National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Difference equations and their applications in economical models
Ivanková, Kristýna ; John, Oldřich (advisor) ; Bárta, Tomáš (referee)
Ndzev prdc.e: Diferencni rovnice a jejich vyuziti v ekononrickych modelech Autor: Kristyna. Ivankova Katedra (uxtav): Katedra matematicke analyzy Vedouei bakaldrske prdce: Doc.RNDr. Oldfich John, C/Sc. e-mail vedouciho: Abstrakt: V praci studujeiue linearni diferencni rovnice prvniho fadu a je- jich vyuziti pfi fonnulaci a liledani feseni inikroekononiickych a niakroekono- mickycli inodclu. Modoly, ktere v praci uvadinio, jsou natolik zjednodusenc, aby byio inoznc ziskat jojich fesoni poinoci zkounianeho niateniatickeho aparatu. U dii'ereiicnich rovnic sc xaniefinie na feseni iechto rovnic pro spccialni prave strany. Ziskane vysledky nasledno pouzijcme v inikroeko- nomickycli modelcch rovnuvahy trim. Zakladnim inodelein je zdc pavuci- novy model, z nej jsou odvozeuy uiodoly s noririalni cenou a a adaptivninii ocekavanimi. V zavern prace so zabyvame zkoiiirianim stability a dynamiky multiplikatoru v inakroekononiickych modelcch uzavfenc ekonomiky (rnodely zdaneni, spofeiii a zvyky spotrebitelu) i otevfeue ekonomiky. Kltcovd slova: linearni dilerencni rovnice, ekonoinicke modely, pavucinovy model, mnltiplikatory, stabilHa feseni Title: DifTerence oquaLioiis and their upplic.ations in economical models Author: Kristyna Ivankova. Department: Department of mathematical analysis...
Forecasting Exchange Rates: A VAR Analysis
Mida, Jaroslav ; Horváth, Roman (advisor) ; Ivanková, Kristýna (referee)
This thesis aims to out-of-sample forecast the USD/EUR exchange rate using four macroeconomic variables, namely ination, interest rate, unemployment rate and industrial production index. The model applied is the vector autoregressive model. We use monthly data for a period of 2002-2011 and use the data from 2012 in order to compare the forecast accuracy with the random walk, which is believed to outperform many models when forecasting for a short-time horizon, such as one year. We found out that the vector autogressive model beat the random walk in the period of one and three months, which was surprising. In the longer horizon of six, nine and twelve months, random walk, as expected, heavily outperformed vector autogressive model. The reasoning behind this could be that there was no clear trend in the USD/EUR exchange rate during this period.
Virtual Gold Farming
Šmolík, Filip ; Skuhrovec, Jiří (advisor) ; Ivanková, Kristýna (referee)
At the end of 20th century new branch of computer games was developed - MMORPGs (Massive Multi Player Online Role Playing Games). This thesis deals with new phenomenon connected with them - RMT(Real Money Trade), which consists of selling virtual (in-game) currencies for real currencies (mainly US dollar nad euro). Demand side of this business is constituted by players of MMORPGs, supply side consists of so-called gold farmers. Thesis itself is focused on key variable of RMT - exchange rate between real a virtual currency. With help of theoretical model it is demonstrated that the exchange rate affects player's decisions related with RMT. Then it is shown, which variables have impact on exchange rate itself and there is described one of the possible sources of disturbances - operator of MMORPG. Operator's updating policy is analyzed and in empirical part some updates are chosen and it is demonstrated that they affect exchange rate in accordance with previous established theory.
Sustainability of public debt, deficits of public budgets and economic growth
Marečková, Jana ; Ivanková, Kristýna (advisor) ; Maršál, Aleš (referee)
Cílem práce je otestovat udržitelnost veřejného dluhu a vliv fiskální politiky na ekonomický růst ve vybraných zemích OECD (Belgie, Francie, Itálie, Ra- kousko a Velká Británie). První část práce je věnována historickému vývoji eko- nomických přístupů k tomuto tématu a teoretickým předpokladům modelů. V druhé části práce přistupujeme k ekonometrické analýze. Na základě výsledků se podařilo prokázat udržitelnost veřejného dluhu v Belgii a Rakousku. U Itálie a Velké Británie výsledky ukazují, že jejich primární přebytky reagují pozitivně na zvyšující se poměr dluhu vůči HDP. Nepodařilo se však ukázat, že vývoj je- jich veřejného dluhu je stacionární proces. U Francie převažoval negativní vztah primárních přebytků a poměru dluhu vůči HDP. Vliv fiskální politiky na ekonomický růst zkoumáme z pohledu rozdělení výdajů na produktivní a neproduktivní a přijmů vlády na distorční a nedistorční. Z důvodu omezené dostupnosti dat se podařilo prokázat pouze v případě Itálie, že zvýšení fiskálního deficitu o 1% snižuje o 1% ekonomický růst, zvýšení distorčních daní o 1% snižuje ekonomický růst o 1,2% a zvýšení produktivních výdajů zvyšuje ekonomický růst o 0,5%. Druhou analyzovanou...
