National Repository of Grey Literature 24,554 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.81 seconds. 

Problems of Unemployment in the Czech Republic and Germany from Gender Point of View
TESAŘOVÁ, Štěpánka
The diploma thesis deals with problems of employment and unemployment policy from the special point of view: the use of equal opportunity of men and women (gender equality) in the Czech Republic, Germany and the European Union. The theoretical part describes employment, unemployment, promotion of women and men at employment market from the gender point of view, and discriminatory differences in the field of financial evaluation of men and women for the same amount and kind of work. The practical part gives the comparison of the employment policy from the gender perspective (rate of employment and unemployment of men and women) on the basis of statistical information of the member states of the European Union {--} the Czech Republic and Germany. The main goal of this work is to show and emphasize the fact, that some aspects of discrimination in the field of gender relationships at work and in private life still exist even in the present modern society. It depends on all of us mainly, in which way and direction these problems of gender equality will develop in the society in future.

The Model of Financial Compensation for placement of a Deep Geological Repository of Radioactive Waste in the Czech republic in period from 2010 to 2016
Englerová, Anna ; Zeman, Martin (advisor) ; Vebrová, Ludmila (referee)
Author examines a way of allocation of governmental financial resources to municipalities in locations preselected for deep geological repository. She is searching for a way how to add a motivational incentive to the process of allocation of financial resources in order to improve municipalities attitude towards deep geological repository. Hypothesis, examined in this thesis, contains two related questions. It is assumed that (1) amount and structure of financial resources can significantly affect municipalities decision making and also that (2) current mechanism of allocation of compensations is ineffective and does not create sufficient incentives. Currently (end of the year 2016), negotiations between government and municipalities are in crisis despite significant financial compensation from government nuclear account to the municipalities. This thesis have potential to change municipalities negative stance on deep geological repository through motivational model of resource allocation. Theoretical part reviews basic economic background and introduces historical, sociological, technological and economic views of radioactivity and deep geological repository. In practical part author analyzes socio-economic situation, compares evolution of transfers from government to municipalities with their attitude towards deep geological repository in time and shows that current system of resource allocation does not motivate the municipalities to change their stance on deep geological repository. That confirms second part of our hypothesis. Author also proposes a motivational model of resource alllocation. She confirms its viability by comparing it with similar models from other countries, by surveying mayors of concerned municipalities and also by examining experts opinion. Verification of the model confirmed its motivational effect. By that, first assumption of our hypothesis, that structure of resource allocation can significantly affect municipalities decision making, was confirmed.

Comparison of Market and State Organized Public Transport in the Czech Republic Between 2000 – 2015
Hervert, David ; Pikhart, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Vebrová, Ludmila (referee)
Content of this bachelor thesis deals with a comparison of market and state access to public transport from a national economic perspective. Public transport in the Czech Republic between the years of 2000 and 2015 is analysed before the actual comparison is made. The theoretical part deals with available products of public transport, transport demand, market and government failure, entrepreneur theory and information function of prices. Different types of public transport are analysed and compared in the practical part. Additionally, an analysis of public transport in the USA is made and then compared with public transport in the Czech Republic.

The possibilities and conditions for the use of tools for analyzing customer behavior on social networks
Horák, Vít ; Molnár, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Měsíček, Libor (referee)
The thesis deals with free tools that can be used to analyze customers of SMB e-commerce enterprises on the social network Facebook in order to increase their competitiveness within the social network. The theoretical part focuses on defining key terms, distinguishes types of social media and describes present social networks situation in world and in the Czech Republic from a users perspective and in the Czech Republic also from an enterprises perspective. Furthermore, the theoretical part also deals with possibilities that social networks can offer to the SMB enterprises. And as well it identifies different types of analytical tools that can be used for purposes of monitoring customers or analysis of customers. In the beginning of the practical part there is introduced the company Dobrutka.EU s.r.o. (the e commerce B2C company). Afterwards is presented the analysis of the survey about how SMB companies that operate the best Czech e-shops monitor and analyze their activities and customers from the social network Facebook. Subsequently there is handled the selection of appropriate tools for SME companies, which are also analyzed in the following chapter. At the end of the practical part there is practical application of knowledge from the thesis to Dobrutka.EU s.r.o. through the design and pilot deployment of appropriate procedures and analytic tools, whose effectiveness is evaluated at the end of chapter. The main benefit is in act of finding and verification of free tools and effective method that allows for detailed analysis of company customers even for micro companies and thus also effectively achieve positive economic results even in emerging facebook presentations.

Content Marketing for Lead Generation in B2B Educational and Consulting Services
Nykodýmová, Barbora ; Zamazalová, Marcela (advisor) ; Pospíchal, Tomáš (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to acquaint the reader with the issue of content marketing for generating leads and information about potential customers, then to analyze and offer some recommendations for its further use among B2B suppliers of educational and consulting services. The theoretical part discusses three key topics: the specifics of the services and B2B sector; content marketing and the reasons for its inclusion in marketing strategy; and the issue of lead generation as a possible metric of content marketing and sales tool. The practical part of the thesis approaches this topic from the perspective of four representatives of service suppliers, complemented by a point of view of the mediate company IVITERA. This company brings together one of the largest B2B communities in the services sector on the Czech market within its (especially online) media projects. Research was conducted through individual interviews with representatives of all five companies and by an analysis of secondary data, leads and keywords provided by the mediate company.

