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The exhibition of Vlastislav Hofman at the Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava ended. Part of the borrowed exhibits returns to Canada
Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě, příspěvková organizace
The exhibition of Vlastislav Hofman (1884-1964) / Tribute to the invention, which the famous stage designer and architect presented as a universally recognized personality with invention, ended in Ostrava. She saw over twelve thousand visitors. Part of the exposed exhibits will return to Austria and Canada this week. The rest of the borrowed works of art will be returned in the coming weeks.
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Reconstruction of the Pohorelec at the JAMU Stage Design Studio
Skoupilová, Michaela ; Mikeš, Stanislav (referee) ; Guzdek, Adam (advisor) ; Lavický, Miloš (advisor)
The aim of the bachelor thesis was to create documentation for building permit and part of building design documentation, based on architectural study prepared in subject AG036 - Architectural Design Studio V. Main content of the study was reconstruction of the former public prosecutor's office in Brno for the purposes Janáček´s Academy of Music and performing. Object is situated in the city centre, near the Malinovského square. Basic idea was to maintain the appearance of a late functionalist building with minimal changes in the exterior. It was appropiate to eliminate the consequences of the reconstruction of the 1970´s, which did not take into account of the building sufficient. The building's function has emerged from the thesis assignment. In my design, I have decided to work with all three of the required functions, namely: the café, the rectorate and the stage design institute of JAMU. The café and the gallery on the ground floor communicates with the people in the city and it is the meeting point for students, teachres and visitors. The Rectorate should serve as a set of offices, but it will also represent the university. Facilities for students of scenography takes into account that scenography is a branch of art associated with theater and thus has the mission to support the student development and creative thinking of people interested in this field.
Renovation of the house at Pohořelec in Brno to the atelier of scenography JAMU
Hádková, Sabina ; Žáková, Dagmar (referee) ; Májek, Jan (advisor) ; Šuhajda, Karel (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is based on a previously elaborated study in the subject AG035 - Atelier of Architectural Design V, which was further elaborated to the level of the documentation for building permits and documentation for construction. The aim of this work was to renovate the building of the former public prosecutor's office in Brno for the purpose of Janáček Academy of Music Arts - JAMU. The building is situated in the city of Brno, in the city center Brno-střed, on the street Kobližná 22. It is situated in the historical part of the city, in its immediate vicinity there are many Brno dominates such as Náměstí Svobody, Moravske namesti, Mahen Theater, Janacek Theater, etc. The main idea was to preserve the character of late functionalist buildings with minimal changes in the exterior. Also, meet all the requirements that were entered at the beginning of the project. In other words, the object will be a public function - a café and exhibition areas, which will be dedicated to exhibitions by the students of stage design and lighting design. In addition, there should be a Rectorate and the Institute of Stage Design, which should serve as a set of representative offices. The main aim of this work is to create a stable background for students of scenography and light design, which should act as representative, and should encourage students to develop creative thinking and development for their creation.
Reconstruction of the Pohorelec at the JAMU Stage Design Studio
Čech, Daniel ; Špiller, Martin (referee) ; Guzdek, Adam (advisor) ; Lavický, Miloš (advisor)
The aim of the Bachelor thesis was to renew and rebuild the building of the former Supreme state prosecutor to the place for The Stage design of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno and The Rectorate od Janáček Academy. The building is located on the corner of the busy streets Jánská, Kobližná and Pohořelec where it forms a rather drab end point of these streets. The object was built in the post World war II period and carries features of late functionalism. The building has been abandoned since 90s. The ground floor was used for commerce, the underground floor for technical equipment of the building and other upper floors were purely administrative. The building has one underground floor and seven above-ground floors. In the ground floor were designed a public café and exhibition spaces. On the second to the fourth floor there are administrative places for the Janáček Academy Rectorate. On the fifth to the seventh floor the are spaces for students of the Stage design. In the new eight floor there is a background for the Light design. The main focus of the work was to restore life and create a functional and aestetically friendly environment. This was achieved by changing the internal layout where some dividing structures were removed, including the vertical connections of the floors and finally the use of glass partitions.The layout is now more open, lighter and airy. A main element of the reconstruction is the extension of the next floor, which has increased the space for students and employees and confirmed the unclear verticality of the building. The entire extension has more dominant look, but with natural respect to the surrounding buildings. The superstructure fasade consists of pre-installed electroluminescent panels with a holographic foil. This foil produces rainbow effects on the facade and reflects light, relieving the mass. At night, thanks to electroluminescent wires, the extension shines and highlights the happenings inside th
Visual identity for a student project presenting on Prague Quadrennial
Žáčková, Kristýna ; Štěpán, Petr (referee) ; Macháček, Mikuláš (advisor)
Creation of the visual identity for the project Prague is not the Czech Republic which presents the domestic student section at the Prague Quadrennial 2019.