Multivariate Extremes
Ivanková, Kristýna ; Kaňková, Vlasta (referee) ; Hlubinka, Daniel (advisor)
This work considers various approaches for modelling multivariate extremal events. First we review theory in the univariate case| the Fisher-Tippett theorem and the generalized Pareto distribution. We proceed with an extension to the multivariate case using the spectral measure and point processes for modelling dependence between components, ending with a review of parametric dependence models and ways to t them to data. We compare these classical methods to a new semi-parametric conditional approach. Finally, we apply the discussed methods in a simulation and on a dataset, compare the results and highlight classes of problems that the various approaches are suitable to.
Difference equations and their applications in economical models
Ivanková, Kristýna ; Bárta, Tomáš (referee) ; John, Oldřich (advisor)
Ndzev prdc.e: Diferencni rovnice a jejich vyuziti v ekononrickych modelech Autor: Kristyna. Ivankova Katedra (uxtav): Katedra matematicke analyzy Vedouei bakaldrske prdce: Doc.RNDr. Oldfich John, C/Sc. e-mail vedouciho: Abstrakt: V praci studujeiue linearni diferencni rovnice prvniho fadu a je- jich vyuziti pfi fonnulaci a liledani feseni inikroekononiickych a niakroekono- mickycli inodclu. Modoly, ktere v praci uvadinio, jsou natolik zjednodusenc, aby byio inoznc ziskat jojich fesoni poinoci zkounianeho niateniatickeho aparatu. U dii'ereiicnich rovnic sc xaniefinie na feseni iechto rovnic pro spccialni prave strany. Ziskane vysledky nasledno pouzijcme v inikroeko- nomickycli modelcch rovnuvahy trim. Zakladnim inodelein je zdc pavuci- novy model, z nej jsou odvozeuy uiodoly s noririalni cenou a a adaptivninii ocekavanimi. V zavern prace so zabyvame zkoiiirianim stability a dynamiky multiplikatoru v inakroekononiickych modelcch uzavfenc ekonomiky (rnodely zdaneni, spofeiii a zvyky spotrebitelu) i otevfeue ekonomiky. Kltcovd slova: linearni dilerencni rovnice, ekonoinicke modely, pavucinovy model, mnltiplikatory, stabilHa feseni Title: DifTerence oquaLioiis and their upplic.ations in economical models Author: Kristyna Ivankova. Department: Department of mathematical analysis...
The model of adaptive behavior for the development of Czech assessment scales for children
Chadimová, L. ; Urbánek, Tomáš ; Seifert, M. ; Ivanková, K.
We introduce results of cluster analysis conducted during the development of Czech assessment scales of adaptive behavior in children and adolescents. Within the frame of National Institute of Education we organized the group of experts on the topic of adaptive behavior, both from the academical and practical areas. Every member of the expert group obtained 300 items inspired by local or foreign methods of adaptive behavior assessment. The experts were instrued to cathegorize the items, which they found meaningful with regard to the construct of adaptive behavior and its manifestation on the Czech background. Based on results we compiled consequent model of adaptive behavior, that becomes the base structure for newly developed assessment scales. We compare this structure with the model of adaptive behavior used by DSM-V.\n
Evaluating the Efficient Market Hypothesis by means of isoquantile surfaces and the Hurst exponent
Ivanková, Kristýna ; Krištoufek, Ladislav ; Vošvrda, Miloslav
This article extends our previous work on applications of isoquantile (formerly isobar) surfaces to market analysis. The approach is applied to lagged returns of selected stock market indices and compared to various estimations of the Hurst exponent. We evaluate the Efficient Market hypothesis by means of the two aforementioned approaches for the ASPI, BET, BUX, JSX, NASDAQ, PX and S&P500 indices. The more does a time series satisfy the EMH, the closer it resembles Brownian motion. In this case isoquantile surfaces form a circle and the Hurst exponent approaches 1/2.
Application of isobars to stock market indices
Ivanková, Kristýna
Isobar surfaces, a method for describing the overall shape of multidimensional data, are estimated by nonparametric regression and used to evaluate the efficiency of selected markets based on returns of their stock market indices.

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5 Ivanková, Kristýna
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