequent topic among professionals as well as the wide public in the whole Czech Republic and the results of our research are obviously an exception. Analysis of catering standards has shown that parents can only partially participate in preparation of menus, as they partially participate in financing of school lunches. From observation of 1st and 2nd class children we have found that children of this age are affected by the social environment they are in during the day. We have found that nearly all the children are satisfied with their meals. Pupils of 3rd to 9th classes formed another group. They commented and assessed canteen meals, where our sample differed from the other researches within the whole Republic. Satisfaction with canteen meals did not substantially differ with age as we expected. The research into satisfaction with school meals among parents has shown that parents of elementary school children are more satisfied that those of the higher level children, so the satisfaction among parents differs between the lower and higher primary levels. The research points out the connection of educational and healthcare systems, that there would be a place for a children nurse in this community, who operated in the school healthcare service before privatization of primary healthcare and still successfully operates there in many countries. It is necessary for community nurses to implement, lead and coordinate the care and for their care to be perceived as legitimate and essential in all spheres. The research results were requested by the vice headmistress of the school in Jindřichův Hradec in advance for possible correction of school catering and they might be also presented at seminars or conferences focused on nutrition and healthy lifestyle of children.
Production and distribution of regional food and organic food in the Vysocina region and their application in public catering.
The theoretical part of the thesis was to describe public catering, hygiene regulations and conditions for the sale of organic food and local food from producers to caterers. Aim of the work was to characterized, in selected school canteen, what kind of fous was purchased, in what form and from which suppliers is taken away. Another goal was to design a suitable contractor selected to kitchen, with the highest proportion of regional food and organic food.
Knowledge of School Catering Staff in South Bohemian Region About Food Law Regulations
We have been living in a time when there has been a wide and sufficient choice of quality food for nutrition of children and adults. Eating habits are formed in early childhood and are adjusted to the offer of foodstuffs. Eating habits are affected by a number of factors associated with nutrition of individuals or certain groups of people. Such factors also include school catering. Great attention has been recently paid to school catering, some negative opinions have appeared, mainly form the media. Some children complain that the food in school canteens does not taste them, the same types of meals keep repeating, there is a limited meals choice, the food is cold, the staff are unfriendly with them and do not wear proper clothing, and other comments. Therefore, some parents are not sure that this way of catering is appropriate for their children supposing it might be better to choose another form of catering for children during their school attendance. The fact is omitted that often only through healthy school catering the pupil gets nutritionally and energetically balanced diet and that the purpose of the entire system of school catering is for pupils to adopt adequate eating habits concerning healthy nutrition. School catering is controlled by a number of rules and regulations. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether school canteen staff are familiar with these rules and regulations and whether their knowledge is sufficient to carry out epidemiologically important activities. This bachelor thesis can be divided into two parts. The first part is focused on the theoretical point of view of the issue. In the theoretical part the implementation of good manufacturing and hygienic practices, the system based on HACCP principles, legislation that relates to school catering and the public health surveillance are discussed. The second part of this thesis is empiric. The survey was conducted in randomly selected school canteens in České Budějovice region. The research was carried out using anonymous questionnaires for school catering staff, focused on the knowledge of food law regulations. The following hypothesis was stated: H1 The majority of school canteens staff members have sufficient knowledge of food hygiene legislation for the exercise of epidemiologically important activities. This aim has been met, the hypothesis has been confirmed by the research. This thesis may serve as information material for those involved in school catering, in training of workers in the field of food law regulations. The outputs from this work may serve for teaching purposes.
Nutritional quality of younger pupils
The thesis deals with nutrition and catering for younger school children. The actual research was carried out at Vltava Primary School and Primary School of Arts, Bezdrevská 3, České Budějovice and it can be divided into four parts. The first part was based on assessment of menus in the period from September 2009 to June 2010. The individual meals were analysed by means of modern nutrition software NutriDan and subsequently compared with the standard requirement of energy and selected macronutrients and micronutrients according to Nevoral et al., (2003). Pursuant to Ordinance No 107/2008 Coll. on school catering, the calculation is based on the average figure of 35 % of the total daily nutrition ratio for lunch. In the second part of the research, variety of menus was assessed on the basis of the frequency of repetition of the individual meals in a month in the school canteen. The third part of the research was focused on eating habits of pupils by means of a questionnaire. The fourth part was based on testing of the hypotheses. From the research carried out it was found out that energy intake was only met for the first grade pupils (6-year-olds), for the third grade (8-year-olds) and fifth grade (10-year-olds) the energy intake was low. The protein intake from lunch was high in all the monitored grades. The values exceeded 100 % RDI. Fat content was very high for the first grade pupils and on average it achieved 44.60 % RDI for boys and 47.27 % RDI for girls. For the third and fifth grade pupils it was sufficient. Carbohydrate content was sufficient for the first grade pupils, for the third grade pupils it was low during the whole school year when the average was 29.62 % RDI and for the fifth grade pupils the average was 27.67 % RDI. Fibre was supplied sufficiently for all the questioned pupils. From the monitored micronutrients, calcium was supplied deficiently. The content of selected vitamins was high, especially as regards the B group vitamins. Vitamin A was at the low level of supply, for the first grade pupils it reached 31 % RDI, for the third grade pupils 27.13 % RDI and for the fifth grade pupils 26.60 % RDI. The assessment of variety of menus showed insufficient inclusion of legume soups, fish, vegetarian vegetable dishes, fruit and vegetables. In some months pork meat was included excessively. The questionnaire-based research shows that with growing age, the consumption of breakfasts, morning snacks and afternoon snacks was decreased and also eating in school canteens decreased. Fluid intake is sufficient. The tested hypotheses proved these conclusions: the BMI index of girls is higher than the BMI index of boys,carbohydrate intake is high for children, fluid intake is sufficient.
Analysis of school catering
Martinásková, Marie ; Mlejnková, Lena (advisor) ; Jarolímková, Liběna (referee)
School catering is one form of public catering. People who work in sphere of school catering have to observe very strict rules of sanitary code and to follow conventions of rational nutrition. Nutritious food is important for young people and their growth. The experience with the school dining should be very useful for the child. He should learn how to intercommon and how to follow healthy lifestyle. In the last five years, fewer children eat school lunches in Czech Republic. This fact is caused by decrease of children in elementary schools. We used a questionnaire to analyze school dining in the elementary school FZŠ Barrandov II. The results were satisfying. Three-quarter of children from this school uses services of school dining and the major part is content with it. The analysis will be delivered immediately to the caterer. Hopefully, it will be used for improvement of the school kitchen services.

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