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Physical position of staff during nursing procedures in the internal department
Maintaining a safe body posture during nursing procedures is a very important factor in the prevention of the musculoskeletal system disorders and incapacity of the healthcare staff. As this topic is unfortunately often neglected, we decided to address this issue in our work. The nurse in her practice must master the large number of nursing procedures in order to provide high-quality nursing care. Due to the large set of these procedures, we focus our work on only six activities that nurses routinely perform in the internal department. Among these nursing procedures, we included the administration of food and fluids, wound dressings, the blood draws peripheral venous cannula insertion, the permanent urinary catheter insertion and the lower extremity bandaging. Patient positioning is very taxing on the musculoskeletal system of the nursing staff. However, it is a vast area that deserves a separate work and therefore we do not deal with it in our investigation. The aim of this study is to investigate the body posture nurses adopt when performing selected nursing procedures with regard to the prevention of the musculoskeletal injuries. Following the aim, the research question was set: "What body posture do nurses most often adopt when performing nursing procedures?" and six hypotheses. In this thesis, the quantitative research was chosen, which was carried out through a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was distributed to the three hospitals in Brno. Specifically, to the University Hospital Brno, St. Anne´s University Hospital Brno and the Military Hospital Brno. The questionnaire was intended for all general and practical nurses working in the internal department and the size of the research group was 386 respondents. The survey shows that more than a half of our respondents think they follow the safe body posture policy. However, when asked more specific questions, we found out that nurses often neglect to keep their head and back upright during nursing interventions, which can lead to many cumulative musculoskeletal injuries. We also found out that nurses' main limiting factors for maintaining the safe physical posture include nursing practices performed with an anxious and uncooperative patient, thus confirming the one of our hypotheses. Other adverse factors, according to the respondents, include also the stressful situations, lack of time and also lack of staff. Research also showed that the vast majority of nurses suffer from the back pain, which is mainly caused by the strain of their jobs. It is also evident from the respondents' answers that the large proportion of nurses work under the stress, which is considered to be another risk factor for the musculoskeletal problems.
Social Worker and His Role in Education
This diploma thesis describes the role of social workers in the educational system. The theoretical part focuses on where can we find social workers directly at school, description of their job, as well as information about funding and legislation. However, if we take a closer look into the schooling system, the school social workers are often absent. Despite the fact that the school as an institution primarily fulfills an educational function, it also plays a large role in the socialization of the child and the school environment must be prepared to deal with these situations. There is a possibility of applying the social workers as a connecting link between other workers of the multidisciplinary team, pupils, their families and other facilities. However, there has to be an emphasis on the correct setting of personnel management by managers. The main goal of the thesis was therefore to find out whether other employees of primary schools in the South Bohemian Region also perceive the need for this particular position. A quantitative type of research, a questioning method and a questionnaire techniques has been used in order to obtain feedback from the experts. The data from a questionnaire survey of 580 respondents has been collected, in which they confirmed the need for help in the social area for the most part. The decision would also depend on other aspects that are mentioned and elaborated in the research results. The topicality and results from a large number of qualified respondents can be considered as the greatest contribution of the thesis. It could also have an impact in introducing social work into schools. The overall results can also serve to increase the interest of experts and the general public in the issue of school social work.
