National Repository of Grey Literature 138 records found  beginprevious89 - 98nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Factors affecting social climate in primary school
Löblová, Eva ; Kasíková, Hana (referee) ; Pelikán, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis is focused on the social and environmental factors affecting social climate in primary school classes. Since the beginning of the 1990's, this topic has found its deserved place in Czech pedagogical research. The thesis compares social climate at a private and state school in Prague and shows their common and different features. The results of the survey and social analysis could become an inspiration for discussion and further research for teachers.
Problems of educational and psychological advice on the Department of Paediatric Haemato-Oncology, University Hospital Motol
Tůma, Daniel ; Pelikán, Jiří (advisor) ; Votavová, Milada (referee)
Cílem této práce není snaha o publikaci nových vědeckých poznatků, ale spíše odborné zkoumání specifického zaměření pedagogicko-psychologické práce s vážně nemocnými dětmi a jejich rodiči. Zamýšlím se nad prací s dětmi, které jejich nemoc ve svém důsledku může i ohrožovat na životě, a přináším pro takovou práci vhodné náměty. Oproti v dnešní době sílící tendenci vymezovat kompetence, určovat, kdo má a kdo nemá právo pedagogicko-psychologicky nebo jinak ve své podstatě terapeuticky působit, se domnívám, že pro potřeby praxe je mnohem užitečnější hovořit o otázkách konkrétních a zabývat se možnostmi odborné intervence, které slouží hlavně ku pomoci a prospěchu dětských pacientů a jejich rodičů. V práci se pokusím nastínit kompetence pedagogicko-psychologického poradce a celkové pojetí této odborné činnosti pro obecné potřeby dětského somatického oddělení, v konkrétní podobě pro potřeby Kliniky dětské hemato-onkologie (KDHO). Budu přemýšlet o jednotlivých aspektech práce poradce, o parciálních metodách a budu se také zaobírat přínosy poradenského procesu.V dílčích kapitolách budu vysvětlovat použití jednoho z možných způsobů práce, resp. modelu profesionálních způsobů práce pomáhajících profesí, jak je ve své knize definoval Úlehla, neboť se mi tento model v praxi dobře osvědčil, a domnívám se, že napomáhá...
Musicotherapy as the approach to personality self-integrity
Zadražilová, Dagmar ; Pelikán, Jiří (referee) ; Kremličková, Marta (advisor)
My thesis is considering the theme of musicotherapy, the healing and development of personality by music. In the introduction there are outlined the basics and directing of conseption of musicotherapy, as it is understood and covered in this thesis work. The following part introduces general review and basic characteristics of musicotherapy as a field. It mentions historical contexts of the progress of this discipline and presents basic paradigms and consepts in present musicotherapy. Included is also the essential review of the present approaches and movements in musicotherapy. There is also a selection of present qualification and definitions of musicotherapy. This part is closed by disquisition on ways of work with a client from the aspect of the function of music and method of involving a client in the process of therapy. The crucial part of the thesis is dealing with the usage of the playing the piano in the music therapy . It brings the differencies in purposes and approaches of conseption of the playing the piano as an instrument of advancement and therapy and the playing the piano as a component of art education. It defines the possible areas of use of this access from the view of clients. The work at the piano is divided into three circles. In each of these circles there is named the...
The structure of interests and the possibilities for its development in a gifted child in organized education
Heráfová, Zuzana ; Pelikán, Jiří (referee) ; Krykorková, Hana (advisor)
This thesis comprises both the theoretical and empirical aspects. The theoretical part focuses on the latest developments in the research of gifted children. It attempts to formulate their characteristics, problems and education-specific requirements. Timely identification of a particular gift as well as a positive approach of parents, school and teachers are crucial for further development of each particular gift. In connection with this approach, potential improvements and further development of education system and school care are outlined. The last chapter of the theoretical part deals with the issues of interests and their structure from the psychological point of view in general. The empirical part logically follows. Empirical inquiry analyses the interest structure of gifted children and proposes a diagnostic project, which would enable, especially the teachers, to recognize and encourage the interests of the gifted.
