Analysis of Local plans Čisovice
Rýdl, Tomáš ; Maier, Karel (advisor) ; Franke, Daniel (referee)
The bachelor thesis explores Čisovice municipality based on its two local plans from years 1995 and 2014, respectively. The aim of the thesis is to compare theses two local plans and to assess how much was the local plan 1995 implemented. The thesis will also assess whether the concept of the local plan 1995 was kept and wether this original concept is taken over by 2014 local plan. The thesis also deals with the conformity of 2014 local plan with the Policy of regional development and Principles of regional development. The conclusions of the thesis evaluates how successful o runsuccessful was the regional planning of Čisovice municipality.
Defunct places in the Karlovy Vary region and their mapping within ÚAP
Křenek, Petr ; Franke, Daniel (advisor) ; Macoun, Milan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is the design and verification of practical methods for evaluating the values of the territory in the form of remains (relicts) of extinct settlements in the landscape and their possible involvement in the current landscape and settlement structure. Within the described method will be proposed to the invol-vement of the acquired data into the structure of UAP (ORP and regions) and the proposal for the use of information obtained in regular updates PAM. This use im-plies a certain generalization of data, which will be described on the basis of practical verification of the selected area of the Karlovy Vary repents.
The use of public areas by children in the Děčín city and its hinterland
Ťupová, Veronika ; Franke, Daniel (advisor) ; Kirschner, Vlaďka (referee)
The target of my bachelor thesis is to find out, how children spend their leisure time in Děčín, what places they use, and also in which places the children feel well and which ones are dangerous for them.
The review part of the thesis, which is compiled on the basis of literature, is divided into three parts. The first section briefly describes the public space, its criteria for ownership, development of public spaces and the current status. The second part then explains the concept of leisure time, how the children spend it,what impact parents may have on leisure activities for their children, and how important is time that children spend in public space. The last part of the research, a brief description of Decin, its demographic and administrative breakdown.
The analytical part describes the creation of questionnaires, which were then used for the survey in selected primary schools and their evaluation. Furthermore, a brief description of the identified locations where children spend their spare time and use the premises for their activities, and in which they do not feel good. These locations are shown schematically on the map.
Consequently, these places that children described as unpleasant and dangerous are compared to classified sites in the planning documents.
Analysis of suburbanization in Prague's hinterland by GIS
Lambert, Patrik ; Franke, Daniel (advisor) ; Novotný, Vojtěch (referee)
The work deals with development facilities in Prague. These are the districts of
Prague-West and Prague East, but some researches are focused specifically on the
city. The aim was to find out how to develop residential and commercial
suburbanization in this area. The work appears research data Corine Land Cover,
Housing Census as well as important statistics from the Czech Statistical Office, such
as the age structure of population development. Working primarily evaluates the
areas with the highest acquisitions and disposals. Increases were observed,
particularly in an incoherent residential buildings and industrial and commercial
complexes. Decreases were observed, particularly on unirrigated arable land. The
work also assesses the development of population in the surveyed areas.
Development of the population is mainly related born of immigrants and residents.
These statistics were revealed in which period there was the greatest development.
Combined transport in the Czech Republic
Dvořáková, Gabriela ; Franke, Daniel (advisor) ; Kubín, Milan (referee)
The part of this thesis is concern to describe primary terms of combined transport next part evaluate current condition in the Czech Republic and potentialities of extensions. Locate current docks and terminals and examine his funkcionality and capacity.
With using programme ArcGIS chart terminals and find out his localization requirements which will be used to situate new terminals of combined transport in the end of this thesis. New terminals will be situated with development principles of every region. Development principles will be properly tested and analysed.
Development trends of urban green vegetation in Prague
Drahota, Jan ; Franke, Daniel (advisor) ; Markéta, Markéta (referee)
Aim of this text is to create comprehensive knowledge about green vegetation on city scale and indicate developmental trends in this sphere in area of Prague. Another important parts of document are general-purpose methodology and analysis of city planning instruments. Data required for research are acquired by satellite land survey. Results of this work gives information about progress of city vegetation in urban space of Prague. Theses included comparison with other European metropolises.
Coordinating landscape protection and needs of cities: Case study Císařská louka, Prague
Skohoutilová, Sandra ; Novotný, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Franke, Daniel (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to create design of areas with different ways of using in area of Prague 5, Císařská louka and neighborhood. This design should join the requirements of nature and landscape protection and needs of city residents. The thesis is divided into three basic parts. In the first part, in the literary research is described relationship between the city and the river, the role of the river embankment in the urban environment, systems which includes area of the riverbanks and the legislative framework mentioned issues. Next, analytical part maps area of interest within the wider context as well as the concretely chosen studied area. Findings from the two previous parts are implemented in the last part of the design. This part consists of different variants of solution showing the options of area layout in the studied area. The result is a final design which joins required coordination of nature and landscape protection and the needs of city residents.
Alternative solutions of development of municipality Horoměřice
Schwarzová, Jana ; Franke, Daniel (advisor) ; Šlemr, Jan (referee)
The goal the this bachelor project is to set a direction of future development of a village Horoměřice. Horoměřice is located in Central Bohemia Region and it shares a border with Capital City of Prague. Three variant proposals of the future development are a basis of the whole project. Each variant proposal is made at the schema level and it is highly focused on only one specific domain of the future development. A final proposal was created as a balanced intersection of these variants. Thanks to this intersection, the final proposal can be viewed as a balanced and even an optimal way of the future development of the village. Before we could create the variant proposals we had to make our own research of the studied area. Several analysis are an outcome of this research. The outputs of both analysis and proposals were processed in a digital form. Not only because it, this bachelor project is the most recent and also functional basis for the future changes in the area of the village Horoměřice.
Potentially problematic development in the Praha - východ district
Pluhař, Petr ; Peltan, Tomáš (advisor) ; Franke, Daniel (referee)
Prague hinterland is in last years under suburbanization's pressure, where villages are developing. These villages are trying to react on the pressure with demarcation of new develop areas which are not always developing by ideas. There were done lots of works on the problems with inccorect planing of new areas. This work is focused on identification potencial and problematic developing, which was created as result of territorial development in Prague east. The objective is analyzing and evaluate causations of not started builds in problematic development.
With the use of orthophotos, from ČÚZK, has been identified 25 areas. Based on a comparison of aerial photographs from the years 2003, 2006, 2012, 2015, of Mapy.cz, and analysis of local plans, were excluded 12 localities. In the remaining areas was analyzed ownerships of land and problems were discussed with the leadership of villages.
As the main cause of the problematic areas was inadequate infrastructure, ownerships of land and lack of funds for the realization of planned projects.