Design of a methodology for BI solutions in QlikView environment
Judová, Eva ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Kunst, Jan (referee)
This master thesis is devoted to a design for methodology of BI projects in QlikView. The main aim is to propose a recommended procedure solutions reflecting the strengths and weaknesses in the development of QlikView applications. Accompanying chapter to the discussed issue is a chapter Business Intelligence which explains the principles, characteristics and reasons for implementation in companies. Part of defining the differences between traditional and self-service solutions serves as a theoretical basis for understanding the increasing attractiveness of self-service solutions and environment of the proposed methodology. The next chapter presents the company Qlik as a market leader in BI and the owner of QlikView. The reasons for its establishment, subsequent development and actual vision are listed to create a comprehensive view of the environment where the described product was created. Along with the chapter focusing on characteristics and main advantages of QlikView a knowledge base is established for the implementation of proposed methodology. Crucial chapter of this thesis is based on the author's experience gained while implementing QlikView projects. The proposed methodology is based on the description of each phase, its activities, inputs and outputs and its concrete application in a demo environment for the area of receivables in manufacturing company. The key contribution of the author is pointing out potential problems during development or warning about critical parts or providing appropriate recommendations and benefits of the proposed procedures. The designed methodology can serve as a useful guide for self-service projects implemented the QlikView environment.

Company's Requirements for Graduates - Software Developers
Trnková, Michaela ; Pecinovský, Rudolf (advisor) ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (referee)
This thesis maps requirements that are imposed on software developer graduates. This goal is achieved by interviews with specialists from technological companies. A key part of the document is an evaluation of different methodologies of education of programming with a closer focus on a methodology Architecture-first. Approaches are evaluated from the company representatives' point of view, university programming teachers' point of view, and students' of informatics fields point of view. The main benefit of the thesis is a set of recommendations for teaching students as a result of developers' opinions and opinions of students who went through these programming subjects. The thesis includes recommendation for students, who are going to work as developers.

Use of Google applications and tools in the enterprise
Fiala, Dávid ; Lorenc, Miroslav (advisor) ; Koliš, Karel (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to focus on usage of Google online applications for business and Google Analytics tool in the company TLV s.r.o. , analyse the effectivity of everyday usage and the ability to improve in-house processes. These applications and tools will be described from the perspective of their functions, which they offer. In the following parts of the thesis I will focus on alternative cloud based solutions of office applications, their costs of implementation and their advantages in comparison with Google applications. In case of Google Analytics the thesis will be focused on the rentability of this solution for TLV s.r.o. comparing the costs of online advertisements (Google AdWords) and the yield.

Financial analysis of AŽD Praha s.r.o.
Akhundov, Kanan ; Hanzal, Martin (advisor) ; Jiránek, Petr (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to carry out the financial analysis of the company named AŽD Praha s.r.o. The analysis is conducted for the financial years 2009/2010 - 2013/2014 from the perspective of an external analyst. To accomplish the goal, the methods of horizontal and vertical analysis, ratio analysis, evaluation of financial health with the use of bankruptcy and credibility models and eventually SWOT analysis were applied. The work is divided into three parts. The methodological part defines the theoretical basis of financial analysis. The second part is dedicated to the introduction of AŽD Praha, the definition of the class of branch and the competitors. The financial analysis in comparison to the rival companies is performed in the practical part.

Analysis of Reporting in Business and its Technological Coverage by Microsoft BI
Lučan, Martin ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (referee)
This master thesis deals with an analysis of reporting in business and its technological coverage by Microsoft Business Intelligence portfolio. The main objective of this work is to analyze the individual organization's requirements on reporting and coverage options. This work can serve as a tool for implementation of reporting in a company or for increasing the efficiency of reporting. The first part is theoretical. It deals with Business Intelligence as an environment for reporting. It also defines the basic concepts. The next part covers the area of reporting. This section provides an insight into the history, definition of outcomes and detailed classification of reporting from different perspectives. Furthermore, the definition of users reporting and the reporting standards in companies is also covered. At the end of this chapter, there is the definition of the benefits of reporting for companies. The main part of this master thesis is an analysis of the requirements for reporting in companies. The chapter defines five key perspectives which are described in a greater detail. The methods how companies should methodically approach these requirements are also discussed. The chapter further looks at the requirements for a concrete report. An output of this chapter is an effective template for gathering requirements for a specific report. The last chapter focuses on reporting portfolio analysis of Microsoft and defines the concept of Microsoft. It provides detailed information about reporting products that Microsoft offers. An analyses and a mapping of the individual characteristics of the products and the requirements is defined in this thesis.