Static Analysis of C Programs
Malík, Viktor ; Zuleger, Florian (referee) ; Strejček, Jan (referee) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (advisor)
Táto práca prináša niekoľko originálnych príspevkov do oblasti statickej analýzy programov so zameraním na nízkoúrovňový softvér napísaný v jazyku C. Práca je rozdelená do dvoch častí, z ktorých každá sa venuje inej oblasti statickej analýzy, konkrétne formálnej verifikácii a statickej analýze sémantickej ekvivalencie rôznych verzií softvéru. V prvej časti práce navrhujeme nové analýzy vhodné pre verifikačné nástroje založené na automatickom odvodzovaní invariantov s využitím SMT solveru. Navrhnuté riešenie zahŕňa dve nové abstraktné domény založené na šablónach, ktoré umožňujú popísať tvar programovej haldy a obsahy polí pomocou logických formulí nad bit-vektormi. Doména pre reprezentáciu tvaru haldy je založená na zachytení vzťahov medzi ukazovateľmi a symbolickými adresami abstraktných objektov v pamäti. Doména pre reprezentáciu obsahov polí je založená na rozdelení polí na niekoľko neprekrývajúcich sa spojitých segmentov a odvodení samostatného invariantu pre každý segment. Obidve domény sú navrhnuté spôsobom, ktorý umožňuje ich kombináciu s inými doménami, vďaka čomu je možné abstrahovať tvar a obsah dátových štruktúr zároveň. Informácie získané z týchto analýz je možné použiť na dokázanie bezpečnosti práce s pamäťou a nedosiahnuteľnosti chybových stavov v programoch, ktoré pracujú s dynamickými dátovými štruktúrami. Všetky navrhnuté rozšírenia boli implementované do nástroja 2LS a porovnané s nástrojmi, ktoré sa pravidelne umiestňujú na najvyšších priečkach v relevantných kategóriách v medzinárodnej súťaži vo verifikácii software SV-COMP. Výsledky experimentov ukazujú, že 2LS poráža tieto nástroje na úlohách vyžadujúcich invarianty cyklov kombinujúce popis tvaru a obsahu dynamických dátových štruktúr. Druhá časť práce je motivovaná existenciou softvérových projektov, ktoré vyžadujú zachovanie stability niektorých dôležitých častí, no zároveň sú podrobované pravidelným zmenám. V rámci tejto časti navrhujeme nový prístup pre automatickú analýzu sémantickej ekvivalencie rôznych verzí veľkého priemyselného softvéru napísaného v jazyku C, so špeciálnym zameraním na jadro operačného systému Linux. Navrhnutá metóda používa unikátnu kombináciu vyhľadávania vzorov, rýchlej statickej analýzy a transformácií toku riadenia programov. Tento prístup umožňuje kontrolu zachovania sémantiky funkcií, ktoré tvoria rozhranie analyzovaného projektu ako aj globálnych premenných, ktoré typicky reprezentujú hodnoty konfigurovateľných parametrov systému. Pre porovnávanie globálnych premenných zároveň navrhnujeme špecializovanú procedúru pre prerezávanie programov, ktorá je schopná odstrániť časti programov, ktoré nie sú závislé na hodnotách analyzovaných premenných a obmedziť analýzu iba na závislé časti. Napriek tomu, že metóda nie je schopná formálne dokázať sémantickú ekvivalenciu zásadne upraveného, no ekvivalentného kódu, je schopná porovnať tisíce funkcií v rámci minút a zároveň poskytnúť relatívne malé množstvo nesprávnych výsledkov. Metóda bola implementovaná v nástroji DiffKemp nad infraštruk- túrou LLVM. Výsledky experimentov ukazujú, že DiffKemp, narozdiel od iných nástrojov v oblasti, dáva prakticky použiteľné výsledky aj na projekte o veľkosti jadra Linuxu.
Biology of the soldier caste in the termite genus Prorhinoterme (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
Hanus, Robert ; Štys, Pavel (advisor) ; Žďárek, Jan (referee) ; Korb, Judith (referee)
Ontogeny of soldiers in Prorhinotermes simplex The soldiers were found to develop from larvae of the second up to the eighth instar, via a short (13-17 days) presoldier stage. The early soldier instars were found exclusively in incipient colonies while the mature colony contained late instar soldiers only. The first soldiers occur early in the incipient colonies; as soon as one year a er the establishment of these colonies a high proportion of soldiers was observed, which is comparable to that in mature colonies. The abrupt change in the external anatomy occurs in two steps. During the larva-presoldier moult, the head increases in length but only slightly in width. During the presoldier-soldier moult, both the length and width of the head increase markedly and the typical cordate shape is attained; the relative size of the pronotum increases considerably. The long falcate mandibles develop mainly during the larva-presoldier moult. One antennal segment is added during these two moults. With increasing instar age of soldiers a relative increase of the pronotum and the head size in its posterior region was observed. No functional differences in external anatomy were found among the six soldier instars. The composition of the frontal gland secretion is similar in the six soldier instars, an...
