National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Participation of the Czech Catholic Church in the Missionary Work of the Church
Fojtíková, Jitka ; Opatrný, Aleš (advisor) ; Eliáš, Vojtěch (referee)
Author's name and surname: Jitka Veronika Fojtíková Institution: Department of Pastoral Work, Catholic Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague Name of thesis: Participation of the Catholic Church in the Missionary Role of the Church in the Czech Republic Thesis supervisor: Ing. Mgr. Aleš Opatrný, ThD.PhD Number of pages: 82 Number of annexes: 2 Number of reference titles: 15 Number of sources: 5 Key words: Mission Ad gentes mission Missionary role Evangelisation Charity Humanitarian aid The Thesis analyses the more or less current situation of missionary activities of the Church in the Czech Republic. The situation is analysed via a short excursus to the Czech history with respect to the missionary activities ad gentes, summary of organisations and societies acting in this field, and by a research. The research was made in the form a questionnaire survey. The research objective was to find out up to what degree the Catholic population is aware of the missionary role of the Church and willing and able to take part in the missionary activities.
Humanitarian interventions in Sierra Leone
Fojtíková, Jitka ; Střítecký, Vít (advisor) ; Plechanovová, Běla (referee)
This thesis demonstrates the general change of theoretical concept of sovereignty. During the cold war sovereignty was conceived as control over certain territory (authority), after the end of the cold war this concept changed into sovereignty as responsibility (respect for a minimum standard of human rights). With this idea is coincided the concept of non-interference which was changed too and is giving the new and broader extension of humanitarian interventions. These ones should be carried out in cases of serious violations of human rights, what is under responsibility of international community. However, humanitarian interventions are from merits of the case related with limitations; these are lack of unity of international community, economic and geostrategic interests, lack of lead state/ alliance of humanitarian mission and political and economic limitations of interventions. The starting-point for this work is thesis that these limitations were crucial for beginning and duration of intervention UNAMSIL in Sierra Leone.
Participation of the Czech Catholic Church in the Missionary Work of the Church
Fojtíková, Jitka ; Opatrný, Aleš (advisor) ; Eliáš, Vojtěch (referee)
Author's name and surname: Jitka Veronika Fojtíková Institution: Department of Pastoral Work, Catholic Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague Name of thesis: Participation of the Catholic Church in the Missionary Role of the Church in the Czech Republic Thesis supervisor: Ing. Mgr. Aleš Opatrný, ThD.PhD Number of pages: 82 Number of annexes: 2 Number of reference titles: 15 Number of sources: 5 Key words: Mission Ad gentes mission Missionary role Evangelisation Charity Humanitarian aid The Thesis analyses the more or less current situation of missionary activities of the Church in the Czech Republic. The situation is analysed via a short excursus to the Czech history with respect to the missionary activities ad gentes, summary of organisations and societies acting in this field, and by a research. The research was made in the form a questionnaire survey. The research objective was to find out up to what degree the Catholic population is aware of the missionary role of the Church and willing and able to take part in the missionary activities.
Humanitarian interventions in Sierra Leone
Fojtíková, Jitka ; Střítecký, Vít (advisor) ; Plechanovová, Běla (referee)
This thesis demonstrates the general change of theoretical concept of sovereignty. During the cold war sovereignty was conceived as control over certain territory (authority), after the end of the cold war this concept changed into sovereignty as responsibility (respect for a minimum standard of human rights). With this idea is coincided the concept of non-interference which was changed too and is giving the new and broader extension of humanitarian interventions. These ones should be carried out in cases of serious violations of human rights, what is under responsibility of international community. However, humanitarian interventions are from merits of the case related with limitations; these are lack of unity of international community, economic and geostrategic interests, lack of lead state/ alliance of humanitarian mission and political and economic limitations of interventions. The starting-point for this work is thesis that these limitations were crucial for beginning and duration of intervention UNAMSIL in Sierra Leone.
The way of the communication between the stage and the auditorium for the education at primary school
Fojtíková, Jitka ; Kasíková, Hana (referee) ; Valenta, Josef (advisor)
The main topic of my major thesis is the education through the dramatic media. The theoretical part is intended on the history of the theater and education. It also includes staging proceses, which are impotent for reception of childs spectators and wich are teachers helpfull. It sheuld find the possibilithes et co-ordination are make the best of staging processes for childs spektators. The empirical part includes psychological, pedagogical and theatrical approaches to. The formation and taking advantoge of childs performance. This part includes my personál experiences.

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2 Fojtíková, Jana
1 Fojtíková, Jaroslava
1 Fojtíková, Jiřina
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