Prefabricated houding estates today - Jižní město (Southern Town) through the eyes of two generations of its first inhabitants
Barvíková, Jana ; Illner, Michal (advisor) ; Temelová, Jana (referee) ; Maier, Karel (referee)
Prefabricated housing estates today - Jižní Město (Southern Town) through the eyes of two generations of its first inhabitants The current state and possible development of prefabricated housing estates is a very serious issue and there are many blank spaces on the present knowledge map that have not been investigated yet, as well as questions that have not been answered yet. At the same time, prefabricated housing estates in the Czech Republic represent an issue on which most of the general as well as professional public (across the impacted fields) has a clear opinion, which is frequently quite firm, even though they may have no -- or only minimal -- personal or professional experience with the environment. The fact that the real situation at the housing estates may be quite different from the image of housing estates perceived from the outside -- as presented by the media and viewed by "outsiders" that do not live in housing estates and do not actually know that much about them, except how the housing estates come across physically and what feelings and notions they evoke in them -- is the basic hypothesis that is tested in this thesis. This hypothesis is based on findings from domestic research as well as research from abroad that in contrast to the problematic reputation -- respectively image -- that...
Study - Regulatory Plan Strakonice - Podskalí
Maroušek, Ondřej ; Maier, Karel (advisor) ; Kirschner, Vlaďka (referee)
The thesis deals with territorial development management using valid territorial planning tools. The goal is to ensure an adequate form of sustainable development for the town of Strakonice. For this purpose a territorial study of the Podskali location in the town of Strakonice was completed.
Searches are compiled in the first part of the bachelor thesis on the topic of territorial studies and legislative regulation plans.
The next part is focused on thorough studies of valid territorial planning documentations, territorial planning foundations and documentsstrategies concerning Strakonice. Moreover, a personal research of a worked upon territorial study was done.
The next step processes three possible scenarios for the development of the town. Furthermore, criteria for work proposal evaluations were stated. These criteria were selected by past studies of current tools of territorial and strategic plans for the town of Strakonice.
Based on the evaluations of work proposals a final proposal of territorial study, for the developmental area Strakonice in the location of Podskali, is created. This proposal serves, furthermore, as a foundation for further creation of regulatives in this developmental area, in detail, corresponding to the appendix no. 11 of bill no. 500/2006 of the collection in its current version.
Socially Excluded Localities and Their Revitalization. Case Study: Ústecký Region.
Zoubková, Věra Thea ; Maier, Karel (advisor) ; Jakub, Jakub (referee)
The dissertation deals with the incidence and revitalization of socially excluded localities in a defined study area. The aim of this contribution is to identify and visualize the situation of the Ústecký Region in order to find common patterns of urban deprivation occurrence and to establish the guiding principles of revitalization policies in the Czech Republic. The research took place from September 2010 to June 2015. It combined qualitative and quantitative methods, in-situ and desk research. An analysis of primary and secondary data revealed 130 excluded localities in 42 towns and cities out of 354 in the region. The majority of deprived localities (87 %) can be found in highly urbanized areas. Two thirds of localities are small areas with up to 100 inhabitants. Socially excluded areas emerge in the centre, residential districts as well as on the outskirts of towns; however, three fifths of localities are not spatially segregated. Prefabricated housing estates are the largest and most populated deprived areas. Every other inhabitant of socially excluded localities in the Region lives in a prefabricated house. Brick houses are the most proliferated type of housing facility used as accommodation for socially excluded people. They can be found in every other deprived area. Vast majority of them was built before 1989. Family houses are deprived very scarcely; however, they belong to the most dilapidated part of socially excluded housing estate. Two thirds of localities have developed naturally, while the other third has been created by a regulated relocation of socially excluded people. Vast majority of deprived areas have existed for more than 5 years. Private property prevails. Half of the localities have entered the process of revitalization to improve the urban environment, human resources and security. Applied policies aim to keep the inhabitants in place and improve the quality of public space and service. However, involvement of residents in local regeneration policymaking is weak and ineffective. The renewal process depends on grants and subsidies. Europeanization is strong especially in big cities; nevertheless, most localities are small and therefore don't qualify for the sources of the built environment programs which prefer large areas of intervention. Results of revitalization process differ from one locality to another. Areas of housing and employment fall behind in particular. As far as property regeneration is concerned, the best owners are municipalities, house unit owners associations and housing associations. Not in one case, however, reaches the share of regenerated housing units 50 % of deprived properties. In any case, the market prices of local flats stay low compared with those of correspondingly equipped properties elsewhere in town.
Analysis of Local plans Čisovice
Rýdl, Tomáš ; Maier, Karel (advisor) ; Franke, Daniel (referee)
The bachelor thesis explores Čisovice municipality based on its two local plans from years 1995 and 2014, respectively. The aim of the thesis is to compare theses two local plans and to assess how much was the local plan 1995 implemented. The thesis will also assess whether the concept of the local plan 1995 was kept and wether this original concept is taken over by 2014 local plan. The thesis also deals with the conformity of 2014 local plan with the Policy of regional development and Principles of regional development. The conclusions of the thesis evaluates how successful o runsuccessful was the regional planning of Čisovice municipality.
Strategy proposal for the town Hořovice
Peták, Ondřej ; Peltan, Tomáš (advisor) ; Maier, Karel (referee)
This thesis deals with an industrial city of Hořovice which is situated in an area of frequent inner outskirts. The crucial subject is a proposal of the most suitable strategy of development for this city. The purpose of this is to strengthen an influence of the city on the region and to avoid its transformation on the inner outskirts. The strategy proceeds from 4 descriptive (or also explorative) scripts of possible future which describe directions of potential development and are identified on the basis of territorial analyses. These analyses are based on the combination of two main factors which are the most influential for the future development of the city. It includes situation in industry (especially car industry) and social coherence (incoherence) of population.
The outcome of this thesis is a proposal of development strategy which is focused on augmentation of industrial heterogeneity and reduction of necessity of individual motor transport by creating city of short distances.