National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Přirozeně se vyskytující toxiny v potravinách
Pavlíková, Lenka
The bacherol thesis Naturally occurring toxins in food concerns the different toxins. Plant toxins is described and classified by chemical nature. It also deals with t fungal toxins and toxins of microorganisms, mycotoxins and bacterial toxins. The work also describes the toxins of marine animals. Where they occur. Their effect and characteristic signs of repair. Finally, I is written measures that are prevention of toxins in food.
The Algerian war in drama written in French language
Pavlíková, Lenka ; Pohorský, Aleš (advisor) ; Jamek, Václav (referee)
The Algerian war (1954-1962) is one of the major events in the history of postwar France. Because Algeria had a special place in the colonial system of France, decolonization took its toll and led to eight severe years of war and eventually the collapse of the republic. After the conflict, more than a million people who had no knowledge of its culture and habits, had to integrate into French society. The aim of this paper is to analyze different ways that certain French authors chose to describe the topic of the Algerian war in their plays. Their goal wasn't to realistically show historical circumstances but mainly to highlight the problems of the lack of reflection of these events.
To meet next week again (Gender scecified foraml social network of imigrant women)
Pavlíková, Lenka ; Ezzeddine, Petra (advisor) ; Šiklová, Jiřina (referee)
The issue of women independent migration, and their their individual choice to do so, has been approached by migration studies only since the 1970s. This master's thesis focuses on the migration and gender aspect of social networks. Through research carried out within a gender specific formal social network (the Multicultural women group organised by a migrant integration oriented non-profit organisation addressing especially migrant women) this dissertation aims to describe particular manifestations of the gender specific mechanisms affecting different women and men migration experience.
Prague Quadrennial and its marketing and communication effects
Pavlíková, Lenka ; Černá, Jitka (advisor) ; Pařízková, Daniela (referee)
The first chapter of this thesis analyzes the marketing mix of Prague Quadrennial 2011. The following part focuses on marketing communication of this cultural event, reflecting the non-professional public. Based on data obtained from marketing research on the festival's perception and the last year's marketing campaign, the aim of this academic work is to propose possible improvements for the next festival's marketing campaign.
Nursing and medicin - partners proffesion
Abstract The relation between nursing and medicine has been undergoing a number of changes in recent years. Optimization of synergy and competences between healthcare professions is one of the priorities of the healthcare system development. This research addresses the issue whether nursing and medical professions are partner professions in healthcare of clients. The objective of the thesis was to ascertain whether nursing and medical professions can be declared as partner professions in healthcare. This objective was fulfilled through a quantitative research using the method of a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire contained 17 questions for doctors and 18 questions for nurses. The respondents of this questionnaire survey were 132 nurses and 97 doctors. The data were processed by means of descriptive statistics using charts. It follows from the data analysis that nursing and medicine cannot be regarded as partner professions yet. According to nurses and doctors, the partner relation between these two professions is of crucial importance for client care. Higher education and professionalism of nurses contributes to improvement of mutual relations. The research has revealed that it is necessary to continue addressing this issue. Within the research we explored several areas that, as we believe, are closely connected with this issue, and we based the research on its theoretical part. This thesis is beneficial by exploring the opinions of nurses and doctors on the relations between nursing and medicine, and by ascertaining their opinions on the effect of the partnership between these two professions on quality improvement of client care. We also investigated whether nurses and doctors believe that higher education and professionalism of nurses contributed to improvement of the relation between nursing and medicine. It is apparent from the research that nurses and doctors realize that partnership between nursing and medicine is of fundamental significance for care of clients. If they endeavour to trust each other, communicate effectively and show mutual respect, nursing and medicine will become partner professions. The research may initiate drawing attention to problems in relations between nursing and medicine, and may provide guidance to finding the solution. It may also stimulate nurses, doctors, students of nursing and medical branches, and managements of healthcare facilities to think about the issue.
Problematic of fluctuation of nurses
Abstract High turnover of nurses is a hot topic in the Czech Republic. There is a shortage of general nurses in health care facilities. This research is engaged on the reason why nurses are discontented and give up their jobs in health care services. The aim of this paper is to find out the reason for the high turnover of nurses. I used a quantitative research by means of a questionnaire survey to fulfil this aim. The questionnaire contained 35 questions, 26 of which were closed and 9 of which were semi-open. 134 respondents participated in this questionnaire survey. The data were processed by descriptive statistics by means of charts. It follows from the data analysis that nurses turnover is influenced by continuous operation. Wide offer of jobs on the job market, too, affects the high turnover of nurses. Moreover, managers of health care facilities do not take appropriate measures to prevent the staff fluctuation. It results from the research that it is necessary to keep paying attention to this matter. We have mapped out several spheres in our research which are, according to our opinions, narrowly associated with this theme. Our research is based on the theoretic part of this paper. The present paper contributes to mapping out the situation in health care facilities from the point of view of general nurses, leading to increased turnover and lack of staff. The research also shows that there will be sufficient number of nurses if hospital managements are more interested in what their nurses are concerned about and why they cannot exercise their profession and help them out to the highest possible extent. This paper can serve as a matter of consideration for nurses themselves, ward sisters, staff nurses, managements of health care facilities, as well as students of nursing.
Use of Procalcitonin Levels Measurement in Diagnosis and Prognosis of Septic States.
The Master thesis gives an overview of sepsis, its causes, manifestation and diagnostics. The role of procalcitonin as a sepsis marker is dicussed. In the experimental part, case records of 106 were examined and the determination of procalcitonin as a sepsis marker was evaluated. Based on the evaluation, a recommendation about timing of the procalcitonin level analyses with septic patients were made.
The comparison of different ways of financing high culture and especially theatres in the Czech Republic and in France
Pavlíková, Lenka ; Boukal, Petr (advisor) ; Vávrová, Hana (referee)
The work focuses on analysing the possibilities of how to finance culture and especially theatres in the Czech Republic and in France. In each chapter you will meet the problematics of financing culture and mainly I will explore the sources from which theatres can gather all the necessary wherewithal.

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3 Pavlíková, Laura
10 Pavlíková, Lucie
1 Pavlíková, Ludmila
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