National Repository of Grey Literature 133 records found  beginprevious108 - 117nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Deep Learning for OCR in GUI
Hamerník, Pavel ; Špaňhel, Jakub (referee) ; Lysek, Tomáš (advisor)
Optical character recognition (OCR) has been a topic of interest for many years. It is defined as the process of digitizing a document image into a sequence of characters. Despite decades of intense research, OCR systems with capabilities to that of human still remains an open challenge. In this work there is presented a design and implementation of such system, which is capable of detecting texts in graphical user interfaces.
Robotic Tracking of a Person using Neural Networks
Zakarovský, Matúš ; Lázna, Tomáš (referee) ; Žalud, Luděk (advisor)
Hlavným cieľom práce bolo vytvorenie softvérového riešenia založeného na neurónových sieťach, pomocou ktorého bolo možné detegovať človeka a následne ho nasledovať. Tento výsledok bol dosiahnutý splnením jednotlivých bodov zadania tejto práce. V prvej časti práce je popísaný použitý hardvér, softvérové knižnice a rozhrania pre programovanie aplikácií (API), ako aj robotická platforma dodaná skupinou robotiky a umelej inteligencie ústavu automatizácie a meracej techniky Vysokého Učenia Technického v Brne, na ktorej bol výsledný robot postavený. Následne bola spracovaná rešerš viacerých typov neurónových sietí na detekciu osôb. Podrobne boli popísané štyri detektory. Niektoré z nich boli neskôr testované na klasickom počítači alebo na počítači NVIDIA Jetson Nano. V ďalšom kroku bolo vytvorené softvérové riešenie tvorené piatimi programmi, pomocou ktorého bolo dosiahnuté ciele ako rozpoznanie osoby pomocou neurónovej siete ped-100, určenie reálnej vzdialenosti vzhľadom k robotu pomocou monokulárnej kamery a riadenie roboty k úspešnému dosiahnutiu cieľa. Výstupom tejto práce je robotická platforma umožnujúca detekciu a nasledovanie osoby využiteľné v praxi.
Generative Adversial Network for Artificial ECG Generation
Šagát, Martin ; Ronzhina, Marina (referee) ; Hejč, Jakub (advisor)
The work deals with the generation of ECG signals using generative adversarial networks (GAN). It examines in detail the basics of artificial neural networks and the principles of their operation. It theoretically describes the use and operation and the most common types of failures of generative adversarial networks. In this work, a general procedure of signal preprocessing suitable for GAN training was derived, which was used to compile a database. In this work, a total of 3 different GAN models were designed and implemented. The results of the models were visually displayed and analyzed in detail. Finally, the work comments on the achieved results and suggests further research direction of methods dealing with the generation of ECG signals.
An automatic football match event detection
Dvonč, Tomáš ; Říha, Kamil (referee) ; Přinosil, Jiří (advisor)
This diploma thesis describes methods suitable for automatic detection of events from video sequences focused on football matches. The first part of the work is focused on the analysis and creation of procedures for extracting informations from available data. The second part deals with the implementation of selected methods and neural network algorithm for corner kick detection. Two experiments were performed in this work. The first captures static information from one image and the second is focused on detection from spatio-temporal data. The output of this work is a program for automatic event detection, which can be used to interpret the results of the experiments. This work may figure as a basis to gain new knowledge about the issue and also to the further development of detection events from football.
Image based smoke and fire detection
Ďuriš, Denis ; Burda, Karel (referee) ; Přinosil, Jiří (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the detection of fire and smoke from the image signal. The approach of this work uses a combination of convolutional and recurrent neural network. Machine learning models created in this work contain inception modules and blocks of long short-term memory. The research part describes selected models of machine learning used in solving the problem of fire detection in static and dynamic image data. As part of the solution, a data set containing videos and still images used to train the designed neural networks was created. The results of this approach are evaluated in conclusion.
Dance Recognition from Audio Recordings
Pavlín, Tomáš ; Čech, Jan (advisor) ; Moudřík, Josef (referee)
We propose a CNN-based approach to classify ten genres of ballroom dances given audio recordings, five latin and five standard, namely Cha Cha Cha, Jive, Paso Doble, Rumba, Samba, Quickstep, Slow Foxtrot, Slow Waltz, Tango and Viennese Waltz. We utilize a spectrogram of an audio signal and we treat it as an image that is an input of the CNN. The classification is performed independently by 5-seconds spectrogram segments in sliding window fashion and the results are then aggregated. The method was tested on following datasets: Publicly available Extended Ballroom dataset collected by Marchand and Peeters, 2016 and two YouTube datasets collected by us, one in studio quality and the other, more challenging, recorded on mobile phones. The method achieved accuracy 93.9%, 96.7% and 89.8% respectively. The method runs in real-time. We implemented a web application to demonstrate the proposed method.
Deep Learning for OCR in GUI
Hamerník, Pavel ; Špaňhel, Jakub (referee) ; Lysek, Tomáš (advisor)
Optical character recognition (OCR) has been a topic of interest for many years. It is defined as the process of digitizing a document image into a sequence of characters. Despite decades of intense research, OCR systems with capabilities to that of human still remains an open challenge. In this work there is presented a design and implementation of such system, which is capable of detecting texts in graphical user interfaces.
Convolutional Networks for Historic Text Recognition
Vešelíny, Peter ; Kolář, Martin (referee) ; Kišš, Martin (advisor)
This thesis deals with text line recognition of historical documents. Historical texts dating back to the 17th - 19th centuries are written in fraktur typeface. The character recognition problem is solved using neural network architecture called sequence-to-sequence . This architecture is based on encoder-decoder model and contains attention mechanism. In this thesis a dataset, from texts originated from German archiv called Deutsches Textarchiv , was created. This archive contains 3 897 different German books that have available transcripts and corresponding images of pages. The created dataset was used to train and experiment with the proposed neural network. During the experiments, several convolutional models, hyperparameters and the effects of positional embedding were investigated. The final tool can recognize characters with accuracy 99,63 %. The contribution of this work is the~mentioned dataset and neural network, which can be used to recognize historical documents.
Smartphone Game Using Recognition of Face Features
Skoták, Jiří ; Szőke, Igor (referee) ; Herout, Adam (advisor)
This master's thesis focuses on smartphone game for iOS, which uses recognition of face features and other information, which can be obtained from a smartphone's camera and sensors. This work describes a few approaches for real-time face detection and then introduces and compares possibilities for such task on iOS. Moreover, the thesis contains a draft of the final game and its levels. The game showcases various technologies in its levels such as object detection, processing an image color and others. Finally, the thesis introduces the final form of the game that is released and available on the App Store.
Weapon Detection in an Image
Debnár, Pavol ; Drahanský, Martin (referee) ; Dvořák, Michal (advisor)
This thesis is focused on the topic of firearms detection in images. In the theoretic section, the explanation of the term firearm is covered, along with the definition of the most prevalent firearm categories. Then the concept of image noise and the ways it can hinder image detection is covered, along  with ways of reducing it. Next, algorithms of image detection are introduced - first those which operate on the basis of neural nets - such as Convolutional Neural Nets and Single Shot Multibox Detection. The next section discusses classic algorithms of object detection such as HOG+SVM and SURF. After that, information on the used libraries and software is provided. The experimental part covers the designed algorithm and database. For detection, the HOG+SVM, SURF and SSD algorithms were used. All the algorithms are tested on the database and, if possible, on video. A final evaluation is provided, along with possible future development options.

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