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Study - Regulatory Plan Strakonice - Podskalí
Maroušek, Ondřej ; Maier, Karel (advisor) ; Kirschner, Vlaďka (referee)
The thesis deals with territorial development management using valid territorial planning tools. The goal is to ensure an adequate form of sustainable development for the town of Strakonice. For this purpose a territorial study of the Podskali location in the town of Strakonice was completed. Searches are compiled in the first part of the bachelor thesis on the topic of territorial studies and legislative regulation plans. The next part is focused on thorough studies of valid territorial planning documentations, territorial planning foundations and documentsstrategies concerning Strakonice. Moreover, a personal research of a worked upon territorial study was done. The next step processes three possible scenarios for the development of the town. Furthermore, criteria for work proposal evaluations were stated. These criteria were selected by past studies of current tools of territorial and strategic plans for the town of Strakonice. Based on the evaluations of work proposals a final proposal of territorial study, for the developmental area Strakonice in the location of Podskali, is created. This proposal serves, furthermore, as a foundation for further creation of regulatives in this developmental area, in detail, corresponding to the appendix no. 11 of bill no. 500/2006 of the collection in its current version.

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