Public Policy to Prevent Childhood Obesity and the Role of Food Production and Marketing
Winzbergerová, Alžběta ; Háva, Petr (advisor) ; Tušková, Eva (referee)
This thesis is a case study focused on a relationship between public policy to prevent childhood obesity and the role of the food production and marketing in the Czech Republic. The emphasis is especially given to the institutional framework of food marketed and produced for children and its social concequences, because childhood obesity is one of them. The results from the analysis are then confronted with views and opinions of children and their parents, with how they feel about food advertising. Conclusion: advertising and production of food designated for children is not regulated in the Czech Republic. On governmental level only basic standards and rules are given and self-regulation is given precedence. Parents are aware of the huge influence of advertising on their children and that is why they are not satistied with the current situation. They would appreciate stronger legislative regulation of marketing and production of food for children.
Multilingual Entity Linking Using Dense Retrieval
Farhan, Dominik ; Straka, Milan (advisor) ; Bojar, Ondřej (referee)
Entity linking (EL) is the computational process of connecting textual mentions to corresponding entities. Like many areas of natural language processing, the EL field has greatly benefited from deep learning, leading to significant performance improvements. However, present-day approaches are expensive to train and rely on diverse data sources, complicating their reproducibility. In this thesis, we develop multiple systems that are fast to train, demonstrating that competitive entity linking can be achieved without a large GPU cluster. Moreover, we train on a publicly available dataset, ensuring reproducibility and accessibility. Our models are evaluated for 9 languages giving an accurate overview of their strengths. Furthermore, we offer a detailed analysis of bi-encoder training hy- perparameters, a popular approach in EL, to guide their informed selection. Overall, our work shows that building competitive neural network based EL systems that oper- ate in multiple languages is possible even with limited resources, thus making EL more approachable.
Comparation of ethnic inequality and stereotype of sexual orientation in the TV series "Friends" and "The Big Ben Theory"
Klímová, Petra ; Kruml, Milan (advisor) ; Jirák, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to observe socio-social phenomena, specifically the balance of ethnic representations and diversity of sexual orientation, in the context of portrayals in the popular media space, television. The tracking of this issue is done on the series The Big Bang Theory. The fundamental questions of the research conducted are whether the series sufficiently portrays racial and ethnic diversity in the cast of actors and actresses, and whether it also sufficiently talks about and portrays LGBT issues. The thesis also touches upon whether and how stereotyping is used in the media content under study. The content also includes a historical anchoring and an overview of the development of television production in the 20th century, along with the characteristics and development of the sitcom itself. Finally, the thesis compares the analysed series The Big Bang Theory with Friends, which was also analysed in the previous thesis "The Problem of Ethnic Inequality and the Stereotype of Sexual Orientation in the TV Series Friends". For the theoretical part of the thesis, a variety of literature was used. The analytical part contains two questionnaire surveys and their results in data. The full conclusion then summarizes all the important information and insights that the thesis and analysis have...