The role of freedom and its impact on personality
Drechselová, Pavlína ; Koťa, Jaroslav (referee) ; Pelikán, Jiří (advisor)
In the following academic paper I discuss the issue of freedom, which constitutes a key issue in a person's life in the modern society. Due to this reason, the issue of freedom is dealt with in a more comprehensive manner. The chapter The Relation between Well-being and Freedom is a topic, which deals with the causes, which led to freedom becoming something, which is taken for granted and perceived as a universal human characteristic in the present world. It relates to the task one is confronted with. To be a person, who lives one's own decisions and assumes responsibility for them. The next chapter is titled Personality as a Task. The issues discussed in this chapter indicate that a person's task in a society, which ensures legitimate individual freedom, is to build one's own personality and self-fulfilment. At the same time, it identifies the phenomena that hinder this process as well as those, which should become the means of personality upbringing. The chapter The Issue of Freedom discusses the definition of the term freedom and its possible conception in terms of science and personality. Positively defined freedom offers possible solutions of its inclusion in upbringing. The chapter The Role of Freedom in Upbringing relates to quantitative goals of education and is conceived as follows: theory of...
The influence of family relationships onto development of identity of an individual
Vítečková, Michaela ; Pelikán, Jiří (advisor)
The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English
Upbringing of a child in one parent family
Ouředníčková, Libuše ; Vítečková, Michaela (referee) ; Pelikán, Jiří (advisor)
This bachelor work "Upbringing a child in one-parent family" deals with specific features of upbringing a child by one parent as a consequence of reasons for this family situation. The work presents risks connected with this kind of upbringing and which should be avoided by single parents. The conclusion suggests the wals of help and support both by family and friends, and professional and consulting institutions.
Death of a parent and its influence on the life of a child
Lindová, Alice ; Vítečková, Michaela (referee) ; Pelikán, Jiří (advisor)
The aim of this bachelorthesis is to describe the circumstances of children's coping with grief after death of their parent and to find out wheather this event can affect children'sfuture life.
Supervision in the helping professions
Vaňková, Anna ; Pelikán, Jiří (referee) ; Lorenzová, Jitka (advisor)
Bachelor thesis "Supervision in the Helping Professions" deals with the subject of supervision, its forms, process, and methods. Is concerned with the functions of supervision such as monitoring, educational or supportive. The aim of the study is to emphasize the deep connexion of supervision with helping professions, to stress the significance and importance of supervision in theese professions, and to describe its current state and the conditions under which supervision may contribute to the increase of quality in helping professions. It is also discussed the question of the motivation and ethic in such professions.
Teacher as an example in the process of education
Bělka, Miroslav ; Koťa, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Pelikán, Jiří (referee)
The thesis focuses at the meaning and significance of an example in the process of upbringing a child; the formation of personality is investigated mainly in the milieu of a small town. The introductory part presents a historical overview of knowledge concerning studying the teachers' example and its influence in the process of education. The following chapters deal with the theoretical analysis of the example, the principles and laws of immitating it, psychological interpretations, and comparison of it in the structure of other psychological mechanisms. The next chapters concern the analysis of basic causes and results of the influence of potential examples of human behaviour. The proces of the example's influence is conditioned by a multitude of external and internal factors; therefore the work includes the description of the phenomena connected with the ontogenesis of a pupil's personality and a brief description of specific characteristics of the milieu of a small town. The last part includes the theoretical analysis of the conditions and possibilities of a teacher's influence as an example; moreover, the possibility of the compesation of missing examples by the teacher's one is discussed. The parts of a pupil's personality which can be influenced are described as well as the substantial rules for using...

National Repository of Grey Literature : 138 records found   beginprevious89 - 98nextend  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
8 Pelikán, Jakub
1 Pelikán, Jan
3 Pelikán, Jaroslav
3 Pelikán, Jiří
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