Rozsnyóová, Lenka ; KRÁLOVÁ, Andrea (advisor) ; SMOLÍK, Robert (referee)
This diploma thesis reflects my inspirational resources I relied on when realizing creative projects during my studies at the Academy of performing Arts in Prague. It consists of two major parts - theoretical and practical. The first one is an analysis of the major influences upon my scenographic work - mainly visual art, fashion & folklore. In the second part of this thesis I analyse the body of my work (theatrical as well as non-theatrical projects) where all these influences have manifested themselves. There are also visual materials attached to the thesis where the actual creative process of the projects realised can be traced.
Gray zone of temporarity
Valíček, Martin ; Mačuda, Michal (referee) ; Kristek, Jan (advisor)
On an architectural proposal of techno club is demonstrated a stenographic approach in designing based on a phenomenon of electronic subculture. The Klub visitor is participating a ritual under the influence of music and nightlife lead by an ephemeral architecture, tectonic and spatial dramaturgy.
Between Theatre and Installation Art
Sceranková, Zuzana ; ADÁMEK, Jiří (advisor) ; JIŘIČKA, Lukáš (referee)
In this bachelor thesis, I am going to deal with the idea of an independent scenography in a theatre performance. I am going to reflect this subject trhough a second graduate performance in season 2016/2017 skončí to ústa in Disk theatre. In the introduction I am going to present experimental poetry as a main point of departure for ther performance. This is going to include basic principles of the visual, phonic, concrete and conceptual poetry as well as some of the particular methodologies of the chosen authors – Jiří Valoch, Ladislav Novák, Ladislav Nebeský and Zdeněk Barborka. I am going to describe the way we have integrated those principles into the performance. In the second part I am going to introduce the use an everyday object in the theatre. In skončí to ústa performance, we deal with the everyday object as something between theatre property and ready made object. I am going to analyse similarities and differences between use of the everyday object in theatre, museum and gallery. In the following part I am going to reflect, how we have included principles of the installation art into the performance. Those principles are focusing, decentralization and role of the spectator. Afterwards, I am going to describe Ervin Wurm´s artwork, who I consider as an artist who combines object, sculpture and installation art in his work. I am going to deal especially with his One Minute Sculptures, that represent a very important source of inspiration for the performance skončí to ústa. In the final part I am going to analyse principles of deconstruction, absence and words-objects in the artwork of Ján Mančuška, who is another inspirative point od departure for the performance. In the conclusion, I am going to summarize the parallels and the differences between the theatre and the visual arts as well as the conclusions that I can apply on my future work.
Spaces from Elsewhere
Stojčevski, Dragan ; SCHMELZOVÁ, Radoslava (advisor) ; ŠTOREK, Pavel (referee)
The dissertation thesis deals with a specific type of creation of space, that the author tries to define as scenographic installation. In the first chapter, Space as Medium, the author maps work with space of a variety of artists who inspired him in his own research. He deals with scenography in contemporary theatre, installation in visual arts, creation of exhibitions in museums as well as with art projects in public spaces and creation of contemporary monuments. The author comes to the conclusion that the scenographic installation is a particular type of scenography that appears in site-specific projects, in environmental and immersive theatre. He also defines the scenographic installation as an independent artistic genre, similar to installation in the visual arts. He specifies this genre by its performative and narrative qualities. The author sees the conection of the space with spectator as participant as another of its distinguishing features. The research is divided into three parts, where the author points out some of the important spatial characteristics of scenographic installation. In the first part The Re-contextualization of Space, he describes his experience with authorial site-specific project In S(p)ite of Fire and his scenographic work on environmental theatre Oresteia. He describes how a scenographic installation can transform public space and put it in another context as a part of site specific projects and environmental theatre. In the second part The Phenomenon of Relocation, the author discusses the creation of scenographic installations in exhibition spaces of a museum. He is interested in the ability of scenographic installation to re-interpret the artifacts exhibited in museums. He provides his experience with authorial projects Pergamon Set and Room, produced inside of museums. In the third part The Spatial Simulation, he explores scenographic installation within the phenomenon of simulation in space in theatres and galleries. He bases his findings on his scenographic work on King Stag and Experiment Mice Paradise performances and on his authorial project You Are Unique You Do Not Exist, produced in a gallery. He comes to the conclusion that scenography alone, without actors, can make a performative space in which the spectator is the main driver and that it can exist as a separate genre, outside of the context of theatre. At the end of his research the author describes relations and roles of the spectator in scenographic installation.
Fleková, Klára ; SMOLÍK, Robert (advisor) ; KRÁLOVÁ, Andrea (referee)
This thesis presents the staging of performance TAJENKA. It's preparation took place from summer 2015 to summer 2016. The main theme is based on ordinary life, which author feels she´s part of. The author shows how she has been collecting material to prepare her first original production, and describes the whole procedure of the story creation. She endeavours to offer a sufficient insight into the way of thinking about the topic, describes how she has been evaulating the importance of individual fragments, and also the way she faced the work with sound engineers and directing, which ment a brand new experience for her. The thesis contains a description of all the phases of developement of the story, even those ways which were impossible, and justifies those obtions that were chosen. It offers insight into the artist's way of thinking and in the end this way is exposed to an evaulation, trying to reveal weaknesses, which are to be improved in future projects.

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