Evaluation of root system architecture and osmotic adaptation in barley
Klem, Karel ; Findurová, Hana ; Urban, Otmar ; Holub, Petr
Drought tolerance based on improving root system architecture, in particular by increasing rooting depth, increasing root density at deeper layers, or osmotic adjustment, is one of the most effective ways of adapting to drought, especially in conditions where sufficient water remains in the deeper soil layers during the dry season. Moreover, osmotic adjustment is a trait that allows plants to take up water even when water availability is limited, including the deeper soil layers. On the other hand, however, these are traits that are very difficult to evaluate, given their hidden nature or the need to laboriously excavate roots growing in the soil. This is also the reason why, despite their considerable importance, these features have long been overlooked. Breeding for these traits is done only indirectly by evaluating yield response to drought or indirect physiological or morphological parameters. \nIn this methodology, three methods for evaluating root system architecture or osmotic adjustment are presented which allow selection for specific root system architecture traits or osmotic adjustment, to be carried out on a large number of genotypes, using a relatively simple method based on the cultivation of roots on black filter paper, either hydroponically or aeroponically. This method allows a detailed analysis of root system architecture parameters that are important for drought tolerance and also a relatively easy test of osmotic adjustment by inducing osmotic stress with polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution. Both methods have been successfully validated, in the first case in a model experiment with nutrient deficiency, in which the effect on root system architecture is confounded, and in the second case in a set of barley genetic resources and varieties in which previously obtained information on drought tolerance of some genotypes was confirmed. \nAnother of the methods presented is the cultivation of roots in rhizoboxes filled with sand with a grid of spikes that hold the roots in the position in which they grew when washed. This method again allows the root system architecture to be assessed, but in this case under conditions that more closely match real soil conditions. The method was validated in three barley genotypes with contrasting root system vigor. The method used not only demonstrated the expected differences in rooting depth and root density distribution but also showed a relationship to the physiological response to reduced water availability in terms of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation rate. \nTherefore, all the methods presented here are suitable tools to help breeders in the selection of drought-tolerant barley genotypes.
Methods of Biomedical Informatics in the study of inflammatory bowel disease in children
Čopová, Ivana ; Hradský, Ondřej (advisor) ; Ďuricová, Dana (referee) ; Krupička, Radim (referee)
METHODS OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS IN THE STUDY OF INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE IN CHILDREN Abstract Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are a group of chronic, polygenic diseases primarily affecting the gastrointestinal tract, with an increasing incidence in both adult and paediatric populations globally. These diseases include Crohn's disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC) and so-called IBD unclassified (IBD-U). Faecal calprotectin (FC) is a marker of inflammation in IBD and its levels correlate with disease activity as defined by clinical parameters, endoscopic findings and histology. Current medical practice is associated with the availability of a large amount of clinical data and the desire to apply it effectively in the medical decision-making process in such a way as to achieve the maximum possible reduction in the risk of adverse disease course and the occurrence of disease- and/or treatment-associated complications. The primary goal of this dissertation is to apply biomedical informatics methods to paediatric IBD in the process of validating FC in predicting disease activity and response to treatment, searching for additional potential predictive factors, and developing prediction models for specific clinical situations. We found that the development of FC levels in the early phase of induction therapy...
Modulation of mitochondrial transfer by influencing mesenchymal stem cells
Fráňová, Markéta ; Krulová, Magdaléna (advisor) ; Rohlenová, Kateřina (referee)
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the ability to modulate the immune response. They use several mechanisms to affect the function of immune cells, and mitochondrial transfer is one of them. Recieving mitochondria from MSCs induces metabolic changes in immune cells, thereby promoting their shift to an anti-inflammatory phenotype. Due to their properties, MSCs have a potencial to be used in therapies, for example in a treatment of autoimmune diseases. The problem of MSCs-based therapies is their low efficacy, mainly due to the high mortality of stem cells after transplantation. In order to achieve at least some effect, the large number of cells is needed for application. The required number of cells can be obtained only by in vitro expansion. However, a long-term culture has a negative impact on MSCs and their immunomodulatory properties. Enhancing MSCs function could increase the efficacy of MSCs-based therapies. The aim of this thesis was to determine whether mitochondrial transfer can be modulated by stimulation of MSCs with selected factors. MSCs were treated with rapamycin, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), interferon gamma, or oligomycin. Then the effect of these factors on mitochondria and their transfer to immune cells, metabolism, and immunomodulatory properties of MSCs was analyzed. We...

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