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Návrh a implementace logovací aplikace pro zachytávání operací platebního terminálu
Piák, Ondřej
Main field of this bachelor thesis is to pursue creation and implementation of application, that helps with analysis of application logs for SONET company. Firstly, the thesis deals with analysis of standard formats of logs, available application for log analysis and actual solution of Sonet company. Next is description of used technologies and design of application. The application is implemented with C++ and ImGui for GUI.
Deforestácie na území Amazonského pralesa v Brazílii
Kročilová, Katarína
Deforestation is the cutting of trees, while there is a reduction of forested areas in the landscape. The main goal of the final thesis was to investigate the deforesta-tion in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The theoretical part analyzes the develop-ment of deforestation from the past to the present, the legislation on deforestation in Brazil and illegal deforestation in the field of Legal Amazon. The practical part presents the opinions of experts and climatologists who deal with the topic of for-ests and deforestation such as professors at universities or research centres. The research deals with the issues of affecting the lives of people living in the Amazon due to deforestation, and what measures the government should take to prevent or reduce logging activity in the Amazon rainforest. Data collection is based on a questionnaire survey and discussion with experts on the Amazon and deforestation in general. The data are analyzed qualitatively using MAXQDA and ATLAS.ti software. The final part of the thesis discusses the impact on society and recommendations for limiting logging in the future. A significant precondition for the future is the fact that with the growing trend of deforestation and especially due to illegal logging, there is a high probability of negatively affect-ing the processes that secure and support the Amazon rainforest to the right natu-ral balance. These are, for example, water management, temperature regulation or the life of the inhabitants of the Amazon. To reduce deforestation, cooperation between experts, climatologists, the government and organizations working on this issue is essential, which may lead to the adoption of the necessary measures and legislative changes dealing with logging in the Amazon rainforest.
Training tracking using NFC technology
Blažík, Vojtěch ; Zachariášová, Marcela (referee) ; Strnadel, Josef (advisor)
This bachelor thesis describes the development of mobile application which uses NFC technology for training tracking and monitoring of gym equipment usage. The work summarizes the basic motivation and approaches to training and equipment tracking as well as NFC technology and mobile app development focused on the multiplatform framework Flutter. The resulting app is based on the client-server architecture with offline mode support and uses the identifiers of deployed NFC tags to identify the machine and exercises. The goal of this work is to show a functional system, which incorporates this technology in an unconventional way to achieve a higher user comfort.
Plugin for Drawing Recording and Reconstruction in Graphics Editor
Hiner, Martin ; Milet, Tomáš (referee) ; Chlubna, Tomáš (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to explore the possibilities of observing brush strokes inside a graphics editor, recording them, and finally, allowing the user to edit each individual stroke or play them out in a sequence. These features are then implemented in a form of a plugin module for a selected suitable graphics editor.
Diagnostics of GNU/Linux-Based Systems
Hofbauer, Martin ; Doležal, Jan (referee) ; Smrž, Pavel (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the creation of the light-weighted program, which collects and saves information from GNU/Linux-based systems. Designed and developed solution can also inform about errors in the operating system and its unusual behavior. The program aims at maximum reliability, isolation of individual parts, and ease of use. The theoretical part describes problems of already existing solutions and focuses on the system monitoring context. The practical part then describes program architecture and its implementation. The program was successfully deployed in the company BringAuto, which collaborated with the creation of this thesis. It turned out that the program is able to record information from the operating system without its big load. In case of partial system failure, the program helped with finding its causes.
Support for Dynamic Config Reload Inside Rsyslog
Lakatos, Attila ; Češka, Milan (referee) ; Rogalewicz, Adam (advisor)
Logy sú jedným z najcennejších aktív, pokiaľ ide o správu IT systému a monitoring. Keďže zaznamenávajú každú činnosť, ktorá sa uskutočnila na stroji, logy poskytujú prehľad správ- covi systému aby vedel zistiť pôvod problémov, ktoré môžu ovplyvniť výkon, súlad a bezpečnosť. Z tohto dôvodu je možné softvérový nástroj rsyslog použiť, keďže ponúka možnosť prijímať vstupy zo širokej škály zdrojov, transformovať ich a odosielať výsledky rôznym destináciám na základe súboru pravidiel. Jedným z nedostatkov tohto softvéru v súčasnosti je to, že ho je potrebné reštartovať, aby akceptoval aktualizované zmeny v pravidlách. Autor tejto diplomovej práce poukazuje na to, s akými typmi problémov sa môže stretnúť užívateľ počas reštartu nástroja. Medzi najkritickejšie patria strata správ vstupujúcich do systému a narušenie TCP/UDP spojenia, aj keď neboli vykonané žiadne zmeny v pravidlách. Cieľom diplomovej práce je navrhnúť a implementovať riešenie, ktoré umožňuje používateľom dynamicky znovu načítať konfiguráciu základných komponentov bez potreby úplného reštartu. Navrhované zmeny sú zamerané aj na riešenie problémov, ktoré boli odhalené počas vývoja ako aj na zvýšenie výkonu opätovným použitím už exis- tujúcich zdrojov.
Message Logging System
Vrzal, Miroslav ; Křivka, Zbyněk (referee) ; Zendulka, Jaroslav (advisor)
This master's thesis in the first part describes the AS/400 and its message system and concentrates especially on the following areas: predefinition of messages and their storing, types of messages and levels of their importance, work with variables included in message text and ways of sending messages. On the basis of AS/400 message system is designed and implemented message log system for the application loggin for Aegis. s.r.o. The analysis of the message log systems is also a part of the work. The syslog and syslog-ngused in UNIX systems are described, concerning types of messages, importance of messages and filtering and storing of messages. It further describes possibilities of application logging based on Java in the specific case of the Log4jutility. In the second part thesis describes own log message systems design and implementation.
Log Analysis and Hardware Utilization
Kuchyňka, Jiří ; Homoliak, Ivan (referee) ; Očenášek, Pavel (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a system for long-term monitoring of the state of Linux systems located in a production environment. The thesis focuses mainly on situation in which the system does not have the ability to send the collected data for analysis over the network, so data collection must be completely automatic and data must be transferred from monitored systems to a central system for collection, analysis and visualization. A substantial part of the work is devoted to the design and implementation of a web application used to export data from monitored systems to the transmission medium and import them from it to the system for data collection. The resulting solution aims to simplify the collection of data from systems, previously performed directly by system administrators, so that it can be performed by anyone who can physically approach the monitored system and thus reduce the costs associated with monitoring these remote systems.
Log Analysis Using TeskaLab Platform
Kocinec, Patrik ; Jeřábek, Kamil (referee) ; Ryšavý, Ondřej (advisor)
This work describes the usage of machine learning methods for processing logging information on system. The work includes a description of methods of processing logging information for the purposes of security monitoring, as well as machine learning methods and principles of data processing. Subsequently, the work focuses on the introduction of the system and its components. Then, an application for processing logging information is designed and implemented on system, which uses machine learning methods to detect malign domains. When implementing the application for model training, several methods were used focusing on the accuracy of detection. 
User tools to support automated functional testing of prototypes in product development
Grabovský, Štěpán ; Macháček, Jiří (referee) ; Svoboda, Radomír (advisor)
This work deals with develop of PC application to support automated testing of prototypes, which are developing in Honeywell International, Inc., ACS division in Brno. There was created a PC software witch executes testing process based on input script files. For select script files and specify other necessary information was designed a graphic user interface. Testing information are being presented in a program information control in real-time as the same as results of tests. The application also allow to users save the log file. The program has been realized in C# programing language.

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